. THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, November 16, 194 QUIT PULPIT FOR PICK AND SHOVEL Mr. workiir lalmr, hoIIIiik FornnkluK tho pulpit for the pick itud nhovol of llw proBpootor, Kuv. W. J. HiikIimh, formorly Preuby torUti Hunday huIiooI inlHulormry for enHtru CuiKnti, Iihh iiuoomo ouo of tho lend I tin mini ijk promoturH of tho Buiiptor iliHtriot. Six yeMM hko Mr. HukIibh, wIioho homo iu in Unkur City, doolded to (iiit tho pulpit temporarily, for tho excletinent mid tnoro roiuutjorHtlvo oiuploymont of iiiiiiiim. Ho wbh otiiinontly HiicoHuful, und whllo ho hud hud hut little ox ,)urlonoo in proHpooliiiK he located Hoverul vhIuhoIo oIhIiih, ouo in LoHt liHHln. live iniloH from Uurkee, iu liHkiir untiiiy, known iih (he Oregon Kntu (Jnlil initio, from which II, 800 pouudH of (iiurtz rumintly Hont to tho Hinoltor yielded '2!)H.7H. Ho iiIho Inciitnd tho Kiiity Kroup fo nineteen cIiiIiiih in the (JmirlhtirK diHtriot, iiiljoiiiiiiic tho Htiitidanl CoiiHolidnted uiiuoH, of which Zenith HoiiHor, of Koho, Ih prlncii pal owner Ore tiikeu frciui tlinno HuIiiih Iiiih uhm.voi! iih much iih 81,000 per ton iu old, nilver, copper, iron and inn. HiiKhoH Ih mi iudefatiKiihle und perforniH nil kiudH of from hiiudliiiK drill to Htook. HIh miuiiiK 1Ih. eoveries huve lieen hiiioiik the moHt iinportHiil evontH in the hlHtury of tho diHtrictH In which he opurHtoti. Iu HpoHkiiiK f IiIh IohvIiik tho work of the uiiiilntry, Mr. HukIioh HHld to the Ktwt OroKonlHti todny : "For tho Kr'Hiter portion of my life 1 hHve oHruoMtly followed tho uiiiiiHteriHl cdlliiiK and naturally do sired h chaiiKo of occupation for a time. "I'ruripoctiiiK iudiiK healthful, iuteiiHoly IntereritiiiK and very often a prolltahlo ciiIIIuk, 'peculiarly free tnitn tho iiitiiiHe preHHiire of LiiihIiiuhh and proteHHioual life, I win Htronluy uttructed to it. lioliiK fairly hiiccohh ful in my Hint proHpeotliiK veuturoH, the roHiiltiUK juhImihhh Iiiih mown ho larxo that it. reqlurt'H all my time to maiiHKo it. "1 have tho hiuhest regard for tho work or the ministry. My life Ih linked to it, and 1 cannot nay that 1 have fomukon it." Mr. Hukuoh whh in Pendleton yen tordity, hoIIIiik Htock in IiIh miuiiiK propoHltimiH Htui vIhUIiik tho family of .Ihiiiho Crawford, old aniiaint auciiH and oo-workerH of Mr. HukIioh in the l'roHhyterlau church. Ah Sunday nchool miHtiiouary for vHHtoiu Ort'Kon, Mr. Illinium' work ualled him to every remote coiner of the country, and ho Iihh traveled every h(hko road and pony trail in tho mountain diHtriot, iu the din charKo of tho dutioH of a mlHHiontiry. Hu wan once ptiHtor of tho Prouhy teriau church at Union and later at Li i (iraude. Kant l)rtKni)iitii. mm OREGON P Snoyj line and union Pacific TO Salt Late, Denver, Kansas City. CHICAGO ST. LOUIS NEW YORK Ocean HtciunerH hot ween Portland and San FrunciHco every live days. Low Rates ! Tickets to and from all parts of tho United State, Canada md Europe. Through Pullman Standard and TouriHt SleepiiiK Oars daily to Omaha, Chicago, Spokano; Tourmt Sleeping car daily to KanMH City; through Pullman tourist sleeping cam (per Honally conducted) weekly to Chi cago, KanMf City; reclining chair cara (aeata free) to the Kait daily. For particulari, call od or addreai H. G. Bowmp, Agent, Rakor City, Or. vv '--JHE-fc Rl naiMWmt rtOWft Onlv truiiHcontinental line daHiiing directly through II Salt Lake Gty Lcadvillc Colorado Springs and Denver ThrtHt Hnlendidlv nnnimuxl tr ns i a . :.... ".;:c.iiv:r ----- , I I Uatly TO A 1,1. I'UINTW KAST. Overljnd to Tonapah. The pernnunol of ttie Kitchen ex pedition overland ko Touopah will ooiihIhI of the follovvlng Kuutlemeu: William Kitchen, l II. Ueruaid, ChurloH 8. Warren, dr., John Martin, .1. P. liidell and John Hoglin, The party will leave Monday moiiiiug, with outlit oonrthtiug of aix rigH and twenty horttett. The trip "will require twenty or twenty. live Uy, via Huron au Witiuemuoca. (ng Chair Cara. Through Sleeping and Dining Cars ami free Koclinl f The moHt Magnificent scenery 1 America by daylight. in t (Stop overo allowed on all clatiea 1 t (IVAVIfll II 1 For chea)eiit ratea and deacript I ve literature, addreci ; i W. C. MrtHIIE, Bmnl tt RIO GRANDE LINES ' POPtTlANBi Oriion I! It Will be to Your Interest If you con template vis iting the St. Louis Exposi tion, to secure reliable infor mation as to railroad service, the lowest rates and the best routes. Also as to local conditions in St. Louis, hotels, etc., etc. If you will write the undet signed, stating what infor mation you desire, the same will be promptly fur nished. If we do not have it on hand, will secure it for you if possible, and without any expense to you. Address, B. H. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agent, 142 Third St., Portland, Oregon. wnwm$MWimm HOIFORST.LOUISANDTHEWORLD'SFAIR WILL YOU BE THERE? Q Nature's Art Gallery of the Rockies io addition to the Jvv Attractions at St. Louis. This can only be done by going or returning via the "SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD' U NRIVALED SCENIC ATTRACTIONS NEQUALED DINING CAR SERVICE NSURPASSED IN EFFORTS TO PLEASE Write for Illustrated Booklet of Colorado's Famous Sights and Resorts W. C. McBRIDE, GeneraL'Agcnt 124 Third Street PORTLAND, OREGON 1 i Tourist Cars East Many experienced travelers prefer tourist sleeping cars for the transcontinental journey. The Chicago, Milwaukee fie St. Paul Railway can arrange for your trip east in tourist cars, offer you choice of routes and save you money. SST5L. l34ThirdSt, PortIand,Ore.