Tarwr Wednesday, December 28, 1904 THE SUMPTER MINER DEVELOPING A PROSPECT In many Instances, considerable devlopment will have to be perfnrmd before the prosnect will prove to be attractive to the would-be inveator; before It will appeal to him in such a manner as to convince him that it is the making of a "bread-winuer," of a divdeud payer. Thia being the oase, It behooveB the prospector and claim owner to use a little "head work", as well as brawn and muscle, when it comes to prospect develop ment. A great deal of work, scatter ed over a large area, is practically a poor expenditure of time, labor and money. A series of gopher holes may provo the exteusiou aud strike of the vein or ledge; but, in the way nf profitable development, it amounts to but little. Tho old miner well knows that largo sums of money may be spent in mine devnlopmout, but which, in the end, has added but very little to the value of the property upon wbitih it was expended, and for the reason thiit tho woik bus not boon intelli gently performed; thai a littlo work bus boon douo here and a littlo tbero; a shallow shaft has been suuk at one place, a short tunuol has been run at another, aud opou cuts have been mado at atill auother place, all of which, bad it been concentrated aud confined to one place, to one favor able spot, would have added greatly to the value aud future worth of the property, but which, taken as a whole, ie practically .valuoless. Per chance, by suob concentration, the tuunel would have reached tho ledge, or the abaft might ihave exposed a fine body of pay ore. Ju all evonts, the value of the property would have been euhauced, aud a prospective buyer could easily see whore the mouey had been expended, as claim ed, aud the prospect would be iu jhapo )o that development and ex ploration work could be contiuued to advautage. Aa a general tbiug, the prospector is but au indifferent uiiuer, aud the amount of time ha wastes in prospect development would tyi worth thou sands to him If he could "cash out" on a time valuation comaienaurate with the aotual value of time in business and commercial circles. We do not meau by tbia that develop ment work is not necessary ; for it is, nor would we undervalue the worth of the time of the prospector, which, if well-directed aud ex pended, would soon place the prop erty in which be is interested In uob a condition that he would ex perience uo difficulty in finding a ready and profitable market for the same. But it is systematic, intelli gent work that counts; work in wbiub every foot must take the tuuenl or the shaft nearer to the vein, nearer to tbe ore bedy: and work iu which every dollar, every hour, has its - value iu trta accom plishment of tbe desired end, which is tbe transformation of a prospect iuto a miue, into a bonanza, within tbe least possible time aud at tbe least possible expense. If tbh policy were oarried out to a greater exteut by the prospector and tbe claim-holder, tbe west would NOT A D---D THING MATTER WITH THIS COUNTRY Remarked F. 0. Bucknum on Learning That Frank Muzzy Will Return From Goldfield, F. U. Ouckuum has reooived a letter from Frank Muzzy, written from Goldfield, Nevada, in wbioh he says that he will not go into business there, as he had intended, but will return to Sumpter aud dovnto his time to mining interests in this vicinity. Ho says that prices and rout for property iu that camp are so high that they arc practically pro hibitive. Which menus, of anurso, that tho busiriOiH being done tboto doesn't justify tbo rates charged. Mr. ttjoknuin takos this lottor as a text and preaches a very iutorosting aud cheerful discourse, ahoerful to those whoso lots are cast for keops iu eastern Orogou. Ho waB all through that country aud south of it into Arizoua fifteen or twouty years ago. While ackuowlegdiug that there are rich miueral deposits there, says even if a mau ia fortunate euougb to get hold of one, be earns all he makes by being cundemued to live there. He says it is, in climate and all physical conditions, uot tbe God forsaken region of popular be lief; but that tbe Creator uever had anything to do with it from the start, have more producing mines today, aud there would not be so mauy partially aud half developed pros pects scattered about throughout the miuiug camps and districts of this lutermountaiu region. Salt Lake Mining Review. Governor on the Kanoe War. (u relation to the eastern Oregon range war, Governor Chamberlain la quoted as say lug: "Tbe only way I can aee to remedy tbe situation la for the legislature to place money at my disposal, ao that 1 can employ seoret aervloe men to go to the neigh borhood of the trouble and stay there uutil the guilty persona can be located, aud evidence enough secured to convict them. To send out militia would do no good. Tbe 'men who dp tbe abooting may be in Crook oounty today aud in Lake or Harney or Wasco tomorrow or next day. Tbey would commit no offense while officer of tbe law were around. They travel long distances in wild, thinly settled country, and commit their crimes when there ia uo oue uear except a defenseless sheep herder. Tbey are masked and uanuot be Iden tified. The only way that 1 can aee to bring tbem to justice is to send secret service men to live among them, learn their ways aud follow their movements uutil they have evi dence that will oouvict tbem. There ia uot now a single dollar whiob tbe governor la authorized to expend for tbe purpose I mention." aud therefore couldn't forsake it it is peculiarly the dominion of tho evil one aud hie headquarters are somewhore uoar at baud. Then Mr. Huokuum resorts to ouo of those tricks of tho traiuod talker, known as a "sudden transition, " and ojaculates: "Why, damn it, there is nothing tho matter with this country. U'h slow iu development, wo all know, but tho procimiH metal baring lodges are uot to blame for thatit's tho people. Tim host thing that could happen to thlH suction would lio a migration, or a deadly plaguo. Hut so far as tho miueral wealth is concerned, wo have it here .in abundance and it will bo produced in tbo courHO of a few yoars, too." Mr. Hucknuut thinks that tho Greenhorn district will provo to bo tbe greatest gold producing region of the west. He has himself recently made a phonomiually rich striae, regardiug which be will not talk un less the listener give, bonds to main tain aecreoy, and this iu itsolf has a teudeuoy to givo a ronoatc hue to ouo'a viow point of his own sur round lugs. The statement is now bolug pub lished that a man living within twenty mi lea. of St. Louis never hoard of the big fair thoro until after It dosed, aud then didn't believe it, of course, becauso he Is a .Missouriau, tud was not shown. Tho skeptical mind will reject this story, as being beyond tho realm of probabilities, but herewith ia submitted a fact: Veaterday Tbe Miner received a letter from a subscriber in San Fran claoo saying that from these oolumua it had been recently learned that there ia to be a Lewis and Clark fair In Portland next yeai; If Tbe Miner haa any literature regarding the enterprise, please forward a bunch. FoundChild 'a Miner offloe. purae. Call at THE NATIONAL BANKER 4 ll till St. CHICAGO, ILLINOII A journal of National circulation. Is read by bankorB, capitalists, iu "estors, retired merchants. If you vant to reach a good class of buyers and tho moneyed and investing pub lic, advertise iu the National Hanker. Thousands of copies of each issue of the National Hunker koch to investors throughout the Middle West, Eastern and Nt'w England states. The bout journal in the country in which to reach investors. Sample copies free Advertising rates on application. TRUTHFUL TALES OF TENDERFOOT MINING A gathering of local milling men was dismissing tho whynotness of whatain't this mornlug. iu Tony Mobr's ottloo. "I have a man i orklug for me at tbe Auburn Deep," said 1oe JReed, "who h a bigger liar than Andy Stiuson. Tho other day he waa tell ing about doing .government land surveying once, and was rushed ao that he had to cover 200 sootlone Ira oue day. This Is traveling at the rate of about 12,000 miles, a min ute." "A mlulng oompauy Iu tbe Elk horn range, "said Nell Soreuson, "tbe other day, found it neoossary to dip a 2200-foot plpo line Iu (ar. Tho superintendent began to load tbo shipment to llakon City, when he happened to remember that it waa a . trifle cheaper to haul tar, than to haul tho pipe both ways.". , "Whon Seymour Hell was operat ing mines in the Mouut Maker dis trict, IiIh superintendent started a croHHCitt tunuol, Seymour lookod over tho ground and said:, 'Good; we'll advortiso this work mh tho longost crosscut tunuol, in tho world, aud sell barrels qf stock.' Hell explained that tho croHHeut was headed lu an opposite direction from tho ledge, aud that it would have to travel tho entire circumference of ttio earth be fore striking tbo vein." "That reminds mo of a crosscut tunuol 1 saw over in the Graulto district. It was 000 loot long, and for the first 500 feet the.ro wasu't enough covering, on top of tho tuunel to sod u lark. The vertical depth of the face at the end, of 000 feet was approximately 107 feet." Pitfalls of Mining Finance ?JF Tills It lh only comprehensive work ever undertaken for (he guid ance and protection of the great army of mining stock buyers. It Is elab orate, thorough and simply over flowing with Interesting detail. It It written by ONI: WHO KNOWS Marry J. Newton, formerly managing eJltorof the Denver Mining Kecord, who Is regarded as an authority on the subject of mining Investments, Having no mining promotions nor stock-selling schemes of his own, he at once gains the confidence of his readers. He treats hit subject abso lutely from an unbiased and Inde pendent standpoint, The book Is meeting with a great sale and Is strongly endorsed by Investors and by the press In general. It makes friends wherever ll goes. "Pitfalls ot Mining Finance" Is not a pamphlet - It It a nook a hand book -a veritable encyclopedia, ll compilses ia pages, 6xo inches In slse, and Is sent, fully prepaid, cloth, Si.cn n r copy; paper. jo cents. "Pitfalls of Mining l:lnsncr" It the best Investment an Investor can make. Order teday: Address vVt SUMPTER M INER