4 ' Jr THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, November 9. 1904 SALE OF THE MN E IS A. L IMwen Arrived Today From the East With Experts to Examine the Property. A. L. MoHwon roturueil today from a (rip HHt, hi far nh New Vork. He was accompanied to Sumpter hy A. 11. Hlbloy, of Dotrolt, Michigan, president of the company that maun faoturoa the celebrated Fruo vannor; A. N. Humphrey, of Pittahiirg, iud i. Nolile. of Denver, the latter two being mining experts Johnny Arthur met them at Maker City, and went out to Cable Cove district, with thnm this afternoon. Thi i forenoon they were shown through the smelter, ftegarditig the purpuHo of their trip, A. L. MuNwoii Haid to a Miner repre sentative: "They have oome out here to look at the Imperial mine, whiuh myself mid partner are now working under bond and leaHe. The money to pay for the mine has been HiihHoribed by h ayndlcate of Detroit oapltallHti. Mottsra. lluiuphrey hiiiI Noble are MAD FARMERS AND SMELTER FUMES It in reported that negotiations (hiring the past few dayH in the con troveray between four of the largeut unletting companion which operate in the vieitity or lilugham, Uath, and the farmers in that atate, over the alleged injury canned to the anil and vegetation by the fumes from the furnaces, have reached a critical uteno. Up to within the paHt week it. wi.h believed that the adjiiHtmeut of (hu matler would follow in due course, several ounferoiMoa having boon held hohvoou the farmer and tho managers of the Hiuelterri. At u miit mooting of the farmers, how over, hold at Murray, it haa boon vote to reject all the proportions made liy tho Hiuolting ccmpauiori and it was doeided to iiiHtitute injunction proceedings, According to the plana now out lined by the farme.s a committee haa boon formed to take the (UohMou to tho courts, each farmer hoiiiK assessed ton ooiitH per acre to meet the legal expenses, The farmera want to compel the HiuelterH to abut down until the improvements are made. 1. is not believed that Hiich draHtiu remedies could bo teuured iu Uath as groat ntroHH has hoeu laid upon the development made recently iu the molting hualtiosas in the atate. What concerns the farmera ia tho Milphur thrown out through the Hues, more than the metallic particles. Dr. John Widatoo, of the experiment Htatiou in the atate agricultural college, who has boon at work on the problem for over a year, ia authority for the statement that enough anl- IMPERIAL NOW PENDING milling men of ability. They will mako a thorough examination of the proporty for the gentlemen who are negotiating for its purchase and of course, tho salo depend-) on their report. The mine will stand tho teHt, ho I have little doubt regarding the oonHiimmation of tho deal." Sovoral months slnoo Mctiwen, Arthur & MoHwon put a Hinall mill, whiuh they had boon uaiug in thoir Hampling works hore, on tho Imperial and it has proven to be a moHt gratifying success, saving u large per cent of values, by coticontiatiou. Tho mine haa been nhipping both uoncontrateH and oro to tho smoltor hore regularly for Home weekH pant; at a very satisfactory profit, it la reported. Captain Paul, one of the ownera of the Imperial, accompanied the party out to tho initio thia afternoon. phur paaaoa out through the auioke atacka at Murray each twenty-four huura to furninh every man, woman and child In Utah a pouud per day. Tho amellera handle 1,000,000, pounda of oro in a day 'a ruu, and one-third of this or about 1100,000 pounda paaaoa oif into tho air aa aolphur gaB, which, coming in con tact with water, forms aulphuroua acid. Thla acid deatroya vegetation by eating the cell walla within tho plant and killa cattlo by poiaoniug the pools of aurface water in which the gaa ia readily diaaolved. The area of damage waa iucreaaod to in clude the whole weatern valley by the action of the Highland Hoy amelter, iu adding au additional fifty feet onto Ita amoke atack at tho be ginning of the present year. Attempta made to control tho amelter fumea at Anaconda, Montana, and at Tacoma, Waahlngtou, have al today met with hucoohh. FOUR TONS DYNAMITE TEARS OPEN MOUNTAIN Hy the exploalon of 8,000 pounda ot dynamite iu the Calico diatrict, near (iranta Pass Monday, the entire diggtuga of the Koyal group hydrau lic minoa, lying betweeu Kooky and Ulch gulches, were bluwn up aud a mountain waa rent asuuder. Huudreda of tona of earth aud rock wore blown skyward, aud the eutlre (ialice diatrict trembled aa by au earthquake. The report waa oou alderably luuflled by the mouutaiu into which the 8,000 pound of ex plosives waa set, but the report waa heard tor many miles. The purpose of the explosiou waa to loosen up the cemeuted gravels aud stiata of the Hoyal Croup diggings, making it available for washing down by the giants 'without further blasting. Ordinarily bleat ing is done a little at a time through' out the mining season. Pieces of bank are frequently encountered that are too stiff , for the giants to gnaw through, and a stick of dyna mite is necessary. To do this the giaut streams are turned aside, aud just that much time ia lost. Man nager Harvey believes be has saved much valuable time, it is a new departure in southern Oregon placer miulng, aud the result will be watched with interest. The method of setting the dyua uiito was by driving a long drift iuto the aurifeiuua mountain and placing the powder in this, connecting the fuBea bo that all exploded at once. The garvel banks here ar very high, toweriug to 125 aud even 2 U0 feet, with gold all the way .through. The ground ib an old channel, aud after such a shaking up as it had yester day, will yield easily and oau be washed in great quantities through tho sluices this winter. OREGON DOESN'T RECEIVE ITS DUE J. II. Flak, vico-proHideut of tho Orogou Minora' association, com plains that Oregon does not recoivo just recuguiton from the government or state as a miuing section. He says: "Oregon produces one-third as much gold annually aa California, yet the latter state has twenty times more capital invested iu the in dustry than Oregon. The California legislature alao appropriates 850,000 annually to promote her miuing in dustries. Orogon produces ' nearly half as much gold as Montana, fully aa much aa Idaho ana ten timos as much aa Waahlngtou, and yet these states all have United States assay oflicoa. besides making largo appro pratlona to promote the miuiug in dustry. Oregon leads them all iu the varioty of her mineral products, haviug large bodies of sodorlte, moldy beuite, marble, slate, aljmi num, crolite, vivauite, kaolin aud clays of all kinds, bosides various precious atouoa. 14 1 receive inquiries weekly from proapeotive eastern Investors," said he, "and there should boa well regu lated miuiug bureau that would catalogue districts aud miuiug prop erties, aud publish the samo for the information of probablo investors. California has such a bureau, aud it ia proving valuable iu the matter of bringing capital into the state." New Mill for the Maxwell. Marl Stevenson aud Charles Kent thia week finished a contract for hauling lumber to the Maxwell miue iu the Kook Creek diatrict near Haiuea, which ia beiug uaed iu the couatructiou of a new mill, to take the place of the one destroyed by the suow slide last winter. Work 'is beiug rushed ou the building, the eutire force at the mine, uuder the direotiuu of J. E. Hacou, beiug eugaged iu the work of construction. The mill will bo up-to-date iu every detail, aud equipped with the latest machinery. It ia reportod that a mill will alao bo erected at tho Chloride miue, aud that oxteusive operations will be carried ou at the mine this wiuter. Haines liecord. ANOTHER FINE GOLD PROCESS Still another man has perfected a sure tblug machine for saving gold. At regular periods the mining world is called upon to sit up and take notice that sume obscure inventor has revolutionized placer mining. The miuing world yawns and the Iu cMent passes into history. Th latest man with claims of big repute is G. W. Wilkerson, of Portland, who baa built a machine consisting of two copper plates, placed about an inch apart, the plates being silvered with coin silver and then touched up with quicksilver, specially prepared. Mr. Wilkerson says he has tried bis appliauce ou the beach sands be tween Astoria and Seaside and that It works perfectly where fresh water can bo obtained and when the gold bearing sand is found in a dry state. "Sea water contains oil," be says, "and this oil prevents the saving of the golden articles, so that no inven tion yet produced can catch the beach gold with sea water. The oil I find is crude petroleum, which Is, distributed iu the seas all over the world, denotiug that oil wells exist in tho bottom of the ocean. "But it is along the banks of our Oregon rivers aud among the tailings of the Northwest that my plates will suve the gold. Eveu were the gold so tine that it takes 10,000 particles to make oue cent's worth, my ap pliauce will take it all up to the last iota. Sands that contain Ave cens iu gold to the oubic yard can be worked at a profit, as one machine will put 4,000 yards of sand through iu ten hours, with the aid of a gasoliuo engine and four men." AH sorts of saving devices for fine gold have been invented on the ooast withiu the past fifty yeais, but none of them has been perfectly successful. Wheel of Fortune Revolves. The wheel of fortune still rolls on, hb the following will shew: During the Uaker period on Cherry Creek, John Cuppy worked In the Cherry Hill mine aa a miner, and, like many others, in due course got "fired," packed his blankets baok over the divide, ami shortly after struck out for Touopab. After being there for some time aud making a succes sion of fortunate deals, be has now donned up the reBpectuble pile of UU0,000. Another lustauce of a miner who alao worked iu that famous mine during the aame lively time, waa George Loud, who soon after fouud himself iu Tonopah, aud latoly iu Cioldtield, with au iutereat iu several claims iu that now famous camp. He has au interest in the Saudstorm mine, of whloh he is also auperiuteudeiit, and has already oleaued up the comfortable sum of :10,000 with ten time) that iu sight. Miuiug aud F.ugiueering Review. South Gem Mine Bonded. Phil Metacban, of this city, has giveu E. Simpson, of Susvanville, an option ou the South Gem mine, the option to expire October 1, 1905, previous to which time Mr. Simpson may become owner of the pioperty by the payment of 15,000. The South Gem is located on Elk creek, near the Badger miue, at Susanville, aud is an exteusion on the same lode as the Gem of the Mountain. Portlaud Telegram. "Tr- taf ,-aa -naax