The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, November 23, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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Wednesday, November 23, 1904
P. I. Cooper, hhh! Htfitit oHHhier of
the IIIIuoIh TniHt and Savings bunk,
of Chiontfo, a ulno million dollar in
etutlon, and S. M. Fohh, a mining
miiguoor, also of Chicago, returned
laHt evening from tho Standard mine,
the many-metal marvel In the Quartz
burg district, which under the able
mHiiHKumonl acid promotion of the
Killen, Warner, Stewart company, of
.Sunipter, has developed into one
of the greatest mines in the west.
Meaara. Coopor and Fohb passed
through Supmtor ten dayH ago, en
route to the Standard, in whioh both
of them are heavily Interested aa
Htookhohlora. They were accom
panied from thia point by S. II.
ttelg, aoorotary of tho Killen, Warner,
Stewart oompany, whoao head
(uarterH aro in Chicago, and Harvoy
Lane, ohief clerk in the company's
home ollloo bore. MoHarH. Solg hik! '
Lane returned Friday and told of the I
ot jijiujiiift ii inn kwiij-iiii unii. um nuuui
in the main Standard drift from one
to two and a half feet, and of the
widening of the aulphide ore shoot iu
the Cleveland drift (rom two to a
aolid aix foot, presenting two of tho
prettiest breasts of ore iu tho north
West. Ou top of tho Solg-Lano report,
Professor II. 11. Nicholson, consult
ing engineer for tho company, aud
general western manager of ita various
miiieH, who returned Monday from
Denver, where ho personally made
oxhaustivo ore tests to determine the
inont ollloaoiniia process for mhvIiik
the Standard's cobalt-gold valueH,
told of devlHiiiK a complete aolution
if tho problem, whioh haa bothered
the management for aome time. Aud
now on top of Profosaor Naloholsou's
good iihwm oomea the followlim state
ment from Mr. Coopor, fresh from
the mine.
"1 am convinced," said hq to a
Minor man today, "that tho Staudard
I destined to become one of tho
gruateat miuoa In tho wont. It la a
wonderful property. Ita magnitude
cannot be grasped except by a per
Honal viait. I am thoroughly iu
accord with the plana of the manage
meiit aa outlined by Professor
Nicholson, aud am certain that the
bonanza record of weateru miuoa will
be shortly oollpHod by the Stan
dard. "
Mr. Cooper, who la a direct do
Hceudaut of James Fonnlmoro Cooper,
whoao aecoud name he hoars, baa
beeu connected with the III'.ioIh
i'riiHt aud Savings bank for twenty
"Thia ia my llrat trip west of tho
Kooky mouutaiuH" he aaid. "'lo
nay that 1 am ataggered by what I
have aeon iu thia region lint illy ex
prene my feelinga. New Vorkort
consider Chicago 'out weat. Ore
gouiaua consider the windy city iu
ttin heart of tho elfote eaHt. Doth
ate correct. We are on a middle
ground. Chicago diifera aa much
from Now Vork aa it does from Port
laud. Hut 1 never auapocted that
'way out here, betwouu tho conti
nental divide aud the PaoiHa ucoau,
JftH cue of the greatest countries ou
tarth an umpire marveloualy rich
in thoao varied resource which con
tribute moat materially to the wealth
of a nation mining, agriculture,
horticulture, atookralsiug, lumbering
and all forma .of commerce. Twenty
years devotion to the busiuess of oue
bank does not equip ouo to com
potently discuss political and
phyaical geography, but the facta of
tho Northwest's wonderful progress
aro ao patent, that anyone can be
excused frr calling attention thereto.
"Because we of the middle west
have only a vague conception of the
region whoro rolls the Oregon, the
Lowia aud Clarke fair uoxt year ia
uertaiu to result iu lasting good to
the Northwost, becauso it will attract
jmt such vihitora aa I am, who will
return imbuod with a hoaltby and
well-grouuded uutbuHiaum. "
S. D. Fobs ia a mining man of
many years oxporinoce. What ho has
to Hay of the Standard consequently
carries weight. When questioned by
a Miner reporter this moruiug he
"My opinion of tho Staudard is
vory aufllciently set forth iu a letter
which 1 wrote this moruiug to my
old partner iu Illinois. Read it."
The lottor read Iu part:
"1 havo visited tho Staudard miuo.
I have entered every tuuuol and
crosscut, drift aud upraise. My
advlco la: Buy Standard stock"
"That letter," commouted Mr.
Fohb, "explains my position to a dot.
The Staudard la a woudorful prop
erty." Mr. Coopor departed this after,
noon for tho wost. Ho will visit
Portland, Tacomu, Seattle aud
Spokane for the lliat titno, returning
home via tho Northern Pacific. Mr.
Fob left for Chicago dlroct.
Some of tho original owuora of
Standard atock, who took it iu pay
ment for intorsta held In aovoral of
tho properties before the organization
of tho proHOiit oompauy, Indicated a
wllluglness to sell. The Killen,
Warner, Stewart company, kuowiug
a good thing when they see it, aud
hearing that negotiations were pond
ing for ita sale, went luto the market
aa buyers aud raiaed tho price on
tho other follows to the limit, secur
ing every share that was offered,
something like (500,000. Tho prico
paid for thia stock ia not stated
publicly, but Is reported to have been
the top notch.
That there Is copper In tho Soveu
Devils ia proven by W. II. Adams,
managing director of the Ladd Metala
company, operatlug a smelter at
Laudoro, who, In au iutorview with
i he Welsor Signal about the various
produciug mluea of that section,
said :
"The old Peacock is uow supply
log about tweuty-tlve tons of tlfteeu
per cent copper oro daily.
"The Lock wood has just beeu
sacking 1,000 sacks of forty per cent
ore for ahipmeut to the smelter.
"The Helena is produciug thirty
per cent ore regularly.
Suits have been instituted iu the
Circuit court for Baker county by
Margaret O. Waggoner vs. H. T.
Hendryx, the Geiser-Hendryx In
vestment company aud the Columbia
Cold Mluing company, and by
John D. Oo8H against the same de
fendants. Deputy Sheriff "Doc"
Ilemple this morning served papers
in both cases upon Mr. Hendryx and
departed immediately for Bourne to
effect service upon Mr. Bail lie.
The cases ate out of a somewhat
sensational incident which occured
at midnight. December 31, 1903.
Local readers of The Miner will re
member that ou that occasion A. P.
aud J. D. Goss and Beveral others
went up to the Cracker Creek district
to start work, or file looatiou notices
on a fraction adjolniug the Tabor
Rumor is current to the effect that
General Charles S. Warreu, oue of
the renowned aud multitudinous
"fathers of Sumpter," and his son,
Wesley W., have oloaued up a
fortuno iu Touopab and Goldtleld.
Vouug Warreu waa among the first
to enter the new Novada camp, and
is said to have acquired some
promising grouud. Tho general, iu
Butte, fiuauced the proposition with
Montaua oapital.
Goueral Warreu was tho president
of the Sumpter Towuslto oompauy in
1800-1000, during which years
Sumpter boomed.
A story comes from Touopab of
oue of Vouug Wurieu's escapades.
It seems that au oasteru syndicate
was negotiating for the purchase of
a Touopab property upou whioh a
shaft had been suuk aud short drifts
ruu. The syndicate desired to de
termine whether or not these drifts
were iu ore. The owuert of the
property refused auy oue permission
to outer the workings, aud during
tho progress of uegotiatious removed
tho whim with which the shaft was
equipped, to guard agaiust aurrep
tltlous examination. Vouug Warreu
was commissioned by the syudicate
to find out what it wanted to know. ;
Those who are acquainted with
Warreu will readily realize that fuch
a proposition was a lark for bim.
"The Mouutaiu Queen has beeu
steadily shipping tweuty aud tweuty-
tlve por oeut ore.
"The Cresoeut is shipping thirty
per oeut ore aud recoutly there was
takeu from that miuo the largest
pel feet ploe of boruite ore ever pro
duced iu the distrtict, it weighiug
uearly a tou, aud the Ladd Metals
oompauy will seud it to the Lewis
and Clark exposition at Portlaud
next year. We will have four pieces,
weighiug from 300 pouud eaoh up to
about a tou, ou exhibition at the
"The Blue, Jacket ia workiug
tweuty meu and have tbipped to the
smelter about 940,000 worth of ore
Fraction and the Columbia, that the
Meiers. Goss claimed to own and that
they were driven off the ground.
The oontoflt is for the possession of
a small fractional claim on the great
mother lode, whioh 1b supposed to be
vory valuable, as Ib the Tabor
When seen by a reporter for The
Miuer this morning, Mr. Hendryx
asid : "I would rather not be quoted
as saying auytbing about the merits
of the case, tho origin of which is
well knowu to everyone In this camp.
1 had an opportunity not long ago to
forestall the filing of the suits by the
payment of some money, but pre
ferred to let the matter be settled by
adjudication in a court of law,
baviug no fear whatever as to the
At the dead of night, when grave
yards yawn, Wesley "borrowed" a
windlass and bucket from an adjoin
ing shaft, trespassed on the for
bidden premises, and descended into
the bowels of the earth. After
sampliug the drifts and returning to
the bottom of the shaft he discovered
that the bucket had been hoisted to
the surface. He shouted until hie
lungs were sore and then settled
down to artistic swearing, which in
turn gave place to prayers and re
pentance of past sins aB he prepared
to die by slow starvation. Suddenly
a slip of paper fluttered down the
shaft and fell at his feet. By the
light of a caudle he read:
"We have overpowered your helper
up here and have you at our mercy.
If you desire to reach the top during
the term of your natural life, throw
away your samples and agree Jto
favorably report on this property.
Otherwise we will let you die like a
rat in a bole.
"(Signed) THE OWNERS."
"1 agree," shouted Warren. The
bucket was lowered and he was
brought to the top. He kept his
word aud the miuo passed into the
hands of Warren's olieuts.
Merely as a mutter of history it
might be mentioned that the property
eventually tuurued out to be
fabulously rich.
'in the pa it three mouths."
i The Ladd Metals company expects
. to operate its Landore smetler all
I winter. Chauges and improvements
i sre uow beiug made.
Suits to Quiet Title.
Suits have beeu instituted iu the
Circuit court by O. II. MoCollocb,
attorney, for J. D. Gosi and the
Bourne Land Improvement oompany,
agiauat J. Jacobaou, M. W. Book
with, John P. Hannon, J. II. Cady,
Guy Harris and John Neiderkorn and
Alrfed Casaaubo, to quiet title to
certain mining claims.