ft- VOL. VI. PLANNED BULLION ROBBERY Wlint is suspected of having boon a dastardly plot to murder iud rot) was uuourtliod 0110 day last wouk by a proapootor from Cracker crook, who, whilo walking along tho Powder river road, discovered a box of powder ooucoalod by the roadside with fuse attaahod. Tho proapootor, who Insists that his name be kept secret, carried the powder to a aafe distance, detached the fuse aud continued bis journey to Sumpter. Jle left the aame afternoon for Baker City, neglecting to notify the police, lie writeB from Maker City to the Daily Minor, ai follews: "While walking down the cauyou road between Hanover aud the Half way houaa I had ocoaaiou to slip in to the biHhea growiug along Powder rivor. Partly conoealod by a slab of decayed wood 1 found a cardboard ahoebox filled with giant powder, with a fuae fixed. The powdor waB uot over ten feet from the road. The label ou the end of the ahoebox bad been carefully soaked off. No foot prluta were to be seen iu the mud of the river bank, and ,1 found no clew to the man or men who bad arranged the blast. The fuae, about three feet long, waa ruu through the eud of the box into one of the ttioka of powder, and waa stretched along the rivet bauk, pointiug dowu stream. About 100 yard 9 dowu the river the stream swervea abruptly to tha right, leaving an abuttiug point of rook, behind which a person would be aafe from the effects of an ex plosiou of the powder." The writer of the letter winds up with the questien: "Who was to have been the victim?" There is a strong probability that the miue was laid for purposes of robbery. The suspiciou naturally forms that either Manager Frank tiaillie, of the Columbia miue; Acting Mauager May, of the North Pole, or Mauager Wyatt, of the E. and E. was to have beeu the victim. Each of these gentleman oooaaioually carry the oleauups of their respective properties to Sumpter along the lonely Powder river road. These cleanups range in value from 15,000 to $100,000 'io gold bullion bars. The treasure is usually in valises In - fct SUMPTER, OREGON, tho light huggioB driven by tho manager) or tho assistants. That tho mangled body of ono of these men doea not lio along tho lonoly road today is probably duo to tho fortuuuto aud timely diauovory by tho anonymous prospector. It ia doubtful, turnover, if tho robbor would lutvo boon successful in hia attempt to rob. Tho managers of tho big Cracker Crook mines employ a mysterious system in bringing about a delivery of their bullion to tho Sumpter aud linker City banks. Nn one except tho manager, himeolf, aud porhapa ono assistant lit tho mine, knows when tho cleanup ia to bo taken down the canyon. No stated limos for retorting tho amalgam and the moulding tho gold bars are arranged at tho big Cracker Crook producers, ao that tho monthly cleanups are taken to tho banks pn any date from thu tlrat to tho thirtieth of tho month. Every precaution ia taken to koop three treasure shipmouta absolutely sooiet. Tho mauager of one of the big mines up the gulch may make a dozen trips to town during tho ilrat half of a mouth, each time carrying a sua plciously heavy traveling bag. A surreptiiioua examination of the coutouta of that bag ou each of theao dozen trips might reveal a broken mill caatiug, a couple of bottlea of good whiakey, or merely a pair of brickbats. Aud then, oue day, a shift boso, or foreman, or suporln tondeut, or assistant superintendent, or assistant mauager, may take a suddon apiu dowu tho road with a roll of blankets under the buggy seat or a gunny sack ostensibly filled with samples of ore. Un ostentatiously he may board tho train for liaker, lugging hia gunny sack or roll of blankets. At liaker City he may tako a cat) at the depot and drive up towu maybe straight to a bauk or he may shoulder his burdeu aud walk alouo to hotel. Fifteou minutea later a cab may conduct him from the hotel to a bauk, and the doors of tho presi dent's office may open to receive him aud oloao hohkd him ou he seoret of hia mission. As au ovidouce of tho otrorts made by mine operators to keep secret their treauuro shipments, tho following story is told. A prominent physician of liaker City waa called once to the Honauza mine, with whose general malinger lie waa ou intimate terms. Tho professional visit ended, the doctor was asked by the mauaer to delivor a package at at liaker City. The pleasure was all the doctor's, aud Into his buggy waa load d a small steamer trunk.. This piece of baggage, weighing about 250 pounds, was checked by the doctor at the Sumpter depot, and duly followed him to his office iu Haker City. The followiug day the Uouanza manager arrived iu liaker and appeared at the doctor's office. Fro oi that iuuoceut-lookiug steamer SEPTEMBER 28, 1904 trunk ho took ton gold bars, wntth approximately 850,000. So far as known tho hhtory of eastern Oregon ia barren of bullion robberies. Iu August, 100 'J, God frey & Tabor, of the lied Hoy mine, wore hold up on tho lonely Granite road aud relieve) of their monetary belongings. It waa thought, that, tho robbers had secured tho duly cleanup ot tho lied Hoy amounting to aliout 825,000 iu gold. Hot li (iodfroy and Tabor, however, denied such a heavy loss, and tho incident passed into history. In tho summer of 1800, a coterie of practical jokers iu Sumpter, headed by Phil Noborgall and Mai culm A. Thornton, tho latter of whom was then superintendent of the Sumpter electric light works, ar ranged a fake holdup, in which Frank Sticknoy and .lack English, then superintendent, aud port owner respectively of the Coloouda miue, were to have boon tho vloltma. With masked faces aud Winchester rifles the gang of jokora liuod up along tho road. Tho command of "hands up" mot Sticknoy aud English, but tho roBponao was unex pected. A fusillade of bullets drove the jokers to tall timbor, and Sticknoy and English arrived iu Sumpter, scared but aalc, with 914,000 in yellow gold. It was probably duo to tho fact that there was no way to determine just who carried the cleanup from some one of the big Cracker Creek mines, that the roadside miue waa uot exploded. Quiet oirorte are being made to trace the powder and ahoebox to tholr source of purchase, aud arreatH may follow. ANOTHER WHEELER MINE IN THE SHIPPING LIST Another Wheeler property ia iu tho list of producua. Tho New York bankers aud brokers have promoted the Hlue ilird, now with a 100-ton mill; the lilack Uutte, which re cently paid a handsome dividend, aud the liuck Horn, a shipper. Now cornea the Valley Queen, with rich oro for the Sumpter -nnolter. Commodore Tom C. Gray, superin tendent aud resident manager of tho Valley Quoon, came dowu fiom tho Lake crook country today with good news. "We are now sloping in No. !l drift," he said to a reporter for Tho Miner. "The oro ia being sorted aud aaoked for immediate shipment to the Sumpter ameltor. Wo are also arranging for teat shipments fiom No. 1 tunnel, aud from the shaft ou the Pentateuch olaim, which is a continuation of the main Valley Queen vein, being located 400 feot NO. b over Goddess mountain from No. 1 tunnel. "My idea iu making this shipment a to got tho smelter's opinion aa to the proper method of treating the big oio icsorvoH in tho Valley Queen mine." In detail Commodore Cray ex plained that tho shipments would bo made via Cablovillo. "Tho oro is rich enough to warrant packing to Cablovillo, thence by wagon to Sumpter," said tho commodore No. I) drift, ia on a vein intersected by tho main crosscut. Whore tho blind lodge waa cut. tho ore looked good. Superintendent (Iray ordered a force of men into tho drift, aud aa tho drive progressed tho vein widened aud values increased. No. 1 tunnel, from which teat shipments will also bo made, la the upper or highest workings on tho Lake Creek slope. A winze waa sunk to determine the extent aud richness ot the ore shoot shown iu the tunnel, aud tho roault waa most flattering. Tho shaft on tho Pentateuch is down sixty feet. At tho fifty foot level tho oro camo in, and tho bottom of the Hhaft la now filled with thu richest rock so far encountered iu tho Valley Queen group. Water In the shaft prevented the continuance of hand work, aud Supmintondeiit Cray concentrated hia working force iu tho main uroascut, which la rapidly Hearing the main vein, and in No. .'I drift, it is learned that the dlrectore of the Valley Queen company haw empowered tho management to pur chase a hoist aud pumping plant, to further exploit the rich oro body shown iu the Pentateuch shaft. The Lake aud Crane Creek sub district of Cable Cove is rapidly coming to the front. The old Monumental is getting Into shape for an oarly resumption of milling opera tions. The Duff alo is a steady shipper of high grade ore, anJ the dumps of La liellevue are burdened witli a big tonnage upon which Ita owners could immcdaitoly realize. Litigation, however, prevent shipments from La liellevue. The Valley Quoqn la tho latest addition to the producing list iu Cable Cove. Much credit ia due tho aide efforts of Mauager (iray and Charles S. Warren, .lr. , who is vice president of the company. it ia understood that the erection of a reduction plant at the Valley Queen ia ou the program for next spring. Water Shortage. The hydraulic elevator at tho Milwaukee placer diggings near (irauite waa forced to abut dowu laat week, owing to lack of water. Sup erintendent Carlson made connec tions with the lied Hoy reservoir and Lost creek and now hat- a good head j of water. Sluicing will ccutinuefor several weeks. ' m