The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, November 23, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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    Wednesday, November 2$, 1904
Mineral Application 317.
Mineral Survey 628.
United States Land Office,
La Grande, Oregon,
November 12, 1004.
Notice is hereby giveu that the
Gold Bug-Grizzly Miniug company
by A ,P . Goes, its attorney in fact;
whose postofflce address is Sumpter,
Oregon, has made application for
patent (or 1110 linear feet on (be
Rawhide lode; 047. G linear font on
the Black Bear lode; 1488.2 linear
feet on the Fairy lode; 1488.2 linear
feet on-tbe Last Obauoe'lode; 1488.2
lineur feet on the Peacock lode;
1316.5 linear feet on the Hanua No.
1 lode; 1200.6 linear feet on the
Grizzly No. 2 lode; 648.0 liuear feet
on Ilanna No 2. lode; 660 linear
feet on Grizzly No. 1 lode; 1500
liuear feet on the Gold Bug lode
nining claims, bearing gold and ail
ver, all situate in unorganized min
ing district, Grant county, Oregon,
and described in the otfloial plat aud
Held notes ou tile in this office as
follews: viz:
Beginning at corner No. 1, whence
the southwest corner of section 5
township 0 south, range 36 eaBt,
bears S. 0 degrees 44 minutes E.
3274.8 feet; thence S. 34 minutes
W. 600 feet to corner No. 2; thence
N. 86 degrees 26 minutes E. 1110
feet to ooruer No. 3; thence N. 34
minutes E. 600 feet to corner No. 4 ;
thence S. 86 degrees 26 minutes W.
1110 feet to corner No. 1, place of
beginning. Variation 20 degrees to
20 degrees 30 minutes east, area
15.373 acres.
Begiuuing at corner No. 1, wbenoe
the southwest corner of section 5
township 0 south, range 36 E. W.
M. bears H. 20 degrees 54 minutes
W. 3010 feet; tbeuae N. 34 minutes
E. 600 feet to corner No. 2; thence
N. 84 degrees 40 minutes W. 047.6
feet to ooruer No. 3; thence S. 34
minutes W. 600 feet to corner No.
4, identical with comer 3 Rawhide
lode, this survey; thence S. 84 de
grees 40 minutes E. 047.6 feet, to
corner No. 1, place of beginning.
Variation 20 degrees to 20 degrees
18 minutes east. Area 13.007 acres.
Beginning at corner No. 1, wbenoe
4 section oorner ou the east side of
eectlnn 5 bears S. 82 degrees 37
minutes E. 2083.6 feet; thence S. 34
minutes W. 437.6 feet to oorner No.
2; thence N. 82 degreess 15 minutes
W. 1488.2 feet to oorner No. 3;
identical with corner 1 Black Bear
lode, this jurvey. ; thence N. 34
miuutes E. 437.6 feet to corner No.
4; thence S. 82 degrees 15 minutes
E. 1488.2 feet to corner No, 1. place
of beginniug. Variation 20 degrees
to 20 degrees 30 miuutes east.
Area, 14.832 acres.
Beginnug at corn-r No. 1,
whence southeast corner of scetiou 5
township 0 south ranges 36 E. bears
5. 34 degrees 54 minutes W. 2614.0
feet; thence N. 34 uiluues E. 464.7
feet to corner No. 2, identical with
oorner 1 Balok Bear lode; thence S.
82 degrees 15 minutes B. 1488.2
feet to oorner No. 3, identical with
ourner 2 Lust Cbanoe lode; thence
S. 34 minutes W. 464. 7 feet, to
oorner No. 4; thence N. 82 degrees
15 minutes W. 1488.2 feet, to oorner
N o. 1, plaoe of beginniug. Varia
tion 20 degees to 20 degrees 0 min
utes east. Area 15.751 aores.
Beginning at oorner No. 1, wbenoe
4 section corner on east side of
section 5 bears S. 67 degrees 11
minutes E. 2237.05 feet, thence S.
34 minutes W. 600 feet to comer No.
2, identical with corner 1 Last
Chance lode; thence N. 82 degrees 15
miuutes V. 1488.2 feet to oomor
No. 3, identical with corner No. 4
Last Chuuoe Inde, thence N. 34
miuutes E. 500 foet to corner No. 4;
thence S. 82 dugreos 15 miuutes E.
1488.2 feet to comer No. 1, the
place of begiuning. Variation 20 de
grees to 20 degrees 30 miuutes oast.
Area 20.337 acres.
Beginning at ooruer No. 1, wheuoo
Vi section ooruer on east side of
seution 5 bears S. 60 degrees 0 min
utes E. 031.8 feet; theuoe N. 72
degrees 8 miuutes W. 1316.5 feet to
oorner No 2, Identical with corner 1
Peacook lode; thenoe S. 34 minutes
W. 00U feet to corner No. 3, identi
cal with corner 2 Peacook lode, and
oorner 1 List Chance lode; thenoe S.
72 oegees 8 minutes E. 1316.5 feet
to corner No. 4; tbeuce N. 34 min
utes E. 600 feet to ooruer No. 1, the
place of beginniug. Variation 20
degrees 28 minutes to 20 degrees 30
miuutes east. Area, 17.313 aores.
Beginning at ooruer No. 1, wheuoo
M section coruor ou east side of
section 5 bears N. 80 degrees 31
minutes E. 826.4 foot; thenoe N. 72
degrees 8 minutes V. 1316.5 foet to
corner No. 2., identical with coruor
1 Last Chance, and ooruor 2 Peacock
lodes; thenoe S. 34 miuutes V.
437.6 teet to ooruer No. 3, identical
with ooruer 2-3 Last Chance tnd
Fairy lodes, this survey; thenoe S.
60 degrees 40 minutes E. 1336.2
feet to oorner No. 4 ; thence N. 34
minutes E. 408 feet to oorner No. 1,
the plaoe of beginning. Variation
20 degrees to 20 degrees 2B miuutes
east. Area, 13.501 aores.
Beginning at comer No. 1, whouce
Yi section oorner on the east side of
seotion 5 bears S. 60 degrees 0 min
utes E. 031.8 foet. identical with
oorner No 1. Hanna No. 1 lodo;
tbenuo S. 34 minutes W. 600 feet to
corner No. 2, ideutioal with comer
4-1 Hanna No. 1 and Grizzly No. 2
lodes, this survey; tbeuce S. 81 de
grees 20 minutes E. 648.0 feet, to
corner No. 3; thenoe N. 34 minutes
E. 600 feet to oorner No. 4 ; thenoe
N. 81 degrees 20 minutes W. 648.0
feet, to oorner No. 1, the plaoe of
beginning. Variation 20 degreos 5
minutes to 20 degrees 20 niiuutos
east. Area, 8.847 acres.
Beginning at oorner No. 1, ideuti
oal with ooruer 1-2-4 Grizzly No. 2,
Hanna No 2 and Hanna No. 1 lodes,
this survey; whence l soatlou
corner on the east side of section 5
bears N. 80 degrees 31 minutes E.
826.4 feet; thenoe S. 34 miuutes W.
408 feet to ooruer No. 2, identical
with corner 4 Grizzly No. 2 lodo;
thenoe S. 72 degrees 41 miuutes E.
671.2 feet to oorner No. 3; thence
N. 34 minutes E. 600 feet to corner
No. 4, identical with oorner No. 3
Hanna No 2. lode; tbeuce N. 81 de
grees 20 minutes W. 648.0 feet to
ooruer No. 1, the place of begiuuiug.
Variation 20 degrees 5 miuuteB to
20 degrees 20 minutes east. Area,
8.007 aores.
Begining at corner No. 1, whence
xi seotiuu corner on the east side ot
seotion 5 bears N. 18 degrees 13
minutes E. 562.1 feet; thenoe S.
34 minutes W. 300 feet to oorner No.
2; identical with oorner 3 Grizzly
No. 1, this survey; thenoe N. 78 de
grees 12 mlnutea E. 1500 feet to
oorner No. 3, wbenoe oorner 2 survey
421, Pyrites lode beats N. 82 de
grees 41 miuutes E. 143.3 foot;
tbenun X. 34 miuutes E. 300 foet to
ooruer No. 4; thouco S. 78 degrees
12 miuutes V. 15U0 feet, to oornor
No. 1, the plain of begiuuiug.
Variatiou 20 degrees 5 minutes east.
Area. 10,000 acres. Forming a por
tion of the south east of section, 4
a portion of section 5 and a portion
of the east ' of seution 6, township
0 south, rauge 2)0 E. W. Moridiau.
The locations of theao claims nro
teoorded in tho otllco of tho county
clork of said county as follews:
Rawhido in book K pago 07.
Black Bear in book H, pago 440.
Last Chance, iu book 11, pago 440
,7, Fairy, iu book J pago 378.
Peacock iu book "il pago 447
Hanna No. 1, in book H pago 560.
Grizzly No. 2 iu book II pago
562. Hauna No. 2, in book II page
Grizzly No. 1, In book II page
563. Gold Bug, in book II page 564.
Adjoinlug olaimantH aro the Ibex
Mining company on the east.
All persons holding advorse claims
thereto are required to present tho
same before this otlloo within sltxy
days from the first day of publication
hereof, or thoy will be narred by
virtue of tho provisions of tho
October, 20, 1004.
In the matter of the application of
Nortweateru Consolidated Mining
and Lumber company for patent to
tho Colorado aud Gould aud Curry
Lodes, Miuoral Survey No. 500.
Notico Ib hereby given that in
pursuauoe of Chapter Six, of Titlo
Thirty-two of the Revised Statutes of
the United States, the Northwestern
Consolidated Mining aud Lumber
oompauy, whose postottloe address Is
Seattle, Washington, h, about to
mako application for patent for
2C26.6 feet of the "Colorado and
"Gould aud Curry Lodes," bearing
gold, silver and other preoioua
metals aud minerals, with surface
ground 600 feet in width, said lodes
being situated in township eight (8)
south, range thirty-seven (37) east
(not subdivided), situated in no
organized mining dhtriat, in the
county of Baker, state of Oregon,
said lodes being more particularly
described by the plat herewith posted
aud desiguated by the Held notes on
file iu the La Grande, Oregon,
United Staco land office, as Miuoral
Survey No. 500, the magnetic
variatiou of said survey belug 30
degrees, 25 to 21 minutes oast, said
"Colorado" aud "Gould and
Curry" lodes being more par
ticularly described as follows, to-wlt:
Commencing at corner No. 1 of
said "Gould aud Curry" lode, at a
point more particularly described iu
said Held notes, wbenoe United State
Miueral Monument No 2. bears south
40 degrees 31 minutes east 650.5
feet; thenoe north 34 degrees 15
minutes east 300 feet to oorner No 2.
of said "Gould and Curry" lode;
thence north 10 degrees 21 miuutes
west 300 feet to oorner No. 3 of said
"Gould and Curry" lode, theuoe
south 60 degrees 22 miuutes west
1500 feet to oorner No. 4 of said
"Gould and Curry" lode; thenco
south 10 degrees 21 minutes cast
564.8 foet to coruor No. 5 of said
"Gould aud Curry" lode, whenco
United Stales Miuotal Monument No.
2 bears north 88 degrees 35 minutes
east 161.63 feet; thouco north 65
degrees 30 minutes oast 1301,8 foot
to oomor No. 1 of said "Gould and
Curry" lodo, tho place of beginning,
all acuordiug to said Miuoral Survey
Also beginning at Corner No. 1 of
said "Colorado" lode, which is
iduutical with corner No. 5 of said
"Gould and Curry" lodo, aoordlng
to said Miuoral Survoy No. 500,
whouoo United States Miuoral Monu
ment No. 2 boars north 88 degrees
35 mrnuteft'txiet 1016.3 foot; thenoe
north 10 degrees 21 minutes west
564.8 foot to oornor No. 2 of said
"Colorado" lodo, whioh la Identical
with oornor No. 4 of said "Gould and
Curry" lodo; thence south 71 degrees
39 mlnutos west 112.6 foet to comer
No. 3 of said "Colorado" lode;
theuco south 10 dogreos 21 minutes
oast 600 foot to oorner No. 4 of said
"Colorado" lodn; thonoo north 60
dogreos 53 mlnutos oast 11323.2
foot to said oornor No. 1 of said
"Colorado" lodo, and containing
a not aroa, aftor excluding the area
in conflict with tho Majestic lode,
Miuoral Survoy No. 423 of 14-100
of an acre of 31.76 aoros, all accord
ing to said Minora! Survoy No. 500,
and forming a portion of township
eight (8) south range thirty-seven
(37) oast of tho Wllamotto meridian,
in Baker county, Oregon, tho amend
ed location notice of Bald "Gould"
and Curry" lode being recorded
March 17th, 1002 at page 634 of
Volume R. of tho public records of
quartz mining claim location notices
of Baker county, Oregon and the
amouded location notice of Bald
'Colorado" lodo being recorded
March 17th 1002 at pago 635 of said
Volume R. of said records.
Tho adjoinlug claims to said
"Colorado" aud "Gould and
Curry" claims are tho "Yaukeo
,11m" Mineral Survoy No. 400,
which adjoins said "Gould and
Curry" lodo on tho oast and the
"Majostio" claim, Mineral Survey
No. 423, which adjoins and con
flicts with said "Colorado" olalm
ou the north.
Any aud all persons claiming
averssly any portion nf said
"Colorado" or "Gould and Curry"
lodes, or any surface ground, are
hereby notified to file their adverse
claims with the register of the
United States land office at La
Grando, Oregon, during the sixty
days porlod of publication of this
notico of apllcatlon for patent,
or they will bo barrod by virtue of
the Statutes in suoh cases made
aud provided.
Dato of first publication, Oct.
In tho Circuit Court of tho State
of Oregon for Baker county.
In the matter of the assignment of
S, L. Campbell aud J. R. Laudreth,
Insolvent debtors.
Notice is hereby given that the
uudersiguod assignee ot the above
named estato huu filer his final ae
couuty as such assiguee iu the above
entitled court and will on the 4th
Monday of November, 1004, or aa
soon thereafter as he can be heard
call the same up for hearing, and for
an order of tiual discharge aa suoh
C. II. MoCOLLOOH, Assignee,