THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, August 3, 194 The Sumpter Miner I'DIII.ISHHI) RVIlfiY WEDNIiSlMV IIV J. W. CON NULLA T. (i. (iWVNNI:, nun OR Knleri'u at (In poslolllce In Sumptpr, Orio". lor trflnMnlsslon Ihrotiuh llif mall as second class tnalirr SUKSCHII'TIMN WATliS Cnr Yrat . Six Months . I.s ALWAYS IN ADVANOl. A press dispatch from Middlolown, Now York, of mount ditto, Hitya: A otriko of noh unci silver in huge quantities Iiiim l)uon made in mi old ithiindnuod loud initio in tho fthitwiingiink nioiinliilnH near Otis vlllo. Namplos iiHhiiyod by exports werojfouud iiniiHiiully rioh. Thu tiiini) Ih believed to ho tlio ruinous "Lost Cold Ml no of Mnmakiitlng." from which IndimiH took largo (i)iuititl(HJ of tho precious motul. Tho discovery with tniido hy it con tratotor, wIioho mon worn taking out loud oro. Th torm "export" Iiiih Ijiiiiii ho ohoiiponod liy proton! Ioiih iiovIooh that mini wIioho oxporionoo and learn ing hitvo tniido thotn oxport in mining operations do not. liko to huvo tho term associated with ihoir iiuiiiuh. A person who performs u piece of work Hkilfnlly and in " Htiporior miinuor iniiy lio ootiHidorod an export, lint u good initio miinngor may nut hiniHolf ho an adopt with thu drill nor a Hkillod millwright, lint if ho Ih sklll fill in seeing a ghinoo whothor tho work Ih being proporly iiiirfnrmuil, ho hIiowh an oxportnoHH of high in dor. A Cleveland, (Ohio, paper Hays: "A now pittont proooHH for smelting low grade oro Iiiih hoon Invontod hy two woll known IiiihIiiohh mon of Ulovoliuid. A million dollar com piinv Iinh hoon orgitnlod to hnild u largo plant in tho woHtorn oro Molds mid umiiloy the now proooHH. If tho now Invonllon does what Ih olitimod for It. thoro will Im it oomploto rovolntloii in tho smelting indiiHlry." That Ih tho huiiio old Htory. Some thliiK of tlio kind Ih ihiIiIIhIioiI every thirty days. "Woll known IiiihIiiohh mon." unfamiliar with mltiliiK oro treatment, though lournod in tho MoloiiooH.aro not tho pooplo who hoIvo mioh proldoniH, pniotloiillv. Tho lalior trohulos of huiiio of tho wuhtnrii MtatoH huvo had tho oiroot of iulliiotiolug mnoh Amorioan capital to go In Mexico whoro tho union ami atrllios itro uh yot nnknown, says tho Mining World. Hut nil Ih not roHim lor tlio litlior employer in Mo.Nioo Tho lulior, though ohoiip, Ih not an clump uh appear, ellloionoy ooiihidiirod, and Hutu thu .Mitxli'iui peon Ih noloiioiiHly unrollitblo unto liuiutn ot "joli. " lit' ti 1 1 rt wlinii ho Kitten inlHiiiiililit fow dollar iiIioihI 11111I ho in it groat slicker tor foust day' mid liiHt ilityn. Tho mining iiuiuagur Iiih to luce tho lalior prolilom whoiovur he in and ono of IiIh chief elements ot success Ih tlio degree of skill with uhioh ho bundles it. iiHMiiminu, 'f course, that ho Iiiih ii JllillO. Wo iiio glad to hoo that our ott'ortn to Mippn'HH tho ovll which Iiiih lioou, and U mI ill IiuIiik ''''' )' iuprln olplod out rato tirokorn, ban hud Uh e'fttot and today not only have hoiiio glvon up liiiHlnofH ultogothur, but tho moHt pioitiluont Iioiihvh uro doing spruotlntlly nothing. Wo attrlbuto thin to two faotn; tlmt, tho oxponuro ofj tholiorookoil and unprincipled mothodH hy all tho legitimate mining journitlb of tho country; and secondly, to tho wisdom of tho in vesting public, who at tlmt thought that thoy woru Having money hy pur chasing from thufio Hooiillod brokers, hut who huvo lately soon tho folly of I heir way; for instance, the out ratorH' ono object Ih to hummer down tint tiHcu of stock, ho when the JolforH you a stock for Hay forty cents that tho company in Helling nt seventy-five cents, you think that you are milking u groat Having hy buying through him; but no, the next thing you will hco tho huiiio stock udvortiwid by thoHO sharks at thirty-five cents. Whoro Ih your Hiiviug now? And lutor on holders of tho utook soo theHO quotations and got panic stricken, and on receipt of Home scurrilous litorutiiro Hout thorn by the brokorH, making all kindH of falHo statements rogurdiug thin stock, thoy riiHh at oncu to got rid of thoir holdiugH. What Ih tho coiiHoquonco? Down gooH tho prico lower mid lower until you cannot got a bid for it at all. thou tho broker will udvlHO you Hint the hOHt thing you con do will bo to mako a trade, which you invariably do, giving up your good Htock tor Home worthloHH wild cat Htook that coHt thotn nothing and which Ih worth nothing, not ovon the paper it in written on. All tho cut rato brokers, with few except Ioiih, huvo a worthloHH company of thoir own. Now Vork Hanker. OFFICIAL RECORDS. Tho following instruments woro tiled at tho court houm) in Bukor City for record yesterday: HKAI. KSTATK TKANSFKKS. I)KKI' Juno HI -State of Oregon to Stod dard Hrothors company. S. la Sou. :i(! T. 10 K. M7 13.; 3100. July '20 Sam Shannon to Coo Stoddard, WO anroH in Soch. 2(5 and 27 T. 10 K .'17 K.; 8000. Juno 21 Kllxn Klllott, to Sarah Lit VlorH, l!il) aoroH in Seo,. 0 T. 12 and Soo. Ill T. 11 H. 41 K. ; tB00. .Inly IT. (Soo. Stoddard rind wlfo to Joo Stoddard, lotH 1 and 2 hlook V IMiico'h addition to liakor City; 62,000. July 221'. S. Lnak, ot nl, to ,luo. Soblmlz. S.Fi v; Seo. nn t.8 Ii 10 10 .; 1. March 2:t--HoooiTor to Win. II. Ilowitt, 100 aoroH in Sou. 11 T. 10 K. .'IH V,. 1100. July 2fi--ll. J. TwIhh and wlfo to (1. !!. Junoy, 200 hy 424 foot in wont block 2H liUvoiiH addition to Haker City; 81,100. July 20 Miniilo Hughon and hiiHbund to Nollio II. WIIhoii, lot fi bolok 8 l'arkor'H addition to linker City; 81,100. July 27 Fannio KoynoldH and huHbund to I). Trichind, lot 2 block N IMiico'h uilditlon to linker City; 61. Fub I . VV. Miirkillio mill wife to Wm. T. Auiloion. lot 10 block 0 llulluvuo, llukor (Mty; 8 1 no. MINIM! MATTF.U. IIKKIIS July 21 W. (i. Ilooth to W. C. Hakor, Oiogon Quoon tjuurt olitiiu; 6100. July 20 -Frank l)u,irut to 1. Mooim, l intorortt in Little Klopbunt iiuart'. claim; 8100 July 28 -Ouy K. Plorson to M. Lynch, Moon Anchor and 1-JI Smuggler quartz cIuIiiih; 6000. April 7 Eureka and Excolnlor CouHolidatd (told MiuoH company to Houriio Cold Miiion compnny, tlio 10. mill E. MIiioh; 61. July 28 Ttmmiirt MoArdlo to (JolHor-llondryx lnvostmont com pany, to noil Mouto Crlnto and 2 quartz claims in one year; 87,5500. July '2(5 J. K. Komig, ot al, to Virtue Minos and Development corn puny, Virginia Fraction placer claim; $1. July 20 A. E. Muy, ot nl, to Eiistorn Oregon Mining company, Coriooliduted American quartz claim; 100. N OTIC 10 OF FOKFEITUKE. Sumpter, linker County, Ore., July 20, 11)0-1. To Otto Unzickor, Monno Uu zlckor, J. H. Hums. IJ. L. Coloman, H. S. CatoH, Alliouo Cnse, John, Arthur and J. F. Crisman: You and each of you aro hereby ' notified that I huvo oxpeudorl dnrlug tho your lOO.'l, tho slim of one hundred dollars in labor nud im prnvomontH on oach of tho following described quartz mining claims' sitnatod in tho Cnblo Cove mining J district, in Oront and liakor couu tioH, to-wit: The Kob Roy, tho SuuHot, and tho Snow Shoe.situuted in Orant county, Oregon, and tho Muck Dwarf nud Midnight, situated in Hakor county, Orogon, tho locatioti notico of said Rob Roy quartz mining claim boing rocordod at page 1811 of Volume O of tho public records of mining claim location uoticos of said Orant county, tho Sunset claim location notico being recorded at pago 1811 of said volume O of said records, and tho Snow Shoo claim location notico boing recorded at pago 184 of vol ume O of said rocords; tho location notice of said Hlack Dwarf claim boing recorded at pago 180 of vol umo J of tho public records of quartz mining claim location noticos of said Hakor county , Oregon, and tho location notico of said Midnight claim boing recorded at pago 101 of said volume J of BHid records of Hakor county. And you, tho abovo named Otto Un?iokor. Monno Unzickor, J. R. Hums. R. L. Coloman, R. S. Catos, Allione Case, John Arthur aud J. F. Crismou, are horeby notiflod that if within 00 days from the date of the personal Horvlce of this notico upou you, or within ninety days from tho publication thoroof, you fall to contribute your proportionate abaro of Kuuhtjxpondituro, which amounts to Hixty-six and two-thirds dollars for oach of tho following named alalms, to-wlt: tho Sunset, the Snow Shoo, tho Hlack Dwarf and tho Midnight, aud tho sum of soventy sovoti and sovon-niuths dollars for said Rob Roy claim, your interest in said Sunset, Snow Shoo, Hlack Dwarf and Midnight claims, which amounts to a two-thirds interest in oach of said claims, aud your interest in said Rob Roy claim, which amounts ton huvoii -nintbri interest, will become tho property of your co owner, Robert O. Doming, who Iiiih mndo tho oxpiMidituro of ono hundred dollars on ouch of tho abovo unuiod llvo claims, during tho your 1003, for tho put pose of holding hi id claims for the your ending December !U, l'.)0:i, in accordance with section 2:t21 of ho Revised Statutes of tho United States. R. O. DEM I NO. First publication August. :!, 1004. Last publication November 2, 1004. Timlxr and Honwstcad Filings. Thnlw and homestead tilings, ns well as lluul proofs, can bo made before Charles 11. Chance, United States Com inissionor, otlice in First National Hank of Sumpter building, Sumpter, thus sav ing applicants expense of a trip to La Grande. wemsm 5Sj I Only trunecontinental line T dnHMitiLT ilirectlv throucll dassing directly through t Salt Lake City Leadville ; Colorado Springs and Denver Three splendidly equipped tra ns daily TO ALL POINTS EAST. Through Sleeping and DiningCars and free Reclining Chair Cars. The moat Mairn iflcent scenery in America by daylight. Stop overs allowed on all classes of tickets. For cheapest rates and descriptive literature, address W. C. MoBRIDE, - Giniral tgint RIO GRANDE LINES Portland Oregon WM OREGON (hJJ) Short Line ad union Pacific TO Salt Lake, Denver, Kansas City. CHICAGO ST. LOUIS NEW YORK Ocean steamers between Portland and San Francisco every five days. low Rates ! Tick eta to and from all parts oi the United States, Canada ind Eur . Through Pullman Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars daily to Omaha, Chicago, Spokane ; Tourist Sleeping car daily to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars iper sonally conducted) weekly to Chi cago, Kansap City; reclining chair cars (seats free) to the East daily. For particulars, call op or addreaa H C. Bowkrs, Agent, Baker City, Or. RIOG i &MR