The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, August 10, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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Wednesday, August 10, 1904
Muny American mlnnrH and pros
poolers now in tho Philippine islands
nro "holding down" claims titiri ox
roHH grout hope of being nhlo to
dovoop them into iiiyiii properties.
Until liiHt August tho right to
locate and secure titlo to mining
prnporty did not exist under tliu law,
ho ovary experienced mining man
can readily understand tliat under
Hiiflh circumstances progress in min
I11K would ho ini)OHHil)lo in any
Tho writor and many otlior oltlzons
of tho United States, who linvo hoiiio
knowledge of. minoH and mining,
havo boon disappointed in not finding
it "Klondike" ovor thorn, hut an
examination of tho oroH on oxhlhit ut
iho world'a fair, I'liilippino roHorvo,
will hIjow wood reason for expecting
Htihstautial progress in developing
paying iiiIuoh in tho Philippines in
tho uoar futuro. Purtlnluarly Ih this
iruo regarding ooal, iron, copper and
Tho black lignite ooal Ih prohahly
tho iiiohI valuahlo niiiitiral aHHot of tho
I'liilippino archipelago, VoIiih from
four to eight foot in thickness havo
lioon diHoovorod in vaiioiiH partH of
tho islands. TohIh of thoHo coals
havo I10011 mado on .SpanJHh war
vohhoIh, and undor hnilor at tho
Cavito Arsenal, with satisfactory
roHiiltH, TIioho coals at tho doplh
obtained compare favorahy with and
nro Himilar to tho ooal of Japan,
Doriioo, and tho atalo of Washington.
If thiri Ih true, tho question would
naturally follew: "Why havo not
tho ooal minoH of tho I'hilippiuoH
I10011 developed?" and tho iiiihwoi Ih
that tho warm olimato excludes tho
nouoHity of fuol hoyoud what Ih
Miippliod hy tho extensive forests ot
tho islands, whloh aio accessible to all
Nott lomoiitH.
Jit Ih confidently oxpoutod that tho
aatahltHhiiiout of a naval Htation hy
tho Uuitod States thoro will ho tho
Immoriiato cause of thmoiihgly
testing tho ooal dopoHttH of thuao
Ho far art proHont dovolopmouta
mIiow, tho Iron dopoHlta in tho
Philippines aro uoxt in iuiportanoo to
ooal. Tho iron minoH at Augat,
Nuova Euija, tho gold Ih exceedingly
puro, hrilliant in color and 0.1)08 in
firmness, in A bra it Ih found in
alluvial deposits and in rivor guilds. "
The Igorot, who inhabits A bra,
Boutoo, Lepauto and Benguot, have
in tlio nast been extremely reticent
about their gold mining. They have
been quoted for tho past 200 years as
not permitting the Spaniards access
to tho mines. Evon Hioho who wore
intimately friendly with them wore
not allowed to visit tho quart, mines,
altough some were permitted to wash
gravel in' tlio' streams. The Igorot
havo tho roputation of possessing
mehcanical skill, and aro not nlruid
of hard work. wrm
Tho time bus arrived under.
Amerioan govornmoiit whon nolther
tho Ignrot nor any other person will
ho permitted to molest or in any way
interfere with legitimate mining
throughout the islands, ho a forward
movoment in gold mining muy
reiiHOiiuhly ho expected thoro.
Two stamp mills havo roooutly
boon shipped in, and many other
arrangements for tosting tho values of
other properties undor control of
good minors and mining men, havo
boon mado. Albert C. Smith in
Mining World.
loo Waddoll, superintendent of
tho I'rairio Diggings, was on tho train
this morning returning from Hakor
City to tho property. Mr. Waddoll
was hero a fow days ago making ar
rangements with tho smoltor for a
shipment of I'niirlo Diggings oro.
Ho is pushing work at tho prop
orty, olooklug out oro, and con
templates starting tho mill whon
sulllcient reserves havo boon created.
It Ih a twenty-live stamp plant, ono
of tho largest and best equipped in
tho state.
Sumptcr People in Southern Oregon.
Albert (Solsor, of tho (Jolsor
ilondryx company, and iloy II.
Miller, of Sumpor, havo just com
pleted a tour of tho southern Oregon
mining districts. Ashlaud, Medford,
tirautH Push and tho districts con
tiguous to those places wero visited.
If the two propspectors visited tho
Itualacaii province, which havo for
Mgi.s boon profitably worked hy tho! . M . ,. ,,, ,, .,, .,., Hlll
ioshoss the most vauluahlo1, .., ...,, .... ..i....
I iiiivii i tu i iti iidii mini mmiiik uiiiuiiiK
carry ......... i. ..., ..... ... 1.1..1. ..........
iiiiiiiil ml. 11111 mil iih in iiiuii 11 11 n ui
,!!.. I.. .,........ ..........., .. ' , ... - . r.
....... n.M, ... n.M....,j j.. , ......i w. Wt wH
4rn. I..K.I....I
in. .tin.
Ono of tho biggest deals in placer
mining ground recorded in Iiaker
county tor a loug time was made
yesterday, negotiations for which
havo boon ponding for sovorul mouths.
Tho property involvod wub the
Jed A. Blair plticor mining ground,
'200 acres patouted, together with
water rights, ilumes, etc., tho pur
chnBor boing tho Undo Sum Mining
und Milling company, T. M. Ander
son is president.
Tho oousidoration la f ,'30,000, of
which ? 1 0,000", was' paid in cash to
Mr. Blair yostorduy forenoon at tha
law otllco of Olmsted & Strayor.
Papors aud deeda woro placed in
oscrow ot tho First National bank and
subsequent puymonts aro to bo
mado; 110,000 on or bofoio October
1, 1901, aud $10,000 ou or boforo
January 1, 1005.
In addition to tho Hlair claims
tho Undo Sam Mining and Milling
company roooutly acquired tho
Hoswoll propety, with its oxtonslvo
wator rights und privilogoB,
also, tho company is tho owuor by
purchaso of olovou quartz mining
All of tho abovo property is situ
ated in Malheur county, in tho vicin
ity of tho old mining camps of
Mormon Basin and Amolia, aud not
far from Mainour City.
Jod A. Hlair has rightfully tho
distinction of boing tho poineor
placer minor of tho Mormon Basin
section und has almost continuously
operated tho claims ho has just sold
for thlrty-flvo cousooutivo seasons,
aud with good results. Tho claims
havo yioldod bountifully. It Is
understood that Mr. Hlair thinks of
permanently making his homo in
Hakor City and is negotiating for the
purchaso of roal ostato bore.
Mr. Anderson, who negotiated the
purchase for his company, la a prac
tical aud oxporioncod mining man,
having oporatod for many yoars in
California, and olsowhoro. Ho has
oxtonslvo plans to carry out for the
working of tho property his company
has acq ui rod, principal of which is a
bedrook Hume of sovorul mllos in
longtli, which will onablo him to
opetato, tho giant hydraulics aud
havo tho sluloo aud tailings carriod
oir. Democrat.
natives, p
ores in tho archipelago, which
the iron
in tho
Plowshares mado fiom
produced at these mines bring a 1
much higher price than those im !
polled, on account of tho fact that
the koouuoHH of edge aud durability j
1110 superior to any blades shipped
Tint richness of these iron ores,
und their cuho of treatment have
iiiuiie it possible for the natives to
render mining aud smelting profi
table, using the crudest methods
The inspector of mines at Manila,
Seuor liiiis Khpiuii, in 189H, Mild:
"(.old is found in moderate quaiiti ;
tioi nearly all over the Island of
Luzon, tint mure particularly and
under conditions favorable for ex
iiloitatiou, iq tho provinces of K. H. Casper, representing tho Salt
llontoo. Lepauto, Benguet, Nueve, Luke Mining Kovlew, arrived in town
Ambus, Camariues aud A bra. In j this morning and will remain several
Lepauto it it found in veins, alluvial days gathering material for a special
deposits and in river sands. It is of (writeup of the district. Mr. Casper
a light color and of a degree of flue-, is gathering stutr for a review of
iieos tu 0. ri:i:t. hi the province of both Oregon aud Idaho for his paper.
Supplies tor the Gem.
Marry Ilondryx, of the
Ilondryx company, returned
from Baker City, with some more
funds for the First National bank,
of which he is a director. Wmle
In Baker, Mr. ilondryx arranged tor
the shipment of supplies to the (Sem
mine, which his firm recently took
over. The (ieiu will be operated
under the new management on an ex
tensive scale,
Tn tho Democrat of this morning
is published tho assessment notice
against tho stockholders of the
notorious Whito Swan Mining com
pany. Tho assessment levied is five
cents u share, in the notice it is not
stated the amount of money that it
is thus sought to be raised, nor the
number of shares included in the
assessment, would require a
week for an expert accountant to
figure it out.
The notice occupies thirteen and a
half columns in tho Democrat, set
solid, aud contains about 3200
uaniOB. The assessment was levied
June 21 and tho sale of stock
delinquent will bo held at the com
pany's ofUco in San Francisco August
There will doubtless be several
shares ou which the assessment will
not bo paid. Some one seems to be
milking Whito Swan stockholders
again. Tho sharos will bo bought
in by tho company aud it will not be
surprising if tho public is again given
au opportunity fo buy this stock.
And in this story is found a strik
ing illustration of tho irony of fato.
This "fat take," this rich pocket,
so to speak, judged from a newspaper
standpoint, that is tho publication of
this long, oxponsive legal notice, id
made in tho Domocrat, tho paper that
has pouuded to a pulp tho erstwhile
head of tho Whito Swan company,
Lotson Balliott, ho who started the
Herald to "do" the Democrat aud.
spent 900,000 of White Swau money
in tho unsuccessful attempt. Only
a fow weeks ago the White Swan
compauy sold the Horald for a
compared to what it has oost.
Mining Review Man Here.
It is reported on good authority
that Hurch it Burbridge, the owners
of tho Crane Flat placers, in tho
(irauito district, are now in the oast
negotiating for dredging machiueiy
to be installed at the diggings in a
short time.
As previously stated in Tho Miner,
the experimental machinery Installed
has proved very Miocossfull. and tho
company is now ready to go ahead
with tho enterprise ou a more ox
tonslvo scale. The ground has beou
thoroughly prospected aud found to
bo immensely productive. The de
tails of tho now machines to be in
stalled aro not known, but it is
understood that it is to bo placod
in a short time.
Dr. Jackson, manager of the
Fortuno Mining company, operatiug
the Humboldt aud Red Lion, was on
tho train this afternoon going to
Spokano, to arrange certain business
matters in couuootiou with the or
ganization. Tho machinery for tho Humboldt
mill has boon shipped and it is ex
pected will bo recdivod in a short
time. Dr. Jackson says it has boon
uooessary to got steam from tho New
York, au adjoining proporty, to op
era to tho boilers for tho Humboldt
shift. The milling machinery for
tho Humboldt is expected bore in a
short time. Tho Rod Lion plant
has not yet boon docidod upon.
LUST Ti mo
Harry Woller.
book iu name of
Loave Minor ofllco.
J. M. Doylo, superintendent of
tho (.old Coiu in tho Cracker Creek
district, was in town today. Ho
oxpeots tho compressor plaut receutly
ordered in any day.
Tho Wheeliug, West Virginia,
investors iu tho property, Mr.
Doylo tbiuks, will bo hero in the
couse of a week. With the installa
tion of the compressor plaut extensive
developeut work will bo inaugurated.