Wednesday, August id, 1904 THE SUMPTER MINER NOTICE OP FORFEITURE. Sumpter, Baker county, Oregon, July 21, 1904. To A. P. Jones and Jobu T. English: You and euob of you are hereby notified that 1 have expended during the years 1900, 1901, 1902, and 1903, the sum of Eight Hundred Dollars in labor' and improvements upon the Astoria and Bend quartz mining claims, sit twite iu what is commonly known as the Cracker Creek (unorganized) minitig district in the county of Baker, state of Ore gon, and being situated on Little Cracker Creek, adjoining the Sampson mine and about two and one-half miles northerly from the town of Bourne iu Baker county, Oregon, in order to hold said claims under tho provisions of Section 2 .'J 2 4 of the Revised Statutes ofjtbo Uniiod States, aud amendments tberoto con cerning annual labor upon miuiug claims, being tho amount required to, hold said claims for tho yours euding respectively December 31st, 190Q, December 31st, 1901, Decem ber 31st, 1902, aud December 31st, 1903. Aud you, A. P. Joues aro hereby notified that if within ninety days from porsoual sorvico of this notice upon you, or within ninety days from tho publication thnroof, you fail to contribute your proportionate sharo of , such oxpnudituro as a co owupr, which amounts to oue hundred dollars, or twnnty-tlvo dollurs for each of the years 1900, 1901, 1902, aud 1903 from aunual labor upon tho said Astoria mining claim, your intoroat iu said claim, which is a one fourth iuterest, will become tho property of tho undersiguod, E. E. llausor, your co-uwnor, who has ex pended ou said Astoria claim for eaub of the years 1900, 1901, 1902 and 1903, tho Hum of oue hundred dollars or a total of four hundred dollars. And you, John T. English, aro hereby notified that if within ninety days from personal servioo of this notice upon you, or within ninety days from the publication thereof, you fail to contribute your propor tionate share of such expoudituro of four huudrod dollars on said Astoria claim, as a co-owner, which amounts to oue huudrod dollurs, or twouty five dollars for onoh of tho years 1900, 1901, 1902, and 1903, for annual labor ou said Astoria claim, your intoroat in said claim, which amounts to a one-fourth intoroat, will become the proporty of your co owner, tho uudersiguod, E. E. ilausor, who has mado said oxpoudi ture of four huudrod dollars on snid Astoria claim, or oue hundred dollars for eaoh of tho yours 1900, 1901, 1902, and 1903. And you, John T. English aro heroby furthor notified that if, within niuety days from personal service of this notice upon you, or within niuety days from tho publication thereof, you full to contribute your proportionate sbnre of tho sum of four hundred dollars expouded by tho said E. E. Ilauaer on said Bend claim, or ouo huudrod dollars for each of tho yeurs 19 JO, 1901,1902, aud 1903, your intoreat in said Boud claim, which amounts to a one half iuterest, and which propor tionate amouut of suid expouuiture of four huuared dollars awouuts to two hundred dollars, will become the property of your co-owner the. laid E. E. Hauser; who 'bus made said expenditure of four hundred dollars on said Bend claim or one hundred dollars for eaoh of the years 1900, 1901, 1902 and 1903," all by the terms of said statute. First publication July 27. 1904. Final publication October 20, 1904. E. E. HAUSER. NOTICE OF FORFEITURE. Sumpter, Baker County, Ore., July 29, 1904. To Otto Uuzioker, Mennn Un ziokor, J. R. Burns. R. L. Colemau, R. S. Cates, Alliene Caso, John Arthur aud J. F. Crismau: You and eaoh of you aro hereby notified that I havo expeudod duriug tho year i903, tho sum of one hundred dollars iu labor aud im provements ou each of tho tullowiug described quartz mining claims situated in the Cable Cove mining district, in Grant aud Uakor coun ties, to-wit: The Rob Roy, tho Suusot, aud tho Suov Shoe,situatud in Grant county, Oregou, aud tho Black Dwarf and Midnight. situated iu Raker couuty, Oregou, the location notice of said Rob Boy quartz miuiug claim being recorded at page 183 of Volume G of tho public records of mining claim locution notices of said Grant couuty, the Suusot claim location notice being recorded at pugo 183 of suid volume (5 of said records, and tho Snow Shoo claim location notice being recorded at page 184 of vol ume G of said records; tho locatiou notice of said Black Dwarf claim being recorded at pago 189 of vol ume J of tho public records of quartz mining claim locatiou uoticos of said Baker county, Oregon, aud the location notice of said Midnight claim boing recorded at page 191 of said volume J of said records of Baker county. Aud you, tho abovo namod Otto Un?icker. Monuo Unziokor, J. R. Bums, R. L. Colemau, ' R. S. Cates, Alllouo Caso, John Arthur and J. F. Crismau, are horoby notified that if within 90 days from tho dnt of the porsoual service of this notlco upon you, or wltnm ninety days rrom mo publication thereof, you fail to contribute youi proportionate share of euuh expenditure, which amounts to sixty-six and two-thirds dollars for ouch of tho following named claims, to-wit: the Sunset, the Snow Shoe, tho Black Dwarf and the Midnight, aud tho sum of seventy sovou aud sevon-nint lis dollars for said Rob Roy claim, your iuterost iu said Sunset, Snow Shoe, Black Dwarf and Midnight claims, which amounts to a two-thirds intoreat iu eaoh of said claims, aud your iuterest iu said Rob Roy claim, which amounts to a sovou -ninths intoroat, will become tho property of your co owner, Robert O. Doming, who has madu tho expoudituro of one hundred dollars on each of the above named tlvo claims, during the year 1903, for tho puiposo of holding said claims for tho year ending December 31, 1903, iu accordance with section 2324 of ho Revised Statutes of the United States. R. O. DEM1NG. First publication August 3, 1904. Lust publication November 2, 1904. Don't Go to St. Louis 'Till you cull at or write to the Cblt'go, Milwaukee and St. Paul rail road. Office 134 Tin id Street, Portland, Oregou.' Low rates to all points Gust, iu ooueuotion with all transcontinental. 1 W. S. rCwe! General Agent., Portland. -Oregon. I The Miuer dots, job printing DESERT LAND. FINAL PROOF.-NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, ( La Grande, Oregon, June o, 1004 i Notice Is hereby Riven that Joseph Wham, of Unity, OreRon, has hied notice ot Intention to make proof on his desert-land claim No. 996, for the seK seii sec, jo, nejf neK sec. u, tp. ta s.: r i e, W. M . before the County Clerk of H.iker County at Baker City, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 34th day of August, 1004. He names the following witnesses to prove the complete Irrigation and reclamation of said land: Gene Ycaper of Unlly, Ore., Thomas H. Boyer of Hereford, Ore,. Thomas Thompson of Unity, Ore., Alfred Whlted of Unity, Oregon. U w. Davis, Register. flMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3. 1171. -NOTICE PUBLICATION. FOR United States Land office, Ln Grnndc, Oregon, June q, 1004. i Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the net ot congrcNs of June , 1878, en titled "An act for the sale ot timber lands In the states of California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter ritory," as extended to all the Public Land States by by act of August 4, I8), JOHN C. HILLMAN. of Sumpter, county of B.iker, state of Oregon, has this day tiled In this office his sworn statement No. ji4. tor the purchase of the N Nl:, NI:NVtf and lotoneiof Sec. o. InTp. No. 11 b, range No. 8 EWM, and Hill oiler proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its t'mber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to estab lish his claim to said land before Charles II. Chance, U S. Commissioner, at hl oflicc at Sumpter, Oregon.on Wednesday, the st day ot August, 1004 He names as witnesses: William A, Green. Ralph Mead, Van Rensselaer Mead, lirlc P. Bergman, all of Sumpter, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to tile their claims In this office on or before said jist dav ot August. 1404. K. W. Davis, Register. Should Be Sent East. The 1901 issuo of Washington, Idaho and "Oregon, their Re- sources, " by tho passenger depurt- meut of tho Oregon Railroad fc Navi gation company and Southern Pacific (lines in Oregon), co itulns ninety eight pages and a largo map of tbeso states. Every industry iu Oregon, Washington and Idaho Is given careful attention. Tho book is handsomely Illustrated, aud would be a welcome visitor 10 any eastern home. Hy sending Honia friend In tho cents to pay postage, general pusseiigor tho address of east, with four to A. L. Craig, agent of tho Oregon Railroad & Navigation com pany, Portland, tho book will be promptly mulled. Dawson Quiet This Season. George Richards arrived in Sump tor a few days since direct from Dawson, aud is visiting Kugouo Ilurtholf. Ho says that the erstwhile groatest placer gold camp ou earth Ih quiet this season, compared with former years, there having been a stampede from there last spring to Tanaua, where good ground is being worked. In coming to the coast from Dawson Mr. Richards paid twenty dollurs fare for 110 miles on tho Alaska railroad. He will leave hero iu a few days for Denver. U WILL BE 10 YOUK INTEREST If you contemplate visiting the St. Louis exposition, to secure reliable information as to railroad service, tho lowest rates aud the best routes. Also as to local conditions in St. mollis; hotels, etc., etc, If you will write the undersiguel, stating wl'ut information you desire, tho sumu will be promptly furnished. If we do not have it on hand, will sonuro it for you if possible, aud without any oxpeuse to you. Address II. II. TRUMHULL, Commorcil Agent 142 Third street, Portland, Oregou. Elk Head Saloon. 10 Ik Head Whiskey, old, line and mellow, at tho Elk Head bhIoou.Cou ter street, Old Olyinpla stand. Try it. ... Subscribe for The Miner THE SUMPTER GOLD BELT MINING G0MP1NY CAPITALIZATION $100,000 F. C. RUODIK, M. F. MUZZY, -F. O. IUICKNUM, C. 11. CHANCE. C. 11. FEN N Kit, President Vico President 'Sec. and Treas Attorney Engineer OPERATES MINES IN THE GREENHORN AND SUMPTER DISTRICTS Sumpter, - Oregon THE NATIONAL BANKER m as it Silt si. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS A journal of National circulation. Is read by bankers, capitalists, in vestors, retired merchants. If you Aunt to roach a good class of buyers aud tho moneyed and investing pub lic, advertise in the National Ranker. Thousands of copies of each issue of the National Ranker goes to investors throughout the Michlio West, Eastern and New England states. The l0Ht journal in the country in which to reach investors. Sample copies free Advertising rates on application. SPECIAL NOTICE If you want to read a free and inde pendent paper, devoted to the inter est of mining and current events, which is not controlled by any pro moting concern, such as most of the paers in tho east are, send for a free sample copy of NEW YORK BANKER 23 IIROADWAY, NEW YORK FREE! FREEH FREE1II : 85.00 Certificate of tho best Oil. Stock absolutely given away. Write at once for plan how to secure Five Dollar' worth of fully paid and nuiMuwcwuhln Oil Stock without cash. INVESTORS' LISTS COMPANY : Room 720 Park Row libit;. I m NKW YOUK I ATTENTION! Do you desire to sell stock iu your (iold, Copper, Miuiug or other In dustrial companies? If so, you can not Hud a better advertising medium than THE DIXIE MANUFACTURER iimiuhm, num. It is the leading industrial aud Hnaucial paper published iu the South. It reaches that class of read ers who are interested in financial and industrial affairs. It is old aud established. Published semi-monthly, (iiuiranteed circulation 10,000. Subscription price 12,00 ,per year. Advertising rate reusonaule. Send for sample copy aud advertising rates. Addrowt, RonntnrPikliskii( Cupuy , .