Wednesday, November 2f. 1904 THE SUMPTER MINER GEISER'S ADVICE WORTH MONEY Man -4bout- Town Gossips About the Unexplain ed Shut-Down of the Bonanza. "I see by a Baker paper said the niau-about-town to a Miner reporter this morning, "that W. H. Thatcher, general manager of the Bouanza mine, ia back from the euRt. I undorHtnud that he attended a meeting of the board of directors at Pittsburg. It was , quite probably a aomewhat atrotuy aesaion. Something will prob ably eveutuato iu u few days. "Dame rumor my a that not loug ago Al (Joiser told Thatohor that ho ((Jolsor) would show him (Thatcbor) the payshoot at tho Bonanza if ho (Thatcher) would pay him (Gelsot) one tboueaud plunks iu cold cash. Rumor further says that Thatohor re fused whether because be aleady knows whero the payshoot is, or be causo he don't waut to know, remains secret. It seems that ever sluce Uelaer sold the Bonanza for half a million, be has beeu frequently asked for adviae as to proper development plaua. All ot this advice was given 'free gratia for nothing, notwith standing the fact that during one month two years ago the Bonanza forty-stamp mill pounded out 1102, OOu in gold. It la but natural that Uelaer sbuuld value bis advice and that be should refuse further to act as consulting engineer suus salary and sans glory. "As a mater of raot, i dou't beliove that Thatcher needs to bo told where the Bouauza pay is. Ho knows. And why the Bouanza is shut down is too deop for me." Ore Body 3 1 Feet Wide. Tom Keunerly was in town today from the Oregon Kiug, leaving on the afternoon train for Baker City, lie has crosscut the vein ou tbat property, which ia. thirty-one feet from one clearly defined wall to the other, with quartz the entire dis tance. The Miner has several times hai occasion to mention the fact tbat the entire face of the tunnel in the "O. K." was in a suild body of baud some ore, characteristic of the Cracker Creek district. Mr. Kennerly says the entire thirty-one feet is the same, with scarcely a break. The values, while uot high, are very encouragiug.auttlcleut to pay a profit on milling, and be hopes tbat any shot may break into a bonauza ihoot. Balliet Pleads Guilty. Des Moiues, Iowa, Nov. 16. Litsou Balliet, who gained notoriety as the promoter of the White Swan Miniug company, of Oregon, today suddenly terminated bis second trial iu the federal court for fraudulently using the mails, by pleading guilty to the offense. The first trial two years ago ended in a oouviction after a hard fight, but a secoud trial waif ordered by the higher courts. INCIDENT IN THE MINING HISTORY Retold Tale of Marvelously Rich Golcouda Ore and of an Old Regime. "The pendiug reorgauizatiou of the Golcouda mining company recalls to mind an iucideut iu the rather marvelous history of tbat property,' said a milling man in the lobby of tho Hotel Sumptei this morning. "When the EugliaheH, pnro ot ills, bought tho Golcouda, it was a mero prospect. Tho Euglhhoa wore fresh fiom a series of mining succohsoh ovor in British Columbia. Thoy had a wholo lot of ready money mid were plungers. It seems that tho older English hud been connected at some time or otiier with a northern gold mine upon which a chlorinatiou plant hud been successfully operated. He decided that a similar plant would be a aucotsa at tho Golcouda. Tho result of this decision was thnt flilO.OOO were expended iu the erootiou of a maguifloout mill build ing and in the installation of a 'stluk fantory,' technically knowu as a bromide-chloride quartz mill. It re quired but a few days of operation of this plant to determiue that the pro cess was in no way a success when applied to Golcouda ore. The 11 30, 000 investment was therofore ao much 'dead horse. The develop ment of the miue proceeded, however, and iu duo timo a Bryan mill aud a battery of five stamps were mstalled. "Iu the fall of 1800 tho outire western mining world was startled by a rich btrike iu the Golcouda, uu paralellod by uorthwesforn miniug history. A shoot of free gold ore was opened, assayiug variously from 110,000 to 8200,000 per ton. A fourteen-hour mill run of five-stamps ou this character of ore netted $12,000 worth of gold bulhou- -exclusive of the Inevitable loss of value in milling such marveloinly rich rook. To obviate this waste, the ore was sorted and shipped -iu eighty pound sucks, worth close to $1,000 per sack ou a general average. Jack English was mauage, Frauk Stiukuey superintendent. Both were mighty good fellows liboral to a fault. Visitors came from all parts of the camp to see the gold studded Gol couda quartz. Each visitor was given a souvenir by the management, until Golconda ore specimens thousands of dollars worth became as oommou as mud. No private mineral collection was complete without a obuuk of Golcouda ore, which, as described by au Alaska miner, wai 'gold carrying some quartz.' It is safe to estimate tbat $26,000 worth of ore specimeua from the Golconda found their way into outside bands. A great deal was also stoleu by underground miners. "1 would like to see the Gol conda opeued up agaiu by a stroug company, as I kuow there is plenty of fine ore in the famous property." Deed to Downle Ditches. As will be noted by a reference to the official record ot iuHtruments tiled at the Baker county court house, published in nuothor columu of The Miner, .1. T. Dickson, Port land oweur of the lato Archie Dovvnio plaoer diggings, has filed two deeds transferring to R. E. Strahorn, of Spokane, owner of tho Sumpter Water aud Electric Light the Dowuio water .rightB. slderatlou named in tho $11,000. company, The con doed is NEW MACHINERY FOR THE UNITtD-ELKHORN Mauuger Edward T. Field, of tho Uuited Elkhoru Minns company, oporatiug a cortuiu group of claims about sixteen milos northwest of tho city, including tho old Baisley-Elk-horn mines, arrived hero yesterday for tho special purpose of personally superintending trans-shipment of the electric motors and transformers which have just arrived iu a car from Schenectady, Now Vork. Friady of this week another car load of machinery will arrive from Denver. When this now oloctric machinery 1b installed, which will bo during the next few days, and the new pump iug arrangements are completed on tho upper level, the mining opera tions of this property will begin by oloctric power and tho drills in tho big tunnels will bo driven by com pressod air furnished by tho now oloctric power. At prcseut Managor Field ia work lug threo shifts In the big tunnel aud makiug good progress with the drift ing of that big hole iu the moun tain. Dally shipments of hluh grade ore are beiug made to tho Sumpter smelter, and the returns just roaoived from recent shipments have beeu satisfactory, aud have exceeded in value the highest ex pectations of the owners of tho prop erty. Mr. Field has begun sUiking iu the old shaft at tho top of tho moun tain and will go down another lllfi Joet. Tho old workings are l,noo feet above tho now tunnel aud thou this shaft has bno'i sunk as far as possiblo upraises will be made from the tunnel councetiug with the shatf aud thus forming au air conduit, providing for the safety of miners uuder ground. Democrat. If Your Are Not Particular. Don't travel over the Illinois Coutral, as any old road will do you aud we don't want your patrouage; but if you are particular and want the best aud mean to have it, ask the ticket ageui to routo you via the Illinois Central, the road that runs through solid vestibule trains be tween St. Paul, Omaha, Chiaago, St. Louis, Memphpis aud New Orleans, j No additional charge is made fur a seat iu our reclining chair cars, which are fitted with lavatories aud smokiug rooms, aud bavu a porter iu atteuduuee. (j Bates via the Illinois Central are the lowest and wo will be glad to quote them in connection with any transcontinental line. B. II. TBUMBULL, Commercial agent, 142 Third street, Portland, Omgou. J. C. LINDSEV, T. F. A P. A., 142 Third street. Portland, Oregon. PAUL B. THOMPSON, Freight and passeuger agent, Colmau build iug, Seattle, Washington. qemi OPFftON P Short line and Union Pacific TO Salt Lake, Denver, Kansas City. CHICAGO ST. LOUIS NEW YORK Ocean steamcra between Portland and San Francisco every livo (lays. Low Rates I Tickets to and from all part of tho United States, Canada, nd Europe. Through Pullman Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cara daily to Omaha, Chicago, Spokane; Toumt Sleeping car daily to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars (per aonally conducted) weekly to Chi I caao, Kansas City; reclining chair cars faoata free) to the Fait daily. For particulars, call on or add II. C. Bowkbp, Agent, Baker City, Or. nAfffJPlOGRANUE Sknbbk Only tranwontinontal lint1 I dassing directly through Salt Lake City Leadville Colorado Springs ' and Denver Three Hplcudidly equipped tra ns dally TO ALL POINTS EAST. Through Sleeping aud DiniugCars and free Reclining Chair Cara. The moot Magnificent Hcenery in America by daylight. Stop overa allowed on all clasoea of ticket. i t For cheapeHt ratea anddeacriptlve literature, addrena W. C. MilMDE, tmral Ifnt RIO GRANDE LINES Fohtlano Orison I! RID