The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, October 05, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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    Wednesday, October j, 1904
North Idaho People Tried to Tie Up Burch
& Burbridge's Enterprise in
Eastern Oregon.
The big Craue Flat dredge is tied
tip in the courts. A temporary In
junction has been issued in Idaho,
restraining Buroh & Burbridge from
removing the machinery from Delta,
Idaho, to eastern Oregon. An order
to show cause why the injunction
jbould not be made permanent will
bring a hearing of the case before
Judge Morgan at Harrison, Idaho,
on Oootober 3. which is Mouday.
The grounds updn which the injunc
tion was issued are related in the
following dispatob from Wallace,
Idaho, to the Spokane Spokesman-
"The Western Mining & Dovolop.
mont oompHny, in which Huron &,
Burbrldgo, of Spoknuo, aro the prin
cipal stockholder;, togetbor with
the Northern Gold Miuiug oompauy,
have beou eujoined from moving the
gold drudge, which was purchased
last wook by IJurch & Burbridge from
the Northern (Jold Mining oompuuy,
for 811,500. The dredge, which
was installed two years ago at a cost
of 815,000. had boon diemiinltod.
Hud parts of it wore being buulod
from Delta to Wallace, where they
were to be shipped to placer ground
in eastern Oregon, wheu the iujunc
tion papers were served.
"Catborino Prioburd, adminis
tratrix of tbo estate of A. J. Priohard,
widow of tbo discoverer of gold in
tbo Coour d'Alouea, brought thn
iujuuotiou proceedings in thn
distiict court. Defendants in tho
action havo been ordered to show
cause bofore Judge Morgau at
Harrison Ootobor .'i wby the temporary
injuuatiou should not be made per
manent. According to tbo com
plaint Died, Mrs. Priohard and bus
baud outered into a contract with C.
S Cryslor and J. M Savage on
August 24. 1001, whereby deeds to
sundry placer miniug olaims near
Dolta were to bo dolivorod tn
Cryslor t Savago whou thoy had
paid 812,000. This sum was to ho
derived from part of tho gross
proceeds received by working
gravels with a dredgor, which, it
was agrood, was to bo iustallod.
Ouo third of tho grogs proceeds wnro
to ho sot asido and ho appliod
from tunc to timo toward tbo pay
ment of tho 812,000. It is rouited
in tho complaint that tho drudge
was installed as nor agroomout, and
that aocordiug to tho belief of
plaintiff much gold has boon taken
out, but that only 8.'!00 of tho
812,000 has been paid. It is assorted
that tbo dredgo has beooino part of
the placer mining property, and that
its removal would doprociate the
valuo of tbo property.
"Cryslor & Savage convoyed their
lease to the Northern Mining com
pany, which installed the dredge.
It is claimed that it was never a
Miner, the immeoso machine in
volved, was operated by the
Northern Gold Gold Mining company
on Beaver creek, below Delta, with
out success. After repeated trials,
with many changes in the dredging
apparatus, it was found that thn
Heaver oreek ground could not
profitably be worked by dredge. Tho
affairs of the operating company
became involved aud a number of
attachments were levied unon tho
machinery. ..Bofcuo Buoh ,& Bur
bridge could purchase the d rod go it'
was uooessary for thorn to satisfy
about 811,00 worth of attach-
meuts agaiust tho Northern company.
It is probably upon this phaso of
the question that tbo Priohard in
junction will either bo made pot
manout or bo dissovlod. If tho lions
and attachments satislled by llurch
& Burbridge aro doomed to havo
justly Btood auaiust the rimmm.
I thou tbo Priohard contontion will
uot lie, aud Buroh & Burbridge will
be givou the property. A rather
uniquo point of law is involved.
A. Buroh, of tho defendant linn.
lis now at tho Crane Flat nlaoors.
1 whoro A. W. Kills of Sumpter, is
rushing work on a contract to ox
loavato a big pool for tho dredge.
iur. uurou is also receiving bids for
hauling tho immonso macbino from
Sumpter to tho diggiugH.
It is not known whether Mr.
Buroh is awaro of tho now turn of
aifalrs. If bo is, tho mattor up.
tiaroutly doos not worry him. as ho
in prooeodiug with plaus for shipping,
bauliug aud iustalliug tbo dredgo at
the earliest possible date.
th) injunction suit against remov
ing tho drodgo, a dispatch from
Wallace, Idaho to tho Spokesman
Review, dated Ootobor I, says:
By tho payment of 81,000 tn
Catborino Priohard, administratrix of
the ostato of Andrew J. Priohard,
tho suit brought by her agaiiiMt tho
Northern (Jold Mining & Dovolop
lug company is dhmisyod. This
will permit Buroh & Hurbridgo, oJ
Spokane, tho principal owners of tho
Westoru Miuiug company, to move
tho drodgo, which caused notion, to
eastern Oregon.
Last week thoy purchasod tho
dredgo from tho Northern (Jold
Miniug company, had dismantled it
and wore hauling It to the railroad,
wheu thoy wero served with in
juuatiou papers, restraining thorn
from movnig the dredgo.
The dredge had been installed on
placer mining pioporty belonging
to the Priohard estate. Those
olaims were under lease to tho
Northern Gold Miniug company, one
of the oonsideratons boiug the In
stallation of the dredge. Wheu Mrs.
Priohard learned that tho dredge
wan being moved, she commenced
action in the district court agaiust
the Northern company, making the
Wohtorn oomnanv a dnfnmlnnL uurl
..i... - -
obtained a tomporary iujunotinn.
Sho alleged that tho Nortern com
pany had not lived up to its agroe
monts, and that tho removal of the
dredgo would depreciate tho valuo
of the proporty.
Tho stipulation of stottloment of
tho notion was (lied yesterday with
tho clerk of tho court. According to
it tbo Northern Mining company is
to pay the plaiutiir 81,000 out of a
fund to become payable tn it. by its
endefoudant. As soon as thn
money is available the suit is to bo
dismissed at plaintiff's cost and
the plaiutiir will aoknowl idgo full
satisfaction of all matters involved in
tbo suit.
$7000 FOR
Will Work All Winter.
Mr. Buroh arrivod in Sumpter this
afternoon from Grauite.
"It's all right, "ho said to tho
Minor man. "1 have just received
a telegram saying that tho suit, so
far as wo aro concerned, has boon
dismisHcd, and tho drodgo will bo
shipped. Tho moiiuy wo paid lor tho
Dolta drodgo was deposited with our
bankors, to bo paid over to tho
Northoru copmauy when all claims
agaiiiHt tho machinery wero settled
aud wo could be given clear title.
This has boon done, according to may
tolegram from Spokane, and tho big
machine will at once bo loaded and
shipped to Sumpter."
Dr. K. A. MoDaiiiol, of Baker
City, one of tho principal ownon
or the Golden Star group of mines
in tho Greenhorns, was a passnger on
tho up bound train this morning,
headed for the golden hills. lie is
associated with Sam Low and others
in the ownership of the Golden
Star, upon which steady work has
boon dono all during the summer.
No cosHntiou will be allowed during
the wintor, Dr. MoDaiiiol's trip
at this time boiug for tho purpose of
arranging for further work.
suocess. "
As related in a recent issue of The
A. Burch, ouo uf the owners of tho
Crane Flat plaoois, on tho North
Fork of tho John Day rivor, drove
out to tho diggings yesterday, ac
companied by John Hagol, deputy
United States minora! surveyor, and
D. W. C. Nelson, tho Baker City
miniug man. The two last named
gontlomon will survey tho ground.
Mr. Buroh said to a Miner man as ho
drovo away thut tho big 84 0,000
dredgo from north Idaho would
probably arrive in Sumpter within
ten days or two weeks. Regarding
Contract for Concentrates.
A thousand pounds of coucon-
tiates from tho Columbia mine ar
rived in Sumpter this morning, aud
wore storod until a carload can bo
uiado up for shipment to tho Taooma
smelter. Tho Coiilmbia aud North
Polo aro under contiaot with the
Tacoma plant to supply a certain
tumiagu monthly. TIiuhu c.mtraotH,
it is understood, will expire Jauuarv
1, 1005, utter which date tho out nut
will uudoubtodlv bo handled by
tho Sumpter am.dtor; none of which
Information, of oourso, is official
and all of which is curbstone gossip
llelma Company Sells Claims.
John B. MoMauus, son of tho well
known Seattle stock broker, has
purchased from tho llelma Gold
Miniug company, tho Gold Cloud,
New Hope, Bover, Adolo, Lost
Sheep, New ilolinu, Falls and Follott
quart, olaims on Viuceut crook, in
Grant county for 8H,.'i:i:i.
Bocatisu a bunch of stock in tho
rich Lucy mine, in tho Greenhorns,
was outstanding; because the Mil
wnti koo controllers of the Luov com
pany want just m muob of a good
thing as thoy can possibly get, and
because tbo stoak afore meutloned
was bold by Morris Sullivan, of
Sumpter, that geuthman in just
soven thousaud dollars richer iu ready
cash than he was last week.
Tbo said Milwaukee controller or
the Lucy company recently made
an offer to Mr. Sullivan for his Luoy
stock. Sullivan, knowing the
richness and value of the mine,
refused to soil. The gentleman In
the town made famous by beer were
Insistent. Their offer for the
Sullivan stock rose in figures by
loapa and bounds. Whon negotia
tions Involved 87,000 in cash.
Sullivan capitulated not because
he doubted the valuo of tho stock,
but because ho needed the money.'
Tho turn was made yesterday and
Sullivan loft for Greenhorn this
morning, armed with plenty monoy
to do certain work on other olaims
which ho has long contemplated, and
which be has hitherto been prevented
from doing because of a lack of
ready coin.
When seen by a Miner reporter this
morning Mr. Sullivan admitted the
fact that bo was aUluont.
"1 bated to let go of my Lucy
stock, beoaiHo I know bow unod it is.
I located tho mine; developed it
past the propspeot stage, aud sold It
to a Milwaukee comnanv. Tho
members or this company are
princes. They further developed
the property, until I very much
doubt if there is a better or richer
piece or mining ground between
Powder rivor and the California lino.
I have other Irons iu tho lire, bow
ever. My brother John and I own
tho Karle, which Is as good as tho
Lucy. Also I am Interested In tho
101 Dorado. Both these properties are
in tho Greenhorns, aud we need
money to open thorn up. Duals for
tho sale of both are pending, but 1
am not tho sort or chip to soil a pig
In a poke. 1 want the purchasers
to know what thoy are buying.
Thorororo, l am going out today to
carry on work on a la gor scale."
Cold Production for 190,1.
Again Oregon fails to got what la
coming to it as a gold producing
slate. It is credited by tho treasury
department with only 8t,:iOO,(IO() for
100:i. A Winhington dispatch dated
yoHtorda.v says: George 10. Roberts.
director of tho mint, has completed
his calculation of the production of
gold aud silver in tho United States
aud tho world for lOO.'l. The total
gold output in thn United States was
87:1.000,000; silver, 820, MOO, 000,
of this Oriignu produced 81, 1100,000
in gold and 801,000 iu silver;
Washington 8280,000 in gold aud
8100,000 In sliver. Tho total world's
output was 8:125,500,000 gold; 802,
000,000 silver.
L. R. Bellman manager of tho
California aud Cracker Oregon, is
recolvng bids for tunnel work at tho
attor proporty. A contract will be
warded next wook.