The Sumpter Miner PUlHISMei) BVBRY WBtJNBSOAY BY J. W. CONNELU kntcred at (hi postofllce In Sumpter. Oregon, fur tranmllon through the mail tecond clan matter. SUIISOPIITION MATHS One YrJr .,, alx Month .fi.oo ALWAYS IN ADVANCB. A review of thu Ihwh fnrhiding tho (pollution of inland waters in thu United StatoH, which imiy bo of great practical lionellt to the (iiihlio, has 4oen prnparod liy Edwin II. lloodell or tho United States (Jonlogioal Sur vey. It Jh puhlinhod uh No. 10. 'I of thu aerlea of Water Supply Hiid Irri gation papera, wh'jru it Ih available for all. Mr. (Joodoll'a purpoHH ha not heeii to prepare h oompl ite work on witter pollution for thu iiho of mumhora of the henoh and har, hut rather, to put; into the iiHiidH ot polio official, legislators, witter companion, maun faoturura, farmera, ami others Infer ostod in the subject, a guide for their Motion, and to furnirih refer ences to the aourcoH from whioh it more oxhitUHtivu knowledge of thu Hiihjeot may he ohtitlued If reiiiirod. No attempt Iihh heen made to pioHunt a detailed statement of the entire law against witter pollution an it exists Independently of HtatuteH, hut thu broad legal prlnoiplua under whioh uuti pollution atatuten lieuomu opera tive are explained mid important oourt decisions are quoted to Hbow tiuthorlty for, varlotn deductions These principle and decisions have heeii'dawHled and lire presented lu three groups. The rlfihtH of riparian owners to pure wtr aa against one another. Tho rights of the puhliu (Hi din tiugulMhld from individual owuerH) to have inland waterH kept free from pollution hy riparian owuera or other. The ouuditluua under which, and the extent to which public muni .oipullilui may iiho inland waters In the diHpoHa! of Hewago matter from public sowers Thu statutes enacted In various utattta are claHHilled accordiiiK to their geiiMtal and an opportunity in thus; Ifora'ed to compare their effectiveness Mid desirability, lu home atatct Uieru Ih iiothliiK more than m almpJu1 provision making it h crime to poiHou wells and springs, while in othera elahorate provisions liuve been made to" check ib o far iih IohIIIo, atiHolutely pi event all pollution of all waterH by the rofiiHo prodfc.tu ,of annual life qr the waste of human iudiiHtry, lu citing thu HtatuteH, Mr. (Inodoll ban grouped the states together logically, to show the stage of growth in Hiiuitary j vduoatitin at which eitch ban arrived. , ' . " "Sener Don Korker" whites some j Miot stulf" for (Joorgo's Weekly, a' Hoover publication, relative to thuj (luggouholms, their exploration com-. peny and the smelting trout, I lu I iiotH a mining mau politician an' t-ayiug that Simon one of thu brother, Iihh thu United States xvnatorial bee lu bin bouuet, and in wlHinu to bid higher than any other main the state for that doubtful honor. Some one questioned his Htatemuut as to the political combina tion, when he continues h follews: "Maybe I am mistaken. If 1 am, liuggy Ih a smarter d fool than 1 take 'him to be and is not only foollug Poabody, but Evans, Could THE SUMPTER MINER and the whole batch of statesmen, by protoudlng to bo an American Smelt iug Refining company mau, when on tho sly, bo Is selling cut bis stock as fast uh ho darea to, and invention it in (Juggonheim'B Elxplorutlon com pany schemes that in tho end can put a crimp in tho smolter truat. If auch Ih tho caao, juat watch Uuggy bloHHom out in a fighter of tniBta by building a lot of mw indopontiont smoltora to fight tho amolter trust, to treat oroH from tho tniuoH owned by tho (Juggouholm Exploration com pany. Twenty million dollarfl will duplicate every amolter in the trust worth duplicating and porhapa treat inent charges won't have to be so high hh they now are becauae it won't bo ueaoaaary to earn hpvou per ceut dlvldeiidH on fifty million preferred aud three or four per ceut additional to cover dividends on fifty millloUB of common Block. To squeeze elKhty mililoua of water out of the Smelter truat and get down to twenty mllllonn would kIvo the railroiida, coal coin panioH, ore producorn aud lime rook men a chance to live." The highest quotation Htako Mi ui uk company on llomo of South Dakota in the hiatory of tho com pany was in 11)01, when tho atock aold at 104 per ahare. Tho InwoHt price at which it Iihh aold in tho paat toil year was 810 per Hharu in 1891. Ita present market value ia 355 per Hharu. Thu yuara dunda wore 1800, when uauh year of greatest dlvl- 1000 and 1001, dlvideiida to tho amount of aix dollara pur aharo wiih paid. In 1002 live dollara was paid, aud in 1003 throe dollara, and a similar aum will be paid or 1001. Dividends are paid monthly of tweuty-tlvo ceuta por aharo at presout. The lowest prlco tbo stock baa touched since 1H06 was lu March of this, year, when it full to 340. HO a ahato. Thu company Iihh paid lu dividends to date thu aum of $12,-801,550.-- Mining World. Thu combatauta in thu uaat 'ire tin oqually placed aa to coal supply for lighting purposes, although Russia Ih not as badly hand leaped ita nno might think, since there ia a fair supply of coal obtainable Irom wusturu Siberian points, thin re lluvuiuu thu necessity of dependence on tho attenuated lino of hiipply by thu Trans-Si berlau railroad. About 100 miles by laud from Vladlvostock an anthracite mine, from which much was expected, was opoued early lu 1002, aud by now ia probably cou uected with tho Usurl railway Hue, permitting bhipmeutH to Vladlvostock aud llarhln. I'erhapH, alao, Vladlvos tock can still not coal from the uou vict mines on SaKhalieu. It ia a lon way from Vladlvostock to Harbin, where the Chinese Eastern railway hrauuhtis off to run to Daluy aud Port Arthur, aud that line, throughout its 000 miles of track, w.s until the outbreak of Inutilities, mainly do pendent on Japaueso coal, though a little was obtained from native workings lu the iuterlor. The miuua uear Newchwaug, aud those near Lushaug, lu the Liaotung poiiiusula, produced coal of iuferlor quality, and last year were closed. Tho miues uear Veutai, north of Llaoyaug, made hhtorlc by recent tlgbtlng, produce better coal, but their output has beeu small. All these mines, however, are now in posiessiou ot the Jap aueso, aud, as far as kuowu, there are no considerable bodies of coal opened betweeu Mukden aud Harblu, 4:10 miles. West of Uarbiu the nearest coal miues of importance, so far as known, are in the province of Irkutsk, over 1,000 miles away. These mlnea are opeued ou quite a large aoale. Tbo Japanese, of oourae, bavo an excellent and cheap supply of coal for all purposes, in the mines of tboir own ialauds, and in addition have the facilltlea of dlatribntlou by water to aupply points. With the neoeBaity of coal for tho military rallrooda, the fnol problem concerns, tbeao oastoru armies aa well as the navies. Mining World. 1 Aa tho Minlug World has alroady 1 pointed out, tho Uulted States poatul department baa efitubliabed the pre cedent that stock awlndloB, wbiob were floated through tbo malls, are within ita own tireless and sweeping aupervlaion. Alieady several casea bave beeu brought into court, aud when the helpless victims, who thought that prospectus figures could uot lie, come to realize tbe certain weapon of vengeance which lies in the power aud practice of tbe postal department, as tegarda the investiga tion of HBO of tbe malla to defraud, there will be a lively hiking for tbo tall timbor by some of tbe men whose mining operations wero confined to tbo sky acrapeis of Manhattan island aud to tho carpotod offices iu other cities. Tho aoouer the fakir is forcod to hia fato and the swindler aont to bis cell thu bettor it will bo for legitimate miulug promotion and tho moro money tb ire will be avail able for actual mining aud develop ment. Miulug World. It ia gouorall.v known that light nitig striking tho grouud aomotimoa forma tuboi liued with fused mluerala. Iu April last, during a thunder storm in Esaex, Englaud. a ball of flro whioh seemed to caat darts iu all directions, was seeu to desceud from tho olouda. There was a crashing explosion, and afterward, in au oat field, three diatiuct sota of holoa, ranging from nine Inches down to ouo inch iu diamoter, wore found In tho ground. Thoy wero purfectly circular, diminishing iu a lzo aa they weut deeper, aud wore j cut through the yellow day aa cloau as augor boloa. Duiiii aud Uradstroot agrou that buslueaa haa finally "turned a corner;" that apeculalon iu stocks baa beeu resumed and that tbe lambs are about to bo fleeced to a gratify ing extent. Beautiful Columbia River folder. The passeuger department of tbe Oregon Railroad & Nnvigatlou com pany has just issued a boautiful aud costly panoramic foldor entitled "The Columbia River, Through the Cascade Mouutaius, to tbe Pauitlc Ocoau." Prom Arlington to Portland, aud from Portland to the Paul Ho ocean every curve of thu rlvur and every point of interest are shown, while Mount Hood, Mount Adams, and Mouut St. Helena, perpetually cov ered with suow, ataud iu all thuir beauty. On tho back of the map is an iuterestiug story iu detail of the trip from Huntington to Portland and, from Portlaud to tbo ooeau, uot overlooking the beaches aud the Sail Kroisco trip by oceau. Acopy of this folder may be secured by aeudiug four cents iu stamps to pay postage to A. L, Craig, Ueueral Passeuger ageut for the Oregou Railioad & Navigation compauy, Portlaud, Ore gou. Hy sending the address of som friend iu tbe east, aud four oeuts iu postage, tbe folder will be promptly mailed. Zoetb Houser left today for a visit with the folks at Pendletou. Wednesday, November 2. 1904 OFFICIAL RECORDS, The following instruments vere filed at the court house in Baker City for record yesterday: REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. DEKDP. May 10. Baker City Real Estate aud Home company to A. Welch, lot 4 block L De Roo addition to Baker City: 32,850. Oct. 20 A. Welch aud wife to r.niiiu cinmtnnr. lots 4 and 5 block L De Roo additlou to Baker City; 87,00. Oct. II L. Soinmer and wife to M. Hoff, ) Interest in same; f?:i,750. March 11 Receiver to Mary Young, iu full for 1G0 acres in Heca. 18 and 19 T. 10 R. 30 E. ; $400. Oct. 10 -J. W. Moxon to Richard Pbillibor, )i intreest in 32x100 feet in Oreeuboru City; 1200. July 240. R. & N. company to Juo. E. Chatham, lots 11 and 12 block 24 Huntington; 1100. Oct. 13 Receiver to Joseph E. Reed, 100 acres iu Sees. 17 and 18 T. 10 R. 38 E.'; S400. Oct. 20 Jos. E. Reed to Hewitt Boll Timber company, same; 8800. Oct. 25 C. E. Wood aud wife to C. L. Palmer, lota 13 to 10 block 14 Wilovale; 11. Oct. 13 R. M. Wilsou aud wife to J as B. Wilsou, S. E. h Sec. 0 T. 7 R. 3 B.; 81. Sept. 12, 0'3 H. Lauoaster to Wm. Chamberlaiu, M, interett in Lauoaster aud Tetreau ditch, Burnt river compauy; 8200. April 18 Clareuce C. Sbelton aud wife to A. P. Brown, 100 acres in Sees. 22 T. 12 R. -43 E. ; 81,000. MINING MATTER. DKKDS. Oct. 20 -A. J. Bess to Juo. Sbeak, interest iu Red Bell quartz claim; 81. Oct. 20 Juo. Sbeak, to C. C. Cox, li iuterost iu Red Bell quartz claim; 31. Oct. 24 A. J. Boss to C. C. Cox, 4 interest in Red Bell No. 3 quartz claim; $1. Oct. 15 W. E. Saudora to Ueo. A. Carter, 4 interest Violin No. 2 quartz claim; 825. Sept. 12 C. W. Adams to Wm. Voting, l4 luterest iu Little Chief aud Red Chief quartz claims; 8750. Oot. 22 L R. Bellman to Cali fornia M. (iold Miues company, Minueapolis, quartz claim; 81. Sumpter's Wonderful Growth. Fred Foutaino, while iu Poudelton a few days siuce, delivered au enter taiiiiug address to an East Oregouian reporter on this' town aud district. Apparently for tbo purposo of vouch iug for tbo wouderul things quoted, that paper adds this ou its own ac ac eount: "Sumpter haa experienced the most phenomenal growth of any camp iu the Northwest, within the past seven years, lu the fall of 1807, the editor or tbe East Orego uiati was offered two fifty foot lota, 1 10 deep, lying iu front of Tom MoEwen's livery stable, iu what is now the heart of the city, for a spau of horses worth about 3110. At that time it didn't look as if tbe entire town would worth a team of cayuses, but withlu a year aftei, those same lots aold for $2,000 without improve meuts. Within two years from, Jauuary 1. 1898, 3300,000 was in verted iu substantial buildings." Messrs. Fuller aud MoCouuell, of tbe smelter, weut to Baker City this afteruoou.