VOL. V STANDARD INVESTORS LIKE THE PROPERTY Party of Nine There and They Unanimously Agree That it is a Great Proposition. A Standard party from Iowa and Wisconsin, headed by Dr. C. I. Riley, of Haraboo, W if cousin, and b M. Riley, of Pes Mollies, Iowa, representatives of the Kiileu, Warner, Stowart company, returned last night from the property. There were uiun altogether. Today tho party in charge of D. L. Killeu made a trip to the Cracker Crook dlstilct, visiting tho various producing mines in that vicinity. This afternoon Or. A. M. Vail, Dr. U. S. StevotiH, .). P. and T. .). Say lor, members of the party loft. The others will remain a few days longer. Regarding the Standard, the unauimoua opinion is that it is one of the great mines of tho district. Not a single visitor expicsscd a deroagtory word. AH were pleased aud well pleased. In fact the general verdict was that the property bad boon misrepresented by 'the management in that lusuttlolent praiso BLUE BIRD. BUCKHORN AND WOLVERINE GROUP Hon. (ieorgo J. Harrett, of (Jrau ite, who is managing the development operations at. the Huckhoru, Hluo Hiril, and Wolerine was iu town yesterday en route to the meeting of the American Mining congress, which convenes in Portland today. Mr. Harrett brings favorable news from all these properties. The Hluo Hird, ho says, has the beat oro in its history, and tho reduction works uow going on there are well under way. Development, at the Huckhoru is proceeding satisfactorily, aud the showing la of a character to warrant great faith iu the property. These are Wheeler Miues, of which O. C Wribgt ia the geueral mauager. The Wolverine group ia Mr. Wright's individual holdings, al though be la interested in others. SUMPTER, OREGON, AUGUST 24, 1904 had boon given it. Hero's about the stock phraMs which tho newspaper representative encountered : "We are agieeably surprised. It is vastly bigger than wo had sup posed. Tho company had not told us all before our visit. Hut we have peon aud we know now. Unmis takably the mino is one of the big gest things in esateru Oregon." These expressions were just picked up geuoraly this moaning while cir culating through tliu visitors. Aud why shouldn't they think well of the tho Standard? They Haw a lull breast of gold-cobalt ore in the Standaid drift No. 1, which will go into tho huudieds, the only ore of its kind in the world, they saw high grade gold-copper, and gold sulphide ore in the Cleveland-Willie Hoy drift, and moreover if they looked around they mv a mountain criss crossed aud checkered with rich metal bearing veiny. These things are certainly 'conducive to a high opiniou. Ho has started the drift tuunol in the Wolverine, aud the vein uow shows from six to seven feet between tbo wall. This drift will give about TOO teet on the vein. The thing looks good. Kemp Has Gone to Alaska. Randall 11. Kemp. w'll known in this state an a mining euigiieer and writer ou mining topics, and who re cently contributed ecvcial Inlet articles to the Miner aud Manu facturer, liar gone to Seward, Alaska, the terminus ot the Alaska Central railway, where he will engage in tho publication of a uow paper called tho Sewaid Cutaway Mr.. Kemp is well fitted lor this and will undoubtedly score a success. Seattle Miuor and Manufacturer. Here to Invest. Alfred Lavoil, a capitalist of Klign. Illinois, accompanied by his wife, left this morning with W. W. Elinor, consulting onginor fur tho Snow Crook, to viHit that property. Mr. Lavoil arrived horo h couplo of daya 1180 to tnko a general Hurvoy of the district with a view to invest n:out. So far an ho has aeon ho in well pleased. He will visit Portland, Seattle, and make a general' tour of the Northwest before returning La Belleview Mine. Fred Cabell, of tho La Hollovoo in tho Cable Cove district, name in yesterday to have Home horses shod and returned to the property today. His blacksmith went on a spree, which necessitated his coming to Stimpter. Mr. Cabell Ih carrying on development work at tho La Hellovue right along. GRAPHITE AT THE ARCTIC CITY GROUP Louie Ostluii'l, proprietor of the Arctic City group in the Crauko" Creek diatriut, is iu town today. Mr. Ostlund roporta aud shows a sample of almost pure graphite which came rrom tho hanging wall of tho main drift. The graphite is practically pure and camo from tho hanging wall of tho drift tunnel about t-ovonty teet. iu. Tho peculiar part of it ia that tho aide of the sample next to tho wall is polished, presenting as smooth a surface as if prepared. There are three or four feet of it. Assays from tho Arctic City have gone aa high as 7II, aud tho proa poets of the property, Mr. Ostuud thinks, are exceedingly good. WILL HAVE CHARGE OF THE BLUE BIRD MILL W. . (ileaou, who is a mill man of well known ability, will have charge of the new Hluo Hird i.laut. Mr. (lleasou, with his wife, loft for tho i roporty today. The Hluo Hird mill will probably tie completed within tho next six weeks. Tho machinery is all on the ground, tho buildings are up, aud much was done toward the complo tion of tho plant, last fall before the wer ther clonal down. Mr. (ileasou will be ou the ground to arrange do tails to his own liking, since he is to have charge of the milling operations. W. C. Calder Back. W. C. Colder, who has been iu tho east for the past few months on im portant mining business, returned thia morning. Mr. Calder spent the time while away lit New Vork and other Atlantic seaboard cities. Ui NO. INCREASED FORGE AT THE VAULT An increased force will be put to work on the Vault group In tho Cracker Creek d let r let, five mi lea from Stimpter, thla week. Thin property, which consists of three claims, waH originally owtiod by Louia Ostlund, of Sumpter, L. L. McCart noy, of Tho Dallos, aud W. f. Wood ford, of Sumpter. Not long ago Messrs. Otalund anil McCartney, bonded their interests to .1. W. Kontz, of The Dallos, who with Mr. Woodofrd uow has control. Mr. Woodford is to have charge of development operations. There are three claims, aa atated, aud the surface showing ia good. The croppinga stiow a ledge of from ten to tlfteon foot wido, with mirfaeo vilues going aa high aa fOfJ. Tin drift la iu now 140 feet on the vein, with a depth of 200 feet. The object is to push the work ahead to tho highest point, where tho cropping show tlfteon foot, and where a depth or 500 feet will bo attained. Tho tunnel site ia said to bo tine and foot foi foot will bo gained. The oro i rerfractory, and tho property will probably bo an early shipper to tho smelter. SUMPUR VALLEY RAILROAD WONT GO BEYOND TIPTON Joseph West, chief engineer of the Sumpter Valley, passed through to. Tipton thla morning. Mr. West does not think it prohaolo that work, ou the John Day extension will bo undertaken thla fall. While be expresses no doubt, but that tho road will bo built next, year, he saya that couditiona are auch, In dia opinion, as to render work thla fall' practically out or the question. In the tlrst place, the timber reserve matter upon which the extension waa J largely contingent, was settled so late that it will bo next, to im possible to complete the branch be fore snowfall. Thia being tho case, it is thought advisable to postpone work till next season, when tho j blanch can lie pushed to completion during good weather. Mr. West does not state thia, how- 1 ii VM r. iih mi iillimiite COIlClllHioil. Illlt ...... v .... .... ........ -. -, ill his opinion, it ia probably what will tie done. fo Test Ore. H. C. Armstrong, of the Chloride;, waa here today. Mr. Armstrong! is manager of thia property. He brought iu a pack train of ore to br tested at the smelter. l :.t p