-- Wednesday, September 21. 1904 THE SUMPTER MINER r GOLD OUTPUT OF THE WORLD msmwm ir BLUE BIRD BUCK HORN wm&mm The Wall Street Joinuul hua re cently been manifesting a dodder! interest iti tho world's atintml pro duutioti of Rold. It Hhh piibliobocl several dlBCUHBiona upou the subject, not bo much by way of oouKrutulR tiou to the minion industry for ita Buooesful advauce in production, but rather with reference to its effect upou the markets. The paper quoted is now beginning to wouder whether n annual output of 8400,000,000, in the yellow metal may not shortly be expected, in view of the steady increases that are being made by the great gold-beariug districts of the world. It would not surprise the best posted men if thin figure should shortly bo leaohed and steadily inniu talued. Certainly they hope to nee it for tho beueflt which the ropre seutativeB oi their own industry may derive from tho lUtno. From the economic point of viow there is nothing to bo feared by a growth in tho world's gold output, for the rea son that whenever the supply is plen tif ill enough, there are other nations which are ready to adopt the gold standard. At. a time, too, when American financiers and politicians are seriously talking about an assets currency in view of tho early retire-) mout of United States government bonds, tli ore can lie no reason for' doubting a ooutiuued demand lot the! .vol low metal. No one need fear that the eco nomic aspects of tho problem will not lilt tifliwi nutiilt iidinutnrl in Hin itliiitimtu ' in condition as they appear. There are other considerations entering into tho currency problem, and wo are inclined to believe tho New York publication is unduly exercised over the wonderful prosperity of the gold mining industry. Hold has come to stay until man has reachud the point where he can get long without money at all. (!old miners are glad to note, however, that they are cutting such it figure in the world that the politicians and tho apostles of high finance cannot avoid noticing them. This is one of tho signs of the times, and perhaps it will have its weight when it comes to deciding upon the question of a Department of Mines and Alining at Washington. Daily Mining Record. GOOD SHOWING ON MONARCH GROUP Hiipcriuondent (lerliardud, of the Monarch group, in Gable (Jove, has rendered a report to he the Portland stookoldors in this company, which should make the webfooters feel good Tho Monarch lies on Km it creek and the main work is being douo on tho Crater vein, which has been driven on for 170 feet, and which la thirty feet wide as proven by a crosscut. Tho ore is a fair grade, but Superintendent Uerhardus thinks richer pay shoot will soon enter. Tho report states that tho dump now contains 1,000 tous of 817 ore, aud that a five stamp mill will shortly be erected to care for the stuff now being taken out. Day aud night shifts are employed and auother gang of men ia laboring on a new road to Bourne via the Columbia. line Only transcontinental lit I daaaing directly through Salt Lake City Leadville Colorado Springs i and Denver Three spleudidlv equipped tra ns daily TO ALL POINTS EAST. Through Sleeping and Dining Cars and free Reclining Chair Cars. Tho most Magnificent scenery in America by daylight. Stopovers allowed on all clasBbB of tickets. For cheapest rates anddowriptlvo literature, address W. G. MoBRIDE, General Agent RIO GRANDE LINES Portland Orcqon Alplt Oregon Short line and union Pacific TO Salt Lake, Denver, Kansas City. CHICAGO ST. LOUIS NEW YORK Ocean steamer between Portland and San Francisco every five days. low Rates ! Ticket to and from ail parts oi the United States, Canada and Europe. Through Pullman Standard and Touriat Sleeping Cars daily to Omaha, Chicago, Spokane; Toiiriut Sleeping car daily to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars (per Honally conducted) Meekly to Chi cao, Kansae City; reclining chair cars (seats free) to the Fait daily. For particulars, call op uT addrea H O. Bowuu, Agent, Baker City, Or. VALLEY QUEEN BLACK BUTTE Are the greatest money-maklng stocks on the market today. Investigate I htm. Write (or annual reports and prospectuses WHEELER & CO., BANKERS Dcpt. 60 32 Broadway. New York. Sole agents for above companies. Tourist Cars East Many experienced travelers prefer tourist sleeping cars for the transcontinental journey. The Chicago, Milwaukee fie St. Paul Railway can ai range foi your trip east in tourist cars, offer you choice of routes and save you money. SiSK- l34ThirdSt, Portland, Ore. UHHHHD HOIFORST.LOUISANDTHEWORLD'SFAIR WILL YOU BE THERE? O Nature's Art Gallery of the Rockies in addition to thr Ovv Attractions at St. Louis. This can only be done by going or returning via the "SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD." U NRIVALED SCENIC ATTRACTIONS NEQUALED DINING CAR SERVICE NSURPASSED IN EFFORTS TO PLEASE Write for Illustrated Booklet of Colorado's Famous Sights and Resorts W. C. McBRIDE, General Ageot 124 Third Street PORTLAND, OREGON piMawaiMiUaa