The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, December 28, 1904, Image 2

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Wednesday, December 28 1904
L '
Tho Oregouian of this morning
publishes H NHUHHtitlllHl Htory, tO ttlQ
olfer.t thnt the federal gtand jury in
hohhIou In Portland Ih lit work on
evidence in the timber laud frauds,
with n view to Indicting Senator
Mitaholl, Congressmen Hnrmnnii and
Williamson. Thu Oregouian says:
They ay they are innocent, that
the prosecution of thu government Ih
persecution and thnt timo will right
their wrongs and show they have been
and are now the objects of a conspi
racy instead or being originators or
participants in onu.
"Hut it ia now dollnltely atated
the proseoutlon expects to prove en
tirely to the contrary the declaration
made Ity the two congressmen fiom
Oregon. Talk Iiiih not linen idle
rumor, it ia said, and it will ho cold
faota before aiiothef two wooka have
passed over the waiting people.
"How, though, are the aenator
and repreaeutativeH commoted y ia the
oommou query. That ia a hard
question to tut auawerod with any
amount of detail, if WllilauiHon la
entangled with Maya, ao in Hermann,
and ho in Mitnhell, it ia said. It has
been ahown hy the story of Maya in
oouneutiou with Putoi, who ia con
vlotod of one olfniiHe, he has boon
A. A 111 11.. A 1.. A. I..
more miorosioti wiiu i-iuer 111 ma
dealings. It wiih Maya, who, iih at
torney for Putor, gave the letter of
Intrnduotion to John Mitchell at
Washington. Thia much wiih ahown
in the testimony in the trial in
which Putin- wiih convicted. Mitchell
Do you, fleal ro to Hell stock in your
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wmmmm' i i
K. IVMIODIK, President
M, K, MUZZY, n Vice President
K (fc.lUKJKNUM, -, So, and Tress
C. II. CHANCE, .- Attorney
C. 11. FKNNKK, - Engineer
i ! "fffff it, it)
tfttATESJKSIim. ,
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i4 iiilntw lniMiM i'J JL'
SiiuHk, OriM
took i'uter, upon presentation of the
letter, to Hermann aud told the com
mlHBloner I'uter was oue of the heat
men in Oregon, entirely responsible
and it would bo a favor if the landa
in which he vih interested were to
be passed thiough out of their order;
that they be taken from thej Hit of
suspended claims and made special
aud immediate. Thia much has been
show at the former trial.
"Ilutgthla ia not all. Allegations
will bo made that Mitchell was a
frioud and helpmate of timber dealers
and lobbyists; that his committee
rooms lu Washiugtou wero head
quarters of thia class of men and he
shared in their ooutldeuco aud help
ed iu thoir benellta. Thia ia in part,
the nature of the evidence which it
ia reported will be brought to boar
against the testimony of the senator
when he niters tho jury room to ex
plain to the men there his Innocence
of all wrong.
"Hermann will have hla turn In
tho jury room with the senator.
Ilia connection witli the i'uter-Maya
deal will be shown. It ia assorted, he
It win who, acting aa commiaioner of
the general laud oillce, took the
suspended claims from the table aud
expedited them to patents at the re
quest aud solicitation of i'uter aud
Maya et al. Nor is this all, the ex-
commissioner will be asked to ex
plain. "The atory of the missing letter
llles will apply not alone to Washing
ton but to Oregon."
Washington, Dec. 21. Secretary
of the Interior Hitchcock, late yester
day afternoon, issued an order which
J will throw open the Rakoi City
, forest reserve for grazing purposes
during tho comings summer aud fall.
The importunities of stockmen
ranging east from the Cascades and
(seeking a fall Niarket at linker City
! havohcon the most remarkably par
'sisteut of any applications made to
i get thu 'department to change its
order lu regard to grazing. Congress
: unto Williamson's constituency iu
1 Crook, Wasco and 11 rant counties
have burdened his mail with recitals
1 of the necessity of such a step.
Secretary llitchock'a order places
limitations upou the herds and
I drove aud time limits for each.
These details will bo conveyed to
Forest Reserve Overseer Teirlll later
on, so that owners of stock may get
in touch with this ami learu of the
conditions Imposed. It ia the second
I grazing permit that has boeu made
iu the northwest aud is looked upou
by department ottloials at a oouses
siou of oousequauces. .
Flue priutiug at the Miner office.
Charles M. Reed, alleged million
aire, baa been deularod a bankrupt
in tho United Statea district court at
Pittsburg, Pa. He owes nearly a
million dollars, with .no assets except,
an Oregon copper mine.
The bankrupt is the son of (Jen
era I Charles M. Reed, a pioneer of
Erie, one-time king of finance, be
fore the word frenzy was coined in
that connection. (Jeneral Reed was
one of Vanderbilt's lieutenants in
tho building of the, Erie railroad.
When be died he loft two million
dollars to bis sou. Tho remaiuder
of a tou milliou dollar estate went
into better hands.
Voting Reed reared in luxury,
kuowiug uothlug but the social
graaes, a bon vivant, a spenthrlft
with tremendous capacity for costly
things went the pace. Today he
is less thau 40 years old; crippled
from paralysis, duo to high living,
almost an imbeailo, and baukmpt.
Vcuug Reed, before ho filtered
away his fortune, financed tho North
wost Copper Mining compauy, tho
Northwest Railway, aud the Iron
Dyke mines, located iu Raker county,
on Suako river, just across from
Soveu Dovils. Later ho plastered
this property with a MOO.OOO mort
gage aud hung other claims to a like
amount, agaiuat it. Ouo of tho
claimants is Florouoe Sbatto, of
Erie, who claims oue-foutrh ot all the
Orogou property. Not long ago the
mortgagees foreclosed, after sensa
Next Weduesday evening efforts
will be made to couvene a mass meet
ing of Humpter citizens to discuss
needed legislation with Representative-elect
A. P. Smtlb, who will come
dowu from Rourne for that purpose.
Mr. Smith was oicuted to represent
Raker county iu the state legislature
because he was a republican, a min
ing man, a good mixer, aud pledged
to work for the repeal of tho Eddy
corporation tax law. One of the
principal purposes of the proposed of
the mass meetiug is to formulate a
set of ringing resolutions, demand
ing the erasure of this obnoxious
Eddy law from the statute books.
The mas meetiug will be held at
the Hotel Sumpter, under the aus
pices of the Sumi ter district brauch
of the Otegou Miner's Association,
aud the call has beeu issued by
Secretary Anthony Mohr.
While the speoitlc purposes of the
meetiug is to discuss with Mr. Smith
matters relating to legislation of
interest to the mining fraterutiy of
this district, other topics will very
likely come up tor consideration.
The questiou of a law to regulate
freight rates operating wholly within
the state lu which class cornea tho
tional counter suits, at tho trial of
which, Cairo Reed, son of the bank
rupt, turned against his father, whose
sole supporter and friend was Madame
Sbatto, about whom there hangs a
romance. Judgment of foieolosure
waB secured against Reed, but an in
junction was granted the unsecured
claimants, restraining the judgment
creditors from disposing of the prop
erty until their claims could be
adjudicated. The court has sinoe
decided that this injunction shall
dlssoolve on February 15, on whichi
date the last vestige of a princely
fortune will have passed from Reed's
lu protection ot her aud Reed'a
oquitloB iu the Oregon property,
Madame Shatto last summer filed
suit against the mortgagors of the
Iron Dyke miuo for six million
dollars. The case wbb filed in the
federal court of Oregon, it may
uever conio on for trial.
Tho judgment oroditors of the
mine and railway, who now own the
property, aro wealthy men of Penn
sylvania. As au evidence of their
aillueuoe, it might be rnebtioned that
one of them once advanced 30,000
in cash to Reed without other securi
ties than a verbal promts to pay.
These geutlemen are arranging to
roopeu the mine aud complete the
railway from iluutingtou to Iron
Dyke. Toe mine is considered a
vaulable boldiug aud the railway
franchise and right of way will he
worth millions some day.
Sumpter Valley line will undoubt
edly bo brought before the mooting,
iu an offort to determine Mr. Smith's
stand ou this Important question,
lu a recent article iu Tho Minor,
dealing with this matter, speculation
was iudulged iu as to whether Mr.
I Smith was tied up with the Sumpter
j Valley, a couditiou of servitude in
! ivhlnh fiMnin flunutni' .In tin I. Puwirt
finds himself, by reason of being at
torney for the railway company. In
this morniug's Raker City Democrat,
Joseph Rarton, general traffic man
ager of the S. V. bands The Miuer
some fragrant boquots, aud iuoideut
ally says:
"So far as Representative elect
Smith, of Ron rue, is coucerued, we
have had the pleasure vt meeting
him casually, as wo did many other
candidates for office at that time, and
our opiulou ia that no oue Iibb any
strings ou him, or will have, but
that he will perform his legislative
duties conscientiously, without fear
or favor towards auyone in particular,
but will always have iu mind the
publio good."
It is iudeed pleasing to receive
authoritatively from Mr. Rartou a
statement of such unequivocal uature
to the effect that the Sumpter Valley
company "has uo strings" ou, Mr.
At the forthcoming meeting it is
uot improbable that Mr. Smith will
be given an opportunity corrobor
ate Mr. Rarton's testimony.
The general nublio of Sumpter, as
well as all the miulng men in the
contiguous camps, are urged to be
present at tb mass meeting.