The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, February 08, 1905, Image 8

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of the
Pay for
At (i mat meeting of Humptor cstti -zone
aud Sumpter District mining
men, held Saturday evening in tho
lobby of tho Hotel Horopter, tho fol
lowing roHulutioiiH worn adepted:
"Whereas, h permanent ox hi hit in
the City of Humptor of tho ininorHl
product of thiH district, would ho
highly beneficial to tho bodiless nttd
mining interests of nil, itnd,
"Whereas, m good mid creditable
dsiplay of oroH iiuil mnt n Ih from
ihls ilintrict lit Iho howls imd Chirk
Centennial to ho hold in Portland,
Oregon, during tho coming summer,
would ho likowiHO oxpodlout mid
hniiolliilul to IIiIh citniiiiitiiii t y iih it
"Now, thoroforo; Ho It liesnlved,
Hy thlH meeting in iiihhh of tho
prospectors, miners mid huBlneis
moil of tho Humptor district thut
it In ttio sense of this mooting that
such exhibits Mild dliplays should
be made, mid tliHl in ordor thut inch
exblbltH Mild displays may he econom
ically Nit4 HiHH!UHHfiiily iiiwdo, h per
ruannut organization I hereby formed
and perfected, which hIihII consist
of a hoard of managers, wIioho
dutioH it mIjmII ho to execute and
carry out the intent and purposes
of thoHo articles In thoir fullest mid
broadoHt. hoiiho.
"That said hoard of managers to
he iiumhorod and distributed a
follews: Olio general manager in
Huiuptor, Oregon; one iiMHlHtaut
geueral manager in Humptor, Ore
gou; one district manager eoh to
the communities of Kook Crook,
Itouiuo, Cable Cove, (irauite, (Sreeii
uhoru, HuHiiiiville, (joartxhiirg, Can
you City and Alamo.
"That it shall ho the duty of the
members of thin hoard of managers,
the ouittodiaiiH of exhibits, and em
ploy on to act for the puhlio wood
ami in a fair an impartial manner,
in tho discharge of their duty, and
auy violation of title truet elm 1 1
subject the transgressor to the die
olplluo of a majt.rity vote of the
board of managers, oven to the extent
of expulsion.
"It in furl her losnlved that the
aid hoard of managers herein pro
tided for and to ho hereafter elected
should ami will received the hearty
no operation and support of the
penplo of the diHtrict in this un
dertaking for the puhlio beueilt.
"Suhtnlttod hy ,1. Win. Wilauu."
.Soorotary Anthony Mohr, of tie
Humptor district Miners' association,
called the mtotiiig to order. Ou
motion of .1. N. Dltmars, of CSraulto,
Mr. Mohr hhm made obeli man of the
iiieetiiiK and .). Wiu. Wilson aeore
tary. Chairman Mohr delivered a ueat
speech of auueptauce, outlining the
purpose of the meeting, which he
aid wan to devise ways and uieaus to
collect and iuatall a permanent ore
exhibit In Sumpter.
"Tbe City of Sumpter," aald
Chairman Mohr, "through its pro
gressive mayor and council, has soou
lit to take the Initiative in this
matter, which Ih for tbe betterment
mid upbuilding of the whole camp,
by appropriating P.'IfiO for a perma
nent home for the exhibit.
"Wo are at this time confronted
with a grand opportunity to advertise
(he Sumpter mining district, by
reason of the forthcoming Lewis and
Clark fair. Thousands of easterners
will come to Portland this summer
mid many of them me Interested in
Humptor. These will mak) It a
point to visit our camp for the llrsl
time. What have we to show them in
the way of a comprehensive minoral
collection, evidencing the richness of
tho whole region? It is true, we
have a fow private ore collections,
but not what a mining camp should
have. Tbeiefore, we are gathered
together bore toulght to enlist co
operation with tbe object of preparing
an exhibit second to nouo in tbe
"Wheuever a mining promoter
from H umpter goes east to lluauce
a deal, he loads hia pockets with ore
spec! mens. Easterners, as a usual
thing, know nothing about ore. They
are therefore led to believe that all
of eastern Oregon Is paved with just
such ore as the specimens in the pro
moter's pockets. We don't waut to
create such an Impression. We should
show the world that while there are
mines hereabout which frequently
yield ore worth 1100,000 per ton,
the hulk of the oie from which gold
bullion is produced, is abundant.
eveu f it does not average higher
than ffiO per ton. '1 herefore, let us
educate the east by installing an ore
uxhlhlt here, coiisi itiug of big pyre
mlds of 'iverago milling ore tbe
alulf from which gold bars are made
and make specimen displays a
secondary consideration.
"Such au exhibit will cost about
ISfiO tor the llrst year. It h up to
you gentlemen to provide this sum."
The resolutions printed above were
then introduced and passed without
a dissentiug voice. Pursuaut to
their provisions tbe following board
of managers was elocted :
Oeueral Manager Anthony Mohr.
Assistant General Manager J. E.
Manager for Kook Cieik Otto
Hot locker.
For Hourue - lleury Neldermeyer.
For Cable Cove A. 1. MnEwou.
For Uraulte J. N. Dltmar.
For (ireeuhoru Fred 1). Smith.
For Susauvllle E. U. Stevenson.
For Quartzburg Zoeth llouser.
For Cauyou City (J. 1. Hezeltiue.
For Alamo L. Stelnmetzer.
A motion by Mr. Dltmars to lu
crease tho ruprosoututiou from Hourue
wuh lost.
On motion of C. H. Cbuucu the
hoard of managers whh empowered to
select ita own secretary mid treasurer.
Mr. Chance thou called upon Frank
P. McDevitt, whom be said bad jiiHt
returned from atteudauco upou tho
legislative session at Saloui and who
could undoubtedly t-nllghton tbe
tueetlug as to what in being aronm
pliehed by Reprice ilallve Smith in 'name of tbe corporation, the looa
tbe way of legislation for the benefit Hon of ita principal office, tbe natuei
0f tbe miuiug Innu-liy.
Mr. McDevItt look the tloor ami
injected tbe first nolo of di.-cnil in
to the mooting hy "roasting" the
citizens of Sumpter aud by fulsomely
eulogizing the representative from
Haku county.
"I did not expect," said Mr. Mc
Uevitt, "to bo called upou tonight to
tell you what Smith is doiug. I
think Smith is under no obligations
to this commuuity to tell what he
has done, what ho la doing, or what
ho intends to do. Since my return
from Salem 1 have discovered a
sentiment ou the part of this com
munity to hold Smith up to ridicule
This makes mo sick.
"When we went to Salem the
speaker evidently referred to himself
and Itepreseutative Smith we did not
expect to be able to do anything
aftalust tbe Eddy law, wbicb we were
given to understand watbeld supreme
by tbo webfoot members of tho legis
lature. Imagine our surprise upou
discovering that there are mauy warm
friends of tbe mining inudustry in
both bouses. We laid dowu our own
bill, exempting miuiug corporations
from taxation undor tho Eddy law,
in favor of Uingham's bill along the
same lines. Tbo liiugham hill will
pass, 1 am sure. Aud the gotornor
will sigu It.
"Smith, of Maker, stands high in
tbe lower bouse. Ho works quietly,
but he is there witb the goo'ls. He
is eutllted to appreciation from the
people of this commmuuiy iuatead of
being held up to ridciule. That's
all I've got to say."
Mr. MoDovitt preeuted the secre
ary wltth copies of two bills, one by
Smith, which MoDovitt says he "laid
dowu " in favor of tbe liiugham
bill, und tbe liiugham hill itself.
The oncretary read tin m both, the
liiugham bill being as follews:
"House Hill No. 1!MI. Introduced
by Mr. liiugham, aud read the llrst
time January 10, 11105.
"A hill for au act to exempt car-
taiu miuing corporations within tie
state of Oregon from paying au auuual
license fee uow required by law; to
provide for furuisbitig to tbe secre
tary of state a coirect statement of
sucb corporations, together with the
amouut or value of tbe output or
product from tbe mines of such cor
poration, aud to repeal all aots or
parts of aots so far as thty may be
lu ooutliot herewith. He it euacted
by the legislative assembly of the
Slate of Oregou; be it euacted by
the people of the state of Oregeu:
"Section 1. Every corporation
formed or orgauized under aud pursu
aut to tbe laws of tbe state of Ore
gou, whether uow existiug or herein
after created, for the purpose of eu
gaglug in tbe business of miuiug for
auy of tbe precious metals auJ whose
busiuess it shall be to eugage iu said
business, priuoitMilly, ahull during
tho month of June of each year and
beforo the first day of July of each
yoar furnish to the secretary of
Btute, upou hlauks to ho supplied
hy him for that purpose, a correct
statement sworn to hy ouo of iti
officers or tbe unmaking agent of
such oorporatiou, before some
officer authorized to admiuiater
oatba, setting forth in detail tbe
uf i he proBldeut, secretary aud treaa-
urei iCetcnf, with tbo postoffics ad-
dn-.-r uf ttm'li. (he date of the anuual
t'ii-i'iiuti of officers lo and director
t.f such iMitpnraliou, tho amount of
tho iiullim il'iJ capital stock, the
number of t-haioi-, aud par value of
each share, the amount of capital
itook subscribed, the amouut of tbe
capital atock issued aud tho amouut
of tbo capital stock paid up, togetbor
with a stalment of tbe valuo of the
output or products of the initios of
audi corporation, aud any such min
ing corporation whose auuual output
or product shall not exceed in value
the sum uf 61,000, shall thereupon
bo exoinpted from the payment of tbe
auuual license fee or corporatiou
tax as now provided by law: Pro
vided, that no such corporation a hall
be required to make sucb statement
If it shall pay tbe said auuual license
fee, aB uow or hereafter required hy
Seotiou 2. All statements, re
ports aud data of every description,
required, by tbis act to be furnished
to tbe secretary of state, shall be
suitably Hied aud iudexed iu bl
office, aud shall be deemed publiv
Section 3. Wherever a document
Is required by this aot to be sworn to
or verified to by au oath, au affirma
tion shall be deemed equivalent
thereto, aud a false affirmation ia to
be deemed perjury equally with a
fahe oath.
Seotiou 4. All acts or parts of
acts so far as they may be iu conflict
herewith are hereby repealed.
The Smith bill, which haa beetM
"laid dowu" has been printed before
iu thaBO columua.
Tho meeting was largely attended,
partioualrly by out-of-town miuiug
meu. Sumpter was represented by
nearly overy hushiobs aud profes
sional tuau iu the city.
The board of anauHgera selected
consists of tho best men in the camp,
lieueral Mauager Mohr ia a hustler
par excellence.
The board will at ouce begin col
lecting funds aud ore. Tbe exhibit
is expected to he iu place witbiu 30
Just beofre adjournment, Oeuerai
Mauager Mohr was called to tbe
'pboue, where he was heard to asy,
iu the courje of a conversation over
tbe wiie, "Hurrah. Holly for you t"
Upou his return to the chair, he
-:ald: "1 hsve just beeu talkiug witb
Harry Heudryx, who told me to sigu
bis name to the subscription list for
$250. The Soreusou compauy, the
Killeu, Warner, Stewart company,
auu a few others are already down.
Every mau here is invited to come
forward aud sign."
Slab wood 12.00 per cord. Suatp-
ter Lumber Co.