The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, February 01, 1905, Image 1

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The following lettor has beeu mail
ed to every mining man in the Sump
ter district, and tn every merobaui
-aud business raun who is Interested,
direotly or indirectly in the welfare
and advancement of the mining in
dustry ot the Sumpter camp:
Dear Sir.:
The City nf Sumpter, through the
Hoiicitatiou of tho Sumpter brnuoh of
thn Oregon Miners' association, has
in ado au appropriation of a sutHclent
aum to establish a home for a norma
nent ore exhibit of the entire district
to be erected in this olty.
The exhibit ii to be completed
within sixty days, or aa soon as
possible, for the purpnae of advertis
ing the resources of our great min
ing district during the Lewis and
Olark fair and aa permaneut fixture
thereafter, upon the condition that
the mining and business men will
contribute ores and maintain the ex
hibit in good shape.
This will do more to advertise the
camp tbau auything which has beeu
done heretofore and will be the
Fred Laue, chief alerk for the
Kiileu, Waruer, Stewart company
is home from the Standard miue at
While in Prairie City, Mr. Lane
stated to a reporter for the Miuer
at that place that preparations
have beeu made to install electric
drills at the Standard. At present
gasoline engines will be the motive
power, but as the company has
lately acquired extenisve water
rights ou the east and west forks
of Dixie creek, the puwer will be
transformed and generated by witer,
just as soon as practicable. It is
the intention to tear down all the
buildings at the m'ne and ereot
new ouea in their stead, which will
meet the demand of the operations
at tbh now famous mine. A
sawmill will be put iu to supply
the lumber, and Mr. Lane arrived
there for the purpose of making ar
rangements for the purchase of a
. 1 . . -
MMTtMl Miwirmv
means of benefitting every individual
in the district.
You arc thereforo enruostly re
quested to bo prcBont at a mass meet
ing held in the lobby of the Hotel
Sumpter ou February 4th, 1005, at
8, p. tn., for the purpose of complet
ing arrangements for this exhibit.
Do not depend uii the "other
fellow" to come, but come yourself.
P. S. Tell your neighbor ami
have him come, ton.
Since the appropriation of 1350
by the city oouuoll ot Sumpter for
a permanent mineral exhibit here,
Secretary Mohr has conferred with
many mining men in the camp and
has received assurauces of hearty
co-operation in the display. Fred D.
Smith, of the Snow Creek, has
offered to arrange for a big exhibit
from his camp. The smelter man
af ement offers to ask permision from
regular shippers to set aside specimens
and the big Cracker Creek mines
announce willingness to send big
bunohe i of ore.
sawmill iu that distriot, which is
iu disuse.
In regard to the construction of
the Sumpter Valley railroad, Mr.
Laue has every reasou to believe
that its exteusiou is assured aa far
as Austiu during the coming
season. A conversation he bad with
President Kccles leads him to this
conclusion. It is known that the
right-of-way has been cleared to
that place, and also that muob of
the gradiug has been done, and
uow it only lemains for the com
pany to lay the track. This ex
tension will place them so much
nearer the mining country that It
will greatly increase their traffic
(le has given assurance tfeat at least
this muob of the extension would
be built by next fall.
Ore Is being shipped from the Hull
of the Woods, which adjoins the
Hadger in the Susanvllle district,
and is owned by au allied company.
The haft is down 250 feet, while
laterals have beeu extsuded sufficient
distsnue on two levels to opsu an ex
cellent body of ore. The additional
. . " I
i LIMP itlUM ii
- -vr
Tom O. Cray, geuornl matiagor of
the Valley Queen mine, roturuod from
a trip to the property today. "Thoro
Is less snow on tho summit than fur
many years, " said Commodore Cray
to a Miner man. "Dosplto the fact,1'
ho continued, "Hint this Ih Iu tlio
dead of winter, scores of propuitioH
In the Silver Crook, Cable Cove and
Lake creek districts aro active. It Ib
couduoiug to a deep and abiding
faith iu the riahuesa of this mineral
zone to make the trip to the Haldy
mountain aummlt and bnhold the
work being carried ou.
"Superintendent Jack Doyle, of
the Citizen's Cold Mining company,
is busy with a good sized force of
miners at the Cold Coin mine, above
the Half Wuy house. A crosscut
tunnel la being driven to tap tho
maiu ledge and rapid progress ia
belug made with machlno drills. Thn
king bee initio of the Cable Cove Is,
of course, tho Imperial, owned by a
oIobo corporation of Detroit men,
under the mangement of A. L. Mo
Kweu aud the suporintendeuny of
John Arthur. Kenneth O. Mcijwou
is asflistaut mauager and metallurglat.
The Imperial's milling capacity haa
just beeu doubled by the installa
tion of a new Huntington mill, with
a capacity of 25 tons tier day. Two
uew jigs havo also beeu added to t.'e
concentrating plant I.. the stamp
mill. Ore is being taken from the
maiu shaft of the Imperial, and un
adit level Ib belug driveu on the re
cently acquired Minor claim, lower
down ou the mountain A force of
twenty-four men are steadily employ
ed at this flue property, aud ship
ments of ore aud concentrates to the
ten stamps In the Hadger mill which
wore put iu for the Hull of tho
Woods ore, will lie ready for steady
operation by spring, aud the connect
ing tram between the miue aud the
mill will keep them fully supplied.
The management is mticeut re
garding the magnitude of the ore
phoot opened, but private informa
tion is to the effect that there is a
wider stoplng ground in the uew
property tbau the Uadger ever had.
The Hull of the Woods is a cross
vein to that of the Uadger, aud
passes through oue end of the Uad
ger olaim. The character of oro
seems materially different from the
Hadger product, there being a lower
percentage of sulphides and very
little galena. Uoth veins ruu through
NO. 2$
Sumpter amelter ate steadily being
in ado.
"A good force of men aro at work
at tho Ovorlaud mine, adjoining tho
California, under the foremanahlp of
Frank McCarvel. Drifting ou tho
main vein la tho program, aud m lino
body of ore Iiiih huon opened up.
"At the Crown Point, across tho
head ot the gulch from the Califor
nia, contractors are driving a cross
out tunnel. The superintendent esti
mates that a further drive of forty
foet will tap the main velu. Flue
ore Is shown In tht tunueJ on the
other side of the mountain, to make
connections with which the crosscut
Is being driven. This mine stands
unique, iu that thn south portal of
the crosscut is in llaker county and
the other end of the working is iu
Cirant county. The Crown Point
Is owned by J. K, Griffith, Carroll,
Iowa, who la at the head of a close
"SVurk at the Alpine la rrogrH
aiug steadily, under the superlu
tendeucy of Dick Addoms. Oro ia
boiug blocked out for m mill run
early In tho spring
"At the old reliable Monumental,
a force of men is engaged iu sink
ing a winze in the lower tunnel
aud at (he same time upraising to
tho surface, where a nutating plant
will be erected as sonu as a con
nect I on in made. This is a feat fcel
(loin attempted, but ia being carried
ou tuocessfully by C. J. Allen, of
Portland, controlling owner of the
"Dozens of other properties
throughout, the upper camp are work
ing with good results. The whole
uamp looks good."
tho Stockton claim, ou which a shaft
more than 200 feet deep has been
sunk. With the Hadger yielding its
best ore from the (TOO aud 700 levels
and the Hull of the Woods coming Iu
with shipment grade at the 200, the
two principal properties of Susan
ville promise big thiuga for the dis
trict the present year.
There is a better showing iu the
South Cem mine than ia usually
found in such properties. The drift
of 100 feet ou the vein was in good
ore a portlou of the distance, and
00 feet fromfthe portal of the tuuuel
a winze was sunk 40 teet. Two
feet of ore show iu tils deeper woik.
Tho new owners will piece operations
with the prospect of milliug iu the
open lesson.