Wednesday, January 25 1905 THE SUMPTER MINER OREGON MINES AS VIEWED BY OTHERS Tho preaout session of the Orogou legislature will have before it a prop OBitiou (0 establish a bureau uf mines. The probabilities are that, if the argioultural element among the lawmakers permit euoh a measure to become a law, it will provide in a geueral way for an office similar to that of the mine com missioner or of the mineralogist of the other western states. There cau be no doubt that the mineral industry of Oregon deserves just such representation under the looal government, and it is therefore tho more surprising that the proposed department does uot already exist. Taken in comparison with the extent and importance of its min eral industry, there Ib no other stato iu the west that outs t more striking "figure" than does Oregon. It is coustautly making itself heard, aud its miuiug men have a way ahout them that makes ouo foel as if they mean business which they doubtless do. This is probably aucouutod for by tho fact that tho state's mineral resources are so far from being adeqately developed and that tboy never offered groator promise than today. Thero aro so many now enterprises ou foot that the euthusiums of deeds aud the ac companying looal a pride are ouly natural. Notwithstanding tho Orogou farmors have a parioularly large voioe iu the government, the esahlishmeut of a miuiug bureau is evideutly ap predated. Tho time for atato aid and eucouragemeut is wbeu an in dustry ueeds it aud not after it is so big that it cau afford to be lodopeud ent of guvornmeut officer:), if not to comand them. Hoibert Spencer, iu bin 1 advanced years, declined to accept a degree from a university, remark inn that the bouor might bavo douo him somo good as a young mau, but be no louger required it. Thero has beeu much complaint that the argioultural iu terests of Oregon have not showu a proper appreciation of the co-ordinate iudustry of mining, especially when they forced through the dis tasteful Eddy law, concerning the taxation of corporations. It is now time for them to realize what the oatside world thinks of Oregon as a miuiug state, for we believe they do uot understand that their miuiug meu aro dolug more thau their share toward advertising tho oemmou wenltb beyond its own borders. Iu this couneotiou it occur to us that a small colony of Colorado news paper meu has rtceutly taken up its abode iu Oregon's loallug city. These journalists have Roue from a state where miuing is u big factor, and the rolulue news hnhit will prob ably cling to tbem. Not that Oregou hm already poase.-od a good share of hustling mine writers, but that "the more the merrier" it will be for the great uortbwest. Mine writing is an important lias of raining whether your dyipeptic conservative thinks so or uot. Writers are an important adjunut to any industry, because writers are the business pullers, the motive force that drive aud attract capital and brains. If this motivo force s not a good thing, why should Portland go to the trouble to bold a big exposition next summer? We know what Port- iand'thinks about It, because' her commercial club is very active aud she has an old-time "public move ment" man doiug notbiug else but make things move. This is the kind of au atmosphere that the mining men there doubtless appreciate. They bolieve in lettiug people know what they have. So when they waut the legislature to do a tbiug, they ought to be listened to with respect. Daily Miuing Review. OREGON STATE FLOWER IS REALLY A FRUIT In connection with the recent gifts of Oiegou grape seut by the Portland commercial club to prominent eastern people, George H, Mines giveB au interesting account of the origiu of the shrub, and Its adoptiou as the state flower of Orogon. The flrat kuowu roforeuoe to tho shrub is iu Parsb's "Flora of North America," publhhod by Jamos Ulaok & Son, Londou, Euglaud, 1810, aud It Is tboro first called "Orogou Grape," or "Holly-leaved Uarborry." "Wbllojsousldored a shrub, the Oregou grapo sometimes attains a height of 1? feet, with a diameter of four aud a half luohos," says Mr. llimos. "I havo a sample of that sizo in my custody now. The tlowor blooms in April, is very haudaome, though dellanto, and is a bright lomou yellow iu color. Tho fruit growa in small clusters, resemble? small dark purplo grapes, aud, while edible, is vory sour, but makes ex oollent jelly. "It was uuou my motion, at a meeting of tho Oregon Ilortioltural Society iu 1800 that tho question of adopting a stato tlowor was first raised, my personal oholoo boing the Orogou grapes on account of its per manent leafage in variegated colors, according to its exposure to the sun, and its marvelous adaption for decor ative purposes at all seasons of the year. "After consideration by tho abovo sooloty for two years, iu which tho claims of othor flowers wore urgod, it was adopted ou July 18, 1802. Tho Womeu'a Federated Olubs of Oregou secured the passage of resolutions by both houses of the stato legislature of Oregon, 1800, formally declaring the Oregon grape to be the state flower." MYSTERIES OF MINE VALUATION Thero appears to be a great many people who do not uuderstaud that the value of a miue cannot bo ascer tained by merely visitinu it aud lookins at it. Miue valuation is a scleuoe which requires a broad tech nical experience. Au eugiueer with techuical trainiug aud knowledge of the methods of ore sampling may go through tho workings of a miuo aud carefully take a largo number of gjmples, which, when assayed, will give, together with the measurements of exposed bodies at the places impled, au approximate idea of the gross value of the miue. If the engineer does uot have the experience necessary to make proper estimates on the cost of mining aud reduoiug the ore, his report will posiess little of practical, value, but when it embodies the araouut of ore in sight and its value, together with tho costs of the varied operations necessary to rocovor this value, it booomns a taugiblo proposition, which cau bo utilized to advautage, either as a basis of investment or as a substan tial deterrout to further expouao in couneotiou with tho property. If mines oould be placed ou tho markot ou the showiug of gross valuo in sight, the introduction of new miuiug projects would bo easy of acoouipliBhmeut. Somo years hIiico, au elaborato roport stated that a cer taiu oro deposit showed sovoral millions of dollars iu sight. Au en giueor, who was seut to seo if tho statement whb truo, iu his report vreified all that had beeu said as to the valuo in sight, but also submitted tho opiuiou that it would cost two or three millions moro thau were there to get it out. Tho eugiueer who accepts a com misslou to examlue a miuiug prop erty for posslblo purchasers under takes a rospouslblo task, aud he should bo guidod by tho fauts both as to viiIuob aud as to ousts. A noted mine was sold on the report of a woll knowu eugiueer sumo twouty years ago. The miuo was equtppod and work was prosecuted for a tiuie, but at a loss, aud the property was abaudoued. This miuo ia now iu oporatiou and paying, not becatiHo tho oro is moro valuable than for merly, for it is a gold miuo, hut for the reason that tho engineer who mado the f miner roport wore inox porieucod iu tho district whero tho mine was situated a remote ouo aud uudor estimated the cost of oper ating iu that region. Tho conditions oxistiug at that time havo heon changed by tho building of a rail road, and tho oost of operation has been decreased by improved miuiug methods, and also by making avail able a better class of labor, whilo tho possible saving of values has beeu groatly increased by the Introduction of tho caynide process. lustaucos of this kind aro moro numerous than is generally supposed. It's quito as important the that writer of a miuiug report should bo capablo uf judging the ooBt of operating a property under tho existing condi tions as that he should know how to take miuo samples, aud mathemati cally uompute his averages aud grosB values. Miuing and Scientific Pross. If Your Are Not Particular. Don't travol ovor tho Illinois Contra), as any old road will do you aud we don't waut your patronage; but if you aro particular aud waut tho best aud moan to havo it, ask tho ticket agoul to routo you via the Illinois Central, the road that runs through solid vestibule trains bo tweeu St. Paul, Omaha, Chicago, St. Louis, Memphpis and Now Orleans. No additional charge is mado for a seat iu our reclining chair cars, which are fitted with lavatories aud smoking rooms, and havo a porter iu utteudauco. Kates via the Uluola Central aro the lowest aud wo will be glad to quote tbem iu connection with any transcontinental Hue. J. O. LINDSKV, T. F. & P. A., 142 Third street. Portland, Oregon. H. II. TRUMHULL, Commercial ageut, 142 Third street, Portlaud, Oregon. PAUL H. THOMPSON, Froight and passenger ageut, Colmau bul'd lug, Seattle, Washington. A Huntington mill arrived over the Sumpter Valley road today, con signed to tho Imperial Miuiug com- iinuy. U-'ii-i .. -V THE SUMPTER GOLD BELT MINING COMPANY CAPITALIZATION $100,000 F. c. imomti, M. V. MUZZY, F.O. HUCKNUM C. II. C1IANCK, C. II. KKNNKU, President Vice President Sec. and Treas Attorney Engineer OPERATES MINES 11 THE GREENHORN AND SUMPTER DISTRICTS Simptir, Ongoi ATTENTION ! Do you dcHiro to Hull atoek in your Gold, Copper, Miuing or othor In duHtrial companion? If ho, you can not find a butter advurtining medium than THE DIXIE MANUFACTURER BIHMINGMItH. kUMl. It Ih tho leading iudiiHtrial and llimm'ial paper publiHliud in the South. It reach oh fiat cIhhh of read ura who aro intorcHtcd iu llnaucial and intliiHtriiil affairH. It ia old and OHtahliHhcd. I'libliahcd muni-monthly, (.tuarantccd circulation 10,000. Suhtcription prico ii.OO per year. AdvurtiHiug rntu roaHonahlo. Scud for sample copy and adverting ratch. Addrt'HH, Rountree Publishing Company Birmingham, Alabama. THE NATIONAL BANKER 4 II ll Sill St. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS A journal of National circulation. Ih read by hankcm, capitaliHta, in "CHtorH, retired murchantH. If you tvaut to reach a uood cIuhh of huycrn aud the moneyed aud inventing pub lic, advortiHo iu tho National Hanker. TIiouhhii'Ih of copies of each Ihhuo of tho National Hunker uoch to invcHtorH throughout tho Middle Went, KaHtorn and New (Oakland HtatoH. Tho lawt journal iu tho country in which to roach invuHtorH. Sample enpioa free AdvertiHiiiK ratuH on application. FREE! FREE!! FREE!!! $5.00 Certificate of tho heat Oil Stock aliHolutcly given away. Write at once for plan how to Hccuro Five Dollar' worth of fully paid and non-aKscwahlc Oil Stock without ciihIi, INVESTORS' LISTS COMPANY Room 72!) Park Row HM-. NEW YORK SPECIAL NOTICE If you want to read a froe aud inde pendent paper, devoted to tho inter eHt of miniiiK and current evontu, which Ih not controlled by any pro moting concern, Hitch aH moHt of tho pacrH in tho oHt aro, Huud for a free oamplo copy of NEW YORK BANKER 23 BROADWAY, NKW YORK h WV'.liy