The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, September 28, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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    -A r
Wednesday, September 28, 1904
VV. P. Klppou, of Spokauo, arrived
iu Sumpter today. Ho aud sonio
other prominent miuing men of
Spokaue bavo hnd a bond on tho
Huckeye group of claims, Cracker
Creek district, owned by Messrs.
GlenBOti and Doane, for some tituo
past. For a mouth or more Mr.
Kippen was at tho property, ex
ploiting it, to see if it h what they
want. It if.
He is now here to develop it in to
m mine. To a Miner representative
he stated :
"I have not yet decided definitely
on a plan of development and there
in very little I oan tell you for pub
lication. For the next few weeks I
will have my hands full getting
ready to work during the winter,
building bunk and boarding houses,
getting in supplies and doing the
hundred and one things necessary
for work ou a property in a snow
"We are now running a tunnel on
tho vein and are hiking out a nine
oro, which at prosont is largely free
milling. A portion or this, that of
tho higher grado, I will ship to tho
smelter horo. Tho other will ro
main until wo put iu our own reduc
tion plaut. I leuvo for tho mine in
tho morning aud will at ouuo start
work ou tho buildings. Tho under
ground work will, of courso, bo con
Some remarkably rich ore haB boon
taken from tho liuokoyo; pan tests
running as high a 1000 a ton in freo
gold. Thii ore shoot wbb uncovered
high up the hill and only a shallow
shaft was sunk there. Considerable
ore was taken out and tho gold ex
tracted with mortar and pan. The
tuunel now being driven Ib to get
under that shaft at depth.
For a year or more this proporty
has attracted envious attention from
mining men and one attempt was
mado to jump it, which attempt, by
the aid of guns and the court, was
utatiou, that mining investments
when judiciously entered into, oiler
at oni'.o the safest and most prolltahlo
capital. -Review,
for tho employment of
Mining and Engineering
Tho following instruments woro
filed at tho court house in Haker City
for record vesterdav:
Jan 1, '02 (loo. F. Johnson
1 1 oran, 1
Sec. I! i
8 R.
liakor to W. (I.
23 T 11. R. 37;
quantity is consumed in tho arts.
Iu the United States the gold
output in 1903 was about 871, 428,
000; of silver, a:U, fi'20, 700 worth,
vaiuo" of
of a "coinage
Bulletin No. 0, "Mine and
Quarries," issued by the Consus
bureau, supplies some llguros that,
when analyzed aro exceedingly in
teresting. It gives "statistics for all
mines and quart ios, and petroleum
aud natural gas wells that woro in
operation during any portion of tho
calendar year ending Deuombor 31,
1902," aud although already
"undent history," aa is customary,
perhaps unavoidably, with all
mining and statistical information
furnished by tho government, is yet
tho sourco from which some valuablo
lessons may be drawn. It nood ouly
bo remombored that a similar pre
sentation for 100!) would bo a still
moro oouolualvo argumout in favor
of miuing, from tho fact that last
year there was far greator activity
than during 1902.
In tl a1; year the number of mines,
quarries and wells was 151,510 ; of
operators, 40,858; of salaried
ottloials, clerks, otc, 38,128; of
wage camera (average for year),
581.728; total value of all minerals,
8884, 010,809. Out of this total,
tho amount of wages paid to wago
earners, salaried ollloials, etc., was
3408,980,125, and tho ooBt of
supplies and materials, contract work
aud miscellaneous oxpoubos, readied
$210,204,018, or a total of 8025,
245,130, thus leaving a prolit
balance of 8258,795,730 to ho
divided botwoeu the 40 858
operators, the torm "operator"
representing the individual, com
pauy or corporation that controls tho
mluo. An "operator," therefore,
in some inBtanoes stauda for scores,
or hundreds, of stockholders.
It should be noticed that the
above showing is mado by productive
mines, etc., aiono. There were, in
addition, 3,050 "operators" engaged
entirely in development work,
who employed on the avorago 13,
038 wago earners aud paid 912,801,
935 in wages.
The 40,458 produoiug oporatore
thus mado a profit, over and above
tho cost of production, of about 85,
523 apiece, which does not seem a
very largo sum, and yet, when tuo
great number of "one-man" mines
aud vory small undertaking, is
taken into consideration, makes a
very fair avorago prolit. In this
summation, moreover, has boon in
cluded tho very largo number ot
operators, with their relatively low
production, comprised iu tho oil
aud coal Holds and tho stono
quarrios, whoso uumbor largely ex
ceeds all others.
Let us tako ouly tho oprcators in
coppor, gold and si Ivor, lead aud
zinc, who uumbor 3,095, or 2 '( per
cent on!y of tho total number of
operators, while thoir products aro
18.0 per cent of the wholo value, or
wbeu wo iucludo 987,214,4522, the
value of roiluod products of gold,
silver and other metals, not con
sidered iu tho consus tahlo, ovor
tweuty-oight per cout of the total
values. Then tho roault ia vory
difforeut; tho individual profits aro
about 830,205, which makes quite a
rospoctablo, showing.
In other words
gold, diver, coppor,
mines of tho United State) averaged
in 1902 a profit for their owners of
over 830,000 a pioco, or 83,000 per
mouth for each one over aud above
all oxponsos.
Wo have not boon able to obtain
dmilar comprehensive tables for
another busiuoss carried ou iu this
country, aud consequently cannot
make comparisons. We do not
buzzard error, however, when wo de
clare that no other ohns of busiuoss
or eutnrprise whatsoever carried ou
in tho (Jul tod States can make so
satisfactory a showing, aud especially
so wheu we consider tho marked
advauco mado in every department
of the mining industry slnoo tho
period for which tho latest available
data at hand namely, 19u2.
We assert agaiu, as we bavo iu tho
past, without fear of successful ref-
and wife to Fred
in S. E. .4 S. 10.
42 E. ; 81.
March 3 R. C.
Howitt, so 4 Sec.
April 30 Thos. Sogouruoy aud
wife to D. S. Reeves, lot 17 block
2 South liakor addition; 1200.
Septompber 19 Warren aud Anna
A. Crow ostato to II. D. Groehong,
100 acres iu Soo. 32 T. 12 H. 44 E. ;
Juuo 4 R, P. Anderson and A.
Long to E. and Nora Renoebausou,
lots 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, and 12 block 1
Long's addition to Haines; 9120.
Aug. 2 M. II. Allen and wifo to
W. J. Robertson, 22 acres in Sec.
20 T. 0 It 37 E.; 8400.
Sept. 21, 1000 B. W. LovonB
and wifo to M. L. Koizur, lots 1 aud
2 block 45 Lovens 2nd addition tn
liakor City; 91.
8opt. 17 M. L. Koizur aud wife
to G. JR. Hauua, samo; 9450.
Sopt. 17 Howitt Laud company to
Hewitt-Roll Timber company, 2,440
acres in T. 10 Rangoa 38 and 39 E. ;
Soptcmbor 3 Honry Hoisy to
Harmon Caldwell, bill of sale to
mining ''laim ou Clark creek, pro
vided note bo paid in one year, 820.
Sept. 20 M. A. Williama to
Carrie E. and Ceo.
Uncle Sam
claims; 81.
Sept. 20--C.
Simpson to M. A.
tho producing
lead and zinc
100. In 1002 t(io United States
produced 880,000,000 worth of gold;
Australasia, 881,578,000; Canada,
820,711,200; Moxxieo, 810.153,
100; Africa, 830,023,700; China,
88,731,800; British Indian, 80,588,.
100, aud Russia, 822,533,800.
South Africa at present is produc
ing gold at the rate of about 830,
000,000 a year, tho Transvaal and
Rhodesia both having greatly in
creased their output. Tho gold
standard Is now established iu all
countries except certain of tho
Central Ame-lcan states, China,
Mexico aud tho Straits settlements.
Mexico aud some of the states of
Central America aro contemplating
tho adoption of tho gold standard.
The stock of gold of the United
States at the end of 1902 is put at
91,248,000,000, or
capita, tho por capita
98.44, and papor
929.79. Tho por capita of gold in
Great Britain ia put at 913.18; in
Australia, 923.38; In the Transvaal,
924.33; in Franco, 924.36; in
Germany, 913.54.
Owing to tho prosperity of India
aud the incraaod demand, ellver has
recently been lucreaHing in value.
Tho entiro stock of the white metal
in the United States at the end of
1902 was worth, at tho market
price, about 9282,000,000. The
amount of silver certificates out
standing in July last was 9402,578,
715; of ailver dollars, 971,501,084.
Tho silver back ot the aggregate of
9534,000,000 Is, at the present
ratio, worth about 9223,000,000.
Tho world's entire stock of silver at
proBout la supposed to be about
93,034,000,000 against 91,817,000,
000 in 1873; of gold about 95,382,
000,000, aganist 9:1,045,000,000 In
915.04 per
of silver bolng
95.71; total,
T. Simpson,
aud 4 other quartz
E. aud Goo. T.
Williams, Volun
teer aud 4 other quart, claims; 81.
Sept. 20 .1. II. Ilibbs, ot al, to
Whipple Gulch Mining aud Milling
company, Jap aud Atlas aud Dr.Hruwn
quartz claims; 81.
Tho United States treasury de
partment recently Issued a circular
giving much valuablo information
in regard to tho production of
precious metals, tho coinage of
metals, etc. Tho following abstract
gives the salient points touched
With regard to gold. In 1003 tho
world's output was 15,903,750 One
ounces, worth 8330,000, 000, against
800,200,000 iu 1873. Of silver
the ouptut was 170,00,000 line
ounces, worth 801,800,00, but of a
so called "coinage value" of 8210
707,000. Tho world'a coinage of
gold in 1002 was 8220,105,125,
against 8100,110,011 iu 1800 I'lid
8257,030,802 in 1873. Coinage
varies greatly with tho years, tho
value in 1874 falling suddenly to
8135.778,387 aud in 1880 to 804,
042,700. Much gold is used In
tho form of bullion aud au iucreased
Crane Flat Contract.
A. W. Ellis, of Sumpter, was yes
terday awarded tho'ontitraot for ex
cavating a pool for tho big llurch
,fc Hurhridgo dredge at tho Crane
Flat placer diggings. Tho contract
calls for tho moving of approxi
mately 5,000 yards of gravel aui
earth, liida were called for through
an advertisement In the Dally Miner.
A. W. EIIIh submitted the lowest
and best figures and was awarded tho
work by A. llurch, who Is in the
city. Mr. Ellis this morning started
his grading outfit aud equipment
toward Granite. Tho contract calls
for completion of tho work at tho
eailiest possible date. Tho llgures
involved in tho work have not been
made public.
The Adelene Shut Down.
Manager C. M. McClarou, of the
Adeleuo group of mines on Rock
creek, has suspended operations for
the winter, aud has moved to Maker
City. Forty feet of crosscut, tunnel
ing through tremendously hard
country rock was the principal work
done. The Adeleue'a showing is
exceptionally good,, aud when tho
cross-cut strikes the vein a neat bit.
of sloping ground will have been
Wood for the Ora Fino.
A contract for cutting aud do
llvorlng 500 cordh of wood has been
awarded by tho Oro Fluo mluo,
near Alamo, to Harvey Leiihart mm!
Andrew Crouso, of Graulto. Tho
contract calls for hurry.