r ,C , THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, November 9, 1904 BAKER CITY WOMAN FIRST FOUND GOLD The Hast Oregouian relates au in terstlug chapter iu tho history of the discovery of gold In OHliforiilH. it 1b told by tbiit iiiout Indefatigable blstoriMU, George II. Ilimas, who re turned tblt morning from Maker City, where be Interviewed Mrs. Miriam iiouuey HI bier, the llrHt discoverer of gold In modern timed in Call forula. Tbla atory baa never bitbnrto been published, but mm to ita author ity there la no question. In 1H40 Mm. Ilibler, then MIsb Mlrlatu Houney was one or a party of Immigrants from MiHHouri who iiuoia overlaud, heMdMi orlgiuully for I OreKon. At Fort Hall, Idaho, the party fell under the Inlluoeo of a man named Hastings, an ornhHitry of a movement to boom California, and he persuaded many membera of the party to dolloot at that point and go to California. Among those In fluenced by llnstlngH wiih MIhh llomiuy'H rather, Truman Uonney. MIhh Uonney wan thou twelve yearn of nKe. The Uonney party went down Into California by the Ijiihhuii trail, and made their temporary headquarters near the old Sutter ranch and fort on Mather river. Only a Hhort time afler reaching Fort Hutter Miriam ionuey found iu the gravel "f Koiither river yellow partinlen which attranted her atten tion, amoiiK them a plooo au large an a pea. The young girl wiih intelligent and Informud enough to have more than a paHHlng and Idle interest in the yellow bite, and brought them to her lather and others. Among IIioho who aw Mill became Interested wtiH QUEBEC CHANGES IIS MANAGEMNf The Quebec mine haH changed owerHhlp and management aud this well known property In the Alamo diHtnct Ih now being put in shape for the winter. At a meeting of the Htookholdois held at Alamo IuhI Thursday C. 10. .leuuiiigH, of 1'aducah, Kentucky, aud his frieudH purchaHed the J. SV. aud 10. 10. Carr intercut iu the Quebec, thin acquiring a control of the property. A new hoard ot directors wa-t elected, including MeHrtrH. Howard, Calder, iirowu and OuvitlHon, of Sumpter, aud Mr. leuuiiigH aud two aHsooiatoH of Kentucky. The old olllcers were re elected with the exception that W. C. Calder wan elected secretary aud manager of the company and ban taken charge of the property. Mr. Jennings and party paiei'd through Maker City Saturday night on their return oast. Manager Calder, who promoted tho deal, says that the only work that will be done on the property this season will bo to repair it aud put it iu good shape to go through the winter, aud make surveys for the purpose of obtaining patents to the grouud. (Jeneral Fremont, who at once and without hesitation counseled great secretiveuoss, and through bis In lluenae the news of disscovery of what thoHo Informed all bellevd to be gold was hushed up. On the further advice of Fremont, one, Dr. (J i Idea, wan entrusted with the care of the yellow metal and aeut to Monterey to obtain an assay which would determine ita real value. (Jlldea started on hla journey, but disappeared, aud it Ij believed that he wan murdered, but that the murder had nothing to do with his mission to Monterey. The mater then rested until January 21, '4 H when Captain Sutter made the rind wbiuh has made his name a household word tho world over. The motive of Fremnout iu sup proHHlng the news of the discovery uhould be appreciated at ita full value and fur iu elfecta. Fremont knew porfectly well that if full pub licity was given to the discovery, all his lung-laid and careful plana for tho annexation of California might be completely upset by the declaration with which the Spanish aud Mexican iulluence would prob ably resist the movement, which at that time showed Hlgus of being con summated. The iiounoye In the spring of 18-10 came to Oregon and lived for two years in Marion count. They then went to California for a year aud engaged in mining, but without any particular success, aud then returned to Oregon. Mrs. iliblor is a widow aud haH lived nearly all hor life in Oregon, aud is now Hcventy-ouo yean of age. The Quebec in the past has pro duced a large quantity of ore which J was milled at a profit, aud there Iiiih I been done altogether about 0,000 fu I iu iiuvuiuiiimii wimk iii iiiu iiiiiiu. It Is expected to operate the mine again next year, although tho plans of the company have not yet boon formulated. Democrat. GOLDEN CHARIOT CASE GETTING A TRIELE HOT Mayor MCcollooh aud his client, Walt Wade; ,1. U. Fryer aud Hoy 11. Miller, witnesses, aud Dr. Hrook defendant, iu the case invoking an interest in the Uolden Chariot mine, a couple of miles south of town, went to Maker City this afternoon, on husiuoss pertaluiug to the trial of the case. The testimony of Messrs. Fryer aud Miller will be takeu at this time, I before a referee, as that of other witnesses has been taken. This will probably close tho evidence, unless the plaintiff puts J. W. Scriber on the stand, as has been reported would be done. The case will not go before a jury, but will be argued iu chambers before Judge Egan, the evi dence being submitted iu typewrit ing. It is being stubbornly fought aud considerable bitterness has been BLUE BUCK VALLEY.. QUEEN BLACK BUTTE Are the greatest moaey-makiog stocks on the market today. Investigate them. Write for annual reports and prospectuses- WHEELER & CO., BANKERS Dcpt. 60 32 Broadway. New York. Sole agents for above companies. engendered, some of the testimony being directly coulliotlug. Wad fc Camp claim to own a two-thirds Interest iu the property, through a verbal understanding with the de fendant, who claims that there never was such an agreement; that the Camp bond expired months before he secured au option, that ho had no interest iu their bond nor they in hiH. C. A. JohiiH rftprosouts Dr. Hrook aud Attorneys McColloch aud William Smith tho plaintiff, W. W. Wade. The mine was sold to Philadelphia parties by L. V. Swiggett, who in managing itu development, for 8:10,000, about 85,000 of which has been paid. Their titlo or possesion is not involved. A decision will probably be reachod some time iu December. TELLURIDE FOUND IN NEW ELDORADO ThomitH Loo, who baa been btiHying himself during the past spring aud Hummer iu driving a (500-foot tunnel on the propertieH which he aud co owuerH have faith Jwili bring into promiuouco the mineral wealth of the Hootiou of which Thomas's ranch in !(limit county is the pivotal puiut, is iu liakei City, the home of him Holf aud family. The work thin far accomplished has demonstrated their judgment to have beou superior to the divining rod. Through the length of the tunnel as far as completed they havo eucouutorod veins carrying values which encourage the belief that when they have touched the ledge matter which carries the big veius indicated nuar the apex of the hill, they will have an ore supply far iu excess of auythiug which has been proven iu tho Susauville district, a little further ou. Dr. Lee la uot now inclined to go in details with reference to projected plans aud says that he will leave the optimistic exuberance couceruiug that sectiou to Captaiu Kemp aud others, who vow that the bills thereabouts are lousy with such tellurides at will some day shade the revelatious made some years ago iu Cripple Creek. Iu passing it may be noted that these uom'lusious were some years ago made by tho late Tom MoEwen. Iu what is known au . the New Eldorado district, a short ways from Thomas's ranch, Mauager Fuller, of tho Sumpter smelter, has acquired several claims withiu the past few days aud it is understood has seut uieu out there to opeu them at ouce, BIRD HORN aud withiu a abort commence shipping ilsrald. time expects to a high grade ore. Work on Constellation Road. L. V. Swiggett came iu last evening from the Cable Cove district, where he 1b personally superintediug the oostruotion of the wagou road from the Overlaud to the Coustella tion mine. He came down after roeu aud took seveu back with him. Fifteen wero already employed ou the work. Iio says tho route has beeu slashed and tho work will bo en tirely uomploted iu ten days. THE NATIONAL BANKER 14 ae ii Sail st. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS A journal of National circulation. Ih read by bankers, capitaliHts, in vestors, retired merchants. If you want to reach n good cIuhh of buyers uud the moneyed and investing pub lic, advertise iu the National Banker. ThotiHandH of copies of each issue of the National Hunker goes to investors throughout the Middle West, Eastern aud New England states. The best journal in tho country in which to reach investors. Sample copies free Advertising rates ou application. SPECIAL NOTICE If you want to rend a free and inde pendent paper, devoted to tho inter est of mining and current events, which is not controlled by any pro moting concern, Hitch as most of tho pilars in the east are, send for n free Ham pie copy of NEW YORK BANKER !l BROADWAY, ' NEW YORK FREE! FREE!! FREE!!! 85.00 Certificate of the best Oil .Stock absolutely given tiwuy. Write tit once for plan how to secure Five Dollurs' worth of fully paid and uon-tissessiihle Oil Stock without cash. INVESTORS1 LISTS COMPANY Room 729 Park Row Bldg. NEW YORK " j..yg-'" r