mm$smw5m THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, November 23, 1904 r The Sumpter Miner PUHUSHBD BVBRV WBONBSDAY BY J. W. CONNELU Entered at the postoflflce In Sumpter. Oregon, for transmission through (he malls as second class matter. SUIISCMICTION WATBS One Year Six Months., '-5 ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. Wiltiiitn Carson, h minur from tho Houthorn out! of tho Hitter Hoot raugo of mourita7uH in Montana, arrived in Helena h few dttyH Hince nn IiIh way to Chicago, whoro ho sayr ho will htiHy himself In securing II U, 000 with which to buy machinery to oho in riovloplng h diamond tnl no located in tho iiiouiiIhIii fastnesses of that Htnte. Carson hntl with him h ease flllotl with tho blue clay matrix, whioh, ln say-i, contains diamonds in wontlnrful rlotmom. In h hunk rtkin hag which ho carried around his nook ho hMti forty-seven stones, Home or the larger of which woro Hhout tho hIo of big beans, hiiiI tho HiiiHllor running down to pinhoads. With nil thoHo dintuondH, why Ih ho htiHtllng for $10,000 as ii dovlopuiout fund? Tho iniuitifiiottirtirH mid invontorH or a Hour gold saving device oIhIiii to havo roooivod tho tip on it icon ntruotloii from finding gold on tho tooth of it door whioh ouo o( thorn killed. Iloro it tho way thoy stato the oh-io: "in nature's object hiut tho gold coated teeth, the doer frequent ing a link to which whh connected a small oil Htmiii, itho Hour of gold iirouud tho lick. Tho oil huhblotJ (which havo heon observed by tho author about ninny licks) came In contact with tho tine gold, and by phyHical force hold hiuiio; tho tloor (iiiilntontioually) takoH the btibblort of oil in hie mouth while licking about; tho oil lininodlat,oly attaches Itself io tho gutUH and tooth; tho action of tho tongue hh an agitator; iron, tannic acid, lime, etc., being taken Into the mouth In vegetahlo matter and water, acting hh preniiitautM, IIiiImIi up the phe nomenon which an all wine Creator made possible for observant man's attractive powers" Now methods oh cont ranted with old ones are to be agalu illustrated in the ohho of the mount a I oh of slag ami other refuse that havo aocuniu latod in tho vicinity of tho Minelter or tho Anaconda Copper company at liutto, Montana. The huildiugH of tho oltl smelter havo boou torn down and romovod. During tho process of demolition it wan round that the ground whh for a coUHidorablo dis tance impregnated with copper and silver values, bolchod from the Hues of the oltl plant during Its tweuty years of operation. It Ih estimated that thouHHiidH or tous of tho two metals wore oarlod olf in tho process of reduction of the ores; that is to hay that tho methods for their re covery were mo imperfect, compared with present mehodti, that a largo percentage of the values in the oie were not recovered. At its new plant the omnpauy Ih Having even the slums from the ooucentartor and will re work ihe Htutr. Steam shovels, running on oableii, pick up tho slums ami depoHit them oil tract where they will be leached out, after which the residue will be trammed back to the furnaces, where alt the mineral will bo extracted. All of which helpB to make clear oue thing, and that is what under the old methods of re duction was allowed to go off into thin air, contains valuer sufficient Jto pay dividends on a largo iuveat- jmetit. The new ruethodB are an im- tirnvnmntit tinoil the old ones. Lob AugeloB Mining Record. The decreiiHO In tho gold output of tho Canadian Yukon from 822,000, 000 in tho banner year of 1000 to 812,250,000 IubI year would In dicate that the plitcor deposits are being exhausted, and ttuoh is tho oafle, acorordlug to the report of the Geological Survoy of Canada, juat lonioil. Hut tho activity is by no muium .lecreahng in this district, aa macbluery in being extensively In troduced with the reHiilt that many of tho low-grade gravol clalmB are beiug now worked with profit. As in other dish iota, the placer minor with hh pan ia being tticoooded by the capi tal with machinery to scientifically develop the mines. This, too, will in time bo foil invert by the mining of the gold-bearing lodges from whence came tho gold of tho placers. Thoso lodges in the Yukon district havo aa yet not beou (Uncovered, but thoy are Hiirely there and with their discovery and tho advent of cheap transportation iuto tho district, will undohtitudly Increase ita output and continue It for a- long time. Mining World. Gin-Sing Farm iu City Limits. A couple of mou who pose around bore as miniug operators, J. H. Fry or and L. V. Swiggett, drove into town today in a farm wagou, bringing with them a plow, whlflllo trot and other agricultural acooHories. Placed in the journalistic sweat box by a Minor reporter, they admitted tbolr guilt, confessed that thoy are about to embark in a farming enterprise. They explained, however, seeming to think that it cousituted an extenuat ing circutiHtanco, that they do not Intend tortalso anything that is tit to eat, by man or beast. Tho shameful truth of tho matter is, thoy aro going to cutlivate a patch or glnslng right In tho city limits. Swiggett, howQ over, agrees to give bond that he will not incorporate the enterprise and olfer for sale stock In the company. It is a siisi iciotH transaction, auy way you take it for, if stock is uot to be sold, then what is their graft? Beautiful Columbia River Folder. The passenger department of the Oregou Kallroad &. Navigation com pany has just issued a beautiful and costly panoramic folder entitlod"The Columbia River, Through tho Cascade Mountains, to the Pacific Ocean." From Arlington to Portlaud, atid from Portland to the Paul tic ocean every curve of tho river and every point of interest are shown, while Mount Hood, Mount Adams, and Mount St. Helens, perpetually cov ered with snow, stand in all their beauty. On the back of the map is an Interesting story in detail of the trip from Huntington to Portlaud and, from Portlaud to the ooeau, uot overlooking the beaches and the Sau Froisoo trip by ooeau. Acopy of this folder may be secured by sending four cents iu stamps to pay postage to A. L. Craig, General Passeuger agent for the Oregou Kallroad & Navigation compauy, Portlaud, Ore gou. By seudlug the address of som friend iu the east, aud four cents to poutage, the folder will be promdtly mailed. OFFICIAL RECORDS. The following instruments were filed at the court house in Baker City for record yesterday: REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. OKKPP. E. D. Lo Clan to Hattle Baialey, part lots 1 uud 7 block 2 Hellner's addltiou to Baker City; 81.400. Suasn MoKlnuoy to Mouroo Sheets, lots 5, 0, 7 aud 8 block 10 Pacific addltiou to IJakerClty; 8100. J. II. Sommers aud wife to Frank Defree, lots 1, 2, .'I aud 4 block X Haluos; 8000. S. M. Hilues to Eva 0'Iyaut, lots 1 and 12 block t Haines; 8100. Peter Roethiker and wife to J. F. O'Bryaut, lots 3, 11, ft aud 0 block 0 Haines; 1105. Frank Ferguaou to Clara Ferguson, 1 t 10 block A Bourne; 81. W. W. Ayer and Win. Ladd to Oscar Jacobsou, S. W. Ii of S. W. i Sec 2 T. 7 R. 30; 8240. A. Edgar Board to (ieo. W. Fay, rrnr In S. W. K N. W. H Sec. 1ft T. 8 R. 44; 81. Matilda Eaton, to school district No. R0, Jot 10 in Carson; 8180. Edna E. Do Neffe, et vlr, to M. F. Muzzy 100 acres In Sec. 12 T. 1 1 R. 38; 81,200. State of Oregou to W. Unyre, E. XA N. E.H Sec. 10 T. 10 R. 43; 8100. Same to asmo, N. W. of N. E.See. 10 T. 10 R. 411; 850. Leo W. Hoser, et ux, to P. L. Moore, 100 acres In Sees. 10, aud 7 T. 8 R. 42; 83,4ft0. W. Olive to F. L. Moore, N. W. M of Sec. GT. 8R. 42; 81. J. F. Diaksou, ot ux, to R. E. Straboru, 2 deeds to Dowuie & Dickson water right; 811,000. U. S. A. to Walter Rolleu, S. E. j? Sec. 1 T. 11 R. JI7. (J. S. to Frank S. Herbert, 1U8 acres lu Sec. .'i T. 7 R. 2. Myra Elmer to W. L. Vinson, S. W. h N. W. xi Sec. 1 T. 0 R. 40; 8000. C. O. Patterson to Charlotto Pattersou, lot 7 block C Do Roo addition to Baker City; 81. J as. F. Ferguson to A. V. Fergu aou, lot 7 and south 7 feet lot 8 block B Place's addltiou to Baker City; 1. A. V. Fergusou, et ux, to J. F. Ferguson, lots 8, 0 and 10 in block B Place's addition to Baker City; $1. E. Browu. et vlr, to Thos. Dowuie, u interest iu lots 1 and 2 Parker's addltiou to Baker City; 8000. J. M. Stewart to Thos. Mack, 120 acres iu Seo. 8T 8 R. 40; 81. L. Sommer, et ux, to M. Hoff, h interest iu lots 4, ft and blook L Do Roo's addition to Baker City; t:i7ft. CMrollue Coltou to W west S. of Soc. !U! T. 7 II. Coltou. R. 41 E.; 81. Wisconslu-OregonLumt'or company to Kirklaw, et al, lot 1 Seo. 7 T. 1 1 R. 40 E. ; 81. W. F. Longwoll to M. 11. Alleu, 10 acres iu Seo. 20 T. 0 R. 37 E; 812ft. M. F. Muzzy to C. K. De Neffe, l intercut iu west of lot 2 blook a Sumpter; 8U.000 E. L. Keuuou to Martha Keurett, lot 1 blook a St. Louis additiou to Sumpter; 81. Receiver U. S. A. L. O. to Fred Pyle, S. W. i Seo. IU T. 11 R. 40; 400. U. S. A. to E. F. Ballarn, pateut 112 acres in Seo. 11 T. 0 R. 48. J. H. Paiker, et ux, to J. M. Ross, 2ft feet lot 1 blook A Place's addi tiou to Baker City; 82,000. U. S. to M. D. Simonf, 100 acres in Sees. 0 aud 10 T. 9 R. 45. Emoline A. Uillla to Copper Butte Live Stock compauy; 100 acres in Sees. 2 and 11 T. 8 R. 42 E. ; 81. Henry Clough to S. M. Berthome, lot ft blook 20 Lomltjgton addition to Baker City. $t. C. H. Hoakell et, al, to P. F. Hoke, 100x150 feet in blook 22 Haakell addition to Baker City; 8!J00. Sheriff to C. L. Palmer, tract near Wilovale; 8106. W. J. Patteraoo, et, al, to E. S. Faull north XA Sec. 36 T. 8 R. 40; 81. W. L. Morfitt to J. H. Tucker un divided h interest iu 160 acres in Seo. 0T. 13 R. 37; 81200. Cbas. J. Wiodburg to Chris Oliver tract iu N. E. H Sec. 23 T. 0 R. 37; 8800. W. F. Beeloher et al to E. S. Platte lots 3, 4, 5 aud 6; block 2 Pacific addition Baker City; 8250. Etbol Heick to Elece J. Duffy S. W. M N. E. yA Seo. 23 T. OR. 45; 81. A. Pbilbriok to E. S. Platte blook 2 Wilovale Atwood's fourth addition to Baker City; 82.800. MINING MATTER. DKKD8. Tom Dunn and wife to Mary M. Auioll, Echo placer claim; 8100. Mary M. Amell to Thos. Dunn, Echo placer claim; 81,800. W. C. Baker, to Tom Dunn, Eobo plalcer claim; 860. L. B. Wuuder to A. F. Wunder, Saudbar paloer claim 8100. Roy Weuceslaw to L. S. Schmidt, Our Flag and Eagle quartz claim ; 87ft. J as. W. Hail to W.A. Dial, terest iu Iron King No. V in quartz claim; 83. Henry Lady to Win Poison, XA interst iu Duport quartz claim; 8150 Paul Saudlerg to David Moomaw, )n interest in Clingstone quartz oiaim; 8100. Wm. Folsom to Jas. W. Hull, .$ interest in Iron King quartz claim; 850. C. M. Johnson to S. O. Correll, Last Cbauoe quartz claim and Home City placer olaim; 8050. Wm. H. Tobln to Ceo. Munoy, Alpine No. 1 and 2 and Ualeinte 1 and 2 quartz olaim; 850 Sheriff to Ira B. Sturgis trustee Treadwell, Halloween and other qurtz claims; 879. U. S. to Fred D. Smith receipt, in full for California Uuloh placers. P. L. Kelly to A. Geiser lease and optiou ou Oro Dell group quartz claims. Roy H. Miller to Beuj. F. Treasure June 22 1903 placers on Pine creek; 81. Jas. Duupby tu 11. C. Armstrong '.. Interest in Oregou quartz claims; 81. Suit T. S. Kenuerly vs Monarch Mlues compauy, suit to foreclose lieu 'on Monarch group of mines; 8959, Su tJud S Cook vs White Swan company, 81,999 C. W. compauy, for persoual damages; Nibley, vs. Eagle Mines et al, suit to foreclose ou the Eagle group of mortgage Mines amouuting to about 812,500. Don't Go to M. Louis 'Till you oall at or write to the Cbiogo, Milwaukee and St. Paul rail road. Office 134 Thiid Street, Portlaud, Oregon. Low rates to all points East, iu oouenotion with all trauscontlnentals. W. 8. ROWE, General Agent, Portlaud. Oregon.