The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, November 30, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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Wednesday, November $o, 19H
Who (Mill toll what a day tuny
LrltJK forth in thu untiyoiiH, In the
hillH of thi) groat, in I no nil Ioil bultH.
MtrotohliiK from tho oaHtorn foothllln
of tho Kouky mountain tango to tho
woHtoni Hlopo of tho Hiorra NoviiiIiih,
and from tho hud or tho MontozumuH
to tho roKioiiH of almoHt porputtntl
unow In tho froan north?
Many liiHtantioH ohm ho oltod where
it wati ulaimod that woll-known
produce woro tho only minoH thiit
would ho found in curtain oauipH,
lint! yot timo Iiiih proven thiit thin
whs m iiiiHtiikon Idea, iiu othor honiin
ziih hitvo aluce hiion found that
woro lint only strong rivalu of tho
uurly " broad 'wltHierti," lint wliiuh
huvo actually oullpHod thorn in
point or production and actual
worth; and thoKo now proportions,
in many liiHtaucoH, havo hoon found
in looalitloH that havo hoon gono
ovor and vIhIIuiI many tlimiH liy tho
proHpnntor and mining oporator, who
worn ho Hlriiugly liupruHHod with tho
provalllug opinion that rich dopoHitH
of tho pronloiiH iiioIiiIh worn a pliyHltml
impoHHlhlllty in tho ground that thoy
thought (hoy woro ho familiar with,
that thoy novor took tho paliiH or
troiihlo to thoroughly luvontlgato in
to Hh truo morit or poHHihllitioH.
Tho Hiimo (louditiou IioIiIh good in
regard to unexplored torritory
throughout tho wont Mini iiiauy now
diHtriotH of markod promlHo aro
neglected and IkiioioiI whiuh, iu
timo, will kvo to tho world auuthur
J'ark City, Hiiothor Touopah and
auothor (loldilold.
NnvadH, in tho nurly day, In tho
daya whou tho groat Co in h took wiih iu
Uh prime, whou tho mountain ranges
of tho "llattlo Horn" Htato could
hoant or a huiirdod canipH that woro
woudoM for that day and ago, wiih
tioliovod hy tho old tlmor to havo
hoon thoroughly proHpnctod; and
yot, today uiarvoloiiH IIiiiIh aro lining
found iu localities wliiuh, thirty
yearn ago, woro ropoatodly koiio ovor
hy an army ot proHpootorn. Tho
Htato Ih how, oiiuo again, hohm
nominal from 0110 oud to tho othor, hy
hooioh of ti ensure teokors, Htid who
can toll what thoy will discover iu
tho mountain khmm. tho canyons
and the low foot hi Uh whore," moro
than w quarter of a century ago, a
Himllai' hordo of onthuHlamlo minors
had pHHriml along, panlHiig hy and
"PmhhIiik ui" iu 1 11 oral propuHltlonn
that tho mining man of today would
clarify an houauwi, woro ho no for
ttiiiHto Hi to Hud thorn.
Tho CoiiiHtook lodo, it Ih eHtlmatod,
Iiiih produced tho ouoruiouH hiiiii -of
tiix hundred million. It Ih claimed
that lloldllold, will in timo, douhlo
thla Hiuouut. A long iutorval Iiiih
elapned mIiiuo tho discovery of tho
CoiiiHtook. (ioldllold Ih lint twolvo
mouth-, old, and yot no doubt
oixntH but that within tho uoxt hI.x
moiitliH auothor camp, equally iih
iiiih, will bo found Homowhoro in
HiIh iutoruiountalu region. Who can
toll if It will bo In Utah, Nevada,
Idaho, Oregon, Montana, Arizona or
iu Colorado?
Wo oauiiot toll what Dame Natmo
Iiuh so ouunliigly hidden from our
vlwlon. Thin general lou may not bo
Hblo to llud it, but tho timo will como
whou magnificent mining camps will
aprlug up In looalitloH now but
liltlo kuowu in mining alrole, aud
by uieu of but little local renown,
aud who, today, have nut little
moatiH with which to proBocuto work
upon thiir diHOovorlos. Salt Lake
M I n I n k Keview.
United States LanJ office,
La (irnnJe,"Orej:on, Ocl. a. 1904.
Notice Is hereby Klven that In compliance with the
provisions o the act ol confess of June j. I878, en-tltli-d
"An act lor the sale ol limber lands In the state?
ol California, oreKon, NevaJa and Washington Ter
ritory," as extendeJ to ull the Public Land States by
by act ol August 4, I843,
of Sumpter, county ol Maker, state of Oregon, has
this day filed In this olflce ' worn " vl5nl& tt??'
.134, for the purchase ollhe Ntf NWtf. Wtf NbJ,
ol Section No. 15. In Township No. 10 S range No. j7
HWM, and will oiler proof to show thai the land
sought l more valuable lor Its t'mber or
stone than lor agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish his claim to said land before Charles II.
Chance, U S. Commissioner, at hi office at
Sumpter. nregon, on Monday, the ulh day ol Jan
uary, too ,., . ,
lie names as witnesses: Irank I:. C) Rourke. ol
Sumpter, Oregon; I'eter J Sojrds. of Sumpter, Ore Ore
eon: Van Rensselaer MeaJ, of Sumpter, Oiegon;
Charles M. McColloch, of Sumpter, Oregon.
Any and nil persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claims In
this office on or before said oth dav of Jamisry, 1005.
li. W. Dvis, Register.
TIMIiliK UNI), AC"I JUNli , i87B.-MTIU! iom
United Stales Land Office,
La (irande, Oregon, September 17. 1904.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions ol the act of congress of June , 1878, en
titled "An act lor the sale ol Umber lands n the stales
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Wash nglon Ter
ritory," as extended to all the Public LanJ states by
act ol August 4, iHjj,
of Sumpter, County ol llakei. State of Oregon, has
this day fileJ in this office his sworn '.tatemenl
No 105, for the purchase ol the V.y, SV, and
NJO SI:! Section No. H In Township No. 11
South Range No. i li. W. M anJ will oiler prool
to show that the land sought Is more valuable
lor Its Umber or stone than lor agricultural
purposes, and to establish his Claim to
sahi land belore Chas. II. Chance, U. S. Com
missioner, at his office at Sumpter, Ore-jon. on
Tuesday, the Mil day ol December. 1004.
lie names as witnesses: William A. ,iri;eit,
llarlev i. W00J, Charles J. Moore and William
Kitchen, all ol Sumpter. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claims In
this oflice on or belore said Mli day ol Decem
ber, 1004. I:. W. DAVIS Register.
TIMIlliM LAND. ACT JUNK 1. 1878.
United States Land Oltice,
La (irande, Oregon, August ay, 1004. t
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions ol the act of congress of June , 1878, en
titled "An act for the sale ol limber lands In the states
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory, as extended to all the Public Und states by
act of August 4, iBji,
ol Hourne, countv of llaker, stale ol Oregon, has
this day tiled In this ollice his sworn statement No.
Ii7, lor the purchase ol the n '4 ne U and n'a nw
ot section No. -tt. In township No. 9 south, range
17, E. W. M., and will oiler prool to show that the
land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone
than lor .igrlcultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land beloie Chas. II. Chance, U. S
Commissioner, at his ollice In Sumpter, Oregon, on
Monday, the Jist dayol Nov. 1004.
Me names as witnesses: David Donald, ol Hourne,
Oregen: Albert I . M.iv, ol Hourne. Oregon; Ernest
(..Manning, ol Sumplei. Oregon; William J. Robert
son, of Sumpter, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are ieiiiested to hie their claims In
this ollice on or belore said nsl dav ol Nov. iu4.
E. W. Davis, Register
SU. S Land Ollice,
La (irande, Oregon,
September . iwm.
Notice Isheieby given that Charles (1. Laybourn,
whose pustollice address Is Minneapolis. Minnesota,
has maJe application for a patent lor moo linear feet
on the I racllon loJe claim, bearing gold and silver,
situate In no 1 rganlied mining dstrlct, drant toi-nty,
Oiegon, and described in the olliclal plat anJ rielJ
notes on hie In this olhce, as follows, vU:
Heglnnlng at Cor. No. 1, IJentlcal with Cor. No. a,
dold Hug lode, and Cor No. 1, (irluly No. 1 lode,
Survey No. j8, (iold Hug-Grimy Mining Company,
claimants, U section corner on east side ol section $,
twp. o south, range t east Willamette MerlJUn,
bears N. u degrees 04 minutes I:. 851.7 feet; thence
S. i Jeiriees 11 minutes W. juj.oleet to corner No. a
thence N. ts degrees h minutes E. 114 feet to cor
ner No. r, thence N. degrees 11 minutes I:. 4$o
leel to miner No. 4, Identical with comer No. (.sur
vey No. v8, liold Hug loJe. whence corner No. a,
survey No, 441. Pyrites lode, bears N 8 Jegrees4i
m miles I. 141. 1 leel. thence S. 7degrees w minute
W. siM leet to corner No 1, the place ol beginning.
Vailalion. ao degrees to o degrees oj minutes I:.; con
taining s 7-ho acies and forming a luirtlonot the
southeast ol section j and ol the southwest U ol
section 4. in township o south ot range 0 east ot the
Willamette .Meridian. The location ol this mine Is
recorded in the Recorder's oltice ol drant county, on
page ii7, Volume N, ol Mining Records. Ado'nlng
ilalmanls a e dold Hug-Crluly Mining company,
north and west, anJ Ibes Mining company on the
east, ,
All persons holJIng adverse claims Iheieto are te
quired to piesent the same tetoi this oltice within
sixty Javs Horn the tirst day ot publication hereol, or
the. wlUbebaueJ bv virtue ol the provisions of the
U,UU,, E. W. DAVIS, RuilMiH.
Ilrst publication, October j. 4.
Shorltr Taylor, of Umatilla county,
patisod throuKh Sumpter yevterdMy,
escortitiK two horee-thleveB iu chains,
from Canyon City to Pendleton.
O Naturc'i Art Gallery of the Rockies in addition to the
OCC Attractiooi at St. Louis. This can only be done by
going or returning via the "SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD."
Write for Illustrated Booklet of Colorado's Famous Sights and 2Resorts
W. C. McBRIDE, GeoeralSAgent
124 Third Street PORTLAND, OREGON
Cars East
Many experienced travelers
prefer tourist sleeping cars
for the transcontinental
journey. The
Chicago, Milwaukee 8c St.
Paul Railway
can a; range for your trip
east in tourist cars, offer you
choice of routes and save
you money.
TaWsL l34ThirdSt, Portland, Ore.
Are the greatest moneymakiog stocks on the market today. Investigate them.
Write for annual reports and prospectuses-
Dept. 60 32 Broadway. New York.
Sole agents for above companies.