THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, August 24, 194 Th Ci imnfpr Minr' Ifc iH Proll' "vidcnt that the time I I IV-- OUMIUICI III 131 - B c-ioBo lit hand whou the sifting r r : : process with regard to immigrants will have tci hu conducted more eare fnllv Hum Ih now the cane, it in all OFFICIAL RECORDS. IMMItlSIOM) fiVEfcY WKDNKSIIAV V J. W. CONNEM.A T. (',. (.WNNI:. I nlircci .it Hip Kitlri(llcc in Sumpter, Oregon, r 'tnnsnii.sslon ItirmiKti 0 innlls as second clasj 1 'tie Yimi jln iMittilli MIIISCHIIMION MATI'S 41 WAYS IN 4DVANCI!. A pMiHri loport Hiatus that gold Iiiih 1)000 discovered In the f I iu lilatirlH of Scotland, hut It Ih not known like eyanlding end I EDITOR well enough for this country to stand iih a "refuge for time oppressed," hut the mailer Ih entirely different if it. Iiiih got to hu )ort a great army of foreign-horn beggars and crimialH. Mr. Vagouny, an assistant ehemlHt iu the University of California, claims lo have dirieorered a new process for I renting lofraotory gold and Hilver oreH, which will he the meatiH of saving millioUH RKAL KSTATE TRANSFERS. DKKD'. ...?.oo ... .J5 'whether or Pot the nil iiiih can he worked profitably on account of the heavy government tax. It !h thought if operations can lie In Htigunilod it will prevent the do population of the glens and villages of the fiorth, now it serious problem. tiroMt Britain Ih doing magnificent work iu Kgypt in the construction or rlniiiglinn reservoirs, says iiii ex Ih made up as follews: "Some two-thirds per cont ferric chloride of commerce, about twenty per cent of common unit and one-half per rent hydrochloric acid. Second, the Holullon in made to pass through electrolytic eel Id with carbon electro jdcH, where it is charged with ohlorino under the influence of the current. Third, the Holutiou Ih continuously led over into ore vhIh containing caught one day under the rays of the hum, found iuatnut recognition in ( the eves of Franks and hi friends'. .,,,. f11in...j1T inntruiiioutB were ' Hock from the grade was subjected to nle(. nt (ho court nouse j Baker City ,tho assnyer's tost. It showed a j for re(.or(i yesterday : metallic content that raided from 810 to 8M8 to the Ion. The source ! uiir mniulit nod rcndilv discovered. I Mineral of the name quality and j June 20, '80--U. S. A. to R B. ! characteristics stood forth iu a body ! White, 100 acres in Sec. 31 T. 9 R. of liberal width. 4I5 K. Removal of the Imllnat or of the Mnroh 10,'Hl U. S. A. to Wm. , mineral iu the body adjacent being Whitaker, 100 acres iu Sbch. M0 and dillicult, the next course, tint of j Ml T. I) R. 10 E. extraction nt depth, was adopted. .July 2 Josephiue leon, ot nl, to 'Through a shaft on the Katie Mollis (). P. Isou. 80 aares iu Sec. 7 T. 8 Ul.i. Inuui.u nlfliltlnil II limit h (if (Iftv'lvV -SO K. ! $2. 1)0. lions It Ih wet fnjm wh(jh po)t f drft w, ,,' A(WJHt ,., v, A. UHhor Ht)a bua he stock solution ,(root 00M0lUl th0 track, where it , baud to Isabella Altkeu, lot C Usher'a ohaiiiia. The scale unon which these "d "r Ul . . M,.r" . "...". ?. !". .i ' thouasnd dollars, and thoy are laying re oomdruoled Is more Iran oiiiih 7, , , . ., ""'"" awake nights to devise means for its t ..... AiM is oxnectod the shoot will be found. west addition to Klobiauu, uuu. At this writing values show im-i July 18 F. W. Burford, to provemout. Jno. Sohlor, and V. C5. Mnntz, 160 While the prospect of prefit: acres iu Sec. "Ill T. 7 R 41. E. ;81. Himnin iindrrniind oneratious is A UK. 12--Jhs. Wheelook to Roy Koocl, the novelty of taking H B. UrHdford, Bill of Sale to directly from the RrHde is proving horses and harness: 885. an allurement which the lessees Hud ' Aug. 0 Jas. N. Jlolcomb, diflloulty iu shaking. Thoy estimate ; Sam (lover, M20 ncraa in Seca. that there is nnnuah nro in the ballHst I aud II T. H R. 14 E. ; 81,000. to unin h mill certificate for soveral Auk. 15 Milllo Fry to II. to 1.1 T. than huythiiig ever before known, especially within historic times, aud probably oxooikIh even the great works of enthjuity in thin direction. The immense dam at Assouan and barrage 4i t ARHlout oust over 812,0(10,000, iitit tbiH HnmiiH'to be only a beglnn- iirinlinnilitll rnllllitrtl I . anil iniiH remove me vaiuaoies iroiu the nuiHri of ore by simple leaching or nitration. Fourth, this rich solution is now made lo llow through a elec troltylc vats again, where not only lire the silver aud aud gold readily WORK ON ONE CLAIM HOLDS THE ENTIRt GROUP An important case has been decided by Acting Secretary of the Interior till it I ii mirl In (hit nmtiillln (niiditinil ing, ms the now irrigation works are , . ..... ,,,, . jh solution it in the eHllmuteH four 81,01,0.000,000, Hf ,,,,, lo ,,, richer with Ryan, involving lode mining claims mid arc designed to compleiely utilie Hlmil(,,m)nH n,Km)rti f the In the Wiitervillo, Waahlngton, laud fioio inn mm-mie umi me wniio forrro oor,(,0 ,ifth tllH Holu i district. The acling secretary re Nile, hod to make the ImmmiHii t ,()W ,m r0(,y t() ,, mr0 versed the decision ol the land otHce Soudan n garden of fertility. 'l, ,iHHolvlng, it Is again, led Into the, made some time ago, holding for inoHi mmiom ih again uecome young f).n y ,H,,OI,t troHyil aud re I cancellation the entry of Ralph Bag- sent over into the ore vats, and o on galey, of Butto, Montana, for llfty- nnd immensely productive. cycle Hfter cycle." The forthcoming report of (Join tnisHinnorUonoral Sargent of the Immigration Bureau, iu which it is Hinted hit will hIiow the startling number of foreign born persoiiH who have Immune public ohargcH inthiH.1 country mh iniiuitiH of penal and ) A press dispatch from Cripple charitable institutions. will be i Creek dated a few days since, says: RAIL ROAD GRADE OF HIGH GRADE GOLD ORE seven out of a total lode mining claims, The that ditsrict. load ofllce decision and Improvements on nut been sufllcieut requirements of the statute. Socretaiy Hitchcock recently de tailed a specialjigent of the . interoir of eighty-four survey ftl2, In ground of the was that labor the claim had to satisfy the t'arke, block 00 iu Lovoub addition to Baker City: 81.r00. Aug. 1M--V. A. Usher and hue band to A. N. Ingle, lots 4 and t. Usher's west addition to Richland; 8 1 no. Aug. 17 (tan II. Wear and wile to Carl Roo, iiOxlOO feet in block 26 A (wood's add it on second to Baker City; 81,800 Augtnt 17--A. J. Smith to S. A. llellner, 2,200 sheep; 82,.r,00. August 17 -Carl Roo and uifo to 'Ceo. II. Wear, uOxlOO feet in block 20 Atwood's second addition to Baker City and household goods; 8000. Feb. I, '02 -Henry Bamberger ot al, to .1. II. Parker, 210 uereB in Seca. and 10 T. H R. 40 E; 82,400. Jan. M0 J. II. Parker and wife to A. Wessler, 100 acres in Sees. 0 and 10 T. 8 It. 40 E. ; 82,000. July 20- Wm. A. Owon and wife to Wm. II. Elaole, lot 14 book 12 Sturges & Crowell's addition to 'Baker City; 8000 I I IIIIMITI tilLl . Ollllll Jiwiilttul with deep liituniNt, suys the1 Writers, from the Apostle John llartmont to mako a thorough ex AlKMHt l7LoH irtloy and New Turk Commmcial. down to the enterprising news 'amluatiou of the "Puritan group. !fe to 1oHM)h nnrtlcy; 11 aoroB In It is highly Higuicllant that such gatherers of Cripple Creek, have do J ,no report, as rendeied uy 'hlsly ,Q T n R. 4( E. ; 8100. h largo proportion of our foreign (scribed "streets of gold." but thoiK"t. wuh tlmt "Iho exoinlituH up- .lu,UHt 18. Cluy Mills aud wife liorii population IIuiIh its way into ! latest, told of by Bull Hill lesseos, . "" (ho r""l had beon made In fur t() w ,j Ruxroth, 8 acres in N. E. lirisoitN Mud almshouses as it does. concerns a railroad that Ih graded t-iornnuo of a definite syatem contem , K g 0 T 8 Ki 4(1 Bt . According to the federal census of ' with yellow metal ! plating the working of the wholo ' 1800 the latest statistics on thin . Discovery of the condition be mthjmU at blind -the total number of longs to William Franks, lessdo of! group and various shafts, cioHHCiits, aud so forth, tend to the devolop iiimutoH of prisons on the United the Unexpected, aud to a party of " of JM,t ni"'t,ti''l claims of the Slulon al that date was H2.M00 nearly! lessees on the Katie llollis claim of roup, whilo mining machinery is in 10.001 of whom were of foreign! the Kilty Cold Mining company. l,,,,u "1 mlllliiK machinery on the .... ... . . ... . t I.. . . i i urniiiiil " birth, while the total number of in Because the railroad company is imitn-i ol poorhoUHOS was 7M, 000, t primarily responsible for the revela nearly 28,000 of whom were of Hon, the lessees fetd somewhat In toreigu nativity. In the cant of ( ilebled, although the me of mineral piisoueirt the propoiliou ot toreigu for ballast will ileprive them some horn to nut ivi born ntirsons was ' what of nrosnect ive mi I lis. unless a itbout icut to four aud in the un-u of plan is provided for the gold's re Nndituies, aH shown, may not paupers (he proportion was about , moviil. . have tended to the developont of cer one to two. When the Colorado SprlNgs &; tHln of tho lr II' I.IpmI claims, they This is mil of nil proportion of the Cripple Creek Railway company laid woro HeeoptiiLi n. .batantlal com forelun born popualtlon to the total Its rails into Windy Point, which is j l'H" 'vith the stalule as far as the ground." Basing his conclusions largely on this report of the special agent, Acting Secretary Rauy held all the Baggaley claims to be vaild. He ruled in elfect that, although the 3 he entire population of the United States iu 18110 was substantially KI. OOIMIO0, whereas the foreiguboru population was only trifle over !, 000.000. Tlmt mcMUH that the foreign-born populMtlon, compared nlth the native horn population, htoo.l relatively one to live- Mild this, loo, includes foreigners from (treat Britain, (leruiHiiy, ScMiidiuHvia and other lends, who, mh n rule, are ihritly, solfsupportiiig Mild law itbidiug. Omitting this cImss of iiu i intgruutH from ohIcuIhIIou, it will tie seen tliHt the number of foreign horn orlmlunlH huiI pMiipers iu this oountry wm amaingly mid per reutously Urge iu 1800. liopulHliou of thbs country In 1800. at the junction of Bull aud Raven hills, it was necessary to break n lot of ground nearby to make grade of. the proper height. Iu doing this the men of pick and spade unwitting ly broke into a large body of ore that traverses the Katie llollis, and possibly other claims of the locality, at surface. Several hundred toua of it was transferred to the road bed and for a number of years has se curely held the sills aud drills iu plNce Hundreds of miners, engineers and others wise in mineral values have tramped across the grade for half a decade without noting anything uu usuhI in the supporting emkbank meut. But the glinting gold, group was concerned. Blue Bird Mill. W. 11. Potter, of Baker City, the millwright, who has charge of the construction of the Blue Bird mill, came up today aud will go out to the property tomorrow. Thework of completing the plant is to be pushed as rapidly as possible. Cut Stringer. Charles Warreu, of tho Valley Queen, came iu yesterday and re turned this morning. Ou the main crosscut, he says, a Btringer was cut a few days ago, which although small, carries good values. August 20 Juliu S. Annum and husband to A. C. Moore, 240 acres iu Sees. 2M, 21 and 2o T. 11 R. 42 K; 8800. M IN INC MATTF.R. DICKDS. August 11 C. M. Johnson to J. B. Sipe, et al, Wild Horse claim quart.; 8Ti0. August 15- L. Summer et nl to A. Kolb, trusteo, Mammoth and three quart, claims; 8Mf,000. May 10 A. tl. Carlsrud to 11. P. Muzzy, 1-M intorest in Copper (Hunt quartz claim; 82f0 SINKING Al THE GOLDEN CHARIOT L. V. Swiggett, manager of the (iolden Chariot, states today that the new shaft la down tlfty-llvo feet, with but little trouble from water. Three eight hour shifts are being worked, aud uo time is beiug lost in puahiug operations. When the 100 is reached a crosscut will bo started for the vein. Mr. Swiggett has great faith in the property and will develop it as rapidly as potsible.