The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, October 05, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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    Wednesday, October j, 1904
Thousand Pounds of Cobalt Ore Shipped to
a Testing Plant in
A 1, 000-pound shipment uf ore
from tho Standard mino, Incited in
tho Qunitzburg district of (Iraut
county, Oregon, is now un route to a
Denver testing plaut. According to
J'rofessor II. 1. Nicholson, consult
ing engineer of tho company, who id
hero awaiting tho shipment, the object
is to discover some economical pin
cess for treating the oro and concen
trating the cobalt it contains.
Tho Standard oro carried values
in cohalt and its associates, nickel,
gold, silver and copper. All of the
(tiell'ernt metals occur in sullleient
quantity to provo a houico of profit,
hut thu company in especially do
sirous of producing cohalt ftoiu these
oros. It is claimed that thin it) the
only mine in tho United Stales from
which cohalt. can ho produced in any
quantity, and if a cheap process ot
separating tho cohalt can lie found,
tho Standard can then compote with
tho mlnoH of Europe in tho produc
tion of this metal. Cohalt is worth
from flixty-ilvo cents to 82 a pound.
Tho Alpine twouty-etamp mill is
completed. Tho his plant was yes
torday formally turned over to Sup
erintendent Dick Addoms by Mill
wright Stoadman, who pronounces
tho mill ouo of the most modorn,
up-to-date and best arranged plauta in
the Sumpter gold fields. Five of
the tweuty stamps were immediately
started dropping aud yesterday
Mnother battery was unloosened.
The entire twenty will probably
be orushing ore by October lfi.
Suporluteudeut Addoms has concen
trated a big force of miners on the
task. of blocking out a sufficient ore
reserve to insure a coutiuuous ruu.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Vinson came
up from Maker City on this morn
ing's train. Mrs. Vinson will visit
friends here foi a few days, while
he left at once for bis Thomburg
placers, near Granite, accompanied
by Al P. Jones, who has charge uf
the logging operations at the
digging. Two out
from Sumpter yesterday to begin the
work of hauling logs, in preparation
for the installation of the sawmill
machinery uow at tbe Sumpter
Valley depot, awaiting trans
shipment. This will be undertaken
within the next two or three days.
"We inteLd to rush things," said
lu the Standard ores it. runs from
two to twonty-tlvo 'per cent. Accord
ing to Professor NicholHou tho
average is about live per cent.
Some of the Standard ore runs an
high iih .tHOU to 8(500 in gold, hut
I where cohalt and nickel pre
Join ina to the values are usually
! from !?"i to 6(1 per ton. The copper
runs from two or three to thirty or
'forty per cent. Silver and nickel
also occur in paying quantities.
The Standard properly comprises
' Oil) acres and is located ahout forty
, miles from Sumpler, Oregon. The
property is lieing opened up hy four
or live tunnels, the longest, of which
is in ahout 800 feet. The workings
are ahout one mile long The prop
icty is crossed hy a number of
'difl'eieut. veins in which the pre
dominating metals vary. A largo
amount of oro is in sight, one third
of which is a good shipping grade.
; Professor Nicholson says the cohalt.
veins are largo and tho company can
make quite a largo production of this
olas of ore. Daily Mining Record.
Mr. iloues to a Minor reporter this
morning. "We o.poot to cut about
700,1)00 feet of Jumbor this fall aud
begin the immediate construction uf
a twelve mile Hume from the North
Fork to the Thomburg diggings.
This flume will be four feet wide at
tho bottom, aud when completed
next spring will permit of hydraul
icing with throe giants.
The Thornbuig placers were bonded
recontly by W. L. Vlnsou, aud W. J.
Pattersou who made a big cash pay
meut. it is learned that a wealthy
syndicate of easterners is back of
Messis. Vinson aud Pattersou.
A. W. Elli-J, who recently secured
a gradiug coutract at the Crane Flat
placer diggings, is busy employing
men iu Sumpter. ills grading outfit,
consisting of seven teams aud a
quantity of wheeled scrapers, shovels,
plows etc., is eu route to tbe
diggings. Mr. Ellis will leave for
tbe scene of operations tomorrow,
His contract calls for tbe excavatlou
of a 500x250x20 feet reservoir,
necessitating removal of 2,500,000
yards of gravel, aud tbe work must
be completed by October 20.
A. Huron, of Uuroh & Hurbridge,
owners of the Crane Flat placers, left
last evening for Grauite. He has not
yet awarded a contract for tbe
transportation of tbe big dredge,
which is uow en route from uortboru
It Will be to
Your Interest
railroad service, the lowest rates and the best routes.
Also as to local conditions in St. Louis; hotels, etc., etc.
If you will write the undei signed, stating what infor
mation you desire, the same will be promptly fur
nished. If we do not have it on hand, will secure it
for you if possible, and without any expense to you.
Address, B H. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agent, 142
Third St., Portland, Oregon.
Smelter Froze Up Yesterday.
The smelter froze up yesterday
afternoon and caused a few hours
shut down. IWerythlug is running
full blast, today, however.
This morning City Councilman
lack llazlowond looked out, ot the
window of the llazlewood home and
remarked to his wife thai, the smelter
was running again all right. He
explained to her that it. froze up
"Froze 1 -yesterday ! said Mrs.
llazlewood. "Well, it. won't, tun
long this winter, IT it froze on such a
day as yesterday I"
Aud then she wondered why .luck
Ore From Tabor Fraction.
Ore from the rich Tabor Fraction,
on the mother lode, continues to
arrive at the Sumpter smelter.
Yesterday a six-horse team brought
down a wagon load. Tho higher
grade rock is milled at tho Columhli'.
through whose tunnels the mine is
Only transcontinental line
(hissing directly through
Salt Lake City
Colorado Springs
and Denver
Three splendidly eo nipped tra nit
Through Sleeping and Dining Cars
and free Reclining Chair Cars.
The most Magnificent scenery in
America by daylight.
Stop overs allowed on all clawwi
of tickets.
For cheapest rates and descriptive
literature, addrera
W. G. MilRIDE, fimril -nt
Portland Orcqon
If you con
template vis
iting the St.
Louis Exposi
tion, to secure
leliable infor
mation as to
Shop line
and union Pacific
Salt Lake,
Denver, Kansas City.
Ocean stoamors between Portland
and Shii Francisco overy five days.
Low Rati
Ticket to and from all part of
the United States, Canada and
Through I'ullman Standard and
Tourist Bleeping Cara daily to Omaha,
Chicago, Hpokano; Tounut Bleeping
car daily to Kansas City ; through
I'ullman tourist sleeping earn (per
sonally conducted) weekly to Chi
cao, Kansas City; reclining chair
cam (seats free) to the Kant daily.
For particular!!, call op ar add
H C. Bowbhp,
Agent, Hakor City, Or.
.()() Certificate of the best
Oil Stock absolutely given away.
Write ut once for plan how to
secure Fivo Dollars' worth of
fully paid mid uoii-asscsHitilo
Oil Stock without cash.
Itoom 721) Park Row Uldg.
mM&2I I a
Tbe Miner does job printing.