The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, September 07, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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Wednesday, September 7. 1904
Killen. Warner. Stewart Company Unravel
Legal Complications and Cap
ture This Prize.
Morning matters Imvo assumed
definite hIjhM) iind direction, it Oil II
now hit announced that t IiIh well
known iroinrty will hoiiii ho operated
Jt remlaiuod for (In Killnn,
Warner, Stewart company to unravel
tho tiitilo Hllll Hill tilings going. At
the hiHtiuimi of thlH firm a corpora
Hon htiH linnu organized to lake over
the Morning properly mitl arrange for
.flnviiliiiuiiiiiil. Articles of liii'iirpora
.( loti Imvo already been lllml. Tim
.now ooiiipiiny will work under Mm
Iiiwh of Dragon. Tho capitalization Ih
not known. 'The n'w corpora
(ion Ih to ho known iih tlui Morning
Colli MimiH company, mill t hit ullloera
uro D. i. Killnn. president ; II. II.
Amos, vlco proHldonl, .1. I1'. I.ano,
oorolary and a treasurer, mill II. II.
iNlnliiilNiiii, l Denver, I'unsulling
Tho now corporation Iiiih taken
ovor thn InloroHls ol lorinor ouiioih,
), CliiHhnlm, mi'l ). 1. Cnupor.
Owners II. II. AmiiH ninl T. .). Sim
iiniiiH retain iHonk interests.
A pwrt of tint (nod 1 1 m 8, in fact
IDOrit Ol tllll llMHVy OUCH, Imvo Ugll'Dtl
to tuko Htoulc for lln'lr claims nuuiiiHl
Oio old company. Tliii nHt Imvo not
hoou Miinii, Iml l Ih thought thoy will
ho uliid lu nnlor iiiln hiioIi iiii ar
rangement, Tim work of perfecting ,,i1h '
liillnii Iiiih liotm (pilot, mid very few
know that anything nr thn kind win
An am, do diiviilnptnont fund will
ho provided and iih hoiiii iih dotallH
can lu ariaiigod operations will Htitrt,
undor thn dlioctlon of Mr.
HNS HIS I Aim ON mil
Dr. W. O. Oglo. wiill known In
Snmptei a' a momhor of the dental
firm of Oglo A Sohult., lotnrned thin
morning after wandering ovor tho
Htato (or a distance of 000 miloH,
which Im hiiiI Dr. Sohult. covered in
n period of two montliH
Ktpiippod with camping oiittlt,
HiditiiK taeklo and hhuotlng IroiiH,
(hey hit the trail to do tho southern
unil wiiHtern portion of tho Htato.
They ivmiiI iih far noutli an tho Cali
fornia lionliir. Thoy 8nnt hoiiio
time at CioHoont Lake, Klamath
notiuty, where fishing and hunt hit:
were exceedingly good. Thoy have, I
Dr. Ogle says, ono brown hear and
(wo door to thoii credit, IiohIiIoh fish
(hat count into tho thouHiindH.
Dr. Oglo Ih on IiIh way to John
J)ay now, whore thollrin had an otlloo.
Dr. Kohulty. left a tdiort time auo
for tho St. I.oulrt fuir and will ho
hack hur utiout No vein tier 1. Dr.
Ofcio HHyw tin hhw no plaoo lu bin
Thn Morning Ih ana of the well
known proportion of tho Croenhorn
district, which, nnfortiinatuly, Iiiih
Iiooii tied up lately ly litigation.
Tho present deal, it Ih figured, will
tono to Hottlo all inattorH in dispute,
clear tho properly of indebtedness
and hI art it to onorating again.
Tho property includes ton full
claims, with aiiiplo wnl or and titnhor
rights, and a direct out lot to tho
railroad hovoii milori away. It Ih
rogaidod iih ono of tho IiohI. prnporlio-j
in tho (iroonhorn district. It Ih
equipped wilh a live foot Bryan mill,
two concent rulers and Ih developed
hy Hovoral hnndrod foot of tnnnolH,
crosscuts, drifts and raises. Tho
main crosscut Ih now in 100 feel,
and will catch (ho main vein in '200
root more. In tho upper working
Ihoro aio 'JfiO foot of drills, with
vaiJoiiH raises and connections. Tim
width of tho slopes in tho Fairview
lodge (liken mil lire live hoIh wide.
In thn Parallel ulaim tho vein
meiiHiiren four to hovoii foot in widlh.
Tho Morning goes five to eight while
tho Fairvicn allows a vein in tho
neighborhood of thirty root. Very
fow of thn other claims have heon
It will ho noon Irmn (IiIh that tho
propoHition in an imiiioiiHo one. And
IiohIiIoh, the tormor Morning owners
have taken out ore in the punt going
into tho hnmlroilH. Tim mine Ih a
rinli ono, lint unfortunately Iiiih heon
tied up lately hy overhanging debts.
Tho coast hooiiih idoar now and with
the Killon, Warner, Stewart company
hohind the proportion, fruitful
oporatioiiH may ho expected.
travelH that lookn hotter than Hump
tor. Dr. OkIo Ih very niiioli hronod,
and HportH a vaudyko, Tho latter
I net almont oovored up IiIh identity
when ho alighted from tho train
thin morning.
Lewis and Clark Dollars.
The LowIh and Clark corporation
Iiiih Hont a olii'uk tor 625,000 to tho
United Statori trenHtiror in payment
for tho llrrit lot of nouvonir dollarH to
ho made at tho mint. Tho ooiun
will ho Hhlppoii to Portland duiiiiK'
tho week and will ho Hold at '.! eiioh,
notthiK tho company piai'tioiilly
?2r,0l)0. It in oaloulated hy tho
maniiKoiH of tho Lowiti and Clark
fair that the ONponitiou will ho ahlo
to uiiiko $150,000 out of tho total
Ihhuo of 'JflO.OOO UOillH.
About Diamond Mining.
Diamond milling hottiui in Capo
Colony, South Africa, in 1807, when
a fow of tho Htouoa wero found.
Tho diamond uiinliiK dintrict coutora
at Klmtierley, and the mine of that
name la the richest of the mines.
Diamonds wore first mined for near
the surface, but exploitation shows
the rohih with depth und now
enormous openings or excavations,
000 feet or moro in depth, shows
tho marked search for the precious
stones. For the first 100 feet in
depth tho RemB were found om bedded
in a soft, friablo, yellowish earth.
Holow that the soil changed to slaty
color, boing more compact, and it
was thought that this chango in the
formation meant that no moro dia
monds would ho found below. This
slaty colored ground, or, as it is now
popularly known, blue ground,
called oven largor numbers of stones
than the upper formation, and it has
boon in this materia) that, mining has
boon carried on for ymirs. Tho
Peter U hod oh diamond, found at
Kimberly, weighed 1 HO carats and was
valued at 81100,000. A yellow dia
mond weighing i'28 and another
woighiug :i02 carats were found, but
their color made them far less valu
able than though thoy had been pure
white. Tho largest diamond ever
found South Africa was picked up lu
tho Orange Free State in IHO.'l and
weighed 071 carats, but as it con
tained a large Haw its value was
liert Kusk, HtiporiuttMidunt of tho
Piatt s group in the looi Creek d in
itio!, camo to town today after sup
plies. On tho Mlaino oroHscut a few days
imo the main lodge wiih oiiconutored,
showing a widlh of ten lent with
valtiDH averaging from $10 to i?l 8
It in a big thing, Mr. Husk nays. Tho
ledge is now being drifted upon, and
tho face is in fifty foot. The
lodge smih struck at a dlHtani'u of ."100
foot in. Work Ih also being prone
ruled on tho Kcarnargc croHHcnt
which Ih now in 200 foot.
Tho company is makiugvarraugo
iimutH to install a six drill com
proHHor plant at once.
Charles Unlit, wife and family ar
rived in town this morning. fc-Mr.
Unlit will oHtahlhh an t hhh.v otlloo in
Sumpter. lie has not definitely de
cided where tho otlloo will ho located,
but it will probably ho iu tho rooms
formerly occupied for this purpoHo
by ,JuoH80U& Clark, WIIhoii building.
Mr. Kaht was formerly heie iu the
iiHsay busluoHH and Ih well known
throughout tho district, lie re
turned not long ago from Mexico,
whore ho had charge of a property.
P. K. liishop, who has charge of
tho development at tho Climax group,
in tho Cracker Crook district, came
in today and loft for linker.
Work is uow being prosecuted in
threo faces, Mr. Uishop says, with
good results. In tho last twenty
six days 107 feet of tunnel lias heon
done, workiug only ono shift. This
Is considered a mighty good record.
L. V. Swiggett, who recently took
over the Golden Chariot, in the Dear
Uulch district, is pushing operations
at this property. Tho now shaft is
now sixty feet, and a foot and a half
is being made por shift Ah pre
viuosly statod, tho vein will bo cross
cut when tho 100 is reachod. The
distance to go will be small, as the dip
is iu the direction of the shaft.
At the depth now attained oven
tho country rock is showing a good
A prospect shaft during former
management was put down thirty
feet, nud if tho values in tho now
shaft approximate this tho manage
ment is practically suro of a bonanza.
It Ih hollered that the showing will
ho equal to anything iu tho district.
Smelter representatives have been
at tho property, and it is stated in
all probability thiH institution will
build a siding for ore shipmonts.
Tho oro is needed at tho smelter for
flux, and a low into will to givon.
Manager Swiggett atiitcH that any
thing above 85 oro can ho treated
with profit. I'Jvuii tho old waste
dunips have rock that can bo profi
tably treated.
F. M. Klloy, of Huh Moines, repre
HDiitntivo'of tho Killen, Warner,
Stewart company, and Dr. .1. L.
Williamson, also of Dos MoiuoB,
left, this afternoon ,for Portland.
Mr. Klloy will probably return hero
before going east, but Dr. William
son will go homo f i om Portland.
Thoy returned yestorday from a
visit, of several days n. tho Standard.
They also took In the Snow Creek
and Oregon Monarch while away, Dr.
Wililmson is highly pleased with
what ho saw. The Standard, espe
cially, he thinks ono of the biggest
ptopositions in eastern Oregon.
This has been the gonoral opinion of
the numerous visitors who havo soon
tho property this season.
W. W. Elmer, woll known in
mining engineering circles, and con
sulting enginoer fm tho Snow Creek,
returned today from tho Cireenhoms'
where ho was doing snmo special
work in his lino at the New York
and the Lucy.
Mr. Elinor states that the hoisting
plant at the Snow Creek will he iu
operation as soon as tho head gear is
completed which will be within tho
next ten or fifteen days.
Will Visit Germany.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Melzer, of the
North Pole, wore in today buying
carpet ings at tho Case Furniture
company, for their residenco at the
mill. They will leave in about a
week uii a visit to their old homo in
Ciormnny, and desire that their resi
dence he fully furnished on their
WANTED Two good carpenters
Wages 94 per day of nine hours.
Mouutaiu View Mining company.