The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, November 16, 1904, Image 8

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of the
Pay for
Professor Nicholson Has Returned From
Denver Where Exhaustive Ore
Tests Were Made.
I'rofossor Nicholson, of the Killou,
Warner, HtmvMrt company, returned
today from a prolonged trip oiiHt.
JJIh principal purpose was to have
some treatment tests made in Denver
tin Standard on), hut lin wont to
Chicago oil other IiiihIiiuhh connected
with thu company.
Iltt stated to a Minor representative
today that ho made exhaustive ex
periments with thu Standard's stratiRo
gold-cobalt oro Hiitl that tho treat
nieiit problem Ih hoIvoiI. Undor IiIh
own personal supervision these fests
worn made In ono of tho perfectly
equipped plants In Denver. Nino
different procis-ios woro tried on the
there for
(Killou, Wiiruor, Stewart company,
with headquarters in Chicago; F. 1.
Coopor, it Htookholdor in tho com
puny, whouo homo Ih iiIho in tho
windy city; J. A. McLaughlin,
wIioho homo Ih in Lincoln, Nebraska,
drovo out to tho Standard mi no lust
Friday. Mr. SjIr roturnod yester
duy, Hiid MoHHrH. Ooopor aud Mo
LaiiRhllu are ox poo tod in tomorrow
or iiMxt day.
Flattering reports are brought from
the Standard, which under the
auproiuteuileiioy of M. F. Heath is
rapidly dovolopitiR Into one of tho
greatest inlneH of the west.
Tho narrow seam of sulphide
"The sale of the imperial mine,
iu Cahle Cove, to a Detroit syndi
cate for 975,000, reported in yester
day'H Miner, in a strnug aigumeut iu
favor of the leasiuR aud hnudiug
system," said a prominent Sumpter
miuiiiK man to a Minor reporter this
"Tho Jmporial Ih one of the oldest
mine was iu shape for examination
aud sale for something near its real
value, aud this causuuQ)9lbas
been brought about to the $?i ffao
tion of all parties coucerneaIt is
?afo to HHBert that had not the Im
perial pased into the hands of lessees,
it would have remained idle for au
indefinite period. As it is, not only
ore in the Cleveland drift has wideu-
pouudH of ore shipper! od iutn praotiually alx feet of solid
tho purpoHo. Some wore I ore, The cobalt ore in the main
entire falluioH, others saved a iiinroStanVL'l drift Iihh also widonod from
or Iohh HittiHfaotory percentage of one to two and a half foot. This Ih
viiIiioh aud ono wiih a complete now 0110 of tho prettiest HhootH of oro
over developed iu Oregon.
miuoH iu tho Cove, it was operated the oriRinal owuera of the mine Rot
iu early dayH with fair success, ship-' what they domauded for the prop
montH of high-Riade ore heiiiR madolerty, but the lessees, besides makiUR
to outuido HiuolterH. A oompauy wiih1 a huiir profit iu operation, cleauod
Inoorpotaotd to handle tho prop- up about 911,000. Everybody is
OHitiou on a larRor etude The pro- isatisliod, inuludiuR owners of con
motors woro poor mon aud met with tiRuous properties,
financial roversoi. For a unmborofj "There are dozens of other miucH
years tho miuo lay idle. Many in this upper camp, which if
(hilling mon oudeavorod to secure ' JooHoued up and developed under
control, but tho old owners, Imbued , Jeaso aud bond, would not ouly uet
with a firm aud wellgrnunded belief a profit iu operation to both lessee)
in the richuesHH of the property, re- and owners, but would also be placed
fused to let ro ou any other basis' in shape to pass into the bauds'of a
than an outrlRht sale for cash, compauy or syndics to strouR enoiiRh
OwIur to the incomplete development fluaucially to operate them upon a
the mine was not in shape for expert , big scale."
examination. A Rreat deal had to ' his formal piea ho repaid to the
be taken for Rrauted iu arrivhiR at a Rovoruiueut all but SJIfiO of the
valuation. Thus tho old mine stood amount taken. This point was
for a Ioiir period, decreasiuR in arRiied in his favor by his attorney,
market, value each day, throuRh ! Alex Sweek, but United States Die
caviiiR tunnelH aud rottiiiR timbors, j triut Attorney John Hall pointed out
1.1. ...II.. tl.n ,il,l .... w...o ........ t.i .. ti tl.n , ll.ot 41... .f.,..JI.,n
I IIMIIiJ UIU WI14 unilUII 11IIIU M 11. iliu Ulfllll. Itinii IUD ioiiiuuiuk l
That ono Ih a coiicoiitratiou pro
cess, in which (wo separate produotH
aio oxtraotod from tho oro. A hiR-h
made Rold-cobiilt coucoiitrate Ih so
cured llrst and tho other motalH to
Mother later. "1 haven't time to
day" said 1'rofoHHiir NIoIioIhoii, "to
ro luto a technical . explanation of
tho matter, but there Ih no question
but what wo will hiivo tho values,
all the metals."
Zoo th HoiiHor, a heavy stockholder
in the Standard Consolidated com
puay, won In the local oltlce of the
Killou, Waruor, Stewart Co. when hot
iiowh whh broiiRht Iu that the cobalt
Hhoot liad widened. "1 look to see
thiH shoot, continue for au indefinite
distance," he said to a Miner re
porter. "Kvery shoot so far un-
of covered In tho mine, five iu all, has
I both widened aud leuRtheued undor
(5. II. KoIr, Huoretary of the I development.
realization of their poor policy. The
mine whh turned over tc a trio of
riistilnu miniiiR mou on a lease and
bond. The lossoos installed a
modern milliiiR plant, opened now
oro bodies, boRau shippiiiR hiRh
Rrade ore aud a heavy toumiRO of
still higher concentrates, koopiiiR de
velopment well ahead of milliiiR
operations. Iu a short time the
the amount embezzled did not lessen
the penalty by statute, aud conse
quently the iluo imposed could not
be loss than the amount embezzled.
Hut tho district attorney said ho was
williiiR that the minimum imprison
ment, hIx months in jail, be imposed.
Kelly was turned over to the
United States marshal to botaken to
Maker City to serve his jail seuteuoe.
then would be a howl ou the part of
shippers that would awaken the
A few statements as to rates that
exist xl in the meal led "palmy days"
of the state are herewith set ferth:
In 1871), when sliver was selliiiR
I at 91. IK au ounce, the smelters paid
' i tho producers sixty cents au ounce ou
A lot of rot appears from time to ore ruuultiR thirty ouuees to the ton,
ttlino with reference to l ho smellers, iand seventy-nine cents au ounce uet
hiuuo papers asking its readers to ho-! on IHO-oouoe silver ore, while
liovo that tho smelters are slowly : 1,000-ounco ore only brnuRbt uiuety
sLraiiglitiR tho mining Industry. An; eight cents an ounce uet. Lead was
u mutter of tact, tho reverse is ex- paid for ouly when over twenty-five
not ly the oaho, fur rates have steadily per cent, aud at one time uothiuR
declined, while the Rrade of ore has less than one-quarter ouuee in Rold
decreased aud tin touuaRO treated was paid for. Two-ouuce gold oro
has increased. ; only broiiRht 920 uet. Copper was
These statements may be verified by paid for after first deductiUR 1 ounce
reference to tho books of any miuiiiR of silvei (or each uer cent of copper,
compauy which has been shipping .Six-ounce yold ore onjy paid the
tor tweuty or thirty years. producer 950. Iu 1878 ore that
If the iinelters returned to the
rates of the "Reed old days" (?)
coutalued 1.150 ounces silver and
thirty per ceut lead uetted IM0. 10 (plants.
per ton the treatment aud traus- A return to the old days would
portatlou charRes heiiiR 8507.80. menu a tax ou the otuput of the
Then it cost 98 to 90 per ton to haul miues that would over-burdeu them
ore from Silver fMume to CiooiRtown, 'and would meet with protests ou all
from the Policau mine; the same ore i sides. Ores and Motels.
Is hauled to Denver for 91,50 per ton
now. The Terrible miuo shipped
from tipper Clear Creek four aud one
half tous of oro that yielded 91,071.
The treatment charRes were 9000.
These tlRiires are takeu from the
books of the compauy.
Compare these Or ores with the
treatment charRes of five years bro,
a year bro today. Ores that the
smelters would uut make a bid ou iu
the "Reed old days" are now pur
chased at a profit to the miner.
Uuder the present system, with re
duced expeuse aud advanced metal
luriRical method, it is possible to
treat orus at a profit that were dis
carded a few years back.
Were the American Smelt! iir & Ke
tlniuR compauy to ro out of busi
ness aud the smelters all returu to the
old basis, treatment charges would
be raised to the old schedule neces
sary meet the increased expenses of
separate operation of the ditfereut
W. W. Klmer, cousultiuR eu
Riueer for the Suow Creek miue, weut
out to the property this moruiug, ex
pecting to return Wednesday.
Frauk Falnuery, the well known
miuer, who returned to Sumpter last
j week from Alaska with HiiRb (Jillis,
left this moruitiR for Whitney.
C. J. Johnson, secretary of the
Scaudia Tunuel company, drove iu
from the propoity today aud left for
Spokane ou the afternoon train.
Krauk Haillie, goueral mauaRer of
the Columbia miue, returned from a
tlyitiR trip to 13aker City this moru
iug aud immedietaly drove out to the
M. 11. Kuap), former owuer of
the llighlaud miue, is iu towu today
ou business conuected with the com
pauy which now conrtols the property.