BJBaBBBJBJBBJBMBVBVBVBVBllMBBJflBBBlMB VOL. VI. RICH STRIKE IN THE GEM MINE AT SPARTA Al Geiser Opens a Magnificent Body Free Gold Ore at the 500 Foot Level. Al Geiser baa tit urate it riob aguiu this time at tbe Gem mine, uear Sparta. At tbe 500-foot level be baa opened a aboot of ore abot full of free gold. A teu-atamp mill la pounding on it and a cleanup made last week reaulted in a big gold bulliou brlok. Gsiaer acquired fame ih operator of tbe old Uouanza, wblob be devel oped seven years ago Into a heavy producer and Bold for half a million. Late.' be opened tbe Tabor Fraction, disclosing ore of fabulous valuo. Not long ngo be took charge of tbe (Jem, h property over in the Pan hand lo, which bad presumably neon "worked out." Ho bad a tboory about tbe mine and proved its correctness. Ar a result Al Geiser is again tbe bonanza miuiug king of eastorn Oregon. Nod Parker, secretary of tbe Geisor-IIendryx Investment com pany, of Sumpter, went down to Baker City Saturday to meet tbe senior member of tbe Arm upon tbe latter's return from tbe Gem. When they met, Ueiser carried a candle box illled with quartz in which free gold shone like tbe rising sun. Secretary Parker returned to Sumpter yester day morning and told The Miuer about it. The tale is interesting. It seems that tbe old manager for tbe old Gem Consolidated Miuiug company, of wbiob L. U. Williams, ex assistant manager of the fionauza, under the old Geiser regime, was superintendent, sauk a 200foot perpendiculur shaft to iutercept the dippiug vein at that level. Tbe ledge was cut all right, hut it was found that an intrusive dyke had catered the ledge, creating a perfect fault. From tbe 200, the per pendicular shaft ohauged to an in cline to follow tbe ore. Instead of siukiug on the vein, however, tbo old management followed tbe barren dyke, to tbe 500-foot level, until hope gave out and tbe mine shut down. Not long ago tbe Gelier-Uendryx company took charge on a lease and bond. Al Geiser bad long ago evolved a theory and desired to work SUMPTER, OREGON, of it out. At tbo '200-foot lovel, whore tbe old management lost tbo pay and struck tbe dyke, tbe vein, which strikes uortb-aoutb and dips forty degrees )aat, is squarely cut otf by a graulte-porpbyry intruaive dyke, tbe dyke striking east-weat and dipping fifty degrees south. Tbe old manage ment believed, as did Professor Waldemar Idudgreu, of the United States Geological Survey, that tbe veiu ooutiuuod beyond the dyko. Consequently they sunk HOG foot on tbo dyke, expectiug to pass through tbo fault and pick up the vein. Tlioy wore disappointed, and wore forced to adopt the expedient of ornssmitiug north from the dyko iu a blind hopo of lluiliug the lodge. Only a short crosscut had been run wheu the old company's stockholders lost heart, funds failed to ho forthcoming and tbo mine was forced to dose. It was ! at this juncture that Al Geiser, acting for his company, leased the miuo, with an option to purchase, and took personal charge. It must he remembered that all those operations below the 1200-foot level wero cariiod ou by a company iu which tbe Geiser brothers AI, Frank aud Kd were iutorested. Al was the advisor of Superintendent Williams, his old pal. When, at length, financial exigencies forced a suspension, Al retained a firm be lief that he was correct, aud upon re cently securing coutrol of tbe prop erty, on behalf of tbe Gelser-IIen-dryx company, be undertook to demofcu?rate the truth of his theory. His first work, after uuwateriug the rather crooked shaft to the 500-foot level, was to exteud tbe north cross out tiom that statlou. Cue day last week the miuors broke through tbe porpbyry-grauite dyke into the main veiu, disolosiug sharply defined walls, from one to four feet apart, between which lay crushed granite aud streaks of quartz, iu some places two feet wide. The ore is normal ooana veiu quartz, with free gold aud a little pyrite aud black ziuo blend. A seam of quartz, varying iu widtb from four to twelve inches, carries free gold iu abundauce. In faot, the NOVEMBER .,, 190 ore in this seam Ih abot full of the yellow stuff, and samploa assay from 110,000 to 8100,000 per ton. Such was the obaracter of the specimens brought iu to Haker Saturday uigbt by Mr. Geiser. A portion of these specimens wore brought to Sumpter by Secretary Parker and are on ex hibition at the GeiBer-Heudryx ofllces on Mill street and Granite stroot. Thoy are certainly good for soro eyes. Of course, tho problom Is not yet. completely solved. It remains to 1)0 determined whether the vein found at. tbo 500 oxtoudH to the 200; or whether tho intervening space Is barrou; iu other words, subsequent work muHt show whether tho fault movement at tho 200 was perpen dicular or lateral whether tho dyko forced tho veiu down to the 500-foot level, or merely intruded at tho 200. Consulting Engineer ,1. N. t283otatyuo is at tbo property, supervising the installation of a now skip for use in tbe shaft, which, as well be learned from a read lug of the above description of the work ings, la perpendicular for 200 twt, then dips fifty degrees toward the smith for MOO feet. Tho shaft will bo continued 200 foot deeper and connections made at two lower levels with tho Hhoot at tho 500. E. E. Cleaver Home From Indiana. iOlmor 10. Cleaver was iu town to day between I rains, returning to Maker City this afternoon. He has boon iu Indiana most of tho summer, financing tho Indiaua, a copper property east of Haker City, aud expects to return at an early day. The Indiaua has eight foot of high grade oro iu tho 20')-font level. Ho carries a sample aroud with him that goes twenty-live per cent copper. Mr. Cleavor saw II. S. MoCallum down iu a Indiaua. Ho is promoting tbo construction of a sky scraping office building at Fort Wayne, aud is mooting with a moasure of success. He says ho will return to eastern Oregon when ho gets things iu shape to open up tho (iraud Trunk, ou llald mountain about eight miles from Sumpter; gut has not thus far been successful in financing that proposition. Reorganization of the Alamo. "Articles of Incorporation wero filed yestorday with tho co inty audi tor of tbe Amalgamated Alamo com pany, a mining corporation formed by John It. CaBsiu, N. K. Nuzom aud W. If. Risinbaur. The capital stock is 82,500,000, divided iuto as many shares of tbe par value of 61." The above is from tbe Spokesman Itoviow of Tuesday. It unquestion ably refers to the well known Alamo wine, aud is probably a reorganiza tion of the company owning it. The Miner baa been uuable to secure further details at this writiug. -.- jsMim. NO. 12 MAXWELL'S NEW MM NEARLY COMPLETED 1. A. Ward, secretary and general malinger of the Klkhorn Consolidated Gold Mining company, owners of the Maxwell miuo iu the Rock Creek dhtrlot, uear I laities, was in town Thursday. Mr. Ward states that work ou the now mill la progressing rapidly, and that it wkh oxpocod that tho machinery would bo ready to be installed today. The site of tho now mill is so situated that there is no danger of a repetition of last winter's disaster, Tho Maker City Faigluooilng Works have the contract for repairing aud rebuilding the machinery, which was taken from the wreck of tbe old mill, destroyed by a snowslldo last winter. TbU work Ih uuder the supervision of J. E. Uyllenberg. This firm alio baa the eoutraet for the coustrnotion of an aerial tram way from tunnel No. 10 to tbe new mill. This tramway will be 2,850 feet in length aud will bo usod to transfer the ore from the tunnel to tho mill. Mr. Ward states that tho water supply at tho mine at present In more abundant than herotoforo at thla HeiiHon of the year, and that con ditions ire favorable to operations being continued nearly all winter. A largo force of men will bo put. to work iu a few days getting out ore. -Haines Itocnrd. RICH ROCK FROM THE BADGER MINE Tho llluo Mountain Kaglo is In re ceipt of a sample of ore from the famous liadger mine of Kusauvillo, taken from tho 700-foot lovel. It is almost a solid piece of mineral and carries values that average H00 per ton, aud It Is reported that the lodge of this grade of ore at this depth is eight feet iu width. Ore fiom this lovel Is taken nut and sacked for shipment, not a pound of it going through the largo Hadg tr mill. Tho Hadger property has been iu con tinuous operation tor several years. About a year ago their hoisting machinery was transferred from tint surface to tho 500 foot ' level and sinking ou tho property was con tinued, with the result that most valuable ore has boon disclosed and in almost unlimited quantity. The depth at present attained ou thii property is fully 150 feet below tho lied of 101 k crook, and the class of ore opened up at ttiat point should encourage all whu are developing property in tint mineral bolt. Depth is all that is required (o show up valuable ore iu the Susauville eouu try. Hlue Mountain Eagle, , Sk A l