The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, November 30, 1904, Image 8

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of the
Pay for
! ' i
(Japtaln Kctohum (Jumiulug, tlio
Hnkur City mining priiiiiotnr, who
formerly niHidnil In Humitiir, lint
who removed lo tho county neat In
order to be iimirur tliu beaten
path of fiiiiii), hiiiiuiiucl Into town
tho other day with a couple of uiiHturn
Invasion, whom hn guarded like 11
gaoler "Thay Imvo unallpnx," liu
whlHpored lo a couple or Sumpter
ml ii I tiK pruiiioteiH who exhibited
higiiH (i! a doHlre to Introduce them
kivIch to thn stranger imil verbally
deliver lo I hem Hid keys to tha whole
(Japlaln Kiilohum (Juiiimlng wiih
approached liy'ii timiil Miliar reporter
wIiohij thlrrit for iiuwm Ih iiIiiiohI. iih
grant, iih Ilia aaptaln'H till rat for aohn
"Whan I ooiua liaak from thla
trip, hiiIiI tha captain, "1 will ha
pluiiHail to acooid you an Intarvluw
upon any Huhjcot you may designate,
.lust ut IIiIh tlma, though, 1 am in no
poHltlon to talk for publication. I
am negotiating, in tha capacity or a
middle man, for tha win or a group
or uiimtH to an aiiHtarn syndicate.
ItapiaNiinlativiiH or that. ayiiiltanlo ara
now with ma. If tha dual goes
through, I Html I prohahly ka roily
or fifty ociiIh- no mora. I am giving
my lima and lalantH to those nc
gulialiniiH simply through a plillan
thropln doidro lo develop tha camp.
Tha aimtarn gentlemen who ai'ooui
puny ma did not aoina uimi to look
at ttia property whlah 1 will hhow
tham. Thay came on an anliraly
dlH'oienl piopoHilioil, connected with
a mina in Cable ('ova. Tha pro
molar who win lo luiva mat tham al
tha liakor City daiot unrcrtunatcly
mlHHad aonnaatloiiH, and maraly
through accident I came aorosH the
4MiHtarnarH at a llakar City hotel, 1
engaged them in conversation and
discovered thalr iiiIhhIoii. Now, I am
paiHOUHlly ai'iiialutad with tha Calila
Cava minu toward whli'h thay were
headed. It Ih a fairly good mina,
and may ha worlh I ha uionay; hut 1
liuppaiiad to liava Mimothlng a whole
hit hut tar to oltar. It wiih hut
natural, tharatora, that out or tha
uttual kinder or my lu'uit, I tdinuld
hava Hwltchcd tham away from tha
Cable Cove pioposltlon.
"I polutad nut thai tha promolar
or tha Cahla Cava daal wiih arookad;
that hln rapulallou In tha upper camp
in that of a huifcthler and hank
robber; that tha tltla to tha mina
wiih I'lnoried, (hat tha promotar could
not dalivar tha goods; and (hut tha
(it a wan of ton low tgiado to ha piof
Untile. I explained that uudar tha
oirfumitauoos it would ha a waste of
(hair tima and mouay to iiiaka tha
trip to Cahla Cove, hut ir thay de
sired something good in tha way of
a minion invahlmaiit, 1 could accom
module tham rvadily. CoinuMiueutly
sa aiu haia, on our way to look at
u ttiiua upon which 1 hold an option
for SHOO, and which I hopa to turn
to I hiiHU uHHturimrH tor $50,000.
'Tha property Ih superbly develop
ad hy a tan -foot, opan out and a
location notice. The ore body Ih
strong and permauoht, iihhiij'h running
high H'JIIO raat iihuva huh level.
Tha deal is a vary importmit. oua, in
thai It. maaiiH that 1 aim, If HiiccosHtuI
in itn promotion, buy regular meal
lickatri for auothur yaur.
4,J am Horry tor tha piomotar 'if
lha Cuhla Cava mina, hut you miiHt
ramamhar that thin Ih an ago or keen
cumpotilinu, and that everything Ih
fair in lova, war and mina promo
tion. "
Mala Kadlah, owner or tha Maker
City Sampling works, now under
luHHa to tha Sumpter Hinallar; and
who, with Fred 8. Lack, or Maker
City, recently removed toTonopah to
oHtnhllHh n sampling worka there, Ih
in Sumpter today, having at rived
rrom tha Nevada bonanza laud liiHt
weak. He HiiyH that, tha raporlH or
Tonopah'a and (ioldllolu'a rlohnoss
lira not exaggerated. "It Ih tha
greatest gold camp in tha world,"
HiiyH ha.
While in 'louopah Mr. Kadlsh
mat a number uf SumptorltcH, all or
whom aia doing well mid luakiiiK
mouay. Ha and Mr. Lack have pur
ahiiHed mauhluery for their sampling
winks and ax peat to have the plant
i mining by the llrst of the year.
II Mr. Kadlsh saw JiHge tivitnv.
Arthur lMillbriak, and C. K. Fanner
In the Nevada camp. He nay Wesley
Warren made a lot or money on a
luaky deal, not Ioiik ago, but that it
llltered away.
Rich Ore In Rye Valley.
The Couloy quartz mill iu Kye
valley has crushed a couple or toiiH ot
ore for doe HuhIi. It in learned
tlmt the cleanup was larna emuiKh to
daraty all the coata of a nummer'a
developmant and provided for a full
wlntur'H work. V. I). Welli, or the
Summit in I ue, near Mormon HhhId,
also ran a raw toiiH or ore through he
Conley mill with ood reultti.
Kitchen ExpeJilion Heard from.
A latter has been received rrom
Charlesa S. Wnrmiu junior member
or the Cray-Warren InvcHtuient com
puny, and vice president or the
Valley Queen mine, who accom
panied tha Kitchen expedltlou ovcrfi
laud to Tonnpah, via lUirtiH aud
Wlunemucca. The letter a mailed
at Dlamoudjbetween the Nevada line
aud Hurna, 185 miles rrom Sumpter,
aud bore data or November 20, sbow
lim that thu expedition is tnakiue
raphl proKieBH. Mr. Warren tells of
haviuK met the Horlocker-noruor-Croanleo
at Narrows. He aaya every
one In tho Kitchen party Is Iu the
pink ot condition. He eatimated
that the drive rrom Diamond to
Winuemucca would require five days,
ho that the party probubly crossed in
to Nevada yaBterday. Warren says
the weather has been tine but that
the wind IiIowh like fury.
Ncls Qually Dead at Granite.
NelH Qually, foretnati of the Snow
Creok mine, died Saturday at
(jranito, aged torty live. Ho wiih
formerly foreman of the Ued Hoy,
aud wiih one or the hoHt known
miners iu tha camp. Interment, will
probably ha at (Irani to today. Tho
nowH ot Mr. Qually'H death wiih ro
caired iu Sumpter yesterday and
created HiidueHH amnuK a latc circloj
or rriendH. Tha Immediate ciiiihh of
death Ih reported iih alcohol Ihiii.
Mr. Qually wiih a member of tha
Workman'H lodo of Cranite, under
wIioho auHpicoH the funeral will he
McGuigan to Jo'n Stampede.
T. (!. McCuiiiau, or Spokane, who
la heavily Interested iu (Jreeuhoru
mountain uiIuoh, notably the Alamo,
paHHed throiiKh Sumpter today en
route to Whitney, rrom which poiut
he will drive out to the properties
under hia control. A recent reor
ganization or the Alamo was effected
by tha incorporation or the Alamo
Amalgamated company, In Spokane.
I'eudliiK a Huauciug or the new cor
poration, the minus owned thereby
will leinalii Idle. In tho meantime,
Mr. McUuinaii will journey to Tono
pah, to look over thu (laid there.
"Glory Hole" at Auburn.
Alderman C. K. Do Nafta, a hoavy
Htockholder iu the Auburn Deop
Sinking Million company, has re
ceived rrom Manager Joe iiced a
uumber or samples or wash gravel,
taken from the 100-root level or tho
Aubuiu Deep shaft, near the mining
camp or that name. The gravel Ih
very coarse aud indicates great age,
which bears out tha holier that the
Auburn Dean shaft is situated on a
prehistoric chaunel.
Eagles! Eagles! Eagles!
Uusluess of the utmost importance
will come berore the Aerie, Thursday
evening, December 1, 1004, at 7::i0
sharp. Do nut rail to attend. Hy
order of the Aerie.
Worthy Secretary,
Worthy Ptesldent.
Work Being Rushed.
Anthony Motir, general manager of
the Wisconsin Miuiug compauy,
operating on Little Cracker creek,
will leave tomorrow or Mouday for
the scene of operations to inpect the
progress or development uud arrange ,
for coutluued work. '
$100 ORE IN
Rich Strike in Lower Level
of Resuscitated Old
Producer of
Word comes down from the sky
line summit of tho Hoisley-iOlkhoin
range that 8100 ore has been struck
iu tin old IJaiBley-Hlkhoru mine,
now operated hy the Uuited-iOlkhoru
Mluing company, under tho control
of Krndorlok P. Hayes, of Pittsburg,
formely president ot the Jlouana.
Details or the itrlko aie unobtain
able, but it is helievod that it was on
one or tho lower levels of the old
shaft, from which, in years goue by,
a cool million dollars was taken.
Work on the Installation of elec
tric machinery at the liaisley la pru
grseslug rapidly. Energy will be
transmitted from the plant of the
Rook Creek Power & TrausmisHiou
company, four miles distant. A
tramway from mine to mill is also
being constructed. Peudiug tho in
stallation of electric power, hand
drills arc being UHd to drive the
(i, 000-foot croscut tunnel, which
will tap the Haisley lodo at a depth
or approximately Fi,00U feet, and the
Heaver Vein system at still greator
depth. Thin Ih one of tho biggeut.
piecuH of mining work ho far attempt
ed in Oregon.
Concentrator for Vinson's Placeos.
The "Now Standard" concen
trator, which has been on a flat car
at the Sumpter Valley depot for a
week, billed to W. L. Vinson, and
which hiiH been a caiiFo for worriment
on the part of the depot rubbernecks,
who have been unable to determine
what mine the machine was for, is
dentition for the North luirk placers,
owned by Vinson & Patterson. One
of Tom Taylor's six-horse teaniH this
morning transported a portiou of
the big vauuer, aud another load
remains. The macbiue will be used
to concentrate a fced of auriferous
black saud found iu the North Fork
What's the Machine For?
A Standard contractor, billed to
W. L. VIihou, arlved at the Sumpter
depot this morning. What it is for,
no one kuows. VIihou operates the
Kmma miue, six miles northeast of
llaker City, but owus no quartz miue
iu this camp. It is suspected that
the macbiue is designed for uuuu
Vinson fc Patterson's North Fork
placer, aud may be used here to
concentrate auriferoiH sands which
coutaiu gold of such character as
cannot be caught in sluice boxes.