The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, October 05, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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Wednesday, October j. 1904
iWn i-i..;h piAm,
Float Found in East End of Town, Which
Evidently Comes From Ledge
in the Suburbs.
fJorjHHil Frank Hall, the Colorado
tninirig engineer, writing iu tho
Denver Post, says that roeorrt do
vnlopiuontH in tho old Colorado
ground loHHii undoriioHlh tho main
business Htroot at Loadvillo, show
that tho oro body Ih ,ftO() foot In
lougth, r.(l() foot wide and '200 foot
thick iiud that it contains l'JO.OOO,
'O00 cubic foot, averaging tworrty
(initio foot to tho ton. OiHoardiug
l together the copper and sliver
Valium in thia oro, and taking only
inn iron values thoroln, which
tlonoral Hall HayH will approximate
f por ton, wo have a valuation of
$.'10,000,000 for an ore body oom-pi-ining
John than eleven acres of
Krouiid. The Htartllug part of thin
calculation Ih Hie fact that tho ore
II oh directly under the main street
of Koedvlllo. Tho llguroH upon
which the calculation in baaed were
Hoourod by diamond drill explore
About two weeks ago, L. (!. Ster
ling, the well known painter, who Ih
hIho a proHpeetor, discovered in
u gulch leading up from the eateru
wid of .Similiter, a piece of free
gold Ileal, which was Htartllug in
if.H richiiniH. .Since the discovery
lie haa been endeavoring to locate the
parent lode, which, judging by the
topography of the country, and
reckoning from tho locality of the
float, cuth directly aorusss theeiiHtern
limit of the city. .Similar lloat
Iiiih botu found on the summit of the
hill ikii tti of the city reHeivoir and
identical dhonvorlos have tieen
made at divers poiuta on the noith
Hlo,ie of the khiiiii hill. Further to
(hit northwest, mineiH In the Pulaski
have leveloped a vein of free gold
ire similar in character to the
float already doM'rihed. KouthuoM
(if Huinptor, a abort diatauce beyond
tho corpurate limits, the (inldou
Chariot mine h iu lomarkahlv rich
ore, dillering but little fiom the
ore loiind in the Pulaski, and re
eembliug in many importaul
chaiiu'lorislios Hie lloat found along
th inlei vciiIiik ton limy.
From all of which the conclusion
is certainly warranted that the
Coldeu Chariot vein, which la wide
iiud rich, and of the geological
chmacter which spoils permanence,
cuts directly under tho eastern part
of Similiter iu a general northwest
and Miuthcnst diicoliou, to a junc
tion with, if it la not a continua
tion, ol the Pulaski vein.
it haa long been a theme for
apace Oiling newspaper writers that
Sum in built ou a rich placer
gold deposit. Acioss the river,
from the old Kills placers, hundreds
of thousands of dollars have been
taken: That t're ground upon which
.Sumpter ia built is equally as rich
has frequently been proven by well
diggers who have at varying depths,
atruck pay dirt. Oflon largo
nuggets, and frequently extra
ordinarily rich pay gravol havo been
Moat of tho, warranty deeds from
tho .Sumpter Towtrsito company
contain mineral reservations, grant
ing to tho townalto company permis
sion to mine for procioua minerals
on tho protnleos.J
Last year Sumpter men sunk a
aeries of prospect holes on vacant
lots in the upper oud of town. So
tlatteriug was tho result that a com
pany to exploit those depoaita aa
formed. For some unknown reason
tho company died before accomplish
irig anything.
it is not improbable that some day
quartz mines, aa well as paying
placers, will bo in operation inside
tho Sumpter city limits.
Secretary .John T. Donnelly, ot
the lied Boy Conanlidatcd Mining
eompauy, haa issued a notice for a
stockholders' mooting to bo held iu
Baker City November 18. Tho
object of this meeting is to dissolve
the old corporation, which has its
existence under the laws of Virginia.
The new company has been organized
under the laws of Now Jersey and
has its principal oillces in Chicago.
After this meeting it is expected that
all matters iu connection with the
company's business will have been
satisfactorily arranged.
Mr. Alexander I'russiug, trustee
lor the purchasing stockholders, left
last evening for Pendleton for con
sultation with some of the stock
holders and from there will proli-
ably go ou to Portland, returning to
j Baker City In a short time Mr.
j Prussiug atated yesteiday thai all
mallets in connection with the Bed
noy mine iuokou well ami every
thing aeeiiH to be in good shape for
the carrying out of the
plans. The directors
reorganized i
will mi-
doubtedly begin operations under
the new company in the immediate
future, and are now only awaiting
the icport from a certain engineer
iu order to decide upon their lino of
action. That report Mr. Prussiug
expects iu a few days. The opening
of this great property is eagerly
anticipated by Sumpter and Baker
City people generally, and all min
ing men will be glad to see it on its
feet again and hear the stamps when
they visit the Bed Boy camp,
it is not only a question of pay rolls
and increased wealth, but it is a
quct.tion of the scieutitlc develop-
-...,,, ,,,3Mmmmm. y&mwmm wSHjWSk imitmaaummm,
nieut of tbo ore lodges of that
sootiou. Huker City Democrat.
Crook County Copper Strike.
Roliablo roports roach Baker City
of an extraordinary find of copper oro
ou Uoos-a creek, in Crook county.
ThiH in the word sent to this point hy
a party of trader i from the camp1
of J. S. Nolaoo, Burt Hall and K. AJ. '
Mnndevillo, who have boon prospect-'
inK along Uooso creek for tho greater
part of tiro past Boaaon. Tho vein ,
ia ovor forty foet wldb and runs from i
11H to nineteen por cent copper,'
with r 11 oro than tbo uaual proportion !
of gold.
Reported Strike at I: X. L.
It Ih roportod ou the vory best
authority that a atriko of vory rich
oro has boon made on tbo bottom of
tho 240 foot shaft of tho i. X. L.
mine iu tho Croon horn district.
The ore is vory high grade and tho
lodge is about five foet wide.
Manager Fied T. Kelly, who was in
tho city yesterday, is reticent iu
rogard to tho matter, but mining
men look for big things iu tho Green
horns iu tho noar future. Democrat.
Val Verde Smelter Burned.
An explosion of moltou slag
caused tho total destruction of tho
Val Verde smelter, twenty miles eapt
of Present t, Arizona, Saturday
night. Tho smelter employes were
engaged in drawing slag from -the
furnace and wore unable to got a
plug iu to atop it. When tho molten
mass rair onto the wot floor, au ox
plosion followed. Tho rod trot stuff
wriH scattered all through tho build
ing, causing tiro to break out at
several places. Tho building and
machinery woro destroyed. Tho
plant was of .'100 tons capacity and
cost between 8100,000 and 815120,000.
iw Walker Heard From.
Jack Stouehocker is in recoipt of I
a lottor from Lew Walker, at.
Mountain City, Nevada. Walker
had only hruii in tho now camp one !
day when the letter was written, and '
consequently had not formed a com- i
prelienaive opinion of tho district. !
He says, however, that ho has
lilr.tllilv unnn I. liiir Infr nt rluli am I
and is procured to bolievo that tho
camp is exactly what it is cracked up
to be. Walker met (loorgo Probasco,
who is doing well.
Joe Beed, manager of the Auburn
Do"p Sinking company, of Sumpter,
wIm) left yesterday for the scono of
the company's operations, which
is on the old channel at Auburn, will
for continuation of work
the winter. The long
sought pay ia understood to be com
ing into the drift at the niuety-foot
level. Other levels will be run.
Kcystonc-Eqnily Case.
Kev. J. W. Hughes, of Baker
City, was a passenger on the east
bound Sumpter Valley trail) this
afturuoon. He has been present at
Canyon City at the taking of testi
mony in the Keystoue-Kquity mining
case, before Circirit Court Keporter
Colomau at Cauyou City. Kev.
Hughes ux proses hope that thia joruo
what celebrated case will result
favorably to tho Equity, of which
ho is president oud general n:anager.
Ho eavs, however, that a masa of
conilictiut! testimonv haa boon ad-
iducod. The matter will come before
1 the circuit judgo of tho Ninth judcial
district, in chambers, sometime
next mouth.
M. F. MUZZY, -F.
Vice President
Sec. and Treas
Sumptsr, - Oregon
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This Is the only comprehensive
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Having no mining promotions nor
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