A,i Wednesday, November 16, 1904 THh bUMPTER MINhR V SEARCHING FOR HIDDEN TREASURE MINING APPLICATION NO. 316. IN THE UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE, OREGON. Searches for bidden treasure never cease specially the hidden treasure of pirates. The British yacht Cavalier, the property of Mr. Maude, a member of the royal naval reserves. is at present in the South eeas in quest of lost treasue of the deep, A dispatch from Chile gives the in formation that the ship ha left the port of Coquimbo for the Galapagos islands, off the Chilean cohbI, in the South Pacific, and states that It carries two cannon, and 100 rifles. The supply of champagne and terrapin is not Riven out. ilso silent coucern- Mr. Maude and the sea are after. pirates operatiug in the years ago, in the days October, 20, 1004. Iu the matter, of the application of Nortwesteru Consolidated Miuing and Lumber company for patent to the Colorado and Gould aud Curry Lodes, Mineral Survey No. 500. canned The a NOTICE OF UNITED APPLICATION FOR STATES FATENT. Notioe is pursuance of JirVVreuBure iavYurerB of ing bis ad There were Paolflo 100 when Dana made bis three years1 voyage before the mast and took notes on the life of the Mexican iu the coast towns in Soubtern California, ond tradition says that there is a big aaobe of traesure Bomewhere ot tbo coast of British Columbia near Vancouver, audi several such aachea in the islands of the Souib PaciUo. It is one of the latter that this ex pedition la seeking. What chance there may be of re alizing profits in the enterprise can not be judged without exact details of the information possessed relative to the value of the treasure, the location of it and the difficulties to be encountered and overcome in se curing It. The expedition, bow ever, calls attention to the paucity of achievement In this line of business. Year after year there Is an unfailing series of announcements of the de partures of treasure-seeking ex peditions for waters where the booty of the pirates aud cargoes of lost ships are reported to be buried. But never are there any announcements of dividends paid on the stock of treasure-seeking companies, limited to show that the pearls and the gold, the rioh plate and the Spanish doubloons, have been recovered. From these facts It may be assumed that treasure hunting In the sea is a visionary trade. Doubtless it is full of interesting experiences, but, tor practical purpose, 'the people have engaged iu it might as well go forth on their quest with the map of "Treasure Island" to guide them and the whole of a tropical summer to devote to the project. Mr. Maude's expedition evidently expects to visit savage spots among the islauds of the Southern ooean and to deal with hostile natives, since bis yatob is so well armed. Here is plenty of op portunity for adventure, but uo treasureunless it be in bananas, coooanuta and dried Hiark skius. Mr. Maude and his crew may see some bfznrre sights aul possibly have to withstand the nativei with a bluff at flgbHng, but their eyes will not be gladdened nor their pockets made heavy with the ooutenU of a pirate's treasure trove or a lost ship's prec ious burden.- Butte Inter-Mountain. degrees, 25 to "Colorado" Cbarlea S. Warren, Jr.. vice-president of the Valley Queen mine, returned today from a trip to the property, whither be went to aegregat his personal belonging! In prepara t..n o a frin to TonoDab. He will an.,nmr,anv the Kitchen expedition ing to aaid Mineral overland, leaving Tuesday. hereby given that in Chapter Six, of Title Thirty-two of the Revised Statutesof the United States, the Northwestern Consolidated Mining and Lumber company, whose postottlce address is Seattle, Washington, is, about to make application for patent foi 2620. G feet of the "Colorado and "Gould and Curry Lodes," bearing gold, silver and other precious metals aud minerals, with surfaoe ground 000 ftet iu width, said lodes being situated in township eight (8) south, range tbirty-seveu (37) east (not subdivided), situated in uo organized miniug dhtrict, in the county of Baker, state of Oregou, said lodos being moro particularly described by the plat horowitb posted and designated by tbo field notes, on. file in the La Graude, Oregou, United Statoi laud office, as Mineral Survey No. 500, the maguotio variation of said nurvey beiug 30 21 minutes oast, said aud "Gould and Curry" lodeB beiug moro par ticularly described as follows, to-wlt: Commencing at corner No. 1 of said "Gould and Curry" lode, at a poiut more particularly described in said Held notes, wbenoe United Statea Mineral Monument No 2. bears south 40 degrees 31 minutes east 050.5 feet; tbeuoe north 34 degrees 15 minutes east 300 feet to corner No 2. of, said "Gould aud Curry" lode; tbeuoe north 10 degreos 21 minutoB west 300 feet to corner No. 3 of said "Gould and Curry" lode, thouce south GO degreoB 22 minutes wost 1500 feet to comer No. 4 of said "Gould and Curry" lode; theuoo south 10 degrees 21 50 4. 8 feet to corner "Gould aud Curry" United States Minetal Mouumont No. 2 bears north 88 degrees 35 minutos east 101.03 feet; thence north G5 degrees 30 miuutes east 1304.8 feet to corner No. 1 of said "Gould aud Curry" lode, the place of beginning, all aooordlug to said Mineral Survey 500. Also begiuning at Corner No. 1 of said "Colorado" lode, which is identical with corner No. 5 or said "Gould aud Curry" lodu, acordlug to said Mineral Survoy No. 500, whence United States Minora I Mouu ment No. 2 bears north 88 degrees 35 miuutes east 1G1G.3 feet; theuoo uortb 10 degrees 21 miuutes west 5G4.8 feet to corner No. 2 of said "Colorado" lode, which is identical with corner No. 4 of said "Gould and Curry" lode; tbeuoe south 71 degreed 30 minutes west 112.G feet to comer No. 3 of said "Colorado" lode; thence south 10 degrees 21 minutes east GOO feet to comer No. 4 of said "Colorado" lode; tbeuoe north GO degrees 53 minutes east 11323.2 feet to said corner No. 1 of aaid "Colorado" lode, and containing a net area, after excluding the area in conflict with the Majestio lode, Mineral Survey No. 423 of 14-100 of an acre of 31.76 acres, all accord- Survey No. 500, land forming a portion of township eight (8) south range thirty-Beven (37) east of the Wilnmette meridian, iu Baker aouuty, Oregon, tbo amend ed locution notice of said "Gould" and Curry" lode boiug recorded March 17tb, 1002 at pngo 034 of Volume R. of the public records of quartz miniug claim locution notices of Baker county, Orogou and tho amended location notice of said Colorado" lode bolug recorded Maroh 17th 1002 nt pago 035 of said Volume R. of said records. Tho adjoiuiug claims to said "Colorado" and "Gould and Curry" claims aro tho "Yankno Jim" Mineral Survoy No. 400, which adjoins said "Gould and Curry" lodo ou tho cant and tbo "Majostio" claim, Mineral Survoy No. 423, which adjoins aud oou diets with said "Colorado" claim on the north. Any aud all persona olalmlug aversely any portion nf said "Colorado" or "Gould and Curry" lodes, or auy surfaco grouud, are heroby notified to rllo their adverse olaims with the roglster of tho United States laud office at La Grande, Oregon, during the sixty days period of publication of this nntico of aplication for patent, or thoy will bo barred by virtuo of the Statutes iu such cases mado and providod. E. W. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE , 1887.-J'UUUCATION. NOTICE TOR United States Land Office, i La Grande, Oregon, August 99, 1004. Notice Is hereby Riven that In compliance with the provisions of the net of congress of June i, 1878, en titled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the state of California, OreRon, Nevada and WashlnRton Ter ritory." as extended to all the Public Land states by act of August 4, 189a, EDITH MAY. of Hourne, county of Haker, state of Oregon, has this day filed In this office her sworn statement No. nu for the purchase of the sH setf and sl sw of section No. 4. In township No. 9 south, range No. 16, II V M, and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or sionc wan tor agricultural purposes, and to es tablish her claim to said land befote Charles H. Chance, U. S. commissioner at his office In Sump ter, Oregon, on Monday, the aist dav of Nov., 1904. She names as witnesses: (iustav Emll Metier, of Hourne, Oregon; Ernest L. Manning, of Sunjter, Oregen: William J, Robertson, of Sumpter, Oregen: David Donald, of Hourne, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before said arsl dav of Nov., 1904 E. W. Davis. Register. 1878, NoTICi DAVIS, Register. Date of first publlcation,'40ot. 20, 1004. TIMHER LAND ACT.JUNE ). FOR IMIBLICATION. United States land Office. f La Grande, Ore., Aug. tg, 1901. j Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 1, 18,8, en titled "An act for the sale oftlmber lands In the state ot California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter ritory," as extended to all the Public Land states by act of August 4, I8g, - MAttDALENA MELZER. m ofUourne, county of Haker,state"of Oregon,1' has this day filed In this office her sworn statement, No. HT4. lor the purchase of the east H southeast V nf section No. ?. In township No. 9 south, range No. j I! w M, and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agri cultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before Charley M. Chance, U. S commissioner, at his office In Sumpter, Oregon, on Monday, the aist day of November, 1004. She names as witnesses ; (iustav Emit Mrli ,r. i Hourne. Oregon; David Donald, of Hourne, Oregon; Ernest L. Manning, of Sumpter, Oregon; William J. Robertson, of Sumpter, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or befortiMld aist dav of Nov., 1904. E. W. Davis, Register. ASSIGNEE NOTICE. TIMHER LAND. ACT JUNE 1( 1B78. IOR PUHUCATION. NOTICE In tho Circuit Court of tho Stato of Oregou for Baker county. In tho matter of the assignment of S. L. Campbell aud J. It. Landretb, lusolvout debtors. Notice Is hereby given that the uuderaigued assiguoe of the above uamed estate has filed bis final ao couuty as such assiguoo Iu the abovo eutitled court aud will ou the 4th Monday of November, 1004, or as soon thereafter as ho can be heard call the. sump up forjioariug, aud for an ordor of final dischargo as such assignee. C. H. McCOLLOCH, Assignee minutes east No. 5 of said lode, wheuco United Slates Land Office. ( La Grande, Oregon, August sq, 1904. ( Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 1, 1878, en titled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the states nf California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter ritory, as extended to all the Public Land states by act nf August 4, 189a, GUSTAV I:M 1 1. MELZER, of Hourne, county of Haker, state ot Oregon, has this day tiled In Oils office his sworn statement No, 117;, for the purchase nf the n J4 ne J and n!4 nw M 01 section no. a, in lownsmp no. o soutn, range IT, E. W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim In said land before Chan. If. Chance, U. S. Commissioner, at his office In Sumpter, Oregon, on Monday, the tisl day of Nov. 1004. Me names as witnesses: David Donald, nf Hourne, Oregon; Albert E. May, of Hourne, Oregon; Ernest (..Manning, of Sumpter, Oregon; William J. Robert son, of Sumpter, Oregon. Any and all perwws claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before said aist dav of Nov, 1904. E. W. Davis, Register TIMHER LAND, ACT JUNE J FUHLICATION. 1878. NOTICB I'OH United States Land Office. ( La Grande, Oregon, September 17, 1904, S Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 1, 1878, en titled "An act for the sale otllmber lands In the states of California, Oregon. Nevada and Washington Ter ritory." as extended to all the Public Land stales by act of August 4, 1891, DAVID J. HUCKNER. ot Sumpter. County of Hakei, Slate nf Oregon, has this day filed In this office his sworn statement No isoj, for the purchase ot the fcJ4 SW, and ti'A SfcU Section No. 8 In Township No. 11 South. Range No. J7 E. W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable tor Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his cialm to said land before Chas. H. Chance, U. S. Com missioner, at his office at Sumpter, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 6th day of December. 1004. lie names as witnesses. William A. Green, Harley G. Wood, Charles J. Moore and William Kitchen, all f Sumpter. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before said 6th dav of Decem ber, 1004. E. W. DAVIS Register. MINING APPLICATION NO. 312. U. &. Land Office, whose pottoffice address Is Minneapolis, Minnesota, U. : iLa Grande, Oregon, September 10, 1004. Notice Is hereby given that Charles G. Laybourn, TIMHER LAND, ACT JUNE 1, i87a.-NOTICB FOB PUBLICATION. ..I the United States Land Office, La Grande. Oreeon. AUL'USt 39, 1004 Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with provisions of the act of congress of June 1, 187S, en titled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the states ot California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter ritory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 189a, EMMA SNYDE. of Sumpter, county of Baker, state ol Oregon, hat this day filed In this office her sworn statement No. 117a, for the purchase ol the nH seW and setf setf, section 11, and netf netf ol section No. 14, In town ship No. 11 south, range No i, E W M, and will offer prool to show that the land sought It more val uable lor its timber or etone than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land be ore Chas. H. Chance. U. S. commissioner, at hit office In Sumpter, Oregon, on Monday, the 14th day of November, 1004. She names as witnesses : William Kelly, ol Sump ter. Oregon; Peter J. Soards, ol Sumpter, Oregon; Michael Lynch, ol Sumpter, Oregon; Clark Snyde, ol Sumpter, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before tald 14th day of Nov., 1904. E. W. Davis, Register. has made application lor a patent lor moo linear leet on the Erection lode claim, bearing gold and silver, situate In no 1 rganlied mining district, Grant enrnty, Oregon, and described In the official plat and field notes on file In this office, as follows, vli: Beginning at Cor. No. 1, Identical with Cor. No. a, Gold Huir lode, and Cor No. j, Grin ly No. 1 lode, Survey No, t8,Gold Hug-Grimy Mining Company, claimants, ( section corner on east side of section 1, twp. o south, range 6 east Willamette Meridian, bears N. is degrees 04 minutes E. 8w? leet; thence S, s degrees 11 minutes W, ya.ofeet to corner No. e thence N. 7 J degrees a? minutes E. 1514 feel to cor ner No. i thence N. j degrees 11 minutes li. 4JV'' feet to corner No. 4, Identical with corner No. 1. sur vey No. ja8, tjold Hug lode, whence corner No. , survey No. 4ai, Pyrites lode, bears N. Ha degrees 41 m'nules I:. MMfeet; thence S. 78 degrees u minutes W, 1500 feet to corner No 1, the place of beginning. Variation, a degrees to ao degrees of mlnu'esl:.; con taining 15 371-100) acres and forming a portion of tin southeast i of section j and of the southwest K "f section 4, in township 9 south of range 6 east ot thu Willamette Meridian. The location ol this mine Is recorded In the Recorder's office of Grant county, on pace 177. Volume N. of Mining RecorJs. Adio'nlng claimants me Gold Hug-Grlily Mining company, north and west, and Ibex Mining company on the east, All persons holding adverse claims thereto .ire re quired to present the same before Ihlt officii within sixty days from the first day of publlcutlon hereof, or they will be barred by virtue ot the provisions ol the statute. E. W. DAVIS, RlWIsriif. Rrsl publication, October 5, 1904. NOTICE l'OU PUBLICATION. (Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, ) September a8, 1904. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of her Intention to make final proof In support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before tne county cierK or uaKer county, at uaKci v.iiy, vmvkuii. fc. No. 7711, HARRIET on November o, 1904, vu: L, BUSBY, II. nee Webb, of Unity, Ore., lor the S M NW , NW . m avittf j tin iy s,tni " 'i' O nw A, sec. a4 nu h " ace. aj, ip iaa , 16 E. W, M. Site names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation ol said land, vli; Thomas J. Elms, George Whited, Edward Curop, James Whited, all ol Unity. Oregon. E. W.1)AVIS. Register. r tv