COVERS THOROUGHLY T HI GOLD MELDS of (he INLAND fcMPlRI: t TtRN investors 'in v tf.zwmm. .ViV J3 ai .lT-J JH9WWT BP r. itbvi'' .'1 OREGON MINES Pay for AND READ IT vEre. F'tiiMsiM r a k VNaai WKr , a&r ) liWVvmi .T I Mi H .x -M f S. .VNH fvNXXaUM &lvX S ' l XI W - & -J?5a,R51mL51bXJM ng&h J i wifTmr vbaw i v r mM m t .nh ,. .o im - -v i i m v-vvv - . "vi o'v I? I MclEOt) MADDERN Tho strong nriii oT the Oregon statute? swooped down and took ovary bit of (hi) ginger 'out of tho MoLood Maddorn di tiling contest. Under tho Oregon law till wagers tiro illegal. 'J'ho Htiitulo piovldoii Unit in iiiiho nithor pmly to a wagor of monoy desires to revoke a gambling contract and pull down IiIh Htuko monoy ho may do ho; and should tho stakeholder rofiiHO to disgorge, oivil aotiou may ho Instituted to 10 cover from him ovon aftor ho Iiiih paid tho monoy ovor to tho olhor party. ' Ail I Iiiiho legal poiutH liavo lioou ' forcibly iioHoutod in a cnmmuuloa tiou addroHHol to '1'oih Duuphy, Htal(oholdor In tho MoljondMiiddorn match, and signed by N. CJ. Richards, attoruoy for loo Kohaffor and Frank . MoCarvol, two mini who hut. 6200 on Mol.ood. I Duuphy wiih oouHO(Uoutl.v in a nioutal condition ol acute Indo (iIhIoii hnrdoilng on tho voigo be tween tho (hull and tho doop blue hum, mutll thiH aflornoou, whon thoj match wiih formally and finally do , nlarod nil', ' lion Wood, of linker, Mntldorn's h.iokor, and Maddoin hiuiHolf, worn In town today. Thoy had lilood in thoir'joint and separate oyoi. Thoy . inclined to belief that thoy aro lining buncoed. Thoy wanti'd tho 61,000 BEAT OUT BRAINS Of THE CROOKS Olio would havo thoimht that tho lirooil ot "miuiiiK" iuvoHtmont. v n I -tin oh who havo iiilliintod hiicIi Hohomori ih tho uarautood piiuclpal and dividoml and tho ntock trunt hind milil Htop nlmil ut, hoiiio point in thoir olfoitH to choapou iiili)ln onlorpriHtH in tho oyon of outHidoii and kcI hack to common hoiim) moth oiIh of huHlnohH. Hut Homohow thoy coutinuo to toko doliht in cunt inn loproaoh upon oiio of tho iiidhI lion oralilo and piolltalilo linen of on doavor yot dlHOovorml tiy moil of on orny and piohlty. I'iiIihh It worn actually ounouutoroil in practice, it would ho almoHt unthinkable that an inventor could lie porHuadi'd to place Ji i h HaviuH in miuiiiK' enter prihOH liy meatiH ot a chromo, and yet, judKlnc liy tho fact that hiicIi moth hiIh aro indulged in liy hIocK iikcii cioH, It uiUHt ho that thoio aro fonln imioukIi left to niiike t IiIh "catch penny" Hyntom prolitahlo. A Chioutto and a Detroit tlrm havo recently ntartod a nueHHltiK content, in which ttio prrOri ooiiHht of money and valmtilu articlcH of morolmudlHo. TIioho who partioi pato aro permitted to "take a try" Mt prwllotltiK' tho total popular rote GONTEST IS ALL OFF stakomonoy to romain in Dunphy's hands, to ho drillod for, or fortuitod, oh per tho terms of tho signed agree moot. Thoy did not concern thorn sol voh with tho legality of tho agrroomont. Thoy considered that tho olomoutH of sportsmanship should outer, A pouultimato phiiHo wiih an offer mado hy Wood thiu afternoon, aftor a long conference with Maddorn, MoLood and Duuphy. "liOL all who doHiro to iio ho, pull down thoir monoy, and wo will go on and drill for tho monoy.1' Me l.ood wiih willing to accept tho propoHitlou, provided Maddorn would agree to drill tho kind of holo ho desired and allow MoLood tho hiiiiio privilege. Mud do in undstcd on a straight down holo, and wouldn't budge thorofrom. Mull talk tlow thick mid fiiHt, Finally lion Wood declared all negotiations oil' and Stakeholder Duuphy gave him Iijh fi00. Wood loft for Hakor and Maddorn for Hourno MoLood HtandH williiiK to drill any man in Oregon for 6f0() or less, any kind of IioIoh, at any timo "And I horohy challenge any man in Oregon to drill throo IioIoh at different angles for 6f00 a holo,"sald Miidd'irn. Thioo hiiudrod pluukH, put. up hy McliOod Hiipportorn, ntill romain in Duuphy'H IiiiikIh hit tho pioHldoutal election iu Novem- I her. The project orn havo drawn into i .their Hchomo varioun lairiiutiHH Iiouhoh, wIioho ciiHtomorH aro invited, upon tho coiiHidoration of certain pur oIiiihoh, to Houd in kuohhoh. And, he- hold, a certain lineal iiKonoy for the, Hlock of a HiippoHod noU iuIiiIiik company Iiiih lidded tho KiHHHinK con lent to tho uumorotiH other uieritn of itn wai'iH. Perhaps other ntocks aro hoiiiK Hold with a like privilege at tached, hut wo havo hoard of only one. For every hIiiiio of ntock pur chiiHod at one dollar, tho "inventor" Ih entitled to four kuohhoh on the election, In ciihch of thin kind, it. Ih not mi- : likely that the "inventors" Kuenninn content will continue iudolHuitoly, I prehapH for moutliH after tho next jpienideut in inaugurated. Ho will ilouhtlcnn enjoy a Kreut ileal of pleas tiro kuchhIiik what Iiiih become of his , money, Kuenniin, what tho value of ; IiIh stock certillcato is, and Kennin 'whether or not ho Ih a blKor fool J than his uoiuhhor, wtio staked his I money on a shell name. In any event, this "invetsor" is apt to havo an incidental opinion of tho mining industry, and it can hardly ho a ood one. To start with, of course, if ho yields to tho persuaolon of tho kuossIuk contest, his opinion could not rtlout much credit upon Western enterprise; honou, so far as ho is individually concerned, there is not much lobt in tho way of prestige for the tuiuiuK liUHinuflH. Hut ho may poiaon tho iniiidH of his friend1), and, what is infinitely worse, ho encouraca a Hystein which, by its voiy publicity, brings milling invostmuuts into ridicule. Tho worst "knocker" that tho minliiK industry hoe to contend UKaiusl is tho doliborato fakir. Hut, next to him, comes tho panisito agency that spreads and onnouraitos a want of confldonco in leitimto enterprise, nruuiiiK by iuferonco that mining interents aro sure to prove profltleas unless thoy aro accopmauled by tho privilege of ue9sin for a chromo or of overlastinKly oxchan Iiik one cortlflcatnj for anothor, o(ually worthliHH. Some one ouwlit to take a club and beat tho braiiiH out of tho black-guards.- -Daily Mining Hecord. NEWS NOTES FROM THE GRANITE DISTRICT Mr. Vinson's now road to tho Thornhurn placers will ho completed Home timo next week. Tho road which follows Crane crook to tho North Fork, will bo a reat im provement ovor tho old onn. Mr. (loo. .J. Harrott is electing a numbor of huildiuKS on Crunu Flat for HurhridKo X Hurcli. Tho build Idkh aro for tho accommodation of tho men 'to bo employed on tho placers, and will bo used this winter when tho now elevator machinery is installed. Tho inuoliinery will bo ilolilvorod some timo iu January. C. J. Allen now has twolvo men employed at tho Monumental. Thoy aro onimKod iu Hotting ut timbnrs, and wood, relaying tho track in tho tunnels and drifts and netting every tiling in shape tor continuous winter work. Ho will raise MHO foot and also sink 200 foot. This assures work duriiiK tho winter for a con siderable crow of moil. Al Jones and family havo returned to Sumpter, aftor spending several Wjeks at tho Magnolia. Mr. Jones tins completed tho assessment work at tho mine. Iu doiiiK this lie opened up much now ground that shows some hiuh rado ore. The concentrates at tho mine will soon bo all delivered to tho Sumpter smelter, there hoiiiK but a load or two loft at the mine. - (.Jem. Ore tor the Smelter. The smelter received the first ship ment or mo from tho Haisloy I'.lkhorn, 1 carload, which will bo tho daily consignment in future. A car load ot ore was also received today from Idaho. Vostoiday a laio amount of ore, comprativoly spoak inn, was hauled iu from contiguous districts in whkoiis. Tho business is just KotthiK fairly started ami already its beneficial effects aro boliiK '"It ' tho business life of Sumpter. Albert Sprue, bookkeeper at tho 10. and K. mine, passed throiiKh Sumpter today on his way up tho Kulch frouiBaker City. J PLATINUM PLENTY ON JOSEPHINE CREEK Fa Smith, of (Jrant's Pass, now in Potlaud, says that there ure payiu: quantities of platinum on Josephine creek. Mr. Smith is one of the old residents of Jackson and Josephine counties, and knows every foot of that country iu a mineral way. Josophiuo creek empties into the Illinois river about six miles below Kerbyville, and placer mining has boon carried ou in that stream for many years. Mr. Smith soys that thorn is plenty of platinum iu the tailings iilonu the lied of tho creek, pieces woiKbiuK a dollar or two having been picked up among the gravel. There are also flue particles of platinum, slightly resembling black sand, except that it is heavier, and could bo saved through the ordinary methods employed iu mining gold-producing gravel. Platinum is worth about 620 per ounce, while gold averages from 610 to 617 per ounce in value. Platinum comes from the serpen tine rock formation ou Josephine creek, and it is a scarcity in minora! sections of this country. The principal agency -supply comes trom tho Ural mountains, iu Ada, where it ii washod out like gold. It has never been discovered iu veins in a part of a rock formation. Platinum is of u whitish cast, and is sometimes found almo it as bright as silver, while the smaller particles are of brown cast, rosembliug iu appearance black sand. Platinum is used for crucibles, for chemical purposes, and in tho manufacture of certain kinds ot wire. It is always found precipi tated from a serpentine rock foima t ion. -Telegram. RAIL ROAD GRADERS TEAR UP COUNTY ROADS At tho recent meeting of tho couuty court a protest against the notion ot tho Sumpter Valley iiailroad com pany in grading out tho wagon road, was filed by a citizen of this couuty. The place where this is occur log is along tho pioposed extension from Tipton to Austin. In many places tho wagon road has boon torn up aud forced ovor steep aud sidling hills. This renders tho alieady heavy haul ing still more ditllcult and ex pensive, greatly hindering the work of freighters and adding to tho burdens of travel. Tho court took up tho matter with Supervisor Wright, of ttiat road dis trict, and ordcicd that he make an investigation. If he finds that the company is oucroahciug upon the public highway, he is to notify the officers that thoy are expected to put the new road in as good condition as the road they destroy. It is expected by the court that tho company will be willing to do this, iu which eveut uo further action will be necessary. Hut as this is plain law aud justice, the company will tiud itself iu difficulty if it tries to evade tho reasouable requirements. Graut Couuty News. Mm ', ijWiU 1ti MIjMIW -yr? m ffiBfllWHlMi r m mm