The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, October 12, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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Wednesday, October 12, 19U4
Propiirntory work Iiiih hooti 00111
nioncotl tit thu Cniokor-OroKoi) and
turiiml No. 12 of thnt initio will lu
drl von alionrl to tho lotltfo by con
tract and onrrlod to oomplotion au
rapidly hh pohhIoIo. Whan Manaur
It, K. liitllniuti wiih up thorn at llrut,
tli timnol wiih found to bo ho full of
i.h that thoy could not ot in ovur
,'inu of the 700 foot, lint the air pino
lino has boon iriHtallml and con
limit nil up and coiitiuuouH work douo.
Tbo proHout face of thu tunol Ih in
oro, but in thorn Iiiih boon a movo
in cut in the hill, it can hanJIy ho
huIi to bo in placo, iih it ia crunhod
and brokou, though carrying fair
values and at tiinou very rich oro
Iiiih boon found, running into thu
thuuHiiudH, Thu maniiKOtnout bo
JIovoh that whon tho liuo lodge
uudor tho npux of tho hill in
1 roachod thoy will oucountur'a rich
oro nhoot, and iih thoy have lfiO foot
of backu abovo thuin, will have a
Kin at amount of ground to stopo.
Tho ruHiiinptiou of work on thlH
properly Ih welcomed by all and ia
another indication of tho ahidiuK
faith of tho mining world in tho
merit of the (Jraokor CruukfdiHtriot.
It Will be to
Your Interest
A party of olllcoi'H and dintctoiH
of tho Alpine mine arrived in Hump
lor IIiIh iiioriiinu fioin C f tuil iiiiul i and
were met by (1111101111 MiuiiiKiir L. Ci.
Lilly and Suioiiiiteuileut Dick
wiih hIow. Our haudomo now
Hinoltor Htood there, a monument of
the HiinliiH of thoHO who built it, but
the luruaceH had never boon blown
in. Now 11,'h ditrereut. I I).
Kill lor, tho practical Hinoltor man of
Montana, came along, wont all over
the country, hiiw what there wiih in
it, onoouritKod the boyn, made ore
coutiactH with all the mines and all
tho prospectH, (tamo back, put away
li Ih tired hoi-Ho, routed hiuiHolf a day
or two, then tho ordui-H bewail to lly.
The bin luruaceH were blown in
anil the Hinoltor has been running
AiIiIoiiih. Tho parly drove out. to ,y ll( K,t UVUr hIiico. Thoy
tho iiiino thin afleiiioon to chriHten ' ,,i,y ,.Hh for every pound of ore do
the new twenty-stamp mill and iimtlilu Hvored, and have contractn onoiigh to
upon I'lmiH for future work on a lingo keep the Hiiielter luiHy for at loiiHt hIx
Hiiale. The goiitlomon comprisiiiK the. i,,,,mIIis in the future.
party are TI101111H Loo, proHidont of
the Alpine company; ,1. 1 Diet,
vice proHiilout, and (!. It. Talbott,
I. (1. tiiliHon and M. J utiUt ilirnctorH;
all of whom roHlile in Cincinnati.
"Ten of the twenty HtampH at the
Alpiuo'H new mill are dropping 011
good ore,
mid Kuperiutondent
"There Iiiih been a revolution in
miniiiK in eiiHtern Oregon. Not only
the ininiiH liiiiuediately coiitiuuouH
to Sumpter, but tho initio oiihI,
Houth and north of linker City are
Hhipping their oroH to tho Hiiielter.
Not only the minoH are Hhipping
0108, but the proHiiootH, tho little
AiIiIoiiih to a Miner reporter thin J ,oIoh in tho ground iro huiiiIIiik i ti
morning. "We have been hut Imrtiil jtliula IiiiiiuIiuh of ore, for which they
heretofore liy a water HhortiiKe, but a K,. M..y (,aH,, jjm, llt tho tie
full Hiipply Iiiih at IiihI. been obtained, lmidouH iidtiintiigo of thin. A man
and hereafter the mill will be kept wm, K,)(i Mm m now M1H,
luiHy. We have plenty of ore in I iiH tuiuiul, nhip along IiIh ore iih ho
ulght for an ludelliilte run." devoloprt and pay for the develop-
(leneial Mnmigor Lilly hiij-h that ,m,t ,,f IiIh mine out of tho ground
the (Muciuuati men are out here to tHelf, and In a Hhort time he in in
oIiiIhIoii the
Hum at lovely
new mill,
break an
They will
condition to oiler a property tit to
put on the market, out of debt, and
bottle of wine on the imnginntlvo , xv 1 1 ta a bettor chance of Houuring n
bow of (lie lili? Alpine milling Kood prim than if ho had to go hor
plant, ami will rejoice with a few
thou laud other men intoioHtod In
Cable Cove that another dividend
payer Iiiih been added to the lint
in thin camp.
for yearn on a mere urn Intake.
"I believe that other things be
hIiIoh milling aie at woik in the In
tororit of linker City and Sumpter.
Agricultural irrigation, and railroad
building are now in bettor nhapo than
ever before, and the immediate
future promlHCH tremendous develop-
meiit ninny thoHo IIiioh. "--Douuuunt.
I 1
Clark Suyde, the Sumpter cn ital
Irit and mining man, wild it, and he
wiih Hiiilliug nil over when bo did fay
it, and he meant every word he
Mild. Coming from a conservative
man like thin, who Ih u bear on the
market, if anything, the Htatement
iiioitiiH Homothing. Quoatlouod in
regard to exact ootid itioiiH, Mr.
Hnyde elaberated:
"1 am free to admit that a few
months, ago .vo had the bluon up in
our town. Thiuga didn't look right.
People didn't talk right. IUihIuuhhI
8i.()0 CVrtiticato of tho host
Oil Stock absolutely invon nwav.
Write at once lor plan how to
.ocuru Five Dollars' worth of
fully paid ami liniMisscssnhle
Oil Stock without cash.
K00111 V2) Park Row Wdjj.
If you con
template vis
iting the St.
Louis Exposi
tion, to secure
reliable infor
mation as to
railroad service, the lowest rates and the best routes.
Also as to local conditions in St. Louis; hotels, etc., etc.
If you will, write. the undersigned, stating what infor
maiion you desire, the same will be promptly fur
nished. If we do not have it on hand, will secure it
for you if possible, and without any expense to you.
Address, B. H. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agent, 142
Third St., Portland, Oregon.
Cars East
Many experienced travelers
prefer tourist sleeping cars
for tho transcontinental
journey. The
Chicago, Milwaukee 6c St.
Paul Railway
can ai range for your trip
east in tourist cars, offer you
choice of routes and save
you money.
11. S. ROWE
L I34 Third St., Portland, Ore.
O Nature's Art Gallery of the Rockies ia addition to the
Oww Attractions at St. Louis. This can only be done by
going or returning via the "SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD."
Write (or Illustrated Booklet of Colorado's Famous Sights and Resorts
W. C. McBRIDE, Geoeral"Agent
124 Third Street PORTLAND, OREGON