The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, January 04, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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    Wednesday, January $, iqp
Mineral Applioatiou 317.
Miuoral Survey f)28.
United States Laud Ottloe,
La Grande, Oregou,
November 12, 1901.
Notice is horeby given that the
Gold Bug-Grizzly Miniug company
by A .P . Goss, its attorney iu faot;
whoso postoillco address is Sumpter,
Oregon, ha3 made appliontiou for
patent for 1110 iiuear feet ou the
Rawhide lode; 947.0 Iiuear feat ou
tho Black Bear lodo; 1188. '2 Iiuear
feet on the Fairy lode; 1488.2 linour
feet ou the Laot Cbauco lode; 1488.2
linear feet on the Peacock lodo;
131 G.5 Iiuear feet ou the Hauua No.
1 lode; 1290. G Iiuear feet ou the
Grizzly No. 2 lode; 648.0 linear feet
on Hanua No 2. lode; GOO linear
feet ou Grizzly No. 1 lode; 1500
linear feet ou the Gold Bug lode
mining claims, beariug gold and sil
ver, all situate in uuorgnnized mi ti
ing district, Graut county, Oregon,
and described iu the official plat and
field notes ou Hie in this oflloe as
follews: viz:
Beginning at corner No. 1, whonco
the southwest coruer of section 5
township 0 south, range 30 oast,
bears S. 0 degrees 44 minutes E.
3274.8 foot; thouce S. 34 niiuutos
W. 000 feot to corner No. 2; thence
N. 80 degrees 20 minutes E. 1110
feet to corner No. 3; thenoo N. 34
minutes E. 000 feet to corner No. 4;
theuoe S. 80 degrees 20 minuteB W.
1119 feet to coruor No. 1, place of
begiuuiug. Variation 20 degrees to
20 desroos 30 minutes oast, area
10.373 acres.
Begiuuiug at coruor No. 1, wbonco
tho southwest coruor of section 5
towusbip 0 south, runge 30 E. W.
M. bears S. 20 degrees 54 minutes
V. 3010 feot; thenoo N. 34 minutes
E. 000 feet to corner No. 2; thence
N. 81 dogrees 40 minutes W. 947. G
feet to coruor No. 3; theuco S. 34
minutes W. 000 foot to corner No.
4, identical with coruer 3 Rawhide
lodo, this survoy; theuco S. 84 do
grees 40 miuutes E. 947.0 feet, to
corner No. 1, place of begiuuiug.
Variatiou 20 degrees to 20 degrees
18 minutes east. Area 13.007 acres.
Begiuuiug at ooruer No. 1, whenoe
xi section coruer ou the east aide of
sectiou 5 bears S. 82 degrees 37
minutes E. 2083.0 feet; thence S. 34
minutos W. 437.0 feet to corner No.
2; thence N. 82 degreess 15 minutes
V. 1488.2 feet to ooruer No. 3;
ideutical with corner 1 Black Beur
lode, this survey.; thonco N. 34
miuutes E 437.0 feet to corner No.
4; thouce S. 2 degrees 15 miuutes
E. 1488.2 feot to corner No, 1. place
of begiuuiug. Variation 20 degreos
to 20 dogrees 30;Jmluites east.
Area, 14.832 aores.
Begiunug at corner No. 1,
whenoe southeast corner of scetion 5
township 9 south ranges 30 E. bears
5. 34 degrees 54 .minutes W. 2014.9
feet; theuoe N. 34 minues E. 464.7
feet to corner No. 2, identical with
corner 1 BalokBear lode; thence S.
82 degrees 15 miuutes E. 1488.2
(eet to corner No. 3, identical with
oorner 2 j Last Chance lode; thenoe
S. 34 minutes W. 404. 7 feet, to
corner No. 4; thenoe N. 82 degrees
15 minutes W. 1488.2 feet, to corner
N o. 1, place of beginning. Varia
tion 20 degees to 20 degrees 9 min
utes east. Area 15.751 aoree.
Beginning at corner.No. 1, whence
J'4 section cotuor ou east side of
seotiou 5 boars S 07 degrees 11
uiinutea E. 2237.05 feet, theuce S.
34 minutos W. 000 feot to corner No.
2, identical with corner 1 Last
Chance lodo; theuco N. 82 degrees 15
miqutea V. 1188.2 foet to corner
No. 3, ideutical with coruor No. 1
Last Chauoo Inde, thenoo N. 34
miuutes E. 500 feet to coruor No. 4;
thenoo S. 82 degrees 15 miuules E.
1188.2 foot to corner No. 1. tho
place of begiuuiug. Variatiou 20 do
groes to 20 degrees 30 miuutes east.
Area 20.337 acres.
Begiuuiug at coruor No. 1, whonco
i .
soatiou coruor on east side of
seutiou 5 bears S. 00 degrees 9 miu
utes E. 931.8 feet; theuco N. 72
degrees 8 miuutes V. 1310.5 feot to
coruer No. 2, ideutical with coruer 1
Peacock lode; theuoe S. 34 miuutes
W. 00U feet to corner No. 3. identi
cal with coruer 2 Peacock lodo, aud
corner 1 Last Chance lode; thouce S.
72 aogoes 8 miuutes E. 1310.5 feot
to coruer No. 4; theuce N. 34 min
utes E. 000 feet to ooruer No. 1, tho
place of begiuuiug. Variatiou 20
degreos 28 miuutes to 20 degrees 39
miuutdB east. Aroa, 17.313 acres.
Begiuuiug at coruor No. 1, wiieuce
XA seotiou coruor ou east sido of
section 5 bears N. 80 degrees
miuutes E. 820.4 foot; thouce N.
dogroeB 8 miuutes V. 1310.5 feot
coruer No. 2., ideutical with coruor
1 Last Chauoo, aud ooruer 2 Peacock
lodes; thonco S. 34 minutes W.
437.0 foet to coruor No. 3, idoutical
with coruor 2-3 Last Chance 'tnd
Fairy lodes, this survoy; theuco S.
09 degreos 40 miuutes E. 1330.2
feet to corner No. 4; theuco N. 34
minutos E. 408 feet to corner No. 1,
tho place of beginning. Variatiou
20 degrees to 20 degrees 28 miuutes
oast. Area, 13.501 aoroB.
Begiuuiug at coruer No. 1, whence
M section corner on the east sido of
seotiou 5 boars S. 00 degrees 0 min
utes E. 031.8 foot, identical with
aorner No 1. fluuna' No. 1 lodo;
thonco S. 34 miuutes V. 000 foot to
coraor No. 2, idoutical with corner
4-1 Ilanna No. 1 aud Grizzly No. 2
lodos, this survoy; theuco S. 81 de
grees 20 miuutes E. 048.0 feet, to
coruer No. 3; thonco N. 34 minutos
E. 000 feet to corner No. 4 ; thouce
N. 81 degrees 20 miuutes W. 04K.9
feet, to corner No. 1, the place of
beginning. Variatiou 20 degroos 5
minutes to 20 degreos 29 minutes
east. Area, 8.847 acres.
Beginning at coruor No. 1, identi
cal with coruor 1-2-4 Grizzly No. 2,
Ilanna No 2 aud Ilanna No. 1 lodos,
this survoy; whence xi sbotinu
ooruer ou the oast sido of section 5
bears N. 80 degrees 31 minutes E.
820.4 foet; theuoe S. 31 minutos V.
498 feot to coruer No. 2, ideutical
with coruer 4 Grizzly No. 2 lodo;
theuoe S. 72 degrees 41 miuutes E,
071.2 feet to coruer No. 3; theuce
N. 34 minutes E. 000 feet to corner
No. 4, identical with corner No. 3
Hanua No 2. lode; tbenco N. 81 de
crees 20 minutes W. 048.0 feet to
comer No. 1, the place of begiuuiug.
Variation 20 degrees 5 miuutes to
20 degrees 29 minutes .east. Area,
8.097 acres.
Boglnlng at corner No. 1, whence
Vi section oorner on the east aide ot
section 5 bears N. 18 degrees 13
minutes E. 502.1 feet; thence S,
34 minutes W. 300 feet to oorner No,
2; identical with oorner 3 Grizzly
No. 1, this survey; thence N. 78 de
grees 12 minutes E. 1500 feet to
oorner No. 3, whence oorner 2 turvey
121, Pyrites lode beais N. 82 do
groes 41 miuutes E. 143.3 feet;
thence N. 34 minutes E. 300 feet to
coruor No. 4; theuce
12 miuutos W. 15U0
No. 1, tho place
S. 78 denr eos
feot, to coruor
of beginning.
Variation 20 degreos 5 miuutes east.
Aroa. 10.000 acres. Forming a por
tion of the south east l4 of sectiou, 4
a portion of section 5 and a portion
of tho east ' of sectiou 0, township
9 south, range 30 E. V. Meridian.
Tho locations of these claims are
lecorded iu i ho otflco of tho county
clork of said couuty as follews:
Rawhide in book K pago 97.
Black Bear iu book H, pago 410.
Last Chance, iu book 11, pago HO
7. Fairy, iu book ! pago 378.
Peacock iu book H pago 447.
Hauua No. 1, in book H page 500.
Grizzly No. 2 Iu book II pago
502. Hauua No. 2, in book II pago
No. 1, iu book H pago
503. Gold Bug, iu book 11 pago 504.
Adjoining claimants are the ibex
Miuiug company ou tho east.
All porsons holding adverse claims
thereto aro required to prosont the
samo boforo this oillco within sltxy
days from tho first day of publication
hereof, or they will bo our red by
virtue of the provlsious of tho
First publication, Nov. 10, 1004.
October, 20, 1904.
In tho matter of tho application of
Nortwesteru Consolidated Miuiug
aud Lumber oompauy for patent to
tho Colorado aud Gould aud Curry
Lodos, Miuoral Survoy No. 500.
Notice is hereby given that in
pursuance of Chaptor Six, of Title
Thirty-two of the Rovised Statutes of
tho United States, tho Northwestern
Consolidated Mining aud Lumber
oompauy, whoso postoillco address is
Seattle, Washingtou, h, about to
make application for patent for
2020.0 feet of the "Colorado aud
"Gould aud Curry Lodos," bearing
gold, silver aud other precious
motals and minerals, with surface
ground 000 foot in .width, said lodes
being situated iu township eight (8)
south, range thirty-seven (37) east
(not subdivided), situated iu no
organized miuiug di Uriel, in the
county or Baker, state of Oregon,
said lodes being more particularly
described by tho plat herowith posted
aud dosiguated by tho field uotos on
file in tho La Grande, Oregon,
United State laud office, as Mineral
Survoy No. 500, tho magnetic
variatiou of said purvey being 30
degreed, 25 to 21 minutes east, said
"Colorado" aud "Gould
Curry" lodes beiug mure
ticularly described as follows, to-wit:
Cummeuolug at coruor No.
said "Gould and Curry" (ode,
1 of
at a
point more particularly described iu
said, field notes, whe.uce, ujted States
Mineral Monument No 2. bears sritltb
40 degrees 31 miuutes east 050.5
feet; thenoe north 34 degrees 15
minutes east 300 feet to oorner No 2.
of said "Gould and Curry" lode;
theuoe north 10 degrees 21 miuutes
west 300 feet to corner No. 3 of said
"Gould aud Curry" lode, theuoe
south 09 degrees 22 minutes west
1500 feet to corner No. 4 of said
"Gould and Curry" lode; thenoe
south 10 degrees 21 minutes oast
504.8 feot to corner No. 5 of said
"Gould and Curry" lodo, whence
United Sin1 oh Miuoial Monument No.
2 bears north 8S degrees 35' minutes
east 101.03 feet; theuco north 05
degrees 30 minutes east 1301.8 feet
to corner No. 1 of said "Gould aud
Curry" lode, the place of beginning,
all according to said Mineral Survey
Also beginning at Coruer No. 1 of
said "Colorado" lode, which is
identical with coruer No. 5 of said
"Gould aud Curry" lode, acordlng
to said Mineral Survoy No. 500,
whonco Uuited States Mineral Monu
ment No. 2 boars north 88 degrees
35 minutes east 1010.3 feet; thenoe
north 10 degrees 21 minutes west
504.8 feot to oorner No. 2 of said
"Colorado" lode, which is identical
with corner No. 4 of said "Gould and
Curry" lodo; thouce south 71 degreed
39 miuutes west 112.0 foet to corner
No. 3 of said
thence south 10
east 000 foot to
"Colorado" lode;
degrees 21 minutes
ooruer No. 4 of said
"Colorado" lodo; theuce north 00
dogrees 53 minutes oast 11323 2
feet to said oorner No. I of said
"Colorado" lodo, aud containing
a not area, aftor excluding tho area
iu conflict with tho Majestic lode,
Miuoral Survey No. 423 of 14-100
of an aero of 31.70 acres, all accord
ing to said Miuoral Survey No. 500,
aud forming a portion of township
olght (8) south range thlrty-sovon
(37) east of tho Wllamette meridian,
iu Baker county, Oregon, tho amend
ed location notice of said "Gould"
aud Curry" lodo beiug recorded
March 17th, 1002 at pago 034 of
Volume R. ot tho public records of
quartz milting claim location notices
of Baker couuty, Oregon aud tho
amended location notice of said
'Colorado" lodo being recorded
March 17th 1002 at page 035 of said
Volume R. of said rouords.
Tho adjoining claims to said
"Colorado." and "Gould aud
Curry" claims aro tho "Yankee
.Jim" Mineral Survoy No. 400,
which adjoins said "Gould aud
Curry" lodo ou tho oast and tho
"Majoitio" claim, Mineral Survey
No. 423, which adjoins and con
flicts with said "Colorado" claim
ou the north.
Auy aud all persons claiming
averuuly auy portion of said
"Colorado" or "Gould aud Curry"
lodes, or any surface ground, are
hereby notified to file their adverse
claims with the register of tho
United States laud office at La
Grande, Oregon, during tho sixty
days period of publication of this
notice of aplicatlou for patent,
or may win no uarreii
by virtue of
cases made
tiio Statutes iu such
aud provided.
E. W.
Date of first publication, Oct. 20,
United St.itfk Land Office,
La Grande, Oregon, Oct. n, vn I
Notice Is hereby given tliut In compliance with the
provision of the uct of congress of June i. IBa, en
titled "An net for the sale of limber lands In tin- states
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," as extended to all the Public Land Stales by
by act of August 4, Ityj,
otSuinrter, county of Raker, state of Oregon, hat
his day tiled III thin office hit sworn statement No.
jiJ4, tor the purchase of the S'A NW Wtf Nlitf,
of Section No. 15. In Township No. 10 h. range No. jt
BWM, and will olfer proof to show thai the land
sought Is more valuable for Its timber or
tone than for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish his claim to said land before Charles M.
Chance, U. S. Commissioner, at hi office at
Sumpter. Oregon, on Monday, the oth day ot Jan
uary, 100:
He names as witnesses: Frank (i. O'Rourke, of
Sumpter, Oregon; I'eter J. Soards. of Sumpter, Ore
gon; Van Rensselaer Mead, ot Sumpter, Oregon
Charles II. McColloch, of Sumpter, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claims In
his oMce on or before said 9th day of Janusry, 1005
E. W. Davis, Register.
....,. ... ii..