The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, January 25, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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Wednesday, January 2, 190,?
AlexHtidnr llHtnlltou Sibley, proa
Idotit of trio imperial MIuoh com
PHtjy, lltnltiu, it cIohh corporation of
Detroit, Hrrived in S'impter thla
mornliiK on n vIhII tn the rich lm
portal mine in the Cable Gove camp,
it whh larKuly through tho inatru
meutality of Mr. Slbloy that the
Detroit aynriioHtu Hcqnirod the Im
perial, nnil his viait to the property
at this time ia targety for the purpoae
of Mffordiug blmaulf an opportunity
to indulge that moat natural humau
temptation, to any, "I told you ho. "
Since the acquirement of the lm
perlal by the Detroitera, (General
ManKr A. L. McEwen haa boon
tnioh h ateitdy ahippnr of oro and cnn
contrnteH of inch generally high
grade, that the Imperial now ranka
near the top of Oregon bonanza 'a.
An Imperial minor name down to
S.impter the other day to celebrate
H011111 aort of an until voraary. While
in a talkative mood, he waa overheard
to announce to the world in general
that he had mined in Colorado, Mon
tana, Utah, Nevada and California;
that he had aeon .acorea of big miuea.
"Hut I want to toll you," aaid he,
"that the Imperial ia a MlNUt" and
he proiiuounccd Urn word aa though
it. waHapollcd with IK-poiut blackface
llothio cupitalH.
Mr. Sibley will viuit the property
The Gureneey law oomepls the
maintenance of a public offlco, and
it 1b stated that atatiatlca which
occasionally tell flba indicate that
the town of St. Peter Port Ib aa
cougeated m Jersey City would be if
thinga were rally as they aeom.
Engineering and Mining Journal.
The oumpanicH act, which came In
to force in England foui yeara ago,
waa properly intended to aafeguard
the public which Inveata in corporate
enterprlaea. Two unexpected renulta
have follewed: In order to avoid
the proviaioua of miction (I of the
la.v referred to, compelling the dla
closure of auch material facta as the
legislature had deemed necessary, it
la now the fashion to Issue com
panies without a prospectus. The
proportion no Issued haa grown from
111 percent during the Isat half of
11100 to OH per cent during the ilrat
half of the current year.
The commltte of the Loudon
stock exchange has brought thla
matter before the board of trade, and
a bill has been drafted dealing with
theaubject, the Introduction of which
ia anticipated in the next session of
Parliament. While many respect
able companies are brought out with
out a pnHpeotuH, because the capital
lit all privately suhecrihed, nevorthe
less, the majority of these unpros
P'.tc tuned issues are of the iiuestlou
Mblu kind.
The other curious fact, to which
attention la diawu, ia the iucerase of
companies registered in (Juernsey,
ou of the Chanel islands. From
live companies, with a registered
capital of 12:1,000. in 11)01, the
number haa grown to 75 companies
with a total capttfl of 18,800,001),
lu UMKI, Cueruaey plays the part of
our Jersey; it penults the promoter
to avoid the Itgal euaottueut, which
prove irkaome elsewhere; in Cueru-
aey the Loudon promoter escapes not
only the severities of the companies
act of 1000, but also au ad valorem
charge for registration, amounting
to tivii uhllliuga par oeut.
There haa been much discussion
and some litigation over the rights of
mining men to use timber in their
operations. It In no uncommon thing
for the operator to acquire large areai
of ground under the placer Jaw and
uae the timber growing upon it.
Since there is prospect of more of
the mineral areas of thla state
being Included iu forest reserves,
the question of what regulations
are to be observed by the interior
department has become one of great
interest. A receut inquiry addressed
to W. A. Itlchards, commissioner of
the general laud olllco, brought the
following reply:
"Persons or associations holding,
dovelopiug or opening iu good faith
a claim or group ot claims, located at
or about the mine time under tho
mineral lawa of the United StatcB,
may out and uae the timber on aaid
claim or any claim of the group lor
the operation and development of tho
said claim or group of olaima. That
la to Hay. the timber on any claim
Included in the group may be cut
and used iu the operation and devel
opment of the group, even though the
buildinga ami erections ueseasary for
tho operation of the group aro located
on another claim of aaid group. In
other words, all the worka necessary
to the operation or a group of olaiuiB
may be erected on one of the claims,
and the timber out from any other or
all of the claims In the group, but
extensions of tho group of clalma
made at a lator date are not Included
iu this arrangement, but must be
proceeded for separately, and if ad
ditional supplies of timbor are re
quired, they must be aecurod through
purchase, except in cases of individ
ual proprletora of small holdiugs,
who may secure limited supplies
through tho free use provision of the
"The experlouco of thla ollloe ia
that lu many localities the supply of
timber provided for by the above
rule la ample, while in others it ia
Insulllolent, and special cases have
occurred where the benetlta of the free
uae provision have been extendod to
mining companies on thoir applica
tion therefor; but the general rule is
that enterprises, whether mining or
of any other character, carried on by
companies or aBscclatloiiH for pecuni
ary protlt shall be required to pur
chase the timber they use iu such
Denver and Rio
Grande Railway
Reardon Goes to California.
Phil lieardon, formerly superin
tendent of the Alpine mine, during
the life of the late Colonel Jobu
Temple Craysuu. atid who shortly be
fore the death of the latter resigned
and went to Maker City, has goue to
Sonera, California, to accept the
management of a big mlnlug prup
erty in that region, accord lug to au
Item iu the Engineering aud Mining
Journal, of New York. Mr. Heardou
was for maiiy years superiuteudeut
of a mine at Uraud Kuoampmeut,
Chiokeu Pies,
26 oeuta, at Cfe
Q Nature's Art Gallery of the Rockies ia addition to the
3CC Attractions at St. Louis. This can only be done by
gotnforrcturnlnfviathe "SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD'
Write for Illustrated Booklet of Colorado's Famous Sights and Resorts
W. C. McBRIDE, GencraliAgent
124 Third Street PORTLAND ORGO.
Are the greatest money-making stocks on the market today. Investigate them.
Write for annual reports and prospectuses-
Dcpt. 60 32 Broadway. New York.
Sole agents for above companies.
Cars East.
Many experienced travelers
prefer tourist sleeping cars
for the transcontinental
journey. The
Chicago, Milwaukee 8c St.
Paul Railway
can airange for your trip
east in tourist cars, offer you
choice of routes and save
you money.
S;.s.r aV., 134 Third St., Portland, Ore.