VOL VI. OLD MORRIS MINE SOLD SATURDAY The Morris mine--one of tbo only two silver mines in Oregon was sold in Suuipter Saturday to the Iowa Oregon Mining oouipauy for a sum said to be in si x figures. The pur chasing ooropauy was incorporated here last week by J. 10. Thorubill, J. J. Hahn, Horace Campbell, II. O. Hyatt, and Grant Thoruburg, all of whom are lowans except Mr. Thoru burg, vho la ex-mayor of Granite, and the leading citizen of that towu. While the exaot consideration of the wale baa not been made public, it is authoritatively learned that the pur chase price was between $100,000 and il00,000. The Morris mine lies on the west slope of Vinegar mountain, iu the Greenhorn district. It is one of the oldest and heat known quart mines iu the upper camp, being qoutem poranooiH iu point of riixoovery with the Monumotal, the only other silver mine in Oregou. Charley Miller, long years ago, opened the Morris with a shaft from which he took remarkably rich silver ore, packiug the product ou mule-back forty miles to the Monumeutal, here it was treat ed, netting Miler a handsome profit. The sale of the Morris was con Humnmted late Saturday afternoon, iu the office of J. J. Hannon, the lawyer. Mr. Hyatt, who will be superintendent of the new oompauy, left Immediately for Maker City, re turning today. He will lay iu a stock of provisions, powder aud tools and a force of meu will at ouoe be employed in the driving of a crosscut BUILD ROAD TO CONSTELLATION A force of ten or a dozeu meu went out to the Cable Cove district Satur day and yesterday to begin work on the road from the Overlaud mine to the Constellation group, of which enterprise considerable has already been said in these columns. As pre viously stated, the work is going to be applied as asi;e lament on the Con stellation, and will prove to be the most valuable ever done for that property, enabling" it to ship oretu SUMPTER, OSEGDNNOVcVBEK 21934 tunnel to opeu the Morris vein at depth. The present shaft is dowu seventy feet iu high grade oro. Assays from a rich shoot cropping ou the surface show values as high as 480 ounces In silver aud $15 or $20 iu gold. "An old crosscut was itaited yoars ago,1' Bald Suporinteudent Hyatt to a Miner man this morning. "It has caved aud will be aleaued out aud ex tended to an intersection with No. 4, the main veiu, which, wbeu en countered, will afford us from 5100 to 350 feet of stoping ground, and the length of the crosscut will be about the dame number of feet. "Exceptionally high values have beeu encountered ou tho surface, but still better ones have heuu found lower down. Seven hundred pounds of ore from an opeu cut ou the main veiu wero recently shlppod to tho Sumpter smelter and Hampled over 6100 per ton in silver, with gold values high enough to pay troutuiotit abargos. "There are three paiallul veins on the property, which, by their dip, will undoubtedly convergo at depth' The crosscut to bo driven will do, termiue this fact." Grant and Elmer K. Thoruburg were the old owners of the Morris, deeding their interests to the Iowa Oregou company for a suug llgure in cash aud the balance iu stock, which is selling at par. One of the directors is quoted as saying that practically all of the 1)0,000 shares of treasury stock has already beeu subscribed at par. the smelter here at a profit. The road will be a trifle over otie and a quarter miles in length, ou an easy grade, and will connect several other properties with wagon trans portation, putting them iu position to ship. Notably among these is a olabji owued by A. A. Duiiuy whore oeutly uncovered a body uf high grade rook only 100 yards from this road. Among the meu engaged iu this work is the eutire orew that has beeu at the Goldeu Chariot, aud tern poararily laid off some days siuce, until a pump aud hoist can be in stalled there. The ledge has beeu cut aud a large stream of water gush ed out, making it impossible to con tinue work until a pump is installed. Of course, this large volume of water is an excellent indioatiou of mineral, aud was welcomed by Manager Swiggett. Labor is a scarco com moidty iu these parts at present, so ho kept tho crow together aud trans ferred them to the Cable Cove. By the time tho road is completed, iu two or three weeks, thoy will return to tho Golden Chariot and resumo operations thore. CARSON MINES ON THE GK4NDE RONDE RIVER J. 1. iDlmoudorff, manager of tho Cnrsou miues up Grande Hondo river, is in the city securing meu. They uow have a forco of twenty five mnti employed aud ho scut flfteou more meu up yestorday. They aro putting in a saw mill at Woodley and are now piping in Tannu gulch. Mr. Elmeudorff states that the uew company will work thh well known mine on a much larger scale than ever attempted heretofore. They will have 80 feet of forty -two Inch pipe with a fall of 70 feet, and will use six-Inch giants to play against the high banks of pay dirt. This will cost in tho neighborhood of $125, 000. Thore Jh no question but what tho ogld Is there. The problem in tho past Iiiih been to save if, aud as tho pre eut company has made further ex amination of tho conditions and Hud that their improved manner of work ing will be ablo to make it a divi dend payer for years as (heir ground covers miles of the river. The compauv in connection with the Grande Hondo Lumber company are uow building a wagon road up the rlvor from Starkey to Prospect ranch. This will not only shorten the distance sevoral miles but will cut out the Fly bill aud many other long steep grades, that will be of great advantage to the mining and commercial interest of that section. La Grande Obsetver. Rich Mine for an Irishman. Jimmy the liar keep, at Mauser's New Olympia, met au old pal the other day. The following conversa tion ensued : "How ar-re ye, Orln?" "Folue, Jimmy." "Hedad, it's glad 01 am to see ye, Orln. Where'ro yo wor-rkln' now? "In the Or-roonhortu, Jamey. Oi'vo a gr-reat miue o' mo own, now Its a rich one, Jamey. There's onough gold in it to pay (he national debt, enough lead to kill ovor-ry Englishman ou earth, aud enough silver to fr-ree Oirlaud !" Two more carloads uf machiuory for iiuroh & Hurbridgea' Crane Plat gold dredge arrived at the Suuipter depot this morulnug, making eight cars to arrive. NO. in MINING MONEY IS IN THE EAST i i i . I ' 1 1 Mr. aud Mrs. Eugene Hartholfi reached homo Saturday from au ex tended trip east. Mrs. IlertholO joinod her husband at St. Louis, after ho had completed the business for which ho made the tr)p, oloslug a miuiug deal with parties, in Indiana and Dulutb, and they took? iu.,tho world's fair and returned home to gether. , Mr. liartholf says he fouud.a very satlsfaotoiy condition of affairs, so far aa miuiug iuveattueuta are con cerned, In the sect I mis which ho visited. The people have money to iuvest aud are. looking fpr oppor tunities to place it where there are chances for fair returns; but they Iu 1st on "having., a run. for- their money." They ha vo been .M wised" to mining conditions, know that it la the most profitable ludustry in which money cau be invested,,, If a proposition is honestly and iutolli geutly handled; but as mauy have sustalued financial losses through stock propositions floated by irres ponsible parties, they shy at, that class of Investment. , He thinks that the proper, method to secure capital for our mines is to lot them iu qn the ground floor, and no trouble will , be experienced in securing money for .development purposes. They are wlHIuu.tq,, take chances with the, prospector a,ud, pro moter, if giveu an even chance, it is therefore, preferable, to, preaent a property that, has not been incor porated; let them have a voice Iu its management until it is proven aud then organize the oompauy them selves, thus insuring their pwn protection. He says further, that they object to being mixed up with a large number of people; tbat they prefer to organize a close syndicate among personal friends aud busiuesa associates. Queer Kock from Big Boulder. Dr. Greenlee name iu today ' from his mining propertieH ou the east fork of Dig lloulder creek. Ho j brought with him some queer looking rock from the Oro Finn, near by, owned by Captain Kemph, regarding which there has beeu more or less said of late. The rock has never beeu Hcienticflally tested, so all opinions regarding its character aro mere guesHPH. Dr. Greeuleo sayH that a few days siuce au option waa takeu ou the property by people who have the means to opeu it up, work having been already commenced. .U 4 i.H i i ; j i i J