The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, October 12, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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    Wednesday, October 12, igo4
Joo Reed, is homo from tho
Auburn Deep Sinkiug company's
property nt the famous old camp of
Auburu, where two shifts aro work
ing night aud day, drifting at
differeut levels from a shaft sunk in
au old channel.
"We have the old channel on our
property," said Mr. Reed, "and wo
know it. Wo bavo opened it at five
different places and consequently
knew its treud. The rims have
been defluitolty outliued by ex
ploration, and depth to Webfoot
bedrock determined. We have not
yet found the pay, which, of course,
is along the bedrock, but no a
shovelful has been taken out which
fails to show gold. When we And
the pay channel, which 1b liable to
be any day, we will have a valuable
Survey at the Red Boy.
John Thomson, acting manager of
the Red Roy, aud president of the
May Queen miue, returned from
Raker City this morning, accom
panied by his wife. With him was
J. Huffman, deputy county sur
veyor, who will do aonio ongiueoriug
work at tho Rod Roy, in proparatiou
for tho reoponinng of that property
by a roorganizod company.
Sumpter, Rakor County, Ore,
July 29, 1901.
To Otto (Jnzicker, Monno Uu
zlokor, J. R. Rums. R. L. Colonial,
R. S. Catos, Alliouo Case, John
Arthur and J. F. Crismau:
You and onoh of you are horoby
untifiod that I have oxpoudod during
tho year i90!i, tho sum of ouo
hundred dollars in labor aud im
provomouts on onoh of tho following
described quart, mining claims
situated in tho Cablo Cove mining
district, in Grant aud Hakor conn
tioa, to-wit: The Rob Roy, tho
Sunset, aud tbo Snov Shoe, situated
in Grant county, Oregou, and the
Rlaok Dwarf aud Midnight, situated
iu Hakor county, Orogou, tho
looatiou notico of said Rob Roy
quartz mining olaim being recorded
at pago 183 of Volumo U of tho
publlo records of mluiug claim
location noticos of said Grunt
county, the Suusot olaim looatiou
notice boing rooordod at page 18.') of
ftuid volume G of said records, aud
tho Snow Shoo olaim locution notice
boing rooordod at page 181 of vol
umo G of said rocords; tho looatiou
notice of said Black Dwarf claim
boing rooordod at pago 189 of vol
ume ,1 of tho public records of
quartz mining claim location notices of
auid Haker county, Orogou, and the
looatiou notico of said Miduight
claim boing rooordod at pago 191 of
said volumo J of eaid records of
Raker county.
And you, tho above named Otto
Uiniokor, Monno Unzicker, J. R.
Rurns, R. L. Colonial!, R. S. Catos,
Alliono Caao, John Arthur and J. F.
Crismau, aro horoby notified that if
within 90 days from tho date of tho
porsoual service of this notico upon
you, or within niuoty days from tho
publication thereof, you fail to
contribute your proportionate share
of suuh expenditure, which amouuts to
sixty-six aud two-thirda dollars
for oaoh of tho following named
claims, to-wit: the Sunset, the
Suow Shoe, the Black Dwarf and
tho Miduight, aud tho sum of sovouty
8cvouaud seven-ninths dollars for said
Rob Roy claim, your intoroat in said
Suusot, Suow Shoo, Hlaek Dwarf and
Miduight claims, which amounts to a
two-thirds interest in each of said
claims, aud your intoroat in said
Rob Roy claim, which amouuts to a
8ovou -ninths intoroat, will become
tho property of your co ownor,
Robert O. Doming, who has niado
tbo oxpeudituro of ono huudred
dollars on each of tho abovo uamod
tlvo claims, during tho year 1903,
for the puiposo of holding said claims
for the yoar ending Docombor 31,
1903, iu accordance with section
232-1 of ho Revised Statutes of the
United States.
R. 0. DEM1NG.
First publication August 3, 1904.
Last publication Novomber 2,
Sumpter, Raker county, Orogon,
July 21, 1904.
To A. P. Jones nod John T. English:
Vou and each of you are horoby
notified that 1 have oxponded during
tho yearn 1900, 1901, 1902, aud
1903, tho sum of Eight Hundred
Dollars iu labor aud improvements
upon tho Astoria aud Roud quartz
miuiug claims, siluuto in what Ih
commonly known as tho Crackor
Crook (uuorgauizod) mining diatrict
in tho county of Rakor, stuto of Oro
gou, aud boing situated on Litilo
Crackor Crook, adjoining tho
Sampson initio and about two aud
one-half miloB northerly from tho
town of Rourno iu Raker county,
Oregou, in order to hold said claiuiH
under tho provisions of Section 2324
of tho Rovisod Statutes of tho Uuiiod
Statos, aud amondmonts thoroto con
cerning annual labor upon mining
claims, boing tho amount required
to hold eaid claims for tho yours
ondiug roapectivoly December 31at,
1900, Docombor 31st, 1901, Docom
bor 31st, 1902, and December 31st,
Aud you, A. P. Jonos are hereby
notillod that If within niuoty days
from porsoual sorvice of this notice
upou you, or within ninety days
from the publication thoreof, you
fail to coutributo your proportionate
sharo of such oxpeudituro as a on
ownor, which amounts to ono hundred
dollars, or twouty-flvo dollars for
ouch of tho years 1900, 1901, 1902,
aud 1903 from unnuul labor upon the
said Astoria mining claim, your
ntorost in aaid claim, which is a one
fourth intoroat, will become tho
property of the undersigned, E. E.
liauaor, yaur co uwjior, who hua ox
poudod on auid Astoria claim foi
ouu!i of the yours 1900, 1901,1902
aud 1903, tho Hunrof ono hundred
dollars or a total of four hundred
And you, John T. English, are
horoby notillod that if within ninety
days from personal service of this
notico upou you, or within ninety
days from tho publication thereof,
you fail to contribute your proper-
tionuto a h aro of auoh expenditure of
four huudred dollars on aaid Aaloriu
claim, as u co-owner, which amounts
to ono hundred dollars, or twenty -five
dollars for o.uih of tho yeara
1900, 1901, 1902, and 1903, for
annual labor ou auid Astoria claim,
your intoroat in said claim, which
amouuts to a ono-fourlh interest,
will become the proporty of your co
owner, the undersigned, E. E,
Hauser, who hua made auid oxpeudi
turo of four huudred dollura ou auid
Astoria claim, or ono hundred dollura
jfor ouch of tho yeara 1900, 1901,
!l902, aud 1903.
j And you, John T. English are
horoby further notified that, if, within
niuoty days from personal service of
this notico upon you, or within
j niuoty days from tho publication
thoreof, you fail to. contribute your
'proportionate share of tho sum of
four huudred dollars oxpoudod by tho
said E. E. Hauser on said Roud
claim, or ouo hundred dollars for
each of tho years 19. K), 1901,1902,
and 1903, your intoroat in said
Roud claim, which amounts to a one
half iutorest, aud which propor
tionate amount of said oxpemtituro
of four huunrod dollars amounts to
two hundred dollars, will become tho
proporty of your co-ownor tho said
E. E. Hauser, who has mado said
oxpeudituro of four hundred dollars
on said Roud olaim or ono hundred
dollars for each of tho yoars 1900,
1901, 1902 and 1903, all by tho
torms of said statutes.
First publication July 27, 1904.
Final publication Ootobor 26,
1004. H&tt22
United States Lund Ofllce,
Burns, Oregon, September u, 1004.
Notice Is hereby Riven Hint William Chamberlain,
ot Unity, Oregon, tins tiled notice ol Intention to
make proof on his desert land clnlm No. 304, (or
the se( nvU, ntf setf. swtf se. sec 18, to it s.
rue, WM, More A. II. Coombs, Jr., Counlv
Clerk, nl Haker City, Oregon, Tuesdny, the ajfh
il.iv ol October, 1004.
lie names the following witnesses to prove the
complete Irrigation mid reclamation ol said land:
Sam Cavln, Camillas I'. Lawrence, Pulton Pleet
wnod, Riley liar Jinan, nil ot Unltv, Oregon.
WM. PARRIi, Register.
United States Lnnd Oftice,
La Grande, Oregon, September 17. 1004, i
Notice Is hereby given Hint In compliance with the
provisions of the net of congress of June 1, 1H78, en
titled "An act for the sate of timber lands In the states
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," as extended to all Hie Public Lnnd states by
net of August 4. 180a,
of Sumpter, County of liakei, State of Oregon, has
this day filed In this office his sworn statement
No r"5. for the purchase ot the VM SW, and
NJ4 SI: if Section No. H In Township No. 11
South. Range No. 17 L-'. W. M., and will oiler proot
to show Hint the laud sought Is more valuable
tor Us timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his cinlm to
s.ild land before Chas. II. Chance, U. S. Com
missioner, at his ollice at Sumpter, Oregon, on
Tuesday, thefith day of December. 1004.
Me names as witnesses: William A. Green.
Marley G. W00J, Charles J. Moore and William
Kitchen, all of Sumpter. Oregon.
Any and nil persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claims In
this ottice on or before said Mil d.iv of Decem
ber. 1004. U. W. DAVIS Register.
TIMHP.R LAND, ACT JUNI: j, 1887. -Noncii low
United States Land Oltice, (
La Grande, Oregon, August vo, 1004. (
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions ot the net of congress of June 1, 1878, en
titled "An net for the sale ot limber lands In the slates
ot California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," as extended to nil the Public Land stales by
act ol August 4, 180a,
of llourne, county of Maker, state ol Oregon, has
this day tiled Iu this ollice hi r sworn statement No.
i7l, for the purchase ot the s't setf and sly sw'f nl
section No, 4, iu township No. ) south, range
No. d, I! W M. and will offer proof to show
that the land sought Is more valuable for Us timber
or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to es
tablish her claim to said laud befoiu Charles II.
Chance, U. S. commissioner at his ollice Iu Sump
ter, Oregon, ou Monday, the aisl dav of Nov., .004.
She names as witnesses Gustuv limll Aleler, ot
Uourne, Orcgtii; lirnest I, Manning, of Simpler,
Oregen: William 1. Robertson, ot Sumpter, Oregon;
U.ivid Donald, nl Uourne, Oregon.
Any and nil persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claims In
this oftice on or before said aist dav of Nov., 1004
I:. W. DAVIS, Register
Land Ollice at La Grande, Oregon,
j September a8, no4.
Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of her Intention to make
proof In support of her claim, and that said proof will
be made before the county clerk of linker county, at
Haker City, Oregon, on November 0, 1004, viz: II.
1. No. 7711,
nee Webb, of Unity, Ore. for the S A NW X, NW
NW i. Sec. 34. Nl: XA Nlitf. Sec. aj, Tp. 11 S
R. G 13. W. M.
She names the following witnesses to prove her
continuous residence upon and cultivation of said
land, vU;
Thomas J. films, George WhljeJ, P.dward Curop,
James Whlted, all of Unity, Oregon.
I-.W. DAVIS, Register.
t'nljed States Land Ollice, j
., , , La (irande, Ore., Aug. so. looi.j
Notice Is hereby glen that In compliance with the
provisions of the act ot congtest of June , I818, en
titled "An act for the sale ot timber lands In the Mates
of California, Oregon. Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory, as extended to nil the Public Land states by
net of August 4, ISoa,.
of Uourne, county of Haker, state of Oregon, has
this dav tiled In this oltice her sworn statement, No.
U74. lor the purchase of the east ls southeast ( of
section No. a?. In township No. 0 south. range No. 17
II W , and will the land sought
IS 111(11 1 Vjlllt.llllii Inr llv I tin I... i- ii. 1 1. hi.. ,1.... ... .....I .
, - ... .. .... .1 . ... i.t v. i.i 11.1111- 111111 1111 111 1 "
cultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said
till I I I. ..I... II II ., '. .
....... ....... v.Mjuii-1 ,i, Valium-, u. .n. commisvioner,
nt his oltice In Sumpter, Oregon, on Monday, theatst
dav of November, 1004.
She names as witnesses : Gustav Umll Metier, of
Uourne. Oregon; David Donald, of llourne. Oregon;
hrnest L. .Manning, of Sumpter. Oregon; William J.
Robertson, of Sumpter, Oregon
An.' atl.l nil tiortmiit fli.lmln i..ln.i...1t. it. ..i.......
....... ............ kiii'vkim mi- nitivc-
descrlbed lands nre requested to tile their elnlmx In
wis wmic 1111 or eeiore said aixi anv 01 Nov., 1004.
fc". W. Davis, Register.
, United States Land Office, i
m .1 1 ." ('rrtnJ.c' Oregon, August ao, 1004. 1
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of congress of June , 1878, en-
"J'j-.J "An "c '',r ,hr snJ.e "' ,,mber ,anJ I" 'e states
of California, Oregon, Nevnda and Washington Ter
ritory, ns extendedto nil the Public Land states by
act of August 4, i8oa, '
of Uourne, county of Haker, state of Oregon, has
this day filed In this oftice his sworn statement No.
ms. 'or the purchase of the n .4 ne ( and nW nw W
of section No. , In township No. 9 south, range
17. fc. W.M.,and will oiler proof fo show that the
land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and In establish his
claim to said land Morn Chas. II. Chance. U. S.
Commissioner, at his ollice In Sumpter, Oregon, on
Monday, the aikt day of Nov. 1Q04.
Ho njtni(t j, whit....... lstii 1 is..mi 1 ... it
?MKoni A,,'cM ''' Ml,y' "' ,,",l,u, Oregon; Hrnest
" " " J'K' "' .-lumpier, uregou; William J. Knbert-
son, of Sumpter, Oregon.
Anv ami aft nersnns clnlmlm. in..... .1.1 i... ........
, ..... . . h H..V.-I. 11, ,: niiuvr-
dcscrlbed lands are requested to file their claims In
mis uiiul' n r I'eiore saw aisi jav of Nov. 11)114,
I:. W. DAVIS, Register.
United States Land Ollice,
La Grande, Oregon, August ao, 1004.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with Hie
provisions ot the act of congress of June , 1878, en-
"!'J'.i,...An n.a iVr ,l"' snJ.c " ","l,,,r ,n' I" Hie state
of Calltornla, Oregon, Nevada and Waslilngtn Ter
ritory, ns extended to nil the Public Land States by
act "I August 4. iH)a,
of Sumpter, county of Haker, state of Oregon, has
this day filed In this office her sworn statement No.
jn. for the purchase of the nji se and setf sejif,
section 11, and netf ncK of section No. 14, Iu town
ship No. 11 south, range No ,7. : W M, mid will
olfer proof to show that the land sought Is more val
uable for Its limber or stone than (or agricultural
I'liii'usi.', nun in I'siai'iisn ner I'laiiu 10 sal. I laml ho
oie Chas. II. Chance. U. S. commissioner, nt
his ollice In Sumpter, Oregon, on Monday, the 14th
dav of November, 11)114.
She names ns witnesses : William Kelly, of Sump
ter. Oregon; Peter J. Soards, of Sumpter, Oregon;
Michael Lynch, of Sumpter, Oregon; Clark Snyde,
of Sumpter, Oregon
Any and all persons claiming adverselv the above
described lands are re.iiested to file their claims In
this ollice ou or before snld 14th day of Nov., 11)04,
I:. W. Davis, Register.
The co-partnership heretofore existing between R.
Phllllber and Win. I. Palmer, under the lirm on inl
and style ol Phllllbcr & Palmer, doing business as
butchers at Gelser, Haker County. Oregon, It this
day dissolved by mutual consent, Win. I. Palmer re
tiring therefrom.
All accounts dun to Hie snld firm of Phllllber &
Palmer nre payable to the snld R. Phllllber, who re
nins the said business nt Greenhorn, Oregon
Dated at Gelser, Oregon, July 6 1004,
PltllllllllU & 1'AI.MHK
R. P1111.III1111,
W.M. L, PaI.I!K,
I U. S Laud Ollice.
La Grande, Oregon,
( September v. i)4.
Notice Is hereby given that Charles G, Lay bourn,
whose posto'licu address Is Minneapolis, Minnesota,
has nppllwillmi lor a patent for iy linear feel
on the Practlon lode claim, tearing gol I and silver,
situate in no irganled mining dlstilct, ( cocnty,
Oregon, mid desirlbed In the plat and field
notes on file In this ollice, ns follows, vl:
liegmnlng nt Cor. No 1, Identical with Cor. No. a,
Gold ling lode, mid Cor No. , Grizzly No. 1 lode,
Survey No, tiH, Gold liug-Grizly Mining Company,
claimants, ( se Hon comer on east side of section 5,
twp. o south, range east Willamette Meridian,
bears N. v degrees 04 minutes Ii. 8.7 feet; thence.
S, decrees 11 minutes. W. yw.u leei to corner No. 1
thence N. 7J degrees J7 minutes I:, lyn leet to cor
ner No. )'. theiueN. s degrees 11 minutes Ii. 4.15."
teel to corner No. 4, Identical with corner No. 1, sur
vey No. fi8, dold Hug lode, wheiuo corner No. a,
survey No. 4zi, Pyrites lode, bears N Bj degrees 41
minutes I:. 1 41. 1 leet; thence S. 7H degrees la minutes
W. iv" leet to corner No 1, the pla.e ol beginning,
Variation, a degrees to ao degrees 05 minutes I:.; con
taining n 37 imcxj acres and forming u portion of the
southeast of section and of the southwest of
section 4, In township 0 south of range U cast of tho
Willamette Meridian. 'I he location of this mine Is
recorded in the Recorder's ollice of Grant county, ou
page 177, Volume N, ot Mining Records. Adjoining
claimants are (iold Hug-Grizzly Mining company,
north an J west, mid Ibex Mining company on the
All persons holding adverse claims thereto are re
quired to present the same before this ollice within
sixty dnys from the first day ot publication hereof, or
they will be barred by vlrtuu of the provisions of the
H. W. DAVIS. RtaihTlJH.
Plrst publication, October 5, 1104,
- w Sk3iM!Zzzisitfi)tsif- -j3Si'rr,-Tr,''.(ai,-