The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, November 23, 1904, Image 1

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    VOL. VI.
Tho federal court of Oregou baa
dissolved another injuuotlou rostrnin
ing tho smle of tbo Coruuoopia mine,
aud Shoriff lirowu will proceod to
dispone of the property at pubile
auction on November 22 aud 28.
Tbo Injuuotlou proceedings wore
brought boforo Judge Hollluger an
cillary to proceedings instituted in
the Federal court of Now York by II.
H. Rogers, vice president! of the
Standard Oil compauy, who brought
suit to foreclose a tlOO.OOO mortgage
held by hiui and who secured a tem
porary ibjuncttou teatralniug the sale
of the property under execution.
The order to bow cause was made
returnable before the federal oouft
of Oregon.
Onoe before the Oregon oourt die
eovled an injunction issued out of
the New York oourt, the prior one
being secured by Jnbu E. Searles,
bankrupt owner ot the mine.
It is believed that the principal
bidders at the forthcoming sale will
be a foreigu syudicute, for which
Pierre Humbert, of Sau Francisco,
recently exported the miue and re
po rted favorably.
There is no certainty that the sale
will uoute off. Rogers, as well as
iiuukrupt Searles, are expected to
make some move iu the state court.
The present situation, briefly stated
is thin:
The Cornucopia ,Miuiug company
has tiled a petition in bankruptcy;
H. H. Rogers, of New York City, has
started suit to foreclose a mortgage;
the Circuit court of Raker oouuty
has ordered the property of the mine
sold to satisfy claims of creditors;
the Federal court has declined to
interfere to stop the sale becsuae
the statutes of the United States for
bid it from interfering.
Just what the outcome will be
from this mass of litigation oaouot
even be coujeotured at present, but
the scene of active effort will likely
be sbiftted to the state courts.
Making Artificial Rubies.
Artificial rubies are made by a
process of the chemist Verueuil, by
melting a mixture of clay and oxide
of chromium at an even tempeiatura
of several thousand degrees. The
two substances are carefully placed
above each other in layers so as to
prevent cracking in the crystallized
mass. It is stated that Verneuil
finally suooeedeed in producing an
artificial ruby weighing five pounds,
which bad a value of about 1000,
Ishhc V. Audersou, of Uolso, ar
rived in Sumptcr this morning. Mo
wus met by Ex-Reprosontntivo (icnrgo
Rarrett, of (Jraut county, aud drivou
to (Jranlto, whoio ho will look ovor
tbo field with a view to determining
tho foaslbility of au uloctrio rail
way front Sumpter into the Rod Roy
miuiug dhtrict.
Mr. Audersou is a railroad build or.
Persnoally aud individually be is
wealthy. Furthermore, he represents
a sydulcate of inventors iu industrial
enterprises who accept his word as
final. He is now engaged iu the
projection aud promotion of an
electric line from Pearl, Idaho, to
some convenient couuectlug point on
the Oregou Short Lino. He baa
worked up sufficient interest in the
project among miue operators of tbe
Pearl district to btiug about the
signing of a number of touuage
pledges, including oue with tho
Friday aud Leviathan, au adjoin
John Arthur, of the Imperial
mine, who returned this morning
from Raker; John Shauks, one of the
original lessees of the property; J.
O. Kitchen, superintendent of the
Sumpter smelter, aud Johu Royce,
hoisting eugiueer, were the joint
and separate heroea of a thrilliug
aocident iu the Cable Cove last week.
Tbe tale is told iu the following
words by the Sumpter correspondent
of the Portlaud Telegram:
A hoist located iu the maiu tuuuel
jutt over the shaft, is operated by au
engine, and a smokestook leads from
this to tbe surface, a distance of
about 175 feet. This smokestack
caught fire, with tbe result that the
smoke was forced dowu into the
station chamber.
Johu Shauks, who was operating
tbe hoist, wai oveicome with the
fumes and forced to give up. He
called for Johu Royce, who worked
tbe opposite shift, aud who had just
From this price it may be judged
that tbe product is uot first class,
and probably just pays tbe costs of
manufacture. In order to produce
tbe exoMdiugly high temperature
NOVEMBER 23, 1904
ing initio, both contributors of con
siderable ore to tho Sumpter plant ;
the Lincoln, Checkmate ttitil Poarl,
other properties iu that ciitnp, ship
to Tauoina aud Everett, smellers.
Tho contracts signed with Poarl
district miue oporators provide for
tho completion of surveys by Febru
ary 1, 11)05, tho comiuoucomout of
construction by March 1, 1005, and
completion aud operation of the road
by March 1, 1000. Powor for the
operation of the trolloy is to be de
rived fiom the Payette river.
Mr. Anderson's mlsslou to the
Humpter-tlranlte district ia to make
a crusory examination of tbe con
dition obtaining hore, with relatiou
to tho feasibility of an electric or
steam road from Sumpter to tho Red
Roy mining district. Whou ho de
parted this morning Iu company with
Hon. Uoorge J. Rarrott IiIh last words
to a Miner reporter were:
"Wait till I come hack; then Til
tell you something."
received a sign to hoist tho bucket
iu which Johu Arthur was coming to
the top. While holding the lever
Royce becamo almost uucouscious
from the smoke, aud before he could
stop tho reel, had drawn Arthur clear
up to the sheave.
Theu Royce became utterly un
conscious aud foil to tbe floor, while
Arthur tumbled out ot tho bucket.
Mr. Kircheu, of tbe Sumpter smelter,
who had just come oat of the shaft
ahead of Arthur, saved the latter from
a heavy fall by catching him, aud
the two theu got Royce to a place of
safety. He did uot regaiu hh -tenses
for some time, but finally got out of
the tunnel.
Had the hoist been going with
its usual rapidity, Arthur would have
undoubtedly heou killed or seriously
iujured. iloth Shanks aud Royco
were quite ill for some time after the
aocident. The smokestack finally
burned out aud veutiiatiun was re
stored. whicb is iudispensable for success,
Verueuil uses a blast of ox y hydrogen
gas, which acts direotly on the mass
from the top. Tbe hardness of the
ruby is the result of quick cooling
NO. 14
Fred W. Hind ley, tho noted miuiug
niiin, was badly injured last week iu
a San FranciHCo apartment house by
a giiH exploHiou, uncording to it
special dispatch to the Spokane
Spokesman-Review. While learning
to smoke (his wife lushting that
ho practice In the hallway) his
lighted cigar Ignited a large quantity
of gas which was escaping from u
defective pipe. The explnlanu wreak
ed the entire floor of the flat and
literally tore tho clothing from Mr.
Rradley'a body, and threw him out
of tbe window aud halfway across tho
street. He was seriously bruised
and burned.
Mr. Dudley la well knowu In
Sumpter. He was until .recently m
managing engineer for the Le Roi,
at Rosslaud, R. C, and he is now
the executive head of the Hunker Hill
& Sullivan at Warder, Idaho; tho
Radger gold mine in eastern Oregon;
tho Tai'oina smelter; tho Orovllle,
California, dredger; the great
Alaska-Tread well group of gold
properties ou Douglas island, Alaska,
and tho Marlpns-draitt properties iu
California. He has other Interests in
Nevada, Montana aud Alaska. Ha
represents some of tho richest mining
men iu tho country aud is popularly
credited with being able to secure
61, 000,000 ou his unaided word
whenever he wants to awing a miuiug
deal. He is about forty years old,
of simple habits, aud his recent de
votion to My Lady Nicotine Is un
known to most of his frieuda.
caused by sudden interruption of the
blast of oxyhydrogeu. The artloflial
ruby is said to be very pure and
brilliant, possessing all tbe physical
properties of natural rubles. It can
be cut, and takes a very flue polish.
Nothing Doing in re Goiconda.
Attorney N. C. Kichardrt returned
this morning from Pendleton, where
he went with II. T. Hendry x aud J.
A. Howard, ou IjusIuohh pertaining
to the pending (Inloondit deal. Ho
tmyi no agreement wits reached rela
tive to the PriiHHiiig proposition,
some of the stockholder favorlug
and others opposing it. Mr. Richarda
expressed the opinion that tho two
factions will not get together ou tho
terms proponed ; but hopes they will
on borne modification thereof. Mr.
Hendryx went ou to Portland aud
Mr. Howard is still lit Peudletou,
working ou the deal.