The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, September 07, 1904, Image 1

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Ore Supply Ample and Plant Has Started
For a Continuous Run.
Thu Sumpter smoltur is iu com
mission. It started thin morning.
Thu banks of sulphurous smoke which
overhung tho city at tin curly liour
announced tho glad uuwh to the
peoplo. It Iihb been known for boiiio
tinio that tho plant was to be blown
in soon, but Manager Fullor and
Superintendent Kirohen are not of
those who And it moot to do things
in tho full blare of trumpets, so tho
event came unannounced, tin
The (Ire was lighted in the furnace
at 5 o'clock this morning, it wan
charged and the blast turned on at H.
At 0 tho slag started to How. Such
ia the uneveutful tale in brief of a
matter of incalculable benefit to thu
mining interests of the distriot.
And thero has uot beeu a bitch or
a bobble. The machinery, the plain,
the.nen, 'everything, are going like
a draft horse accustomed to the
harness when he stretches his traoes
for a long aud steady pull. Nor is
the simile inappropriate, for the
smelter is iu commission to stay.
The ore supply uow on bauds, ap
proximating 2,000 tons, and the
daily receipts are a guarautee of this.
The plant is goiug now and will
perhaps for a short time at only half
capacity. This, however, is only
provisional uutil things take on thu
shape of mature arraugemout.
About thirty muu aru boiug em
ployed, which forco will be larguly
increased when the plaut is started
full capacity. Tho briquettiug plant
wish started up yesterday aud is now
going iu fitio shapo. Everything is
goiug after this manner not a singlo
drawback so far.
The smultur is pyritiu, in the
popular acceptation of the term. A
full description was given of it when
the trial run was uiadu last winter.
There is no necessity of it here.
The main fact tho people of the dis
triot want to learn is thut thu
operation will bo continuous, as
heretofore stated.
Manager Fuller came bore on
May 10, and Superintendent
Kirohen arrived on the 29tb of tho
same mouth. Muob credit is due
them. They have ceaselessly em
ployed their time in visiting the
minus of thu disrtict and contracting
for ore, Today thu results appeared.
Mr. Fuller says ho has met with tint
moat cordial support from tho min
lug men of tho camp. They have
lent their aid to tho institution and
exerted themselves to bring iu their
products. Aud the hope is oxpressod
by everybody that there will bo no
lettting up in this direction, that the
same aid 'and support will continue.
Aud this, too. is ovidou, for new
contracts are ooing made every day.
Within the last week four new onus
were added to the already long list,
which will increase the receipts at
least thirty per cent. Three other
propei ties started shipping which
were not counted on till spring. Ho
iutorests are pulling together. And
it is good.
As stated it is hardly necessary at
this juncture to go into a desariptiou
of the plant, or its histoiy. These
are well known aud have been given
repeatedly. The enterprise is a
Killeu, Warner, Stewart flotation,
aud is numbered among the com
pany's many successes in the camp.
It-i position is now assured beyoiid
question aud the reumptiou is hailed
with dulight.
The much talked of and much
printed siuglu drilliug cniiteHt meet,
between William Madderu, of the
Virtue, aud I). M. McLeod, of thu
Overland, tho winner of the Fourth
of July singles and the llonriio
straightaway yesterday, has assumed
a status which leaves litttle doubt as
to its materialization.
Mr. McLeod came to town today.
Mr. Maiidern is here also, aud so is
his bacrfer, lieu Wood, of liaker.
Mr. Wood today placed f00 iu thu
Fisrl National, which is the amount
to be wagered per side, aud Mr. Mc
Leod put up a $100 forteit, also iu
the First National, that the stake
will be covered, aud that ou his part
theio will tie no balk to the ongago
meut. Articles of agreement will bo
signed tonight. It is uot. known
yet where tho contest will occur.
Sumpter, lloruuo and liaker are tho
favored points, howevur. The place
which has the farthest reach iu thu
shapo of a purse, it is stated, will
bring down the persimmon. The bar
to Sumpter, has beeu raised aud if
Supmter does the cash act properly
the moot is hers. No time has beeu
decided upon, but. the talk is that
the thing will bu pulled oil within
two weeks. Delluite arrangements
are to lie made tonihgt.
L. (1. Koady, of Portland, secre
tary of the New York Consolidated,
located in the Uroouhorns, bis at
torney, H. K. Sargent, also of Port
laud, who arrived in town a day or
so ago 011 mattteiH connected with tho
company, left this morning for the
property. They were joined on the
train by Carroll K. Zilly, vlco
president of the lrwin-llodsou Print
ing company, of Portland, and
director in the New York Coin-oil-dated
Yesterday Messrs, Koady and
Sargent visited tho Mountain View.
Mr. Koady was formerly interested
in this property. The development,
be says, has beeu amazing and he
thinks it one of the big'proerbios of
the district. The new mill, it ia
thought, will bo running within
thirty days.
Zoeth Houser, who has for some
time boon superintendent of the
Staudaid, lias resigned his com
mission on account of tho press ot
other duties, andN. F. Heath, formerly
superintendent of the Cracker Sum
mit has been appointed in his stead. .
Mr. ileum, is a wen Known mine
superintendent having had years of
experience iu Colorado. He left yes
terday to auHiime active superintend
ence of the property. Mi. I louder
will perhaps remain iu the (joint-
burg district for awhile looking after '
other intoro&ts, iiefore returning toj
i Ills home iu Pendleton. !
May Queen Mill (joint).
John Thomson, manager of tj: Mi.v
Queen, came iu from the miiut uM.,
on iiih way iu niiKur Jiiy, i.u ...m,
i.i . i .- Mi . mi
which was started a few days ago, is
goiug iu from Hue shape, aud direct
ive and systematic development work
is proceeding.
NO. &
Judge II. M. Cako, of Portland,,
president of thu Mountain View Min
ing company, also president of thu
Portland Commercial club, with
Walter White, of Portland, inter
ested iu thu Mountain View, arrived
in town this morning and went out;
to the mining property.
Judge Cake attended a meeting or
thu Oregon Development League in.
liaker City yesterday. Judge Cake,
as president of tho Portland Com
mercial club, waa tho promoter of
this organization. With him from
Portland came to linker, L. 10.
Smith, president, of thu League,
Thomas Hloherdson, secretary; A. L.
Craige, general O. H. . N. passenger
agent aud Mr. Stovouaou, of thu Statu
Press association.
Judge Cake is greatly pleased with
the turn League matters are faking.
Ho says:
"Wo had a most enthusiast ia
meeting in linker City, and tho
enterprise met with entire approval.
It is under way now and we con
fidently expect good results. It la
the purpose to organize u league In
Sumpter in the near future "
Judge Cake, while hla roaldonou
in Portland may militate against him
to some extent, is a mining man,
aud at the head of one of the prom
inent Sumpter districts properties.
He knows what mining la in eastorii
Oregon, and. the hay press and oboes
sentiment, so prevalent in Portland,
does not seem to have influenced him
in the least, as far as mining la con
cerned. He ia wide awake to thft
J. Frank Watson, president of tho
Merchants' National Hank of Port
land, aud president of the Keystoun
Mining aud Milling company, mime
iu ou the train this afternoon, re
turning from Canyon City, whom
he was interested in the Keystone
F(iiity litigation. As stated else
where, the case has been postponed'
till September Uti.
Mr. Watson's company Iiih owned
the Keystone mine since IHHti
A lioml was taken ou it, however,
some time ago by the (JoiSerHoudryx
company, but work ban been stopped
pending clearing of title.
Mr. Watson will remain over till
toiiKiri'w to confer with the First.
National bank, which iustitiiiou ia
ooncspoiiilout of the Merchants''
National of Portland.
i S. II. Norton, manager ot the Jiltm
Mountain (Sold Mining company, left,
today for his old home at Ashland,
Kentucky, aud to attend the St.
Louis fair en routo. Mr. Norton will
return iu the spring and resume