Wednesday, November 30, 1904 THh bUMPTER MINhR MINING APPLICATION NOTICE. Miueral Application 317. Miuoral Survey 528. United States Land Office, La Grando, Oregon, November 12, 1004. Notice is hereby given that the Gold Dug-Grizzly Mining company by A .P . Goss, its attorney in fact; whose poatofflce address is Sutnpter, Oregon, has made application for patent for 1110 linear feet on the Rawhide lode; 047.0 linear fet on the Black Bear lode; 1488.2 linear feet on the Fairy lode; 1488.2 linear feet on the Laot Cbauoe lode; 1488.2 linear feet on the Peacock lode; 1316.5 linear feot on the Hanna No. 1 lode; 1200.6 liuear feet on the Grizzly No. 2 lode; 648.0 linear feet on Hanna No 2. lode; 600 linear feet on Grizzly No. 1 lode; 1500 liuear feet on the Gold Bug lode miulng claims, bearing gold aud ail er, all situate in unorganized min ing district, Grant couuty, Oregon, and described in the official plat aud Held notes on file in this office as follews: viz: RAWHIDE LODE. Beginning at corner No. 1, whence the southwest corner of section 5 township 0 south, range 30 oast, bears S. 0 degrees 44 minutes E. .12 74. 8 feet; thence 8.' 34 minutes W. 600 feet to corner No. 2; thence N. 80 degrees 26 minutes E. 1110 feet-to corner No. 3; tbenco N. 34 miuutes E. 000 feet to corner No. 4 ; thence S. 80 degrees 20 minutes W. 1110 feet to corner No. 1, place of beginning. Variation 20 degrees to 20 degrees 30 minutes east, area 15.373 acres. BLACK BEAR LODE. Begiuuiug at corner No. 1, whence the southwest corner of section 5 township 0 south, range 30 E. SV. M. bears 8. 20 degrees 54 minutes W. 3010 feet; tbeuoe N. 34 minutes E. 000 feet to corner No. 2; thence N. 84 degrees 40 minutes W. 047.0 feet to corner No. 3; thencu S. 34 minutes W. 000 feet to corner No. 4, identical with corner 3 Rawhide lode, this survey; tbeuoe S. 84 de grees 40 minutes E. 047.0 feet, to corner No. 1, plaoe of beglnniug. Variation 20 degrees to 20 degrees 18 minutes east. Area 13.007 acres. LAST CHANCE LODE. Beginning at comer No. 1, whence U eeotlon oorner on the east side of section 5 bears S. 82 degrees 37 minutes E. 2083.0 feet; thence S. 34 minutes W. 437.0 feet to oorner No. 2; thence N. 82 degreess 15 minutes W. 1488.2 feet to oorner No. 3; identical with corner 1 Black Bear lode, this jurvey. ; thence N. 34 minutes E. 437.0 feet to corner No. 4 ; thence S. 82 degrees 15 minutes E. 1488.2 feet to corner No, 1. place of beginning. Variation 20 degrees to 20 degrees 30 minutes east. Area, 14.832 acres. FAIRY LODE. Beginnng at corn r No. 1, whence southeast corner of section 5 township 0 south ranges 30 E. bears 5. 34 degrees 54 minutes VV. 2014.0 feet; tbenoe N. 34 minues E. 404.7 feet to vomer No. 2, identical with oorner 1 Balok Bear lode; thence S. 82 degrees 15 minutes B. 1188.2 feet to oorner No. 3, identioal with corner 2 Last Chance lode; tbenoe S. 34 minutes VV. 404. 7 feet, to corner No. 4; tbenoe N. 82 degrees 15 minutes VV. 1488.2 feet, to oorner N o. 1, plaoe of beginning. Varia tion 20 degees to 20 degrees 0 min utes east. Area 15.751 aores. PEACOCK LODE. iBeglnningJat oorner No. 1, whence Va, section corner on east sido of section 5 bears S 07 degrees 11 minutes E. 2237.05 feet, thence S. 34 minutes W. 000 feet to corner No. 2, identical with corner 1 LHst Chance lode; thence N. 82 degrees 15 minutes V. 1488.2 feet to corner No. 3, identical with corner No. 4 Last Chance lode, tbenco N. 34 minutes E. 500 feet to corner No. 4; tbeuoe S. 82 degrees 15 miuutes E. 1488.2 feet to comer No. 1, the plaoe of beginning. Variation 20 do groes to 20 degrees 30 minutes oast. Area 20.337 acres. HANNA NO. 1 LODE. Beginniug at corner No. 1, whence ki section corner on east side of seution 5 bears S. 00 degrees 0 min utes E. 031.8 feet; theuce N.' 72 degrees 8 minutes W. 1310.5 feet to oorner No. 2, Identioal with corner 1 Peacock lode; thence S. 34 minutes W. OOu feet to corner No. 3. Identi cat with corner 2 Peacock lode, aud corner 1 List Chance lode; tbenoe S. 72 aegees 8 minutes E. 1310.5 feet to oorner No. 4; thence N. 34 min utes E. GOO feet to comer No. 1, the place of beginniug. Variation 20 degrees 28 miuutes to 20 degrees 30 miuutes east. Area, 17.313 acres. GRIZZLY NO. 2. LODE. Beginning at oorner No. I, wbeuoo H section ooruer ou east side of section 5 bears N. 80 degrees 31 miuutes E. 820.4 foet; theuce N. 72 degrees 8 minutes W. 1316.5 feot to comer No. 2., ideutical with ooruer 1 Last Cbauoe, aud corner 2 Peacock lodes; tbeuoe S. 34 miuutes W. 437.6 teet to corner No. 3, identical with ooruer 2-3 Last Cbauce ud Fairy lodes, this survey; thenoe S. 60 degrees 40 miuutes E. 1330.2 feet to oorner No. 4 ; thence N. 34 minutes E. 408 feet to corner No. 1, the place of beginning. Variation 20 degrees to 20 degrees 28 miuutes east. Area, 13.501 aores. HANNA NO 2 LODE. Beginning at corner No. 1, whence )i section oorner on the east sido of section 5 bears S. 00 degrees 0 min utes E. 031.8 foot, identical with oorner No 1. 1 1 mum No. 1 lodo; thence S. 34 miuutes VV. 000 feet to corner No. 2, identical with corner 4-1 Hanna No. 1 and Grizzly No. 2 lodes, this survey; theuce S. 81 de grees 20 minutes B. 048.0 feet, to corner No. 3; thenoe N. 34 miuutos E. 000 feet to oorner No. 4 ; tbenoe N. 81 degrees 20 miuutes W. 048.0 feet, to corner No. 1, the plaoe of beginning. Variation 20 degreo 5 minutes to 20 degrees 20 minutes east. Area, 8.847 acres. GRIZZLY NO. 1 LODE. Beginning at oorner No. 1, identi cal with oorner 1-2-4 Grizzly No. 2, Hauna No 2 and Hanna No. 1 lodes, this survey; whence Vi sectinu oorner on the east aide of sectiou 5 bears N. 80 degrees 31 minutes E. 820.4 feet; tbenoe S. 34 minutes W. 408 feet to oorner No. 2, ideutical with corner 4 Grizzly No. 2 lode; tbenoe S. 72 degrees 41 minutes E. 071.2 feet to corner No. 3; theuce N. 34 minutes E.'GOO feet to oorner No. 4, identical with corner No. 3 Hanna No 2. lode; tbenoe N. 81 de grees 20 minutes VV. 048.0 feet to ooruer No. 1, the place of begiuuiug. Variation 20 degrees 5 minutes to 20 degrees 20 minutes east. Area, 8.007 aores. GOLD BUG LODE. Begining at oorner No. 1, whence xi section corner on the east side ot section 5 bears N. 18 degrees 13 minutes E. 502.1 feet; thenoe S. 34 minutes VV. 300 feet to oorner No. 2; identical with oorner 3 Grizzly No. 1, this survey; tbenoe N. 78 de grees 12 minutes E. 1500 feet to oorner No. 3, whence oorner 2 survey 421, Pyrites lode beats N. 82 do grees 41 minutes E, 143.3 feot; tbenco X. 34 miuutes E. 300 feet to ooruer No. 4; thouee S. 78 degrees 12 miuutes Y. 15U0 feet, to ooruer No. 1, tbo place of begiuuiug. Variation 20 degruos 5 minutes east. AreH. 10,000 acros. Formiug a por tion of the south east l4 of seution, 4 a portion of section 5 and u portion of tlio oust lt' of section 0, township 0 south, range 30 E. VV. Meridian. Tho locations of these claims are tecordod in tho office of tho county clerk of said couuty as follews: Rawhido iu book K pago 07. Black Bear iu book 11, pago 440. Last Chance, n book H, page 410 7. Fairy, in book J pago 378. Peacook iu book H -pago 447. Hauua No. 1, in book H page 500. Grizzly No. 2 iu book H page 502. Hauna No. 2, in book II page 502. Grizzly No. 1, In book II pago 563. Gold Bug, In book II page 504. Adjoining claimants are the Ibex Mining company on the east. All persons holding adverse claims thereto are required to present the samo bofore this office within wttxy days from tho first day of publication hereof, or they will bo uarred by virtue of tho provisions of tho statute E. W. DAVIS, Roglstor. MINING APPLICATION NO. 3 1 6. IN THE UNITED STATES,1 LAND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE, OREGON. October, 20, 1004. In tho matter of the application of Nortwesteru Consolidated Mining aud Lumber compauy for patent to tbo Colorado and Gould aud Curry Lodes, Miuoral Survoy No. 500. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR UNITED STATES PATENT. Notice is hereby given that In pursuance of Chapter Six, of Title Thirty-two of the Revised Statutes of the Uuited States, tho Northwestern Cousolidated Miulng and Lumber compauy, whose postoffioe address Is Seattle, Wasbiugtou, h, about to make application for patent foi 2020.0 feet of the "Colorado and "Gould aud Curry Lodes," bearing gold, silver and other preoious metals aud minerals, with surface ground 000 feet in width, said lodes being situated In township eight (8) south, range thirty-seven (37) east (not subdivided), situated in no orgauized minlug dhtriat, in tho couuty of Baker, state of Orogou, said lodes being moro particularly described by the plat herowith posted aud designated by the Held notes on file iu the La Graude, Oregon, United State land office, as Miuoral Survey No. 500, the magnetic variatiou of said nurvey being 30 degrees, 25 to 21 minutes east, said "Colorado" aud "Gould aud Curry" lodes beiug more par ticularly described as follows, to-wit: Commeuciug at corner No. 1 of said "Gould aud Curry" lode, at a point more particularly described iu said field notes, whence Uuited States Miueral Monument No 2. bears south 40 degrees 31 miuutes east 050.5 feet; thence north 34 degrees 15 minutes east 300 feet to oorner No 2. of said "Gould and Curry" lode; thenoe north 10 degrees 21 minutes west 300 feet to corner No. 3 of said "Gould and Curry" lode, tbeuoe south 00 degrees 22 minutes west 1500 feet to oorner No. 4 of said "Gould aud Curry" lodo; thenco south 10 degrees 21 minutes oast 504.8 foot to comer No. 5 of said "Gould aud Curry" lodo, wlionco United States Minetal Monumout No. 2 bears north 88 degroes 35 minutes oast 101.03 foet; thonco north 05 degrees 30 minutes east 1304.8 tout to comer No. 1 of said "Gould aud Curry" lodo, tho plnco of beginning, all according to said Mineral Survey 500. Also begiuuiug at Corner No. 1 of said "Colorado" lodo, which is ideutical with corner No. 5 of said "Gould aud Cuiry" lodo, acording to said Miuoral Survoy No. 500, whouoo United States Mineral Monu ment No. 2 boars uorth 88 dogrees 35mlnuieeMU1010.3 feet; thence north 10 degrees 21 mlnntee west 504.8 feot to oorner No. 2 of said "Colorado" lode, which is Identical with oornor No. 4 of said "Gould and Curry" lode; thenoe south 71 degrees 30 minutes west 1 12.0 foot to corner No. 3 of said "Colorado" lode; thenco south 10 dog re oh 21 minutes east 600 feot to oornor No. 4 of said "Colorado" lodn; thonoo north 60 dugroos 53 miuutos oast 11323.2 foot to said oornor No. 1 of satd "Colorado" lodo, and containing a not area, aftor excluding the area in oonlllot with the Majestic lode, Miuoral Survoy No. 423 of 14-100 of an aero of 31.70 acres, all accord ing to Haid Miuoral Survoy No. 500, and forming a portion of township oight (8) south range thirty-seveu (37) east of tho Wilamotte meridian, iu Baker oounty, Oregon, tho amend ed location notloo of said "Gould" and Curry" lodo beiug recorded March 17th, 1002 at pago 634 of Volume R. of the public records of quartz minlug claim locatlou notices of Baker oounty, Orogon and the amended location notice of said 'Colorado" lodo being recorded March 17th 1002 at page 035 of said Volumo R. of said recordH. Tho adjoining claims to said "Colorado" and "Gould and Curry" claims are tho "Yankee Jim" Mineral Survey No. 400, which adjoins said "Gould and Curry" lode ou tho east and the "Majoitio" claim, Miueral Survey No. 423, which adjoins and con flicts with said "Colorado" claim on the north. Any aud all persons claiming aversely auy portion of said "Colorado" or "Gould and Curry" lodes, or any surfaco ground, are hereby untitled to file their adverse claims with tho register of the Uuited States land office at La Graude, Oregon, duriug the sixty days poriod of publication of this notice of aplicatiou for patent, or they will bo barrod by virtue of the Statutes In such cases made and provided. E. VV. DAVIS, Register. Dato of first publication, Oct. 20, 1001. ASSIGNEE NOTICE. Iu tho Circuit Court or tho Stato of Oregon for Baker county. lit the matter of the assignment of S. L, Campbell and J. R. Laudreth, insolvent debtors. Notice Is hereby given that the uudersigued assipdeo of the above named estate has filed his final ao couuty as suoh assiguee In the above entitled court and will on the 4th Monday of November, 1004, or as soon thereafter as he cau be heard call the same up for hearing, aud for an order of flual discharge as suoh assiguee. , C. H. MoCOLLOCH, Assiguee.