THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, November 16. 1904 The Stimpter Miner euiiuSMfin EVimv Wednesday by J. W. CONNEU.A Entered t the poilofllce In Sutnpter, OreKon, for transmission through the mails as second elms matter. , SURSCHIPliON HATES One Year .'.i. aoJ Months ! ALWAYS IN ADVANCB. i .. ' 1 - ' ' Nik Tosla'a oritialtism that tbe Now York subway Ih merely an elevated roHiJ put In h hole lu tbe ground. Ih a reminder of the en gineering triumph aohleved in Novada during the days of Mark Twiiin, when eHHturu investors found that they had contracted for h tunnel mo extensive that it would he necessary to construct ieveral hundred feet of it upon n trestle. In New Voik a national hank has enod trout company whioh, hy h rleooptivo proHpuctuu, had induced it to hofltimo one of (he uudorwriterti for the United States Cotton Duck company, h concern with a capitaliza tion of t.'IO.OOO.OOO, hut nothing like thai amount of tni t)lo prop erty. It Ih charged that the proa pectua waa IsHiiod with Intent to de fraud. If thiH case Ih made to "stick," there are mining paniea (hat would he acting pru dently hy onllitiK in ita literaturo. The Oorniah miuen iu their moat prosperous timea Rave employment to 71,01)0 men, and yearly turned out 1200 toua of tin and 12,000 toua of copper. The Cornwall mines have noon their heat daya and their pro duct today in Insignificant iu hoth tin aud copper, as compared with later-day localities. The Cornwall mining diHtriot Ih iu the aouthwcHt part or Cornwall county, and in oxoavaMoiiH made iu search for ore in mime places the tuuuelH extoiid for coiiHidiirahle l inttitutm uuder the lied of the Atlantic uceaii. The Gazette, of lialtimore, telle of a uew locomotive that Ih of Inter owl to railroad in on. It In expected to he able to run from New York to California without a atop, that la, tor fowl. Oil will he lined for fuel and it will lie pomlhle to make the run from coast to coast without the neoeaaity of having tti renew the Hiipply. It ih heiiiK mauufautured for the Southern Pacific railway, iu part hy three different companies, the Ameriaan Locomuvtlvo workH at Schnueutady, the Corliss Kugiuo company at Providence, and the General lectric company. It will furnish another example of the rush and hurry of the time. Word lies oome from Loudon, KuulaM, that the price of diamoudH hari aaaiidedj another five per cent, whioa, added to the varioua ascents iu the phhI (Ive yearn, makeH an ap preciation of forty live per cent that (lit Beautiful gems have undergone. Ah Adah advance iu price lmn heeu hut a auulerMte five per ceut, we pre .time that the utllamte hohI t)f the KtuitlflMan "outrolltog these articles of,' alutoloto necessity la to make It an lUijr per cent aud then quit work. We are very much of the ImprcttMjou that there 1 no shortage in the output of the South African tliamoud milieu, and that an many, if not mace, of the precious stone are Mug found uuw-a-daya than ever before. That diamouda have greatly augmented in price Is wholly becauBe tboHo observing gentlemen In control have noted tbe groat prosperity of tbeso United States during the past soveral years aud they simply de sired to participate. Again, they know full well that human nature, alike the worln over, the great majority, are always hopiug, praying that some day a diamond, or diamonds, will be theirs. An ohHorving portion In his travels notes tho romarkablo fondues i of mau or woman for display. This ostenta tious whim is gratilled only in women and to a Iobs extent in man, through ownership' of diamdndH. He will note that throe persons out of live in the ordinary run of his travels wear some article of luxury in which the diatnoud gleams out in its beauty. This is characteristic of tbe rich and poor alike. Tbe ostenta tions vary rich buy diamonds by tbe pint. The Well-to-do are satisfied with a few hundred carats. Those in moderate circumstances, those In medium, and those In poor, all want tho gems, aud will have them, at whatever cost and sacrifice, whether diamonds be f 10 or 950 a carat. Thua tho groat sooret ot their en chanced value. Lucky is be who holds shares in the groat glitterlug monopoly that dlga tbe sparklers to aupply the conceit of mankind. 7 Mining World. FRICTION IN GOLCONDA COMPANY DEVELOPING Under 11 Pendleton date line, tbe Spokesman-Review of Saturday pub lished this: "At 11 moetlug bold yoHtordey of tho Goloonda stock holdors it was decided to meet agaiu Monday, November 14, aud reor ganize the company, as proposed. At the moot lug the same board of directors and officers were re-olocted to Horvo another term." Tho paragraph waH shown to .1. A. Howard, who wan askod what It meant. "I can't tell you anything about it," said Mr. Howard, em phatically. "There will probably not be any meeting there today." Ami further tbau that he would say nothing. L. It. Hellman, one ot the stock holders iu the company, says he re oeived a notice from tbe secretary, Htatiug that the meeting would he held today; that It was called for the purpose of reconsidering the action taken at the meeting held last week, when it was decided to soil tho mine at public auction January 4. He gave his proxies to 11. T. Hon dryx, who left yesterday to attend tbe meeting. That's all he knew about it for publication. There is evidently Home friction, a contest is on for the control of tbe property, between Messrs. Howard aud Kaley on the one side aud Messrs. Trussing and Houdiyx oil the other. It la a matter that can't be settled by talking to newspaper representatives, and Mr. Howard, at least, la refraining from taking them into his confidence, perhaps wisely. Something will probably be doing wlthiu a week. Ex United Statea Marahal Zoeth Houaer, whose home is iu Pendleton, but who spends most of his time in Quart7.burg district, where he la In terested in the Rtaudard tuiue aud tbe Dixie group, arrived this uioru iug from the west, ou his way to the iuterior. VVA1ER POWER PLANT EOR THE COLUMBIA The two oarloasd of water pipe for the Columbia mine, mention of the arrival of which was made iu yester day's Mluer, is to bn UBod iu con nection witb tho water-electric power plant that company is now installing, regarding which important enter prise little baa beeu known and nothing heretofore said iu print. Witbiu thirty days tbe Columbia mill aud mine.will abandon steam as a motive power and substitute elootriclty. The supply of fuel Ib already becomiug scarce in tbe Cracker Creek district, and there fore expensive. Water for power will be taken from Fruit creek, the rights to which tbe Columbia com pany had tbe forethought to secure some years ago. Tbe dam baa been constructed a mile above tbo powor bouse, and tbe water will he brought down the en tire distance through oast iron pipe, these two calroada being tbe Aral shipment to arrive. The layiug ot this pipe now constitutes tho major portion of the work yot to be done, In order to place tbo plant iu com mission. Two hundred horse power will bo developod. sufficient for all' presout needs at tbe mine. An interesting piece of informa tion iu this oonuefltiou is that the froigbt cbargos alone on the first two carloads of pipe, from tbe factory iu Pennsylvania, where it was cast, to Sumpter, amounted to $000. There is said to be no dealer 011 this coast who ships the pipe by water arouud the boru, aud thus save this large expense, which, In itself, would seem to be a fair profit. COAL FIELDS IN ARCTIC CIRCLE Near Cape Lisburue, which is ou the Aiotic coast of Alaska, H00 miles uorth of tbe Arctic Circle, are two coal bearing formations of economic Importance. They were studied during the psst summer by Arthur J. Collier, of tbe United States Geo logical Survey, who, assisted by Mr. Chester Washburn, made bia way iu an opeu dory along that distant shore as far east an Cape Ueaufort. The wind iu that quarter of tbe earth blows everything with cyclouio foroo straight out to sea every day iu th ) year except those days wheu, for a change, it tear duwu from the North Pole, blowing everything far iuland. Puttiug to sea iu an opeu boat might seem like tempting fate iu that latitude, but tho survey meu found it tbe most practicable way of Mtudyiug the formations ex posed aloug the coast. Comiug south they were takeu up by tbe cutter Ibetis, tbe captain of whioh did eveiything in his power to facilitate their work. Of tbe two coal beariug format ious, oue, which lies east or Cape Lis burue, la of Jurassic or Lower Cretaoeouaa age, and tbe other, which ilea aoutb of Cape Liaburoe, la either Lower Carboniferous or Oevouiau. The Mesozoio coal bearing formatiou, whioh has been kuown for the last three quarters of a century, commences at a point twenty-five miles east of Cape Lis- burne and is continuously exponed along the coast to Cape Beaufort, a distance of forty miles. It contains the well known Corwin and Thetis mines, the location of which has been shown on mauy recent maps of Alaska. Geologic study show that the coal measures of these fleldB have a total bicknesB of at leaU 15,000 feet aud coutaiu not loea than forty beds of coal, oHcb over a foot thick. The aggregate thickness of all the beds seen by Mr. Collier if over 150 feet. Eleven of thorn are more than four feet thick aud contain coal of good quality. Analysis of samples from some of tbe bods show the product to be low-grade bituminouss coal.' A limited amount of coal baa been mined there since 1879 for whalers and revenue cotters. Several oargoes were mined in '01 and sold at Nome market for 918 aud 920 a ton, In competition with Comax and Wash ington coal at 925 a ton None of the ooal beds permanently developed. have been Tbe coal produced was mined from the crop pinga along the sea cliff and boated off to tbe ships through tbe surf. There is no harbor for vessels nor protection from any but south winds. In lOU.'l a amall amount of coal, probably uot exceeding twenty or thirty tons, was produced at the Corwiu miue. In 1004 about twenty tous were taken" by the'v steamship Corwiu, aud about ten more tons were mined for consumption at the Point Hope whaling station. Tbo Paleozoic coals out orop at three points aloug tbe coast, four, eight, aud twelve miles, respectively, south of Cape Lisburne. The coal bearing formation extends southward for a distance of about forty mllesj and reaches tbe coast again at Cape Thompson. Beds over four feet in thickness occur at eaoh of tbe localities noted. No analysis of these coals has yet beeu made. They are bitumiuouss and of considerably better grade than the Mesozoio coals of tho .region. They are totally undeveloped, but iu 100!) a few tons were miued from oroppinas in tbe sea cliffs and used at tbe Point Hope whaliug station. Copper and Silver Everywhere. The Amalgamated company is digging up tbe grouud in the vicin ity of the old smelter works at Auaoonda. Tbe old plant has has beeu removed, whioh for nearly twenty years waa in aotive operation. SVith the great clouds of smoke that oame from tbe imokestaok there was carried mauy thousands of tons of metallic particles of copper and ailver. It has been discovered that the surface of the gtouud for miles within the vicinity of tbe old smelter it. rich in these metals. In fact au average sample assay of tbe surface shows that it oontaius mure copper to the ton tbau tbe ore now beiug shipped from the mines in iiutte. Four and one-half per cent copper is fouud in this ground, beside considerable sliver. There are millious of tons of slag on the grouud, aud this, too, is being assorted and sent to the new smelter for reduction. Under the old methods a large percentage of the copper was lost, and all of this matter will be re-worked. Mining World. Jack Soofleld, a miner from the Overanld, passed through town today on his way to the hospital In Baker City. He Is suffering with appendi citis and may have to submit to an operatiou.