The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, August 31, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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    Wednesday, August $i, 1904
Tom C. Gray, superintendent of
the Valley Queen, came in from the
mine last night on a busiueas visit.
Work now, Mr. Gray says, is being
prosecuted oo the main crosscut.
The receut stringer encountered in
dicates that a ledge is being ap
proached to which it is a feeder. It
is a figured that .either the main
Valley Queen ledge Ib being ap
proached, or another which has not
hitherto entered into the calculation.
The stringer in itself is rich. Assays
from it go $48 in gold.
Preliminary surveys have been
completed and it is the opinion that
the present shaft over the divide is
the properplace for permanent
sinking. The bottom of the shaft
now down .fifty-two foot shows a
good body ofjoro, with assuys running
as high as .!8.
Tbo cbnructer of tho rock in the
crosscut bus proven much softer aud
bettor progress U being made. Mr.
Gray says that tho sbowiug of the
property is bottor than nt any pre
vious poriod In. Its history.
O. C. Wright, gouoral manager of
the Blue Bird, returned last night
from this proporty.
Millwright Potter, of Baker City,
and a full force of meu are thore on
the mill construction. The object
is to push tbo work to completion.
The plant will probably be finished
in thirty days. Of course, it can
not bo definitly statod, but tho
preseut progress of tho work looks
liko it can bo completed in this time.
A big force from tho Virtue mine
was brought iu to do tho work, and
uo time will bo lost.
Myrtle Creek Placers.
John Clemeut took his departuro
last Satrnday for tho Myrtle Croak
placors mines with a back load of
supplies. He goes ovor to commouco
workjjou a large ditch, which whoti
oompletod, will carry ample wator for
tho opoiation of tbo Myrtle Creek
placers duriug tbo entire summer
season. This raiuing property was
discovered soveral years ago, but
water has been too soarco for its
operation to any great extent, havlug
heretofore depeudod wholly on water
that flowed iu the gulohos duriug the
metling snow. He has surveyed a
ditch which wheu constructed, will
render it possible for him to have at
least 150 inches at all times during
the year. Blue Mountain Eagle.
Reno, Nevada, August 25. Cloud
bursts and washouts in Tonopah and
along the lines of the Tonopah and
Carson & Colorado railroad were the
most disastrous in the history of
these districts. On the Tonopah road
all of the tiaok rebuilt after tho last
washout has been swept away, and it
will be a week before any traffic can
be resumed'. At Walker Lake, near
Hawthorne, -thetraok 1s under tbree
feet of water for nearly four miles
and the lake has risen above its
level from six to nine feet. Great
ohasmu have been washed in the
desert and traffic is iu a state of
obaos., .ttjftjjj - .
Tonopah aud Goldfloids, which
are on the verge of starvation, are
being temporarily relieved by tbo
rushing in of supplies via Crow
Springs, Silver Peak aud Caudelaria
by wagon trains, but this is only
temporary, as over 5000 people must
be fed in the different camps and ex
traordinary measures adopted for
their relief. Food supplies at the
campB are practically exhausted.
Flour, haoou mud alt. staples have
run out, only canned goods remain
ing. Heroic measures are beiug
adopted and with the resumption of
stage lines relief is hoped for.
While the situation is critical aud
much suffering must be oudured it is
hoped that the noxt fow days will
bring about better conditions.
.7. W. Wright camo in from the
Humboldt, in tho Greenhorns, today,
wuoro ho is ougaged iu eroding
boarding houses and buildiugH for
tho now mill to go in.
Mr. Wright is hero to get teams to
haul tho machiuory for the mill from
Greenhorn to tho property. Tho
boradiug house, a niuo room build
ing, has boon completed, aud work
will bo started iiext week on the mill
buildiug. Tho machinery is to bo
plaood at ouco. It is a threo stamp
Merrill plant.
A. W. Ellis is exhibiting somo
very fluo gold sulpbido ore today
which came from tho Mountain
Meadow, over in tho Rook Creek din
triot. Thore aro four clainiB in the
group owned by Mr. Ellis, George
Turner aud tho Biswoll ostato.
The oro shown by Mr. Ellis in
vory high grado. It camo from a two
foot streak in tho main drift.
Somo high assays Imvo previously
beeu received from this property.
May Build This Pall.
JoHopu Woat, ohiof ongluoer of tho
Sumpter Vlaley, and II. Uolknap,
prominent lumberman of Ogdeu, went
through to Baker from Tipton this
afternoon. Mr. Bolkuap in making a
gouoral visit to eastern Oregon. Re
garding tbo John Day extension, Mr.
West says ho is to moot ProHident
Eooles iu Baker and tho matter of
building this fall will bo decided
upon. Soma grading,, however, has
been done beyond Tipton, aud the
survey is well under way.
Faith In the Standard.
F. M. Riley, of Des Moines, Iowa,
who is with the Killon, Warner,
Stewart company, aud Dr. J. L.
Williamsou, also of Des Moines, left
today for the Standard. Dr.
Williamson came iu several days ago,
but owing to sickuess could uot
visit the property sooner. He says
bis Iowa friends pin absoluto faith
in the Staudard and its mauagemeut.
They have no doubt as to tho ulti
mate outcome of tho property.
The Miner does job printing.
W. G. Ballou is iu today from
Deer Creek, where ho is oporatiug
the Iron Mask, a two claim property
upon which he recently began work.
Tho claims show an unusually
high per cent of iron, something un
common iu this district. Mr Ballou
brought in samples which assayed at
the smelter ran 910 in gold, uine
tenths ouuues of silver aud forty-flvo
per cent irou. Ho has drifted thirty
or forty feet ou tho veitit which
shows tho ore for tho full width of
tho drift. Tho vein hat uot yet
boou crosscut and its width is, there
fore, not knowu. Tho oro apears to
be red homatito, vory rich iu irou,
uot to mention the gold aud silver
valuoa. It is valuable from tho fact
that tho smolter will tako tho ore for
Edwin Colony, who has charge of
tho work at tho Ruby mine, six miles
from 'LSumptor, mot with a Horinua
accident yostorday while at work in
tho tiiuuol. A stone weighing somo
150 pounds fell from tho roof upon
his neck as he was kneeling and
dill Hug. " That ho escaped a biokon
nook is a miracle, Ilia back was in
jured and where his chin struck his
knoo, hurt his chin besidos cutting
through his tonguo. One hand also
was bruised.
Assistnaco was summoned, and
today Mr. Zolouy was takeu to the
homo of his brother-in-law, T. K.
Clark, of Baker City, gonornl manager
of the proporty. Mr. Zolouy is a
student of tho Ca?o school of applied
sciences at Celveland, Ohio, and Is
doing practical work now couuee
tion with his studies.
John Thomson, manager of ' tho
May Queen, returned from' tho rifinu
today aud left for Baker City.
Tho mill, Mr. TiiotnsoiV'says, wart
started yesterday for tho purpoHO of
making a test run. There are be
tween 1100 aud 100 tons of ore on the
dumps and the plant will probably
bo kept in operation for tho next
thirty day. Tho May Quoon has a
ten stamp mill.
A traveler returning from the John
Day today aud passing through to
Baker City ou his way east tells a re
markable story of a discovery made
in the Strawberry Butte region.
Ills name is Christopher T. Vernel
son, aud he 'hails origually from
Albany, New York. Ho has been
loukiug after min'fu interests in tho
Quurtzburg' district! Rotative to his
discovery ho says :
"Iu company with several mining
men, friouds aud acquaintances of
miuo, I journoyed through ' tho vari-
our ranges of mountains known by
the general though somewhat in
defluite name of Strawberry Butte.
In one of the canyons cutting into
the maiu oponlug,we discovered what
we bolioved after mature observation
to be prehistoric dam dating back for
probably hundreds or thousands of
years. While digging on the
mountain sido looking for mineral
bearlug lodes, wo came acroHH some
aucient masonry, which had evideutly
beou used for tbo purpose of dam
ming tho small water course which
finds its way through tho canyon, and
furnishing power for somo prehistoric
machine The antiquity of the work
is evidenced iu the fact that by
natural "wear 0?o 'vtater had i out
through tho solid masonry, and worn
it dowu until only tho abutmeuta
projecting from tho mountain sido
wero left, aud theso wore so deeply
oovored by talus from the neighbor
ing slopes as to rouder them in
visible and unsiiBpocted to casual ob
servation. It wuh only the accidental
prospecting which brought tho old
iiiaBoury up to light.
"1 have only a general theory to
olfor, " continued Mr. Vornolaon.
"The water power furnished must
have boon of enormous force, aud tho
only conjecture 1 can frame is that it
must have boon used for tho opera
tion of Home aniuent mills or other
works used in prehistoric t linos by
some ancient inhabitants of the John
Day valluy. No trace of any
machines, however, could be found,
though we Hoarohod diligently1'
Baker-La Grande Electric Road.
The eastern Oregon electric lino
no homo of Dr. J. M. Boyd, father ot
Mayor L. Frank Buyd, contemplates
a road from Baker City to La
Grande, forty-five miles, which will
take in the towns of Haiues, Union
and Hot Lake. A branch line to
swing around the Grand Rondo valley
la also talked of. Dr. Boyd said :
"Tho plans aro only begun for tho
project. An expert .street car man
aud a corps of ongiuoora will leave
for tho ground tomorrow aud when
they report we will know what we
have. We have the promise of
easteru money to back the proposed
road when wothavo made the survey,
secured Hie power and have title to
tho right, of way. 1 own considerable
property iu Baker City, some of
which will be used , for tormina!
grounds. V Spokesman Review. ,
., - ' i
Lawton Sold by Sheriff.
The property, of the, Lawton In
vestment company was sold at
sheriffs sale last Satruday to JO. ,1
Summerville for $11,000, ou an exe
cution, to satlbfy a judgement in
favor of Li mi II. Sturgls. Tho prop
erty sold includes, the towusite of
Lawton, a boom town in the Green
horn mountains two miles west of
Granite. Canyon City Eagle.
Land Withdrawn From Reserve.
Seymour Bell has returned from a
trip to La Grande, where he went to
look over tho official plats of the
quarter of a million acres of land re
cently withdrawn from the temporary
forost reserve. He says that very
much the larger portion of it has
arleady boon entered; many home
steads, some desert, aud timbor
claims aud a fow tracts have been
script. Thoio aro very few quarters,
comparativey speaking, that will
tompt settlors to file. '
WANTED Twenty cords of black
or yellow pino, four-foot cord . wou'd!"
Enquiro Miuor offloo. ''