The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, October 26, 1904, Image 1

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$ ' mmm i'kiunK
NO. io
The United Elkhorn.
Manager Fred D. Fuller, of the
Sumpter smelter, is home from Baker
City, where last Saturday be closed
a contract with the United Elkboru
mines, eight miles from Sumpter,
for the entire output of that prop
erty for two years. The Elkoru,
siuco its recent rehabilitation by J.
P. Hayes, of Pittsburg, has beou oue
of the heaviest shippers to tho local
smelter. The sorted ore and oou
oontrates markotod have been of ex
ceptionally high grade, aud of a
character required by the smelter.
The output of the Elkhorn is to be
immediately increased, a new cou
centratlng plant having arrived. The
electric machinery for operating the
eutiro mine has beou shipoud from
Now Vork and is duo to arrive this
wouk. Tho shipment consists of
two transformers of lfiO horso power
each, one iifty horse power motor,
a twouty-borso powor motor aud a
flfty-horo powor eloatrio hoist. An
addition to tho five Wiflley concen
trators iu the shapo of a now tablo
has boon made, aud one more Bryan
mill has boon addod to the two
already iu uso, giving a treating
capacity of 110 tous por day. Threo
eight-hour shifts are driving a 0000
foot crosscut tuuuol to tap the maiu
Baisley-Elkhoru vein at a depth of
1,500 feet, aud to open other known
veins at still greater depth.
The Eureka and Excelsior.
The Oregon Smelting and Refining
company, which is the corporate
name of the Sumpter smelter, has
entered into a aoutraot with the E.
and E. mine to buy all of its con
centrates aud shipping ore. The
smelter has boon treating its output
for 30tno timo past, but not uudor
contract. The instrument was slgued
This is the third important con
tract which (Jeueral Manager Fuller
bus succeeded in closing within a
week; the two others already re
ported In these columns being the
Badger, in the Susanville district,
and the other the United Elkhorn, iu
the district beariug its ntme, The
securing of tbe Badger output li
pregni'nt with Itnpbrtant'iigolfloanoe,
inasmuch as the property wis bought
by those who control tbe Taooma
smelter, more for the purpose of se
curing tbe ore for that plant, 'ban
for the profits In opeating tbe mine.
It means that tbe smelter her la a
recgonlzed success, both from a
sclent i do and financial point, under
its present able management; that it
occupies a commanding position so
far ai the gold fields of eastern
Oregon is coucerued, that this
position is conceded by possible
competitor aud that a friendly
agreement has been reached, which
iusures tbe future of tbe institution
from auuoyiug complications.
The fact that the E. aud E.
management has seen fit to enter
into this coutrnot is of equal
beuoflolal importance For a year
or more pant it has boon known that
tho mother lodo mines wore not
saving a satisfactory por cent of their
valuos. As groator depth has boeu
reached, more difilcult lias bocome
tbe treatment problem. Cyauide
has boon tried, but it is understood
that that process has also failed to
get all thore was coming. Tbe
Golconda and North Pole have for a
long while past banked its tailings,
waiting for some plan by which the
gold therein oould be extracted.
Tbe smelter here solves the problem.
Men learned in ore treatment now
agree, practically unauiomuBy, that
coarse concentration aud smelting
must be adopted, in order to get tbe
best results. By the adoption of
this method, tbe bullion output li
going to be largely Increased and tbe
saving In the way of costly experi
ments in reduction plant construc
tion will amount to an euormous
Again, the securing of Cracker
Greek ores insures a continuous aud
ample supply for tbo smelter to ruu
at its full capacity, aud together
with ores secured from other dis
tricts, will at an early day necssitate
tbe enlargement of is capaoiy. A
new era in eastern Oregon mining
has been inaugurated.
The Badger at Susanville.
Hereafter all tbe rich ore and
concentrates shipped from tbe
Badger mine, at Susauvllle, will be
treated by tbe Sumpter smelter. A
oontraol to that effect was signed
this week by General Manager Fred
D. Fuller, of tbe itnelter, and Gen
eral Manager 'Fred W. Bradley, of
tbe Badger. Tbe latter gentlemau
was in Baker City this week and
after a conference with Mr. Fuller
closed a ooutraot to deliver the
Badger'a yield to tbe local plant
hereafter Instead of shippiug Tacomu.
Tho Badgor mine was taken ovor
by Fred W. Bradley about two years
ago, whllo actiug bh general manager
of the Bunker Hill aud Sullivan
mineB iu the Ooour d'Aloues, which
compauy practically controls tho
Taooma smeltor. Tho smelter end
of tho compauy annouuood to Mr
Bradley a dosiro for heavier ship
ments of high grade gold ore, iu
order that its matte might bo brought
to a higbor grade, Htul to work agaitiHt
tho si Ivor-lead oroH from Coeur
d'Alenos. Bradley lookod ovor tlio
Northwostoru mining Hold fur a hlh
grado gold property, capable of
yleldiug oro of tho character re
quired. His choice filially sottlod
upon tho Badgor mine at. SuHauvillo,
then controlod by Colonel Sol by, tho
California smoltor man, to wIiom
plaut heavy HhlpmontH of crude
Badger oro had boeu made. Uudor
Bradley's management tho Badgor
was developed on a big soalo, a con
centrating plaut whs orooted, and
shipments were made to Tacoma via
Peudleton, entailing a wagou haul of
over 100 miles. Lately the mines;
output has been sout to the Sound
via Tipton aud Sumpter. Iloreaffer
this valuable traffic will stop at
Manager Fuller is to bo con
gratulated upon socuriug this prl.o
in tho Oregon ore field.
Ore is baiug oxtractod aud stored
at tho Adeleue, on Bock Creek,
uutll a shipment is made up for the
Sumpter smelter.
Prosnectiuu for nay uravol on
Cauyon creek, below John Day, is
still being carried on with a diamoud
drill by the Empire Dredging com
A. A. Deuny says that if that
road la built from tbe Overland to
the Constellation, it will ruu within
100 feet of a property which he owns,
from which he can begin shippiug
ore at once.
L. G. Lilly returned last oveuiog
from tbe Baby MoKee. He saya that
in tbe crosscut uow being driven for
tbe big vein, tbe granite aountry rock
is heavily mineralized, chalky seams
are belug eucouutered and he, there
fore, hopes to encounter the ledge ai
no great distance. The Baby Mo
Kee will probably ship to the smelter
here before the coming winter is
fl. 11. Ames, one of the principal
owners of tbe Morning Mine, in tbe
Greenhorns, is in Sumpter today.
The Moruiug recently passed through
a period of costly litigation, which
was only settled through the Klllen.
Waruer, Stewart compauy, arranging
to finance tbe new compauy. Eastern
advices from the representatives of
that company are to tbe effect that
suoesft is assured.
E. E. llausor aud OhurltH T. Kaht,
tbo assay or, wont up to tho Astoria
mine on Little Cracker creek, this
morning. Jimmy tho barkoep main
tains that llausor was called to comb
the whiskers on tbo faco of the
tunnel. Jim Duckworth knows
differently. Jim visited the Astoria
last wook and brought down a speci
men of froo gold oro, found beneath
tho face of tho Astoria crosscut.
When llausor Haw it he started up tho
canyon on tho dead run. It whs a
pronounced case of gold fever. Ho
was overtakon by coimideratn
friends in au automobile, uud told
that tho tunnel could'nt escape.
Thus calmed down, Hatibor returned
aud Invited tho eutire population to
havo a drink.
Early this morning he hit the trail
for tho hills. As ho crossed the olty
limits he confided to a Miner re
porter that". Jim Duckworth is either
my host friend or tho biggest liar iu
"llausor has something mighty
good up there on Little CrHokor
raid tlitn Duckworth to the Miner
mau thla afternoon. "A crew of
men uudor A I WoIh Iiiih been cross
cutting for (ho ledge for (he past
mouth. Last Saturday they ran
alongside what 1 believe to be tho
hanging wall. A black coating
covers the quartz a sort of serpen
Hue--exactly similar to the indica
tions met with when AI Gelser
opened tbo big pay shoot In the
Bonanza mine seven years ago. 1
picked up a sample from beneath
the Astoria crosscuts' faoe, aud here
it is." .
Mr. Duckworth exhibited a sample
of quartz about as big as Marble.
It was shot full of gold,
"1 don't kuow how much more of
this stuff there Is iu the Astoria,"
explained Duckworth, "1st It
wouldn't take much to make It a
Wants to See Buckeye Brooks.
A Milwaukee, Wisconsin, special
of Octobor 21, says: "Mrs. Louise
Koester, of Baker City, in in Mil
waukee to get a look at the books of
the Buckeye Mining company, in
which she says she omiih 'i04,r7(!
shares of par value of 1 1. J'nday she
obtained a writ of mandamus against
O. E. Kuebu, president; B. Krohu,
secretary; Arthur Luebke, treasurer,
aud William Kienkhefer, director,
ordering them to bring the books
into court without changing their
contents. All the mining company
officials are promiueut business
i. ....