The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, August 03, 1904, Image 8

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of the
Pay for
The day ia Juat mid gone when
mini !) men will cling to the belief
tlmt the oxhutiHtiun of any initio
limitH tho future production of On
camp or of the district in which Hiioh
mini) Ih located, and tho opinion in
becoming mora and more universal
that richer and hotter minoH will.
ovontually ho found in oloeo piox
imity to old-time producers than worn
IhoHo houauaH in their most palmy
dayH. And, not only linn IIiIh idea
iioon gaining in Hfroiigth yoar hy
year, hut tiio holier In tho frequent,
dimtovory of now and rich mining
floIdH Ih beginning to have a bene
ficial effect upon tho milling in
diiritry of tho wohI.
Tho fact thai tho wohI. can make
claim to tho pohhohhIoii of many rioh
and produotivo oaiupH dooH not in tho
IoiihI. weaken tho Halm advanced hy
experienced mining men that, an
many more hoiiana diHlrintH will yot
lie found. Tho wohI ahoundH in
localltloH, rich in tholr deposlta of
tho procioiiH metalH, that have
never, iih yet, heeu vlalled hy tho
proHpcotor or miMor, and the fro
iiient discovery of rlcli mines in
virgin HohlH attoHtH tho truthfulness
of tho old iiHHeitlou that "gold Ih
where you Hud it." Nevada, with
her wonderfully new and rich mining
caiupa, Hitch iih Touopah and Gold
Held, Ih an example of what we may
expect, to wltuoHH in many sections of
the wohI. in tho near future, and
many new camps of (IiIh character
will yot ho discovered in localltloH
now helleved by mining men to hi
worthloHH and harrou; and, strange
iih It may seem, moHt of thono IIh
onvorioH will, moHt likely, ho purely
accidental. Touopah, without a
Hhadnw of douht, wan an accidental
find, notwithstanding the fact that
its discoverer, Jim Hut lor, wan out
on a prospecting tixpedltinu when
ho made (IiIh wodiierlul discovery.
On tho Oregon California, of late,
wo have another example of the way
that Dame Nature reveals her troas
uron to thoHe who accidentally fall
upon them; and, In thin instance,
tho youthful Hrlggs IIihIh a ' Vhr.v
hole" while throwing stones at IiIh
dog, and tho Hud, within an in
credibly nhort time, Iiiih made him
and IiIh family independently rich;
while thin accidental Hud Iiiih canned
a Htaiupede to thlri section, resulting
in other new discoveries of such an
important nature that the new din
trlct Ih becoming deservedly popular
with mining men and luvostois.
And so it kooh. Kvory year has
itH new Hods and dlsoovoiles. We
hear of them in Utah camps, in
Idaho, Arizona, Nevada, Oregon and
California, and in many camps
thrmiKhout the wont, while many
local it ten, for many yearn Ignored
and neglected, are steadily coming to
the front with new producers, with
new "hreed-wtunorti. " Rait Lake
Mining Kevlew.
KNOWN 500 B. 0,
Ai early us 500 yeare B. C. the
atomic theory of mutter pro
foHHt'd hy Demoorituu. It was tukou
up hy GaHsondi (about IOTiO), aud
after him by Uoylo and Newton. It
received a greatly incruiiHed import
ance hy tho diHCovery hy Daltou of
tho law of multiple proportions
TIiIh law of Daltou Ih tho one funda
moiiiil conception upon which
modern theory Ih built up. Another
Ih the law of Avugndro, according to
which eiiial voIiiiiioh of different
gasoH under like couditioiiH of
temperalure and proHHiire contain tho
hiiiiio iiuiiiber of iiioIoouIoh. Soiiio
dilllcultioH to tho law of Avogadro
wore eliminated by Cauui'iirnii
through tho application, of tho
theory of dlHHociutiou, founded in
1HH7 by St. Claire Duvillu. At tho
hiiiiio lime wo Hud in the writinga of
Cluti'duH tho flint tracon of an idea
that hiiIIh and other electrolytoH tiro
partially dissociated in aqueous
HolutioiiH. A rcHcarch of the con
ductivity for electricity of Halt
HolutioiiH led ArrhouiiiH to HiippoHO
that not all, but only part the
ho called active part -of the Halt
moleculoH conduct electricity.
Tho other part Ih wholly inactive
in t IiIh reward. At increiiHiiiK
dilution tho inactive iiioIocuIoh are
converted into active ouch, till at
extremely high dilutioiiH all molo-
ou Ioh liecomo active. lOxporionco
now Hhowcd that electrical activity of
uioieculeH cnincidoH with chemical
actlvltv. From thin point, of view
(lie phenomena of neutralization, of
reaction velocity, and of chemical
diHplacemeut regarding acids and
biiHCH, were eanily explained.
The iuiiortiMit diHcovery of van't.
Ilolf that tho Iiiwh for the gassos are
iiIho valid for dissolved Doilies, gave
the key for determining the real
nature of the active iuoIoouIoh. Hy
the detormiiiatinn of the molecular
weight of partially active substance,
according to van't Holt's law they
Hhowed them to he dissociated, and
jiiHt to the hiiiiio fraction iih the
active part of the whole. From (IiIh
it follows that in very moat dilu
tioiiH the iiinlcouloH of salts and other
electrolytes (acids and bases) are
ompletely dissociated into electri
cally charged parts, which after Fara
day were called ions. Therefore all
prnpcrticH of their solutions may bo
reminded iih the sum of the properties
of the porsotit ions; these properties
are therefore called "additive."
The law that the properties of elec
trolytes iu aqueous solutions are
additive is very far-reaching. All
hitherto examined physical prop
erties of these substances, salts,
acids, and banes, which play the
most important role iu comniou life,
can hy help of that law be treated
iu a very simple way. Hut
Huttlolontly greater Ih its value for
tho analytical ohotnlitry, which Iihh
found its rational fundament iu this
law, as the researches of Otwftlo)
Hy help of thin law completed by
tau't. Hoff'a Uw, it hat) been possible
to apply mathematical analysis to
chemical phenomena. This circum
stance Kites the new part of the
chemistry the physical chemistry
the character of an exact science.
The development has shown that
the eleotrioity pliya also in the
domain of chemistry a highly
importaut role; Its im portance
uoomu to bo Hufllcleutly Increased by
the most rocout reseurchuB that guvo
birth to tho theory of electrons to
which Hritisb authors have contri
buted in a most effective manner.
Mining Reporter.
The fact that there are two Gold
Coin mining properties iu the dis
trict has led to more or less confu
sion. One is located In the Ureeu
hors aud T. S. Kennerly is superin
tendent of it, aud the otbor 1b iu the
Cracker Creek country. J. M.
Doyle has charge of the latter.
Mr. Kennerly nays that ho has boon
put to a great deal of inconvenience
on account of tho fact. HIh mail ia
frequently opened by tho Cracker
Creek Gold Coin people and his sup
plies missont. He says ho thiuks bis
property win named first, aud ho Ih
going to institute an investigation
to this end, with a view to having tho
other people change tho name of their
Manager O. C. Wright, of tho
Wheeler properties, had information
from the Hlaolc Hutto yesterday that
the raise from tho tunnel level would
break through to tho surface today.
Tho iiiHtallatiou of the hoist will
be started at once. The machinery
in all on tho ground, and Fnginoor
Kyau left, today to undertake the
construction of the plant. It Ih to
be a 1, '200-foot, depth capacity plant,
aud will bo HniHhed at the earliest
possible date. A load of Hiipplles
was mint out to the property today.
Mr. Wright, who came in from the
lilue Hird a day or ho ago, says that
work on this mill la proceeding very
satisfactorily, lie says also that,
development results are better than
ever. The ore Im gotting bettor ovory
shot. At. tho Huckhorn tho ore iu the
dirt is also improving very rapidly.
The force at the Gold Hug Iiiih boon
doubled, aud work is going rapidly
j $ 1 00 In Seven Ounces of Rock.
J. K. Komig, tho mining man,
informs us that the machinery is on
j the ground and work will begin at
once on the property recently acquired
by his company. Tho property
consists of several claims, but do
vonlpmout work will bo concentrated,
for the present on tho Chicago, aud
iih the new plant has a capacity of two
thousand feet, it may bo expected
that thero will ho something doing
iu tho vicinity of tho Chicago, which
now Iiiih a shaft MOO foot in dopth,
from which wonderful ore has boon
obtained. One sample of this oro
shown iih by Mr. Komig which woighs
only seven ounces la said to contain
ovor one hundred dollars iu glitter
ing gold. ll'ilnos Hecord.
Tho Miner does job printing.
AT a stock holdern meeting held recently at the Lucy Mine near Green
horn, Oregon, owned by the Greenhorn Gold MinoH aud Develop
ment Co., the ollicerH and directors decided to sell One Hundred
Thousand shares of Treasury Htock at Lre per share, par value $1.00, for
the purpose of further development, to erect an electric power plant and
to purchase necessarv machinery, etc., to put the Lucy Mine on producing
basis. We own seven claims, have plenty of timber and water. Our
tunnel is now in over Four Hundred and Fifty feet, have cut three ledges
which assiy from flli.OO to f IIM.OO per ton. We are now driving into tho
O. K. ledge, whose surface showings show that it is the richest ledge of tho
property Our property is fully equipped with bunk and boarding house,
blacksmith shop, stable, store house and tunnel house, Wo have worked
two shifts sternly for the past eight months and our ore dump has several
tliousiindHof dollars of ore ready for treatment. Tho property ih well
equipped and the Lucv Mine Iihh the ore. The property will soon bo on
a paving basis and will stand the closest investigation. Stock can bo
bought in monthly installments if desired. fltf.OO will buy UK) shares;
fLWMM) will buv 1000, etc. Anyone who will invest f 1000 or more we will
furnish free transportation ami all expenses to visit the property and in
spect it. -: '-" '' ''-' ''
G. A. Hergland, Lumber Dealer, Milwaukee, Wis., President.
Sain K. Stott, Lucv Mine, Greenhorn, Ore., Vice President.
M. I. Kcogli. Merchant, Milwaukee, Wis., Treasurer.
Morris Sullivan, l.ucv Mine, ureennorn, ure., nii. mjunmiry.
Kd. Sullivan, Lucv Mine, Greenhorn, Ore., Manager.
F. K. Morris, Grain Dealer, Milwaukee, Wis., Director.
CluiH. Scholl, Hroker, Milwaukee, Wis., Secretary.
Make all remittances to Chas. Scholl, Secretary, Milwaukee, Wis.,
and send for further information to
The Greenhorn Gold Mines &
Development Co
307 Matthews BIdg.
Milwaukee, Wis.
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