The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, October 19, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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Wednesday, October 19 1904
The Sumpter Miner
J. W. CONNIil.l.A
fcnti-rfd at the postofflce In Sumpter, Oregon, tor
transmission llirouch the mails as second class
One Yrnr J a.oo
.lx Months 1.3;
whon tbo ame rule will he adopted
in thin country uh uow prevails in
Au Ati.Htraliiiii mine operator who
Ih touring lliu world for the purpose
of studying viiriotiH mining and re
rl tint I on rjtiHtoiiiH and methods, now in
Hutto, Monlitna, talks moHt enter
tainingly of mluiiig Jiiwh and con
rlitioiiH in IiIh home country. Ho
"J 11 weHlern AiiHlraila there are
government stamping iiiIIIh where
ore Ih ortishud tit nominal prints,
anti where prospectors, beginning
with practically nothing, have he
(tome wealthy inine ownerH. More
than 200,000 Ioiih of inir'.. wore
onishi'd Jimt year in thtiHt) iiiIIIh. In
the Phillips river district the gov
oiniuciil Jiiih made advances on ore
mill put in a government monitor,
which In no sense I h ft rival of private
indtiHtrlmt. There ate government
Hl.nmping iiiIIIh and cyanide works In
NOiithitin Australia. In the neutral
(Million (it (lie ooiiniry mere Ih a
government mine which win sunk for
(lit) purpose ol showing Mini the ills
frit't Ih rich in inineialH in the hope
that proHiietiloiH would he oucnurng
od to enter mid Improve the land.
' "lltn ti u til lion rln w Ih universal in
AiiHtrnliii, ami no work Ih done on
KnnilayH or holidays, excepting in
the smelters, in the stamping iiiIIIh
mid in the minim th'tro are ahont 300
world iik dayH in the year. All holi
days fail on Monday, and In IIiIh
way pormitiug the worker to have
from noon on .Saturday until Tiioh
flay morning tor rmiroation, iIiiih
allowing hlni time to go into the
0011 nt ry if he wIhIioh to do ho,
"Wages vary in the dlll'eieut
weHtern AiiHtralia the
83,ft() a tiny, furnace
eiirpeiiterH, brick layers
men 91. Partioiilrly
are paid to iiiauagcrH
Uofore Federal .ludgo Reatty in
Roiso during the pint few dayH there
has boon on trial the ciiho of the
United States vorsus the Shaw Lum
her company, for tho recovery of
8 inn, 000, the eHtimated value of
titnher alleged to have heen cut from
the public domain. The ciiHe hinged
on the question of the character of
certain IihkIh, whether or not they
are "mineral." In hia charge to
the jury, tho judge wild:
"1 iuHtruut you upon this im
portant question an follews: That
the law IncludcH iih mineral laud not
only tlioHO tractH in which minor il
Iiiih heen actually discovered, and
which Iiiih heen claimed and located au
mining cIuIiiih. hut alno all other
lantlH lying in roiiHonably clone
proximity to or in the general
noighorhood of hiicIi mining claims,
and all such noighoriug lands, even
if mineral Iiiih not actually heun dis
covered therein.
"1 feel HiiliHlled in saying tlint
ground containing only a trace of
mineral, a color, or containing it in
Hiioh Hinall iiiintitk'H that a miner
would not e.iect. it to ever prove
prolltahle, cannot he held to he
mineral, lint when it contain
Htilllcient mineral to encourage the
miner to claim and locale it in good
faith iih mining ground, and work
and develop it with a reiiHouahle ex
pectation of lludiug initio in 1 in paying
(tiiuil it Ich, even if it never proven
prolltahle, Ih, within the law,
mineral land
compelled to take to the highway, to
Bail under the black Hag of piracy or
to burglarize the homes of honest
citizens by the aid of the midnight
"glim." But in those days such
thiovos were outlawed and branded as
robbers and pirates. Their prototypes
in this ago of enlightenment are
known as "captains of Industry" or
apostles of high finance, who have
studied the intricacies of the law
and who have remained within its
bounds, until they have amassed
sufficient wealth to purchase legis
latures and defile and debase judicial
bonohos. Then they can defy the
law and control the very functions
of government, for no mau would
dare to aspire for judicial or presi
dential honors in tho United States
in then year of Christianity, 1001,
unless endorsed openly or secretly
by tho powors behind the banks, io
that thin anomalous proposition is
presented to the people by the
trusts: 'Vote whatavor way you
please, the electoral ballot Ih sacred
and this h a government by the peo
ple; but whoever you elect, we win."'
In the statement of the treasurer
and secretary of state, it appears that
more than 3110,000 has been re
ceived under the Eddy law, of
which somolhiDg like 894,000 wbb
from tho annual license, aud the re
mninder for the initial tax. The
latter has falleu off materially, as
nearly all companios desiring to in
corporate with a high capital stock,
have beon organized under the Jaws
of other tasteB. There are about 400
corportious that have not reported to
tho state officials, aud it is believed
that several of these contemplate
making a light when au effort is made
by tho state to collect tax, or drive
thorn out of buBiuess.
Reports from Now York aud Salt
Lake are to tbo effect that the Uotild
Rockefoller cliquo has secured con
trol of the Union Pacific.
Idaho is credited with a total gold
production of 8400,000.000. Ore
gon, accoidiug to tho official returns,
trails along far in the rear with only
about 6 lliu, 000, 000.
A clot;o aualyslH of the present
coppar market Hays au expert on the
subject, revcalH au unusual state of
nil ui ih, and even the most conserva
tive rotund the outlook as favorable.
The present onormouH demand ror for record yesterday:
copper for foreign euusumptlon.added ! REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS.
The following instruments were
filed at (he court houso in linker City
HtlltoS. Ill
miners get
men, $2 02,
him! engine
high HiilaritiH
Mini metallnrgi tit, piobably the
highi'Ht in tht world. In Victoria
and New .South Vale the living ex
penses are very low ami the men get
iM.f0 to $ 1.7ft a day as common
laborers. CarpoutiiiH, bricklayers
inn! engine men get 8'-.ftO. The
scale Ih fixed liy the unions and
approved by Cm government.
" In Victoria the government not
The world's commerce of the latent
year from which HtatiHticH are avail
able Ih given in the recently issued
annual report of the chief of the
bureau of statistics of the department
of comeice and labor. It shown ihe
total roportH of all mitiniiH of the
world to be, in the latest year avail-
able, 510, ft L.r, 000, 000, and the valuo
of the total imporlH of all nations,
81l,80n,000,000. ThlH would give
the total value of the world's im
ports and exports combined as
822,321,000.000. but since all
articles which were counted iih ox
portH became in turn imports when
they entered the country of destina
tion, it would appear that the actual
value of the articles entering into
International commerce is, in round
teruiH, 811,000,000,000.
The chief of the bureau of utatistiCH
also estimates tho value of tho
articles forming tho internal com
merce of the United States, counting
; only a single transaction for each
to the
the past
demand, which
four weeks Iiiih i
commenced to assert itself, shows thati i,Miini
'JO Henry Stoddard
At. fttnddnrif. Home nlncn
, -.... . -, --T 4
more is noi copper onougu oeing pro- j ((,r,xl00 fL,ul) ValIoy ,, 4tll strouta
duced in the United Slates to meet l j(lia,,. (jjiy $700.
the present activity. In fact, if it ,r AuR 0jjj 1If Houb,lls ml j, W.
had not been for tho inlluenco on-I sber and wives to Wilson Juvoat.
oitud by the leading metal soiling I nmt oompuny, ,.;. 2fi feet lot 0
agencies 111 mis ouy 10 uiiuoniuo ,...,,. ., .,,.. ai.7ru.
Oct. 10 P. J. lirown and wifo to
Chas. McKiuuoy, 100x100 feet in
Campbell tract in Sec. 10 T. 0 K. 40
E. ; Hakor City: 8200.
Oct. 11 J. II. and C. A. Early to
the present movement, copper would
be selling liigluv than it is now.
Heretofore when a strong dotnand
for the metal Ins developed aud
reserve stocks were small, soiling
agencies have been prone to en
courage buying, with tho result
that a rapid advance was readily se
cured. At the present time, how
ever, actual demand has controlled
the market, and there seems to have
been a total absence of any llditious
only iiMHihlH in equipping prospectors lirUe,0 t llU0llt l!'2,000,000(000 j
single year While it has been
nut muutts iclviuices lo mine owners
011 the securltv of the laud. In
Now Smith WaloH the government
uhsistt tho priiHpuotor by paying him
dollar lor dollar paying him one
half itagoH for working IiIh own
ciirttomary to speak of the internal
commerce of tho United States an
equal to the international commerce
of the world, It appears from this
statement that the actual value of
.tho inori'hiiiidiHti oiitoriiii into tho
tti 1.. tut .. . - "
1 tie nulling properly uiii " t i ntitrmtl
commerce of the United
States Ih practically twice as great as
that entering the international com
merce of the world.
Aiihtralia piovidcs that if a man has
mineral under IiIh laud aud iloei not
work l, another may secure from
the government tho mineral right ,
it the laud. When ho Ih through'
working it, the rights revert to the' It is not pessimism to tell the
01 igiual owner, if a man wishes to truth, however dark and disagreeable
work the minerals under his own tbo nthtoiuout may bo. The follow
luuil he may. of course, do ho. There ' ing from tho Minlug aud Engineering
is room for improvement in HiIh Review, for instanc, hits the bull's
respect in this country. Not two eye of accuracy, though it is u fright
per cent of the patent lodea from fill fact to centemplate:
Mexico to Oregon are worked, and! "in other times aud other couu
through that district there are de- tries men were as dishonest as uieu
oayiug cities which would be pros- are iu this ago and country. Rut
porous ami progiesslve it it were not ; iu former times that portion of mau
for tho tioing up of claims through ' kind who preferred to prey oi their
patent?. 1 think tho time will come 'fellow men rather than to toil, were
September reports of tho Taconia
smelter show imports of ore amount
ing to a valuation of 8'J0H,B27.:ift;
merchandise, 82, '20ft. Exports iu
tho form of furnace products
amounted to 8:t:il,8(S2.:i!. Tho
company is now at work figuring out
a plan by which it can eavo the
mineral that, is lost iu the smoke
from the huge chimneys. Some
820,000 a mouth is said to be lost
iu tills way besides, the lesidentb
living near the smelter complain to
the city about this mineralized smoke
killing all of the green tree? and
shrubbery. The company expects to
tiller the smoke, so as to catch aud
save the mineral aud tin away with
the nuisance complained of, at
the same time.
The name
Latin aurum,
is from the
uieauiug gold, or of
golden color. The fruit was origi
nally a bitter berry about the size of
a common cherry and vory seedy.
Tho work of mau has so far improved
on nature that the delicious fruit
of the present day has beeu evolved,
It is rumored that a new com
pound metal ha beeu made which
will take the place of copper and can
bo produced at one-tenth the cost,
aud au offer of over one uiilliou
dollars for the pateut has beeu re
ceived. ;
Mary E. Scott N. W. 4 Sec. ft. T.
10 R. :)8. ; 81.ft00.
Oct. 4 N. J. Noslou ostato to 1).
W. C. Nolsou, 100 acres iu Socs. 4
and ft T. i) R. .'10 E. ; 8(500.
Sept. 10 M. Holf and wifo to
Minnie Craven, 100x200 foot in
Hlock .'IT Pacific addition to Hakor
City; 81.
Oat. 1 Hirdio Rusk aud husband
to Fred Link, north 28 feet lot 14
block 2 Rouruo; 8ft0.
Sept. 10. J. P. Lucada aud wife
to S. Oflboru, E. H Soo. 2a W. )i
Sec. 24 T. 8 R. :8 E. ; 80,000.
Sopt. 7 A. A. Donuy, ot al, to
Cioo. Wilklns, lot 2 block G Rrattaiu
it McComas addition to Raker City;
Oct. 14 Wui. II. Moldeu to Gor
man Americau State bank, trustee,
' interest Morning dory and 4
other quart, claims; 81,2ft0.
Oct. 1 iloury liraves to W. F.
Kippen, Ciieat Americau quart,
claim 2 years; 820,000.
Oct. 1 W. II. Oloasou, et al, to
SV. F. Klppeu, Crowu group quartz
claims; 80ft, 000.
Oct. 13. Thos. Dowuie, et al, to
J; F. Dlokaon, l Mary Agues Con
solidated quartz claim; 81.
May 1 Eugeuo Bartholf and
wife to L. N. Cook, Eureka quartz
claim; 830.
Sept. 10 C. H. Neal, et al, to
Oregou Smeltiug & Reflniug company
Lime Kill placer claim; 81.
Sevou tons of ore from the Clougb
property, ou Paddy's creek, in the
Pauhaudle, were recently run
hrougb au arraitra and yielded 140
per tou.