The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, August 31, 1904, Image 8

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IN '
Pay for
of the
J ' 1)1 UL
T r
M. A. Knapp, the Owner, Now Sacking Ore
For Shipment to the
' Smelter Here.
M. A. Khh, tho woll known
carpenter of Humptor, Iiuh Hti unk
Houiathlug rich In a minuntl way In
tho Cracker Crook district. Mr.
Knapp owiih tho National claim,
located In a load paralleling tho
mother ludo.
A drift tunnel Is now In foHy-llvo
foot, showing oro whloh assayed at
the smelter ooh SOO.Oft. Tho voln
proper nuHHiiroH nIx foot In width.
The pay Htroak in from twelve to
fourteen Inchon.
Last fall Mr. Knapp ntruck oro in
thiH pay hoiiiii whloh wont ft'J'J.OH.
Within eight font from tho point
whom thiH waH encountered whon w r!
was niHiimod thiH spring, tho oro
wont 4 1. Whon tho drift had pro.
oeodod throo foot fnrthor tho iiHHiiyH
A strike of vory ilch oro waH re
potted yesterday attornoou from (ho
Greenhorn (lamp in hoiiio now ground
contiguous to tho Pyx mluo. Tho
010 Ih froo-mllling and handHomo
hiiiiin HpoolmnuH of it attracted tho
attention of experts and laymon allko
yuatarday aftafuoou .whon thoy
happened to bo pausing tho wiudowH
Of II. C. IiJUIh' MHHHy ollloo.
Some of (lit) oro wmh poundod up In
a mortar and atatayod, but In mill
(nut, given at tho Humptor smelter,
bowwl tho value to run an high an
ITr to the toil. When It la con
ldrtd that thin Ih fiee milling rc,
and that tho voln Ih a largo 0110. these
are, Indeed, ooxollout results.
Tula uew (lud Ih located about four
aud one-half miles from Greenhorn,
aud it wait stated on good authority
Ut ulght that muoh oxultomont pio-
vuIIh throughout tho dlsrtlot over this
rich discovery. Democrat.
Oregon Development League.
The mall thiH forenoon brought
to a number of oitl.ouH of Sampler a
circular letter from J. II. Aitkou, of
lluutliiKtou, vice president ot tho
Oregou Development of League,
relative to tho work of that organiza
tion. Thtt purpose of tho letter Ih to
work up luterest In tho movement
aud to secure a good attendance at
Ike uiMtlug to be held In Maker City
September 2. The circular open up
jumpod to tho highest ytt obtained
00.05. It Ih not known what tho
ontiro lodge will average, hh tho
hhhh.vh for it liavo not yot boon com
plotod. Tho oro Ih gold Milphldua of a vory
high grade. A Hiimplo of it may bo
hooii at tho Club saloon.
Mr. Knapp will Hhip at onoo to
I I.. ui.u.ltiiK 1 1 ii ulrimilv liuu ulvtv
HiinkH of tho high grado atulf roady
to bo Hout in, and will oudoavor to
largely InoroaHo this amount boforo
(ho mow totu in. Ho HguroH that
ho can uiako a nice cleanup aftor
paying trauHportatlon and Hmoltur
Tho property Ih locatod about two
and a quarter mi I oh from Bourne
; and Mr. Knapp Ih tho nolo owner of
with thiH qm-Htlon: "Have you a
commorclal organization in your
city; If not, why not?" No, wo have
not; uovor havo had aud probably
novor will havo. Suroly wo will
not until some of our past
and proHont would bo "loading cltl
zoiih' arc run out of town aud holio
"boss" appoarri on tho hcoiio who
will tako tho load In hucIi mattoraaud
club into Hllont inactivity thoHo who
havo killed ovoiy progressive effort
originating hero. Ah to that olauso
of tho abovo query, "why uot,"
Tho Miner could write an Interesting
aiiHwer to that would bo strictly
true, wore it worth while which it
Ih not. immmmmmil
Arriving hero Thursday ulght were
A. A. IllbbH, Dr. Brown, Dr. Bryadt,
Dr. Joseph lllbbs aud Dr. Meals all
from Pennsylvania. Dr. lllbbs and
Dr. Drown are both metallurgists aud
practical, experienced mining men.
Dr. Hr.vdt Ih a retired phyaiciaii.
Thoy all loprosont largo capital in
tercuts aud arc individually able to
handle largo miniug proportion.
Thoy havo coutiidorblo property
In tlilu district aud aro here now !u
tho interest of tho Oregou-Idaho
mluo, which join the Staudard on
tho north. They have completed
about 400 feet of tuuueliug ou tbia
property aud during their stay will
let ooutracta for 500 feet mora tuDuel
work. Thorough aud systemttn de-
volopmout work will bo undertaken
aud it ia their determination to push
thiH very promising mine to a pro
ducer and all that ia necessary for
thiH purpose la work. This work will
he done.
Tho company in which thoao gen
tlemen aro heavy stockholders in tho
Oregon-Idaho Gold Mining company
aud in connection with their prop
er! ioa. Thoy expect to look their
property over Friday and go on to
Canyon Saturday and utiles other
ariaugomontH aro made will tako their
departure Sunday. Prairio City
For tho re-location of a Htorage
reservoir alto for the Umatilla irri
gation project, tho laud offlco in this
city Iiiib been iuatructod to withdraw
from all forma of entry several town
ships in Morow county. Orders weio
rocoivod from tho general laud ollico
to this effect Woduosday, and until
tho government onglneors finish tho
Hiiveyu, tho laud iu tho restricted
district will uot bo subject to .settle
ment. "Tho action of tho land office in
withdrawing the townships in Mor
row county,' ' said John T. Whistler,
head of tho reclamation sorvico in
Oregon, "Ih inj accordance with tho
desires of tho recounoisauco party
that has boon Hooking 11 uow reservoir
site slnoo tho Willow crook plan was
found unfoaaablo. It dooH uot mean
that tho roHorvoir will tako up all tho
laud withdrawn, but it indicates
that tho onglnorH expect to locate it
Homowhoro within tho restricted body.
"WoalwayH iiHk tho laud oltico to
hold back lands from entry iu sec
tions where wo aro pushing our in
vestigations, for it in great deal
easier to turn tho reBorve back than
it la to Hecuro it aftor tilings havo
boon made by settlors." The Dalles
John Arthui, of MoEwen, Arthur
Jfc MBoweu, the llrui which recently
took over uuder ieaao aud boud the
Imperial, was iu towu yesterday.
The mill which ia being installed
on the property, Mr. Arthur says,
will certaiuly bo going by the Hrst
of the mouth. Tho starting has been
delayed somewhat by the non-arrival
of screens for the jigs, ordorod some
tlmo ago.
Upton-Whitney Phone.
Charles 11. Heruard, of Haker City,
haa been awarded the coutraot for
furnishing poles for the Whitney
Tipton telephone line, to follow tho
railway exteusiou.
It will require 300 poles. Bernard
arrived here this morulng and is eu
gagiug meu to start the work at ouoe.
He will start the work as soou as he
can get a crew of men together.
Manager W tight1 bad a telephone
messago from ibe Black Butte last
ulght stating that a big ore body
had boou enoouutered whilo excavat
ing for the boiler hones foundation
of the new hoist. The veiu was
out i rely unsuspected. The extent
or value was uot kuown at the time
of the message.
The hoist, Mr. Wright uys, is
practically completed and, steam was
to have beou turned ou today. The
plaut will be iu full commissiou
iu a few days.
Mr. Wright left today for tho Blue
Bird to look after the constructor of
tho mill there, aud will visit the
Black Butte before be roturus. The
work at the Blue Bird mill is beiug
pushed rapidly to completion.
Fivery man that cau tie worked to
advantage is being put on. Manager
Wright thiuks tho plaut will be
completed within the uoxt thirty
Otto M. Rosen-dale Dead.
Otto M. Kosendalo, the milling
ongiuoer of Portland, is dead. lie
suffocated while asleep in the house
of a friend in Astoria last Thursday.
A lighted cigar sot fire to tho carpet
by tho side of his bed and the den eo
smoko caused death. But for the fact
that tho windows and doors of the
room wore tightly closed, the en
tire houso aud its inmates would
havo boon consumed. Mr. BoHoudalo
was one of the host known mining
engineers in the west. He was a
member of the American Mining
Institute aud a fellow of the Royal
Geographical sooioty. Ho was well
kuown iu Baker county.
Ancient Deed for Road Land.
A deed that calls for the payment
of $10,000,050 iu settlement, and
that was exeouted April IH, 1870,
has just reached Beutou couuty to
be placed 011 record. It is a deed
of trust of congressional laud graut
from the Oregou aud California Rail
road company to Faxou D. Athertou,
Milton S. Latham aud William Nor
rls. The deed has already beeu re
corded iu niue counties, as follows :
Multnomah, Clackamaa, Marion,
Liuu, Lane, Douglas, Wasbiugtou
aud Jackson, and will uow he re
corded iu Beutou, iu order that the
title may be made perfect iu all the
couutlof- in which the land is located.
Why tho deed has beeu thirty-four
years iu reaohiug Corvallis for record
is a matter uot explaiutd. Corvallis
Don't Go to St. Louis
'Till you oallfat or write to the
Chiogo, Milwaukee and St. Paul rail
road. Office 184 Tbiid- Street,
Portland, Oregon. Low rates to all
poiuts East, in coueuction with all
W. a ROWE, General Agent.,
Portland. Oragoo.