The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, November 30, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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Wednesday, November 30 1904
The Sumpter Miner
Lntered at Hit pottofflce In Sumpter. Oregon, lor
transmission through the malls at second cla
Uif Ynr , $3, oo
Six .Month , '.75
Colorado produoiH live tnillioiiH
(lollnrH worth (if sugar IiooIh t IjIh y:ar.
Colorado's gold mines uro nut all
beneath tlio Hrufaoo of tlio earth.
Now York Commercial.
Thu Gotham paper is apparently
laboring tinder tlio ltiiireHHion that
atigar beets grow on hushes, or,
possibly, somewhere tip in the air.
In the tthtl of that odorifroous
iiurtt of men and woinun In Port
land, charged with land frauds, soma
testimony wiih introduced that impli
cated CntigriiHHinau Hiugor lluriminn,
former land uummisHlunur. Hit
hiiHtoiiM to explain in an Interview
that it is all a mlHtuko; (hat IiIh
wiokuii iihhihiiiui ami suocusHor iih
land (loinniiHHioiHtr, Richardson, in
(ho man who sauoiiuuud those frandH
evun if ha didn't Hltintl in with
(hum. Now, thu point lo thin denial
and counter charge, Ih t hut President
Roosevelt virtually "llrud" llurmann
from thu aurviou and appointud
Richardson to thu vacancy, and thu
opinion Ih exprosHud by thu knowing
ones' Hint if llurmanu can uvun ru
motuty connect Richardson with theso
frandH, hit will Htir up all kindH of
tronhlu for thu iidmlpistratinu, whioh
Id will, of uourHu, Kindly do, heuausu
hu und tho pruHidunt do not lovu uuch
S. H. Iliilluy, who wagered aliont
$.10,000 011 thu election of Judge
'I nrnur, oluiiguH that whnlusulu frandH
were ooininlttud liy republican uluo
lion oltloiulH in King county, and
(hut. tint result wiih lo dufuat Judge
Turner ami J. C. WIIIIhiuh, demo
cratic iioiniiiuu for Mhorllf in that
county. In substance, Mr. ItMlley
charge that republican election
niKolals lufiiHud to construe propurly
thu iiituiiliou of voturi hi casus whuru
II IT OH WHS IIIHlIu at tllU llUMll Of tllU
luptililluau ticket and thu names of
Turtiur and WIIIIhiuh HuliHmiiuutly
crosses opposite these
pltu'UH on thu olllolal
hoy wih hold by tho Walla Wallas.
Holnugiug to Suoajawea'a trl ho, ehe
could converse with him, and thus
tho full (iiIhhIoii of tho exploring
party wan made knoAti to the Wallii
WiiIIiih From tho troatmont accorded
thorn hy Chief Vollopnt, tho explores
wroto in thoir official jeurnals: "Wo
may indeed justly affirm, that ot all
tho Indians whom wo have met sinco
leaving the United States, the Walla
WiiIIiih are the most hospitable and
sincere. " Vollopet, tho Walla Walla
chief, in tokon of his esteem, gave
to Captain Ciilrk his hiiow white war
horse--the pride of his heart. In
return, Clark guvo tho chief tho most j
valuable poshchhIou he had hh
captain's sword. Tho Walla Wallas
called In the neighboring trihes oud
hold a teu-t and juhilee in honor of
the exploring party. Jt was with
gontilno regret that Lewis and Clark
departed from tho hospitahle camp of
the Walla Wallas, aud started Into
the uninviting mountains to the euut.
Kast Oregon inn.
Mmreror Nicholas, initiator of
tho plan for universal dharmtimout,
may turn his hack on tho reaction
arioH and crown IiIh rolgn by granting
to his subjects tho constitution which
his grandfather had already prupoarod
when hu full by thu hand of an
assassin. Tholhasls of such a portabil
ity Ih thu significant fact that tho
emperor has received a delegation of
four prominunt uiumberH of tho
zomstvn congress and listoiicd at
length to their views. Thu news
that thu delegation had been given
mii aiidiuucu by thu omporor spread
like wild lire through tho city
aud created tremendous ex
cilumeut and rejoicing among the
Liberals aud amazement among
the iiuonmprnmiiislug supporterH of
thu old regime.
The lUO-foot drift in the main
Standard vein, in the Standard mine
at Quartztiurg, has entered a five-foot
ore body, two feet of which assays
iu the hundreds.
A four-horse wagon load of
powder, fuse, stool drills aud mis
cellaneous miuiug supplies wero this
morning hauled from tho iiasche
Siigo storo to thu Gold Hug mine.
According to deed filed with the
recorder of Grant county, Fred
Warren hm sold to Francis Clarou
ot, al, a two-thirds iuterest iu the
Climax mine, near Granite, for
Thirty-five men are employed at
the Monumental, siuking on No. '2
vein, upraising from the lower
tuuno), drifting on No. .'I both north
aud south, aud driving to the uortb
on No. 7.
indicated by
"How about thu democratic
ollicialH on thu uluutlon board, mimed
with thu appioval of thu county
committees throughout thu Mate, .Mr.
Hal ley rM was asked, ".logon are
known iu havu been bought," was
tht' leply.
In ultuot Mr. Ilailuy ohm gun Unit
more than 7,000 votuH wuru dlsru
gitrdud iu King county by ulectiuu
oIIIuIiiIh, who should havu credited
(hum to Turner.
Lewis and Clark had hoiiio of their
most thrilling experiences of their
tiip iu wtuit Ih how UuiHtllla county.
Near Wullulr, on thu return jouruuy
In June, I H0(S, after having exhausted
their hiippliut- hi mtikiug thu tedious
potaguN of thu Columbia river, all
the party sick, worn out aud hungry,
they uiut Vulluput, chief of thu Walla
Wall Indians, who built boutlres,
uiadu a tuiiHt aud gave the worn
travellers warm robes of buffalo, deer
aud elk skins, iu which to sleep and
rent. Hy chance, a captive Shwhoue
Dorfmuii A- Rosenthal, thu
merchants, have opened a
store at Greenhorn.
X.outh llotisor paHied through on
thu afternoon tialn from tho
Standard mine to Pendleton
Two shifts are driving thu crosscut
tuuel at thu Gold Hug, near Granite.
The force will shortly he increased.
Thu Jlascho-Sagu company this
morning sent out a shipment of
steam pipu to thu Oro Fiuo initio at
I. A. Howard went to Haker City
meet Mis. Howard aud
who aru rut u in i tig from
today to
Hot Lake.
Colonel Jim Pautiug, gutiural
manager of thu Gold Hill mine, near
Durkeu, has jollied the rush to
Loo Friudu, of Portland, has been
s lutud by thu executive committee for
president of the Oregon Miners'
Thu Hlne Hlrd mine is getting
ready to turn out bullion. Manager
O. ( Wright this morning seut out
an amalgam retort.
General Manager Frank Haillie, of
the Columbia in I tie came up from
Haker this morning aud drove out
to the big producer.
J. N. KtMclatyuo cousultlug en
gineer for the (lelser-Hendryx com
pany returned to Sumpter this morn
Lib from a trip to the west.
P. K, Hlshop, one of the owuers of
tho Climax tuiue, adjolulng the
Columcla, came up from laker City
this morning eu route to the property.
Ou the North Fork during the
winter W. L. Vinson will cleau out
and rotimber tho old tall race tuuuol
on what Is kuown as the Gallagher
bar. Tho work will employ four
mou during the winter.
A. P. Smith, repreieutative-elect
from Haker county, who h operating
tho Emma group, ou Litlo Cracker,
has drifted feet ou the vein aud
opened up shipping ore, which will
bo sent to tho Supmtor smelter.
W. L. Vinson, manager of the
Fmma mine, east of linker, and
operator of tho North Fork placers
near G rati! to, has purchased the
etitiro grocery stock ot the Ho
nanza, aud has stored the goods in a
warehouse iu Hukor.
Commodore Tom C. Gray, general
manager of tho Valley Queeu mine,
walked down from Goddess moun
tain Thursday to eat Thanksgiving
turkoy. He will return tomorrow
having beou detained iu towu by
busltiuss with the smelter.
Four feet, of milling oro. grading
980, have been opened iu au eighty
foot drift to the north from thu '.I'M
foot level of thu I. X. L. mine, iu
the Gruniihorns. '1 he south drift is
iu four feet of 8'JO rock. No further
milling will b) douo until tho rich
free goltl shoot, found iii the upper
workings, is cut at the IIUO.
Ore of high enough grade for ship
mout to the Sumpter smolter has beeu
opened in a 700-foot tunnel on the
Uuclu Sam, ou thu west slope of
Haldy mouutaiu. The shipping ore
oouurs in a two-foot streak iu a
six-foot veiu. The property is owned
by a Detroit cnmpauy with a number
of Sumpter stockholders.
At tho Hig Houauza group, ou Mo
Colly fork, six mile from Sumpter,
W. L Hurchturf aud Tom Mohan
have drifted 110 feet aaross a dyke
which has beeu proven to a depth of
1 HO feet, aud the entire drift is iu
ore assayiug from 8.1.4') to 81. '1. 80.
When the bunging wall is reached, a
crosscut tunnel will be started lower
down, to run f00 feet aud gain au
identical depth.
W. 10. Davisdsou A Company, of
Pendleton, and W. W. Heese, of
Prairie City, havu secured the In
dependence group, au extension of
thu Dixie Meadows mine, under lease
aud bond. The Independence shows
a forty-tlvo foot ledge, carrying good
values. A drift will be extended to
a point directly beneath some rich
surface croppluts, which will require
a steady wluter's work.
John Tboruseu, acting manager
aud a member of the exeuutive
board of the reorganized Red Hoy
miue, drove in from Grauite yes
terday to meet his old friend and
schoolmate, J. A. Mllllgau, of
of Mining
This Is the only comprehensive
work ever undertaken (or the guid
ance and protection of the great army
of mining stock buyers. It Is elab
orate, thorough and simply over
flowing with interesting detail. It Is
written by ONE WHO KNOWS-
J. Newton, formerly managing
Harry J. Newton, formerly i
editor of the Denver Mlnln
b Kecord,
who Is regarded as an authority on
the subject of mining Investments,
Having no mining promotions nor
stock-selling schemes of his own. he
at once gains the confidence of his
readers. He treats his subject abso
lutely from an unbiased and Inde
pendent standpoint, The book Is
meeting with a great sale and Is
strongly endorsed by Investors and
by the press In general. It makes
friends wherever it goes.
"Pitfalls of Mining Finance" Is
not a pamphlet it Is a book a hand
booka veritable encyclopedia. It
comptlses aia pages, 6x4 Inches In
size, and Is sent, fully prepaid, cloth,
$1.00 pr cepy: paper, 50 cents.
"Pitfalls of Mining Hnsnco" Is the
best investment an Investor can
make. Order teday: Address
Wakefield, Nobraska. Mr. Thom
son returned tn the Red Hoy today
aud Mr. Milligau to Haker. The
latter Is a stockholder in the Mav
Queeu. of whioh Mr. Thomson is
Walter Craue, operating the Gold
Hug, ou Rabbit creek, has driven
oight foot iuto au ore shoot
up in the other workings,
will be couiuued all wiuter.
Bucknum Buys His Stolen Horse.
This motuiug Dr. Greeulee sold F.
O. Huckuum a horse. After tho trade
was made, the buyer, while inspect
ing tho auimal admiringly, detected
a Htrikiug reeomblauce to a horse
that was stoleu from him four years
ago. He thou began searching for
strawborty marks, or whatever ahorse
that has escaped from the fold has for
that method of private identification,
aud fouud it exactly whore it for
merly was, aud ho wbj convinced that
he hud recovered his long lost equine.
Dr. Greeulee tolls a straight story
as to how thu horse came into bia
possession; says ho traded for it, aud
uo amount of cross quostiouiug could
shake his testimony. It is therefore
probable that, iu the abseuuo of evi
dence to couvict, he will uot be prosecuted.
Dan Veager's nose began bleediug
yesterday morning, as he was pre
paring to depart for his Gold Ceuter
mines, aud the rich red gore flowed
merrily for neatly au hour. Dr.
Pea roe stauouhed the flow aud com
uiMuded Mr. Veager to remaiu in
towu for a few days to guard against
the recurrence. "You don't want to
bleed to death, out there iu the bills,
Dau, do yon?" asked the dootor.
"Not rue," replied Dan. "I want
to live till after election anyway.
I'm candidate for mayor of Gold