The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, December 14, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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Wednesday, December 14. 1904
The Sumpter Miner
Lntered ( (he potlufllce In Sumpter, Oregon, for
tranmUloii through (lie malli at second cla.
Hrif Vmt $.oo
six Month '.25
A crop of growsnmo n hid oh Is likely
to niHtilt frojn tlio mining dlnaovorioH
iti Denthw7alloy; Tho noono hoiug in
Funeral Mountain, Dead Man's iiiiiiu
in not surprising, aud tho Motile,
California, Miner-Index aayH that
liort Bernard recently returned
from tlio now district Hfter locating
miiJ naming n claim (ho Co 111 u mine
In Minneapolis tho other day a
Montana sheepman with 81 HO, 000 on
deposit in hlH homo hank, fHiiod to
iiiHpiro anyone with mlllniant con
fidence in hlniHiilf aud IiIh story to
ohhIi oiio of IiIh chocks, iio turned
(hit (hIiIoh on tho ikoptical town,
however, tiy going nvw to Ht. I'nnl,
drawing down it roll big enough
to wrook on iintomoliilo mid doing
IiIh ClirlutmiiH Hhupplug thuro.
A Portland mini (iIhIiiih llnll Run
witter carrion in Hointion twenty-five
ionta infold to ovory cubic yard mid
thut ho Iihh invented h procosH tor
oxtraotiug it Ht little or no oust Ht
nil. lie will put In h plHUt that will
Handle cue million cubic yards of
Mold IhiIoii wiitor dully mid cIohu up
his little 2ri0,000 per diom; r hiiihII
Monk of troHHiiry stock for hhIo Ht
Ihroo ooiiIh during tho next few
iviMkH, oto., hiiiI ho forth mid ho on.
The total production of gold from
the mluoH ot tho world for 410 yearn,
or hIiioo thoro have tiotiu records of
tint HHtutt kept, Ih olllnially given at
10.00.'I,2,M,.I02. Tho total pro
duction from tho iiiIiioh of tho United
HtatoH nIiico its discovery Ih given at
v2,r:n,r.o:i, 1 10. or thiH the oaHtom
and southern atHfos producoti 8.12
402.04H, leaving 82,u07, 010,402 hh
tho amount of gold pruduced liy the
mountainous country went of tho
meridian of Denver, California and
Colorado bttlug tK fjr the heaviest
producorM of tho yellow metal.
ol i
The phenomenon of the changes
in the level of the moh (h one which
Ih well shown in tho chmo of tho Modi
torruneau. A recent brochure pro
muited to' the French Academy of
Sciences furnisho intoumlng lufor
mill too on thin point, it heiim appar
tnl llmt the mm has greatly Increased
Kit depth, an compared to ancient
timet. Formerly a bridge 11,000
feet lein: united Limeade to the con
tiuout. Today it Ih submerged, hut
the fo nidations of tho work were
lilrH'ovorod II feet heuouth tho stir
f.iee. It may therefore he con
oltidod that hIuco the construction of
t In bridge the sea Iihh rlhou at this
point over nine feet. Similar in
oideutri have iieeu noted Ht other
George Harvey, editor of Harpers
Weekly, whh tho principal speaker
at the annual dinner of St. Andrew's
nocioty in Charleston, South Carolina
one evening ImhI week. Ills add res
wan a pontlstont plea for tolerance
towartl the opinions of the North in
regard to questions that especially
affect the South. Referring to tho
leceut repuhlinati landslide, heHaid:
"Hut the fuudamoutal, underlying
oatiHo, more potent thuu all these
comhined, umh a deep-Heated con
viction in the tninilH of thinking
uieii that the national democratic
party hiiB'tiot in recent years demon
strated a cmiacity to govern wisely
and well. And, having in mind
particulalry its recoil for the piiHt
twelve yearH, can wo honestly deny
the exlHtence of a reasonable justi
fication for that belief V"
In IiIh sp;onh Mr. ilarvey tin
coiiHcioUHly diHplayed the predomi
nating characteristic of New England
and New York people, an overween
ing dosiie to meddle with and regu
late the business of others; or, hh
we oxpreH" it out went, to "butt In.1
The South would be a spiritless
people, indeed, were they to fail to
feel mid display resentment, iustead
of tolerance with the constant Inter
ference with their (data a (faint by the
politiclaiiH and presB of the North.
Ah to hie statement regarding the
democratic party, what opportunity
have democrats had during the paflt
twelve yeare to hIiow their capacity
for wIbo government?
Ah au example of erratic legisla
tlon, without rhyme or reiiHon, do
void of any apparent excuse or
viaihlo palliatinng cirouniHtance,
with no Hiirface indication of a trace
of common hoiiho, 'I he Miner sub
mltH the (ollowlng, urging a contest
and placing no limit hh to time or
Hpace :
It Ih ollicially aunounced thut the
Mexican government, iiiHtead of
actually prohibiting the reimporta
tion of Mexican dollars, will placo
on them h fluty which will aiiHwer
the name purpono. An executive de
cree Iihh been iHHued. under the
Htitborlataion contained in the
general budget law, whereby Moxicau
Hllvor tlollara when imported in
(putntltloH not exceeding $f, will bo
frue, but whett imported in tiuatitioH
in oxcohh of t hut amount, will bo
Htibject to a duty of 910 per grnsH
kilo. The now duty will come into
oirect in ilanumy, lOOTi, TIiIh Ih one
of the foatoroH of Moxicau monetary
Doyle in Charge at Gold Coin.
Major Notan, of Wheeling, Weat
Virignia, who Iihh been out at the
(Jold Colu, Cracker Creek dlHtrlct,
tttralghteuiug out thing there for
Momo time pant, la in towu today. He
InforuiH The Miner that the tangle Ih
atioiit unraveled, and ho hoped the
htihluoHH will movo along smoothly
in future. .1. M. Doyle Iihh been
reluntatod hh HUperliitoudeut, and the
development work for a while will
be prodeoutod under contract, one
having already been awarded for
driving 200 feet of tunnel. The
Miner mentioned Hoveral duye el uce
that the nuit instituted by Doyle
agaiurit the company, the oltiolal
name of which ia the Citizen's Con
Holidated Mining company, bad beeu
amicably adjunted.
Don't Go to M. Louis
'Till you call at or write to the
Chicgo, Milwaukee aud St. Paul raii
road. Ottioe 1H4 Thiid Street,
Portland, Oregon. Low rate to all
polntH Kant, In conenotiou with all
W. 6. KOWE. Ueueral Agent.,
Portland. Oregou.
Suuday diuuor, from 5 to 7 p. tu.
at the 'Metropolitan,
The following instrument? were
filed at the court Iioubo in Baker City
for record veBterdav:
John T. ParkitiHon to Ryrou
Weathorford, lo 7 block 4 Sunny
Hido addition to Supmter; 8100.
MIIch E. Henuett aud wife to Riley
II. SimpBon. W U of N. W. i Soo.
22 aud E. ,'. of N.
Sec. 21 T.
11 R. 10; 810.
Shorilf to Mm. C. Steadmau, cer
liflcato of redemption, redeeniB 480
uorH in Sch. 10. 11 oud lo T. 10 R.
Jed'idiah ilallautyne and wife to
F. E. Wheeler, lot. U block 2 Place's
Hooond addition to Uaker City Htib
ject to mortgHge of f 1,000. ; 81,000.
Clara Ullduer aud huBbaud to
Morton D. Clifford, S. j lot :i
block 4 FlHher'a addition to Haker
City, subjeot to mortgage of 80,000;
F. 0. Howmau to Compauie den
Plaoera do Flick liar, 20 Hharoa in
Howell Ditch company; 8200.
Max Sommor and wife to TIiob.
Prollitt, r acroB in S. E. corner S.
E. '4 N. E. l4 Sec. 7 T. 0 R. 40;
Sumpter Lumber compauy to
Mntilda Will, lot 4 block 1 Tacoma
addition to Sumpter; 880.
Clara Wiuborgi, and husbaud to
Matilda WIIIh, Jotn. If 2 and '! block
1 Tacoma addition to Sumpter; 87JU).
W. M. South to C. II. Alylea
worth, 100 aoroH in Soc. 1)2 T. 7 R.
24; 8M00.
R. P. Anderson aud wife aud A.
Long and wife to Auorra M. Reed,
Iota 11 and 12, block o, LougN
Hooond addition to HiiIiiuh; $',)it.
C. A. and (Joodwin Voting to ThoH.(
Coiman, "MnHtodou" mill Bite and
half iuteroHt iu the Laat Chance Mill
ito; 81.
Rvcoivor U. S. L. O., to Archibald
T. Vedder, 100 acroH iu Sec. 25 T.
11 R. 117; 8400.
Archibald T. Veddor and wife to
Howitt Laud Co., name; 8700.
Luke Walton mid wife to Soy ra our.
II. Hell, S. E. U.Sec. 14 T. 11 R.
HI); 810.
Seymour 11. Roll mid wife to
Hewitt Land CoM name; 810;
C. O. Fleener aud wife to M. .Weil
Jc Co., 1 10 acres in See. 10. T.. Hv R.
40; 81,r00. , . U
Thoa. EvanaMoRaHtefn pfaon
Milling compauy, SutiBhlue' RUnftibld
tiill4ilucuxa;. 1, -..
iiuurt? nlwinm! 1.
C. S. Fobaro to Uyron Weaihrford.
undivided '. interest iu same; 81.
Daniel Parents to Victoria ja
Plant, V interest iu Huckoye 'Exten
sion tiuart claim; 8f)0. ;,
U. S. to Sampsou Cold Mining
Co., Sampson Consolidated Quart.1
Mitie, "SampBOu," "Risk'.' - aud
"Venture' quartz claims.
Win. Neill aud wife to Sampson
Cold Mining Co, "New York" aud
"Fractional" quartz mining olaims;
G. L. Fisk to M. A. Williams,
"Camp Hlrd" miuiug claim; 81.
J. N. Sbauks to A. M. Paul, bond
aud lease ou "Miners" quartz claim;
Shanks & Paul to A. 11. Sibley,
assignment of boud aud lease ou same
m W' I i I II I -w
Amoa P. Hrown and .Ion. (i. liibbi
to Wtifpnfo Uiilu'h nWtuii u& Sill MH httr,u .l,eeD 'fou,,a in Id
i., ,,lrik,;,u:.,i rr.,.. uAlh',...,urv North Carolina, Pennsylvania,
cliiiniHi 81. ' ' ' '! fn'-' i'utijv MlBBqtjri, .Atlzoua, a
W.-A.'Tbacher to C.' Si" 'l-Ware. fNtJVH(,H- Outside of the product!
i un..'nt,i.,f v o u...i iii..,Jhr.iaV in MisBourL the jremaluder of
aWBJ KJBa AJa Cl.aia fcltJIJt Ji
--- - - - jvi im, M"
-ii t H l
The success of a now process, still
iu au experimental stage, for refining
nickel, with which interests identified
with the Lake Superior Corporation
of the Soo are conuected, bids fair
to cause some competition in the
nickel iudustiy. The experiments
thus far shown have been more
succesfsul than those heretofore at
tempted and there is some ground
for the belief that a practical method
will be found to refine nickel matte,
apart from the process now employed
by the largest concern of thi charac
ter. The only available process now In
nse is controlled by the International
Nickel company, of New York and
Canada, which holds all the patents
for the appliances necessary.
Experiments looking to the dis
covery of a uew method have boen
going ou for year, but. the unusual
diilloultles encountered in the work,
together with the cost of operations,
such a plaut has thus far left the
problem unsolved. All of the niokel
roflning iu this couutry is now in
the bauds of the International Nickel
company. This organization is
atllliated with the Canadian Copper
copmuny, with miues at Copper Cliff
nud Sudbury, Ontario, Canada.
OUIciah of the international
Niokel company wheu seen yesterday
stated that tbey were as yet unfamil
iar with the details of the new in
veutiou. They bad beard that a
Detroit Arm, which has teen carrying
on the testB, claimed that a com
mercial aud practical medium had at
last been discovered outside of the
pateuta controlled by their company
to roflue the matte. They were not
prepared to make any comments on
the matter as the process whs still
secret. Judging, however from the
ditllculties which havo attended prior
experiments, considerable hesitancy
is displayed in accepting the results
aunounced as conclusive.
Thus far the nickel ore has been
found associated with cobalt. The
largest deposits uow being worked
are in Canada, where both the niokel
and cobalt are smelted ad the pro
duot shipped to the United States to
be refined. In the last volume of
the Miheral Resources of this country
issued by tho United States Geologi
cal Survey, instances ot niokel and
Cobalt iu the United States are given
states furusihed nut an iusiguiofiant
a'luauut. The total production of
this country for 190.1 was 114,200
uoimds, valued at 845,000. New
York Commetcial.
tlkhorn Ore Bins Full.
Several thousaud tous of ore have
accumulated iu the bins at the
United Elkborn mine, roady for
treatment wheu the new electrical
machinery is installed. The man
Hgemeut expects to kept the mill
ruuuiug steadily all winter aud ship
a heavy tonuage of ore and concen
trates to the Sumpter smelter.
A. M. Adger, of New York, who
has beeu visitiug Joe Reed for several
days, left this afternoou. the latter
acoompauyiug him to the juuotiou.