The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, September 21, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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    The Sumpter Miner
tittered .11 llif pintofflce In bumpier. Oregon, tor
transmission tlirciiiKl the mH - econJ class
mftr I
Onp Year .
Six Month
KIIIh II. IColinrlH. director f thu'fni TOPPING AND
mint, mldroHHttd tint American I t)VL, lUrrllW rtlll
UllllkOM UHHOOllltlllll ill HOHHioll ill NttW
Vork 1 11 Hi. wonk, whim hit iitld: I
"Thu stronghold of our iluiinisiul '
KyHtuiu in iln totual gold. The world
hits iihtnit Hi. 500.000,000 of thiH
motal, of wiiioh thu Uuitod StatoH Iiiih
initHHttiok l,:i4,A4'2'2,740. In tho
lint reported year thu world pro
diioml Ihih than IIIOO.OOO.OOO, of
...... I UM l(U IWWI I
WHICH Hill' lllllll'N KIIVII vni www, www. .
Our trnnHiiry hold 700.000,000 in
UroHH, Mini our bniikH, national and
other, have :I0I,000,000, apnroxl
mntoly. Mo ovor onollfth of tho
world's gtilu in in thu Uiiitod HtalOH,
uml tint hulk of it in thu bunkH and
tho tritiirttiry. "
Mom iw an InloroHting Httitomont
of I ho dliiorouoH liotwoou a tlyko aud
a lutlgu.frtiin an iiulhoritallvo Htiiirce:
nr til nil- illLIIIIIIIIM 1'OOK mar, iravnrsoH
" " ..,. ."w - - -
nUior rooka uiitl uppuiirH to havo btioii
protlumtd by tho Mowing or moltoil i
miittiir liitu ii tloop runt or llHHtiro. i
lilkiiri am illHtlgulHhuil from voIiih by
tho giontor uniformity of tlnili con
toutH, by thu piirallotiriiii of thttli
..,....,, .. , j
bltloH, by (hair not lamiryliig Into
II. . ....I...1 (III III! t llllll' II Ul III I I V
HIIIIIIII'I Vii It in "J '
groator tlliiioiiHloiih. 1 liny uiiik inoir ,
niimo from Iholr fiotpioul ly projool lug
..I....... il... ....r...!.. 11111 I. Willi II IV 1 III'
iibovo tho Hiirfiii'o llko a wall, owing
to (ho tlograilaliou or tho Htiftor rock
uroiiuil thorn. DikoH run from a fowl
innhoH to moro than a milo In thick
iimhh. In voloauk) orupl Ioiih (hoy
httvo bttttn oliHOivod in procoHH of
formal inn utt tho ronln opou ami lava
htroaiiiH in. In tho KugliHh coal
iniuoH (rap tllkoH aro icot with in
umloigrouiiil opoiaiioiiH. l'hoy form
it wtill iioroHrt tho lino of tho coal
both, cuttiuK thorn off aud caiiHlug.
both, n.ltlUK llii'iii mi aim canning ,
A dlk In geology in a wtill or trap,,,,
lhviiHHllliiiHloiu.uirwiMiuor iHr Ur , lirc,nKl
liluoii. Thoy hIhii occur in Nor I. Hn t,r loil(iyi ,1MIM,inl ,,, Hfliir a
Ciiruliim gobl minim ami o biowhoro In )n))orty. Tho sawmill
niHlul mill coal ... lulng dlHlrlctH of M m)W t ho (h)nlf UWHlt.
IMh country. Ad kodlirorHfnun a l)r(Hto (o B tUminm
vol,, In that tho vol.. Iiiih boon m low ly w m hHe( 0(t l( ( fm (ayH( ,,0
Cllltnl by HKiinaliiH tiltlmr IiIuiiUuhI with Ti (a ,H lMU1H(,(ll,y th0
or allied in character to thoKo known mm njm, fron (Jran,to
mm iiiiitNiuuriililc, whllo .liken .In molt ti 1H ,H m)t t ,u oolllllloll
..iNH havobtton rapidly fllliul .. for ,Mmvv trHn,
coulaiu (ho Hiimo matorlal through. t
from mitt Hide (o (ho other and at all AI,M Miu rmlain,l
doplliH. A minora! Imlu or volu may! Alpine Mill ComplClCd.
.iin-.. .......II.. In llu nitiitiiiil n III ' A.l.litmu unniirl ntiilliliUlt llllll
illlli'l hii'iiiij
vtiriouH pttrlH, in width an well in in
Oregon King Shut Down.
It Ih roportoil horo that tho Oregon
King initio tit AhIivvooiI is boiug
cliiNt'il down, ami (hat within a wook
thu itiiioliiuory will httvo boon takou
front tho mluo and work of ovory
(loioilptiuu stopped thoro. This
notiiin 011 tho pait of tho imtuugo
month doubtloHH tho iohuU of tho
pi'iuling litigation, (ho miuo having
1. ...... imiMiiiuiiil In triiiililiiHiiinii biWHtiltri
ulmorit ovor hIiico tho time It wiih '
iioiiilrutl by Uh present owners. Tho
prohout Oregon King Mining com
puny hint tipmit tliuumiiiilH of dollars
developing this property, aud iiuiuy
thouHHudH moro in defending it
iigtiiuHt n former suit, ami by tlioj
,,ooplo who Iimvo known tho King
mine hIijco Uh diseovey it has nlwiiyB
boon looked upon uh purely the pro
duct of thu thrift and tliu ontcrprho
nf thono owners. That thoy can
..miHllllllllv l)C (liHtllll)C(l in llio ('!)
invmiiiil of this magnificent prop-
r y H ,. , LhlMiVihdf OUr priJHLMlt
' , ,, , J,.tiinfi.hi'ii.
mitliu hlWH, lllld it lH ItltJOtllpHMlUlI-
1 I 1.. Ii.Imi Itifft IMItl. 1
!uii.ii. in iifuiiili. who take into con
sidoratlon thu justice hh well uh thu
iJllW. it H tO 1)0 llOlL'tl llllll Hi"
....'r'imuutinn .....v noon ho disposed of,
- '".umlwork ho roH.tmod on this prop-
arty.. Antelope Iloruld.
y L
1..... it iu 1.1 iw. IhmiciI unit nit)
MeLond, (ho champion rook
driller, know Colonel 10. 8. Topping
in Trail, II. C in 1HIM, whou tun
....II....I ..!......! ..,..u film .if Hill IIUIHt
" ; ' ' nu . , hn llnlIllllIoll.
'l"" "'
"Colonel Topping hIho ran a ferry
at Trail," Haiti McLonil to a gathering
of thirty mon in HuuHor'a Now
Olyinpitt saloon thiH morning. "I
Imvo rroquonlty hooh him hwIiii the
Kootenai rlvor with a couple of innu
on IiIh back.
"Wt'iaii tho II .1 camo in Mil it
Hwopt tho coIoiioI'h hotel out into
(ho Htroaiu.
Topping Hvvain after It,
towod it iiHhnro about a milo down
.,....,.... l.lli.lni.l II mi In rd llllll fliut
. nLiuiaiii. iiiiitiiii J . ' .... --
., .... lllwi rillu, lit lml I for minimr.
1(111 llllll t KIIIMI II K"""
V- ,1 I .....i
,j,)W, conunontoti McLooil.
i,Siiy, Intl. (Iioho wore good old
,jm ,, H(, (jm,i Topping
,ij ,( f(r mrtt)iitIt)iH and ulounotl
mi I7Ti nur lny, not counting what
111... I.... I............. biiiiiilrml lllllllll llllll
till, inn ni:uMji n niiwuni-ii .i..... ,,..,.
(Jiy , wlH H,M,rt mntVA ,,,! put 'Hlg
... . .... . 1 . ...I II.. 1
'.lOlin WIIIIIH IIIH-IIIIIIIO, Willi wiin nut
iirBl9v to work hohintl (ho. bur.
0 wtirkiMl (till wook and didn't
. . m I lll II...
draw a cont or Hillary. When tho
out! of tho wook camo around ho
(aukotl up a bit iiud broke into a
bloodod pokor game, Inning about
grim). Whoio ditl ho got tho money?
Ho wiih (hit broke whou ho wont to
work and didn't draw a cont. Oh, 1
toll you that bar wiih a geld mine."
Vinson Ruck from the Diggings.
V. L. Viinxiii, of Hakor City,
, Tl.ornburg placer dig-
i'ivin iiiiiiiiihi'i ...... -
yonorul mauagor of (ho Alpine mluo,
l J t.l . f .....k.. .ll.ltk fHhlll tlllk
lu Cable Oovo, camo down from the
IiIIIh yoslorday. Ho sayH tho now
twoiity-Htatup mill for tho Alp I no Ih
practically completed. Tho (IiiIhIi
lug touchoH in (ho way of lino shaft,
iuc and bolting aro now lining given.
A ditto for tho beginning of milling
operations has not yot boon sot. It
is thu aim of (ho uuuuigomont to havo
11 sultlolont ore tusurvo on hand to
iiiHiio a c MitiuuouH run.
Don't Go to St. Louis
'Till you callat or write to the
Chlcgo, Mllwaukoo and St. Paul rail
road. Otlloo Ki4 Thiid Stroot,
Portland, Oregon. Low rates to all
poluta KiibI, in cououotion with all
W. S. KONVB, Oenoral Ageut.,
Portland. Oregou.
! Kx-JihIku John I Kv....h, who loft
iSiimptor ijouplo o t t
Ton.),,..'., Iiiih writ ton from h
Ipluoo to Hob liMMiilimlciM. HiyiiiK thut
' thu c:iiiiii 1h tin groatoHt on earth.
Evans 1h not ordinarily mivoii to
i.titltiiuiiium it limit. miiioH. hut ho
unrliilnlv a atrikoH a liiHt gait in tho
i iiho ot oiaiioraio uoHcriinivu nujLmw-
m . . A.. .1 t..!l.. ..r1wif.ltt.IICJ
whou diBOUHsing tho moritH of the
Nevada bonanza laud.
"Not exaggerating, thoro 1b more
mineral piled on tho dump at the
Mlzpah mi'io than I over saw bo
foro,M he writoH. 4,Tho Mlzpuh 1h
down 1,200 foot, and in just uh good
at that level hh up above.
"ThiH 1h tho only country on
oHrth whoro the Dowapnpura tell the
truth. ThiH Ih because thoy oauuot
oxagorato, for tho wilcdeat imaginings
today aro ocllpHod by tho truth to
NotwithHtandlng till of which,
gambling at Touopah is light, ac
cording to .Judge Hviiiih' lottor.
Thoro aro four danco IiiiIIh in tho
town, coHtlng 8:J,r0() a year in tinea
for each of thorn, with an indolluilo
term in tho Hlato pou hh tho other
Hide of tho proposition.
Mviiiih enjoyod a morry trip into
tho camp. Ho laid throe iluyH at.
Itunu, throe moro at Sodaville, rode
out forty miloH by rail and walked
tho remaining thirty miles to
Hociiuho there wiih nothing thoro
in IiIh lino ho wont on to Ooldllold,
from which point he wrote to Andy
"ThiH boatH ovou Touopah,"
writes lOvaiiH of Ooldllold in Ills
lottor to StiiiHon. "Lohhos tin tho
Jumbo aro IioIhUiik about 812,000
worth of ore a day. 1 am dealing
fmo bank at per Hhlft. ThiH is
a hard world."
Hviiiih Hiiya that tho Touopah
Ooltlllold wagon road runs across a
load near tho latter place. Tho rut
Iiiih worn tloop into tho ore. Mon
aro now sacking tho dint aud dirt
on the Hurfaoo, because it assays 6200
per tou.
After reading which the coucluiiou
in warranted that either .ludge tiviuiH
Iiiih developed into h mouumuutal
(lallior with the etorual vorltloH, or
else Touopah and Ooldllold aro a few.
Tho development of the John Hay
coal-tlolds, near Mount Vernon, Ih
disclosing 11 iarco deposit of
iindiiaolto coal. A United ritates
analysis slates that It hits no equal
oxco,tt in tho Pennsylvania hard coal.
Tho work done so far has boon
ititido under tho niauagoiuout of
Hubert Hlnes, of Canyon City, aud
couslHts of throo Inollno shafts of a
doplh of 74, ($2 and fifi foot, of
which all struck tho coal bods, aid
with it a large How of water, which
stopped the woik thoroon for lack of
pumps. A slxty-alx foot crosscut
tuunel has boon run, where thoy also
had to stop work ou accouut or water,
whou thoy euoouutered tho coal de
Oue.tuuuel, crosscuttlug tho coal
Wednesday, September 21, 1904
! beds to ascertain the width of the
I coal deposit, is in sixty-four feet,
iiud huB five veins of coal with t
lulvfnnri.innh solid Hand stOUO Wall
bbtweoti aoh vein, aud there may be
many more of snob veins. This
tnunul is only sixteen feet below the
JmncB Small hos drifted M 4 feet
down on tho coal deposit, the
capacity of the machine all in coal.
It h now the purpose of the coal
prospectors to not a drilling outfit of
a 1000-foot capacity to prove the
depth of tho coal deposit. Crook
County tlourual.
M. II. Knapp, owner of the High
laud mine, camo up from his Ihikor
Cily home today.
United States Land Office. I
Uurns, Oregon. September ta, 1004. 1
Notice Is hereby Klven that William Chmbertrifc
ol Unity. OreKon. has filed notice of BnlJJ
make proofjon his desert land claim No, am, for
the sej; netf. nji se. sw se, sec 18, P n ":
r 17 e.W Mi before A. B. Coombs, Jr., CounK
Clerk, at Baker City. OreRon, Tuesday, the ajlh
day of.October, 1004. . ...
Renames the following witnesses to prove i Hie
wood. H.ley Hardman, all &&RhM,
United States Land Office.
La Grande, OreKon, September 17, 1904, 1
Notice Is hereby lven that In compliance with the
provisions of the net of confess of June 1, 1B78. en
titled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the states
of Calllornla. Oregon, Nevada and Wash ngton Tcr
rlory," as extended to all the Public Lund states by
net of August 4. iBqj,
of Sumpter, County of Baket. State of Ori'gon, has
this d.iv filed In this office his sworn statement
No io5, for the purchase ot the EJn WI, and
Ni SI:!; Section No. ,H In Townihlp No. 11
South Range No. ,7 E. W. M., and will offer proof
to show that the land sought Is more valuable
tor Its timber or stone than for ngrlcuhural
purposes, and to establish his claim to
said land before Chas. H. Chance, U. S. Com
missioner, at his ollice at Sumpter. Oregon, on
Tuesday, the 6th day of December. 1004.
Ili names as witnesses: William A. tireen,
llarlev ti. Wood, Charles J. Moore and William
Kitchen, all nf Sumpter. Oregon. ...
Anv and all persons claiming adversely the abov
described lands are requested to file their claims In
this oltice on or before said "h day of Decem
ber, 1U04. E. W. DAVIS Register.
This Is the only comprehensive
work ever undertaken for the guid
ance and protection of the great army
ot mining stock buyers. It Is elab
orate, thorough and simply over
turning with Interesting detail. It Is
written by ONE WHO KNOWS
Marrv J. Newton, formerly managing
editor of the Denver Mining Record,
who is regarded as an authority on
the subject ot mining Investments,
Having no mining promotions nor
stock-selling schemes ot his own. he
.it once gains the confidence of his
reaJers. He treats his subject abso
lutely from .in unblastd and Inde
pendent standpoint. The book is
meeting with a great sale and Is
strongly endorsed by Investors and
bv the press In general. Il makes
friends wherever it goes.
"IMttalls ot Mining llnance is
not a pamphlet It Is a book a hand
book a veritable encxcloredla. Il
compilses aia pages, oxi) Inches n
size, and Is sent, lully prepaid, cloth,
$1.00 per cepy: paper, so cents.
"IMttalls ot Mining linsnee is the
best Investment an Investor can
m.ue. Order today Address
I 1
of Mining
-whim 1 mmmimimai