The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, October 12, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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    Wednesday, October 12, 1904
The last euit over the Oregou King
mine, involving a grubstake ques
tion, has again illustrated to mi no
operators how many compacts of an
cient date may bring serious trouble
to a producing mine, any time before
patent. But Oregon is now pro
tected from these troubles in all
affairs arising since 1898. Mining
copartnerships, commonly known as
grubstake contracts, must be iu writ
lug now aud filed for record with
the recorder of conveyances or
uouuty clerk of the county where the
claims are located. The act expressly
says that a grubstaking contract must
also contain the names of the parties
thereto, and the duration of the con
tract, otherwise it shall bo null and
The ofteot of this statuto will pro
tect purchasers of proportios from
ovila which thoy could not by any
diligoucu discover boforo purchasing.
Most old prospectors aro working,
as a rule, uudor somoono who aids
thorn to ooutinuo in the Hold. As a
prospoctor changes from oue locality
to another, hu may rocoivo such from
a half do.on dilforout persons, If
auy of theso vague, indiffuront uom
pacts, to which tbo old law gavo sym
pathetic hearings, wore to hang a
meuaoo for years ovor auy location,
a prospoctor might mako, as has boou
the case at tho Oregou King, invest
ors would not buy until tho patont
had been secured. Exchange.
Wbou asked about tho roported
sale of the Camp Carson minos, Mr
N. E. Imhaus, of Baker City, secre
tary of the Foloy-Imhaus & Compauh
Corporation, formerly owner of said
minos, said:
"We cau make publlo tho fact that
the Carsou mines have boon trans
ferred to a Boston syndicate who
has worked tho mines one year, aud
lately by this syndicato to a
California corporation after au ox
amiuation made by threo experts,
oue of whioh is the well known
plaoor oxport of tho Evans hydraulic
elevator fame, his company if
equipping aud workiug the mines ou
a largo scalo, and whioh will bo of
great profit and interest to tho dis
triot. Tho prico quoted for rho prop
erty iu tho information published this
morning is not correct and wo aro
not at liberty to mako public prico,
terms or aouditious.
"We aro assured that tbo now
compauy which has takou bold of
tho miues iutend operating them, on
a gigantic scale.
"Hydraulic elevators and every
modern facility will be applied to
work the mines in a practical way.
"It is estimated that 18,000 or
8100,000 will be expended iu
equipment, and there is every
assurance the mines will be great
produoers. ' ' Democrat.
Arsenic Plant at Everett.
The by-product plaut of the Puget
Sound Reduction company at Ever
ett, Washington, for the condensa
tion and collection of the white
arsenic is quite simple in construc
tion aud efllciont iu operation.
There is a long brick flue, twenty
feet high, connecting the Wethoy
mechanical six hearth lixty-ton roast
ing furnace with the dust chamber,
whioh latter is five feet high, and
covers an area of about 1'25 by 150
feet. This chamber is built of four
inch brick walls, and is divided into
four equal parts, so arraugod that
by the use of valves or dampers any
one seotiou can bo out out from tho
othor, and condensation may thus bo
carried ou continuously. Tho arsou
ical compounds in tho oro aro decom
posed duriug the roasting, aud aro
transformed 'chiefly into volatilo ar
souious oxide, which pasnus out with
the waste gnsos of tho furuaco, aud is
subsequently coudoused by thoi
cooling and lessened velocity, and
settles ou tbo floor of tho dust cham
ber, or becomes attached to tho sides
aud roof iu beautiful festoons of pure
white crystals resembling snow. At
stated intervals each section is cut
out from tho Hystom and the tcoumu
lated deposit of white arsenic ip
shovolod into hand-barrows aud car
ried to storage bins until needed fur
subsequent refliniug in a small rovor
buratory furnace. After the aisouio
has boon expelled by the roasting,
the ore is discharged from the I'm
uaco and treated with lead ore in a
shaft furnaoo for tho extraction of
tho gold aud silver contents. Min
ing World.
Government Farm for Cook Co.
Tho government will establish au
agricultural experiment station
on tho segregated laud of tho Des
chutes Irrigation fc Powor Company.
This information ia contained iu
a letter from Hon. Elwood Mead,
obiof of tho Irrigation and draiuago
investigation of tho department of
agriuulturo, within tho past wook
and is of tho utmost importance, not
only to Bend, but to tho wholo of
ouotral Oregon. This experiment
plaut will bo in full oporatiou for
next soasou aud it is bound to bo
conducted by the gnvornmoni fur at
loast throo years. Noarly all tho
oxpousos will bo boruo by tho D. 1. &.
P. compauy, howovor. Different
localities and soils roquiro different
treatments. The quantity of water
aud the time of sorvico aro also very
important and thoir determination
requires uot only uooti judgment but
largo exporionoo in this particular
field of ondoavor. Irrigation has
failed iu somo places bouauso water
was uot properly applied. It is now
pioposed to havo tho guidance of au
export iu Hurling just what treameut
is best for Deschutes soil aud
climate, how and when water shall
bo appliod to get tho host resultH and
what crops will do the best hero.
The expert will also have charge of
tho installation of mesauriug boxes
at divorsion points. Bend Bjllotin.
Rich Standard.
Higher copper values aio coming
into the cobalt shoot in the main
Standard drift at the Standard
mine, accord lug to the last weekly
report to the home office of tho
Killon, Warner Stewart compauy by
Superintendent M. J Heath. For
the past two weeks a force of miners
baa been busy upraisiug from the
Standard drift on the rich cobalt
ore shoot. Ore is being taken out
for a 1, 000-pound test shipmout to
a Denver smelting plaut. As the
upraise progroses toward the surface,
higher copper values are encounter
ed, with no diminution of the
oobalt value.
Whilo driving tho Ox Bow tunnel,
au irrigation and powor enterprise
ou Suako river, near Payette, a
strata of hot rock was oucouutorod at
a distauco of 000 foot from tho oast
portal. The boat was so intetiso that
tho drillers wore forced to knock off
for a day. Fiually a blast of cold
air from tho comprosor plant was
forced agaiust tho faco until the
tomporaturo was sutllciontly lowered
to permit of work. Koaontly in tho
samo tunnel a heavy flow of hot
water, almost honing, was ou
couutorod. Aftor penetrating a
hot granite dyke tho rock became
coolor, but the faco is again in very
hot stono.
Few people in (.IiIh section roail'o
that nuo of the richest marble de
posits in tho United States is located
in this county, only a few miles from
John Day. The deposit in question
Is located on Indian creek and is tho
property of D. M. Butler.
Mr. Butler has been .lslug this
marblo rock for making lime, which
ho has sold through tho valley for
building put poses. Until lately he
was uot awaro of the value of the
rock. IUb attoutinn Iuih been called
to tho matter, however, by parties
who aro familiar with tho marblo
Mr. Butler brought a piece of tho
marblo to this city last week aud
loft it with Mr. Tumor, tho Baker
City stonecutter, who is working on
tho bank building. Mr. Turner has
oxporimonted with the rock aud finds
that it takes an excellent polish.
Ho is highly pleased with his ex
periment and is seriously considering
the proposition of remaining iu the
valloy aud operating may bio works.
As considerable marble Is shipped
into tho valley for tnmhhtouos aud
other purposes, there is no doubt
but that it would lie a paying
Tho maihlo is of the blue mottled
variety aud is considered very valu
able, being next iu commercial
value to the onyx aud Italian
marbles. It is the only marble de
posit, outside of oue near Spokane,
Washington, in the northwest, most
of the marble uirxl here being
shipped from Maine aud Vermont.
(iriiut County News.
Tho annual meting of the stock
hlodors of tho Little Cracker Cold
Mining aud Milling compauy will h
held iu the company's office iu Sump
tor, Baker ouuuty, state of Oregou,
ou the 7th day of November, 1004,
at the hour of 10 o'clock iu the foro
uoon of said day, for tho purpose of
electing officers for tho next year
aud for tho transaction of such bus
iness as may como before said meet
ing. D. L. WlLLAItD, sooretary.
Colonel Topping left this afternnou
for Victoria, B. C, whore he will
remain indefinitely. His purpose
is to keep his eyo ou a mineral
couutry to the north, that a new
railroad ia opouiug up. .jtf ,fc,
Tho Sumpter smelter has awarded a
coutiaot for 1,000 cords of wood.
Tho W. E. King quartz mill, in
Mormon Basin, has begun dropping
stamps ou custom oro.
Electric powor, transmitted from
Hock crook, now drives machine
drills at tho Balsley-Elkhorn.
Messrs. Oilkoy & Kershaw aro ar
ranging to install a throostamp
prospecting mill on their Belmont
group iu the Croon horns.
E. P. Bergman, tho Sumpter
grocer, will apply for a patent on
his Olo Bull group on Cracker creek,
the survey has boon made.
Jack Wilson, who has been looking
aftor his interests in Sumpter for
several days, returned today to his
ranch aud mine near Durkee.
Tbo Basche-Sage Hardware com
pany has Held suit for attachment
egaiint the property of the North
Paclllo Mining company in Crant
A. P. Smith, representative-ulecL
came down from the Emma mine
today. He holds a $10,000 bond on
the property and is rushing develop
ment. At nUH-foot. drift on the Willie
Boy Cleveland vein of the Standard
mine at Quart burg has cut a cross
vein five feet wide, carrying high
copper values.
Acordlng to a deed Hied September
1) in (Irani county, Ed Sullivan Iuih
sold IiIh Berglaud claim to the (ireeu
horn Mines & Development compauy,
for a nominal Hguro.
T. S. Keuuerly, of tho Creeuhnrn
Cold Coin, nnd W. 11. Jtiohmau, of
Philadelphia, interested in the comp
any, came in from that property to
day and aro guot-ts at Hotel Sumpter.
Tho Equity mine, uudor the
management of liov. J. W. Hughes,
of Baker City, hereafter will be a
steady shipper of crude ore aud
conceuratoH to the Sumpter Hinelter.
Arthur Wightmau, Jr,. has sold
to C. II. lunis, the Baker City
assayer, a quarter Interest iu the
Chloirdo, Coventor, Coldon (late and
Peek-a-boo claims In Crant county
for 91,000.
Tho deal, which is pending for the
Bellevue mine, leinaiu iu statu
quo. The Sumpt'ii' men inleiested
iu the negotiations, when approached
by a Miner roproHouativo, refused to
give out auy information.
Khodia Harris, step-son of John
Clark, of Bourne, passed through
Sumpter this morning, en route to
the town at tho head of the gulch.
He has just returned from interior
Alaska. "All men who come from
Alaska are liars, "he says, "but the
couutiy is the greatest ou earth."
A charter has been issued from
the office of the secretary of state at
Salem, authorizing tho Dale Cold
aud Silver Mining aud Ditch com
pany to traiuact business iu Crant
and Umntilla counties. Tho com
pany is capitalized at S.'IO.OOO and
C. H. Audrus, A. B. Webdell and
W. M. WalkiiiH aro the incorporators.
Oue of tho hoavlest freight trains
that has been pulled over the Sump
eor road for mouths past, came In
this morning. It had eleven car
loads of freight for Sumpter alone,
three of coke for the smelter, two of
hay for Holland, two of grain for
tho O. T. company, two of coal for
tho Sumpter Fuol ompauy, aud two
of geueral merhaudise.