The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, August 24, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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Wednesday, August 24, 1004
A $35,000 POCKET
In '7i! wo located a bit of plnoor
property in Nova la cimmty. On II
fnriilii, Hiiiri an old mi nor. All
nhout UH wiih uullvliy, thoginnlH wild
tholr frightful throw of of walor woro
oatliiK into tho gionl grnvol IjiimIch
11 tid bringing down with lliolr tie.
moridouH energy llio viigin IiIIIh,
rookH, boulders, gmvcl and flit t.
Mix ml with thoHO and cnplurod in
(llO HlllicO llOXOH UIIH gold UllggotH
largo mid Hinall, and in 11 f parnnt ly
novor ending quantity Thoro woro a
iroHioniiiH loL in Hichd dlggingH and
tho diHrlol'H output mntoi hilly
liolpod to Hwoil I hit grand total of
(ho Htato'H gold production.
Whmi I began mining there, tho
camp wmh a young ciio and hut. J i M It;
ground hud huon In mod ovor, A low
yont'H nun I niado a visit to I ho cnmp
nnil Hiioh 11 night II Hoiiiiiod iih
tho igh Home mighty convulsion of
mitiiro hud neouriod, tho IiIIIh lor
iniloH find hoon oviirtiirnod mid Hprond
nut ovor tho limit It looked iih
though it viiHt plough' had fnrrnwod
(ho ourth UiIh way and that wuy,
until uiituro hud called a hall. Man,
hungry for wold, hud wrought. (IiIh
Hoomingly impoHriihlo change on tho
face of tho oarlh, an iiiHlaiicn of tho
groat and ovor drawing mangotio
quaillion of gold. Tim plnco wiih
deserted, hiivo for a low Chinamen,
who ilny aflor day hunted lor tho
llttlo inotal ovoi looked hy formoi
llowovor, hunk to my story, our
olaim wan not ovor Ion not oh. II Ihon
lay ahout two miJoH from (ho iiiain
mining center and wiih oir to tho Hide,
lint whou wo Hlruok tho pay hI nil' wo
know wo woro woll uilhiu lh fnvuied
district. Wo found color at a iiwiii
Itor of pointH on our claim, hut after
careful Hoareh wo found one npnl that
had tho appearance of being very
riidi and thorn wo concent rated our
oirortH. Thoro woio tin no of iih, and
wo had uluok together lor hovoiiiI
years. Wo hud boon fnlily successful,
nothing ll K having ih yol enmo our
way, hut on tho wholo wo had no
oauso to complain.
Wo wont to win k with 11 will on
tun now claim. Wo iixod no giant,
hut moioly dug and dim and patiuod
iih wo dug. H wiih a blow, vnry slow
work, hut iih almont every pan that
wo put tho wator to showed colors,
wo woro iiioro than satisllod, for wo
wont, for uh, mulling liif mouoy.
After a time wo found that wo woio
following a well dellued vein, ho to
apeak, in the kiii vol It wiih hut a row
fool wide and zigzagged hero mid
(here, and our working hud tho ap-
lioaiaiieo ot our having hurrntvod fur
11 ground imilo. Till gold that wo
hud boon taking nut wiih rathor linn
Hold and iih tho vein progrobsod it
iippeared to ho mow Inn riehor.
For upwardH of nix iiiouIIih wo
followed the peoullur trend of t tint
gold Htreak and wo had iih yet gone
it ontlod at hod rook, and such an
Thoro in 11 bowl-shaped in
dontation lu tho rock, howod out iih
if hy Home initio power, tho howl a
fow foot deep nod ahout five in oir
uiimforouco, thoro, plucod iih though
hy human IiiiihIh, ropoHod a houp of
gold nuggotH. big and llttlo, and the
howl litorully ovorllowod. it wiih ii
grand climax of u most peculiar
phounmonon; tho vein oomot-liko,
with Kh long (nil, itu tail jjof lessor
glow, on it wont, it expanding in
brightness and tho bursting into that
groat glowing hoad. And thiH
uatiiro'H HtorohoiiHO, thiH vault llllod
with gold, vbgin gold, it wiih our
lot to diHCovor.
Wo nloanod up J?:in, 000 justTfrom
tho pookot. Though wo found more
or Iohh no I or in olhor par'H of our
diggings, it wiih not in paying
iiiuntity, and wo noon after, with
much ro rot, ahandouod our bonanza.
-Minor Joiioh in Mining World.
Proprietor I-ovouh, of liotol Sump
tor, had a letter from F. Wallace
Whit.,, of Cleveland, Ohio, thiH
morning, stating that Mr. White and
a party of oiliKloon intoriiHtod in tho
Sanger, Oregon Chief and other
proportioH, will ho hero tomorrow,
and unking lor hotel accommodatioiiH.
Mr. White and IiIh people will
remain here for several dayH looking
after their variotiH interests. Tho
parly will arrive in linker City tonight.
Tho machinery for tho Imperial
mill, under the MoNwon, Arthur it
Mt 10 wen Ioiiho and hond, Iiiih all hoon
hoiiI out to the property, and Ih how
being not up. It Ih thought (hat tho
plant will ho ready for operation
wi I nl ii tho next ten dayH.
The now people llguro that they
will luive the mine on a producing
IuihIh in thirty dayn. Tho mill
piuctice Iiiih hoon thoroughly toHted
and no guosH work ontom into tho
Hitualion. Tho iosuIIh of the ore
treatment, are a foregone concluHiou.
New York lluys Claims.
It was loomed yeHlorday that two
of the loud 1 iik nlllcialH of tho Now
Vol It Consolidated Mining company,
in tho (irouohnrn dintrict, L, V.
ICnmly, Hoorotary and manager and
S. II. WutrouH, director, who have
heeti in (ho (iieeiihorn dintrict for
several days, purchased tho claim
adjoining tho Now York and lying
hot ween it and the 1. X. L , for a
good round cash llgure. Thin given
tho New i ork tho oxteiiHlou of the
Morning Clory ledgori, alnn the oast
extension of tho I. X L and ndihi
not more than u iltrnii feet helow the very materially to the already vadi
um face. Kvery font of the vein
iilmobt yielded uh ample leturiiH and
wo woro hegiuiug to think that thin
Kiime gold hearing Htreak hi i etched
vny for an iudelluite dihtauce. Of a
Hiuldeti it dipped, not ntraight down,
hut (diluting, and the gold iih wo
followed the dip grew coiui-or. Thoio
wiih no zigzag to thl part of tho vein,
hh it wiih ahout a Htralght awuy, and
wo followed it down and down for a
.distance of 100 feet, when ahruptly
aide lioldiugH of
tho Now York.
Compressor Plant.
RoportH rocoivod from tho ailver
load mlnoH uporatiug in tho Cootir
iJ'AlonoH in Idaho show that tho
production thus far Iiiih oxcooded
tho output for a liko period for any
other yoar. Tho July output wiih ho !
largo that tho Hinoltorn that handle J
tho oro from thiH Hoction woro unable
to take euro of uovoral thotiHnnd ton, '
ho that tho pant month'H production
foil holow that of Juno. Intimates i
mudo at Wallace, Jdaho. (Jguro tho
July output ut 20,000 tonn, iih
agaiiiHt 2U, 000 Iouh for tho preceding
mouth. Tho Juno tonnage wiih tho
InrgOHt Hhipped from tho Coeur
d'AlonoH hIuco tho nreHont oxtonsivo
working IjuhIh wiih ostahliHliod.
2 ThiiH far tho Couro od'Alono oro
tonnago for ll)0t approximntoH 11 J,
105 toiiH, whoteiiH for tho hiiiiio
period lnHt yoar the total production
wiih Hlightly in oxuohh of 00,000 toiiH.
TIioho liguroH indicate a gain for
tho proHont year of moro than 15,000
Ioiih and if tho prcHout operating
Hchodulo Ih kept up tho increased
tonnago for tho year will hIiow a gain
of moro than 25,000 tonn ovor tho
lOO.'l output.
For I ho pant four yoarH tho ton
doucy to IncroiiHO tho Coeur d'Alene
oro tonnago Iiiih huon mimifout and
tholncreiiHed production in that mine
Iiiih hoon eighty por cent. In 1001
tho minoH produced 148,000 tonn of
oro and concentrateu. in 1002 tho
production whh 1(!0, l.'JO toiiH, last
year it waH 200,500 toiiH, and thiH
yoar it Ih oHtimatod at 225,000 tone.
ThiH putH tho Cnour d'Alono diH
trict forward iih tho largent Hinglo
producer of load in tho United
StatoH, giving tho auction an output
of thirty-Hix por cent of tho country'fi
production. Tho next largent load
producing diHtrictH are in Utah,
Colorado and tho MisHouri Kiiuhiih
Hection. 11 iih Uh lead output, tho
Coour d'AlonoH yield ahout (1,000.
000, ouncoH of Hilvor annually. Tho
iucroiiHod production coiiioh largloy
from the discovery of now minoH and
the further development of proportion
already producing.
Tho total tonnage of oro and con
cent rat en Hhipped during tho tlrnt
half of 1001 wiih: Federal company
Uour minoH) i,ouu; liuukei Hill V
Sullivan, 27.185; Morning, 10,014;
llecla, (5.S12; auowHtorm, 7,500;
HorculoH, 0,107; California Con
solidated, 502; Frisco lonsers, :)50;
Stewart, 100; Hunter, 150; Wyo
uiiug, :i5; total, 111,105.
Tho largest individual factor con
trlhuting trwnrl Iho production
comes from die pi oortloa now ho-
longing to the Federal Milling
A Smelting company, whose output
together with that of tho Mcniiug,
HorcluoH and llecla mines, reached
lU.MK) tons last mouth. The out
put of tho liuukor Hill & Sullivan
toll to :1000 tons in July, as against
7,000 tons in Juno. Tho reduction
wiih unused hy tho lack of facilities
to smelt tho oro.
and union Pacific
Salt Lake,
Denver, Kansas City.
Ocean Hteuinera between Portland
und San Francisco every five dayH.
Low Rates !
Tickets to and from all parts of
the United States, Ciumda md
Through Pullman Standard and
Tourist Sleeping CnrH daily to Omaha,
Chicago, Spokano; Tourist Sleeping
car daily to Kiuibhh City ; through
Pullman tourist Bleeping cars (per
sonally conducted) weekly to Chi
cnHo, Kannap City; reclining chair
cars feeata free) to the it daily.
For particulars, call oi jr addrows
II C. Bowkiip,
Agent, Pakor City, Or.
2lJkJ - THb aaai WWi.
Onlv triuiHcontiuontal line
I dassing directly through
Salt Lake City
I Colorado Springs
( and Denver
holler for the compressor
at tho Cold Cola in the
Cracker Crook district was sent out
today. Tho compressor went out
yesorday. Superintendent Doyle in
husy making preparation for im
meliato installation.
Alpine's New Mill.
Hichard Addoms, Huporlntondent
of tho Alpine, Iiiih a good force of
men at work hoth on the construction
of tho twenty-stamp mill and in the
mine. Mr. Addoms, who Is now in
town on huslness.tlgures that tho mill
will ho completed ahout October 1.
I Three splendidly equipped tra na "
Through Sleoninc and Dinintr Care i
I and free Reclining Chair Cars. "
Stop overs allowed on all classes ' '
of tickets. u
Prtp I'linaiuml ralai anJ'Jaur!t lvi n
Z literature, address ' ' '
Tho most Magnificent scenery
America by daylight.